Actors of the Social Policy Taxonomy, Influence & Interests Obsah obrázku osoba, exteriér, dav, lidé Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Tato fotka od autora Neznámý autor s licencí CC BY-SA-NC Further readings * ANTHONY J. NOWNES, author. Basic Interests: The Importance of Groups in Politics and in Political Science Frank R. Baumgartner Beth L. Leech. The Journal of Politics[online]. 1999, 61(3), 844-848 [cit. 2018-08-10]. ISSN 00223816. * * CAHN, M., A. 2012. Institutional and Noninstitutional Actors in the Policy Process. Pp. 199-281 in S. Z. Theodolou, M. A. Cahn. Public Policy: The Essential Readings. 2nd Edition. Pearson. * * • Interest Groups in American Politics: Pressure and Power - Kindle edition by Nownes, Anthony J.. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @ Theodoulou & Cahn, Public Policy: The Essential Readings, 2nd Edition | Pearson Actors (Howlett, Ramesh 2003) * State Actors (Parliament, Government Bureaucracy, …) * * Social Actors (Employees, Professional Societies, Trade Unions) * * Political Actors (Public, Interest Groups, Political Parties,….) Influence * How to measure? * * Ask others. * What have they achieved? * Sucessful brookers? * * What matters? * * Number of „members“ * Cohesiveness * Others * * * Interests (What do they want? What do they maximize?) * Economical * income * ………. * ………. * * Others * professional authonomy * ….. * …… Measures, tools * next time… J *