Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 1 L6 –Policy implementation AIPP 2021 Marek Pavlik Adobe Systems Reminder ̶Whether you like it or not public policy is a part of your life. ̶ ̶What is difference between policy outputs and outcomes? ̶Which result (policy output) is more important (real one or perceived one?) and why? ̶How can we characterize a single decision maker? ̶ Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 3 Lobbying ̶Lobbying …an activity with the aim to affect decision-maker’s decision. ̶Long tradition (historically from a word “lobby” or passage where decision makers (councillors) went through the hall…. And crowd yelled their wishes) ̶Lobbyists try to convince the decision-makers about changing his/her preferences ̶They can use serious resources as analysis, research results or manipulative techniques and misleading information ̶Can be seen as natural activity of interesting groups or as potential threat for a democracy… why? Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 4 Lobbying aiming at decision-maker ̶A Politician ̶An Officer ̶A judge ̶ ̶In the case of collective decision-makers we are still aiming at single persons, but strategy can be different ̶ ̶Different types of lobbying and techniques ̶Wild x Ad hoc x Professional ̶Rifle x shotgun Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 5 Types of lobbying and lobbists ̶Executive bodies (short-term changes) ̶Legislature bodies (long-term changes) ̶Election (raising money) ̶Courts (precedential decisions) ̶ ̶Commercial/business ̶Social and ecological activities ̶Non-governmental organizations ̶Public administrative Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 6 Think about role of tradition for perception of lobbying ̶Countries with long tradition of lobbying ̶UK, US ̶Post communistic countries ̶CZ, SVK ̶Countries in post-war or unstable situation ̶Afghanistan, Sierra Leone ̶ ̶ ̶Hint: defending interest is natural, but sometimes powerful groups are able to defend “better” ̶In which connotation is seen word “lobbying” in your country? ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 7 Regulation of Lobbying ̶Very different across countries ̶Regulation can be done via law or via self regulation ̶Rights, duties and penalties determined by law ̶Ethical standard guarded by professional chambers and ethical committees ̶Regulation can be directed on ̶decision makers ̶lobbyists Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 8 Policy implementation ̶“cooking” process ̶ ̶Implementation failure/gap/deficit ̶Situation when we didn’t achieve aims ̶Difference between what we expected and what we really get ̶ ̶ ̶Raising interest back in 60s …because plenty of situation ending up as policy failure was noted, although there was enough money and general support for aims Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 9 Difference between Policy failure and Implementation failure ̶Policy failure is broader term than implementation failure ̶Implementation failure can be a part of policy failure ̶Aside from IF, policy failure can e.g. Wrong identification of the problem Wrong causality Wrongly set aims Wrong instruments …. Basically all mistakes in all previous phases before implementation Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 10 implementation ̶A stage of phase model… ̶A result of process ̶E.g. implementation success ̶A process itself ̶ ̶Implementation failure is something ̶Wrong ̶Inevitable ̶What is correct and why? Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 11 Implementation failure ̶Class work ̶Do you know some examples of implementation failure? ̶Why it can happen? Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 12 Summary of discussion ̶Implementation is affected by ̶Actors ̶Factor ̶ ̶With different strength and impact ̶Predictability ̶ ̶It is not possible to predict everything Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 13 Approaches to study the implementation ̶Top-down approaches ̶The central level is the most important ̶Hierarchy needed ̶Bottom-up approaches ̶Street level bureaucracy ̶Horizontal hierarchy ̶Synthetising approaches ̶Mixture ̶Adding new variables, elements Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 14 Homework ̶Read to recommended papers and answer following question: ̶Which implementation style could useful when we see policy as process and we are dealing with this failure „Inability to produce a sustainable coalition“ ̶Provide answer and explain ½-1page ̶ ̶Voluntary ̶Deadline 10.11.2021 ̶Reward 4-7 points Adobe Systems Zápatí prezentace 15 Literature ̶Howlett, Ramesh – Studying Public Policy… chapter 8 ̶Howlett – Beyond good and evil policy… ̶Access via IS/study materials or online ̶McConnell – Policy success ̶Access via IS/study materials or online: ̶