Jazyk 1/1 - Angličtina ČP - pokročilí

Homework (odpovědníky, odevzdávárny)

Task 1 (by Sunday, 14 November, midnight)

Task 2 (by Sunday, 21 November, midnight)

Task 3 (By Sunday, 28 November, midnight)

Please study the email writing section in our worksheet (Session 1).

Write a short email (150-200 words) in which you will introduce yourself to a business partner. Write about:

          - who you are

          - introduce your company

          - what position you have

          - what your responsibilities are

Please use the model text in our worksheet (Session 1 - an insurance employee talking about her job and her employer). The email should have all the necessary components: subject, salutation, reason you are writing, closing, sender's name

Upload your Word document using the following link:


Task 4 (by Sunday, 12 December, midnight)

Task 5 (by Sunday, 19 December, midnight)

Task 6 (by Sunday, 9 January, midnight)

Task 7 (by Sunday, 16 January, midnight)

Please read the following text and complete the tasks.

Please upload your answers  using the following link:

Task 8 (by Sunday, 23 January, midnight)

Please read the following text and complete the tasks - this time, it is an oral summary and discussion. 

Please record your voice (audio, video) and upload your file using the following link.