Identification Lukˊaˇs Laffˊers Matej Bel University, Dept. of Mathematics MUNI Brno 1.10.2021 What can be learnt from the data? DATA + MODEL → CONCLUSIONS Why should we study identification? Conceptual framework of what could we potentially learn from the data and model. What are the crucial components of this. What if some of the model assumptions are incorrect. Identification Is a different and separate topic from the statistical inference. Primarily based on: Lewbel, Arthur. ”The identification zoo: Meanings of identification in econometrics.” Journal of Economic Literature 57.4 (2019): 835-903. History of Identification Working (1925, 1927): ”By intelligently applying proper refinements, and making corrections to eliminate separately those factors which cause demand curves to shift and those factors which cause supply curves to shift, it may be possible even to obtain both a demand curve and a supply curve for the same product and from the same original data.” History of Identification 2 Frisch (1934, 1938) - confluency in linear regression Hurwicz (1950) - introduced the term ”structure” Koopmans and Reiersol (1950): “Scientific honesty demands that the specification of a model be based on prior knowledge of the phenomenon studied and possibly on criteria of simplicity, but not on the desire for identifiability of characteristics that the researcher happens to be interested in” Phillips (1989): ”it seems important that we should understand the implications of identification failure for statistical inference. Yet, this is a subject that seems to be virtually untouched in the literature” Reviews: Dufour and Hsiao (2008), Tamer (2010) Notation m - a model φ - what can be known from data θ - a parameter s - a structure Model m set of functions or constants (regression function, utility functions, coefficient vectors) that satisfy given restrictions (linear/monotone regression function, normal errrors, parameters bounded) a particular model value m a set M of model values any m implies a particular DGP (data generating process) Data φ Set of constants and/or functions about the DGP that are assumed to be known or knowable from data Examples: data distribution functions, conditional mean functions, linear regression coefficients, or time series autocovariances Parameter θ Set of constants and/or functions that summarize relevant features of a model. The thing we wish to estimate. May include nuisance parameters that are not of direct interest, but may be necessary for identification/estimation of other objects Structure s m implies a particular value of φ and of θ BUT, there may be multiple ms that imply the same φ and θ Let Structure s(φ, θ) be the collection of all m that imply φ and θ Two parameter values θ and ˜θ are said to be observationally equivalent if there exists φ such that s(φ,θ) and s(φ, ˜θ) are both not empty. (in other words: both θ and ˜θ could be true, based on observed φ) Notation m - a model φ - what can be known from data θ - parameter s - structure Types of identification Point identification of θ Global identification Point identification of m Local identification Partial identification Parametric/Semi-/Non- identification Notation m - a model φ - what can be known from data θ - parameter s - structure Point identification (of a parameter θ) There do not exist any pairs θ and ˜θ that are different and observationally equivalent. Notation m - a model φ - what can be known from data θ - parameter s - structure Global identification (of a parameter θ) Let θ ∈ Θ and let θ0 be the true value θ0 is point identified if there isn’t any θ ∈ Θ0 that is observationally equivalent to θ0 But we don’t know what θ0 is. So, if we require that no two elements of Θ are obs. equivalent. Then θ0 is identified no matter what it happens to be. (hence the word global) Notation m - a model φ - what can be known from data θ - parameter s - structure Point identification (of a model m) There do not exist any pairs m and ˜m that are different and observationally equivalent (now treating the whole models m and ˜m as parameters). Stronger than a point identification of θ. Notation m - a model φ - what can be known from data θ - parameter s - structure Local identification (of a parameter θ) There exists a neigborhood of θ0 so that for all values of θ = θ0 in this neighborhood, θ is not observationally equivalent to θ0 Notation m - a model φ - what can be known from data θ - parameter s - structure Partial (set) identification (of a parameter θ) There exist some parameter values θ that are not observationally equivalent to θ0 (so that not all θ ∈ Θ are obs. equivalent). The collection of all θ that are obs. equivalent to θ0 is called an identified set. Notation m - a model φ - what can be known from data θ - parameter s - structure Partial Identification Manski (2003): “ has been commonplace to think of identification as a binary event – a parameter is either identified or not – and to view point identification as a pre-condition for inference. Yet there is enormous scope for fruitful inference using data and assumptions that partially identify population parameters.“ Reviews: Manski (2003), Tamer(2010) Semi-/Non- parametric identification (of a parameter θ) Parametric - φ and θ are finite Non-parametric - θ includes functions or infinite sets Semi-parametric - θ includes both vector of constants and functions (Not always easy to distinguish between them) Notation m - a model φ - what can be known from data θ - parameter s - structure Nonparametric Models Pros more credible assumptions more flexible economic restrictions Cons curse of dimensionality more difficult to implement sometimes harder to interpret Why Non-parametric? (DiNardo and Tobias 2001) Parametric model: Why Non-parametric? (DiNardo and Tobias 2001) Non-parametric model: Example 1 - Median M - set of all possible distributions of rv W with strictly increasing distribution function. φ is the distribution function of W, F(w) θ is the median of W Structure s(φ,θ) contains a single element if F(θ) = 1/2 where φ = F or is empty if F(θ) = 1/2. F(θ) = 1/2 and F(˜θ) = 1/2 implies θ = ˜θ and hence θ is point identified Notation m - a model φ - what can be known from data θ - parameter s - structure Example 2a - Linear regression M - Set of joint distributions of (ε,X) that satisfy y = Xθ +ε E(XT ε) = 0 E(XT X) is non singular both ε and X have finite first and second moments φ is the set of first and second moments of X and y θ is the vector of parameters s(φ,θ) is non-empty when E[XT (y −Xθ)] = 0 is satisfied. θ is uniquely determined by θ = E(XT X)−1 E(XT y) and hence it is point identified parametric or semi-parametric? Example 2b - Linear regression M - Set of joint distributions of (ε,X) that satisfy y = Xθ +ε E(XT ε) = 0 E(XT X) is non singular both ε and X have finite first and second moments φ is the joint distribution of (X,y) θ is the vector of parameters and the distribution function of ε s(φ,θ) is non-empty when E[XT (y −Xθ)] = 0 is satisfied. θ is uniquely determined by θ = E(XT X)−1 E(XT y) and hence it is point identified. parametric or semi-parametric? Example 3a- Treatment effects M - all possible joint distributions of (Y(1),Y(0),T) (Y(1),Y(0)) ⊥ T if T = t then Y = Y(t) φ is the joint distribution of (Y,T) (alternatively E[Y|T = 1] and E[Y|T = 0]) θ is the average treatment effect θ = E[Y(1)−Y(0)] s(φ,θ) is non-empty whenever θ = E[Y|T = 1]−E[Y|T = 0] is satisfied. Under (Y(1),Y(0)) ⊥ T we have that θ = E[Y|T = 1]−E[Y|T = 0] and hence it is point identified. Does there exist an unique value of θ for every possible φ? Example 3b- Treatment effects M - all possible joint distributions of (Y(1),Y(0),T) (Y(1),Y(0)) ⊥ T if T = t then Y = Y(t) φ consists of E[Y|T = 1] and E[Y|T = 0] θ is the average treatment effect θ = E[Y(1)−Y(0)] s(φ,θ) is non-empty whenever θ = E[Y|T = 1]−E[Y|T = 0] is satisfied. Under (Y(1),Y(0)) ⊥ T we have that θ = E[Y|T = 1]−E[Y|T = 0] and hence it is point identified. Example 3c- Treatment effects M - all possible joint distributions of (Y(1),Y(0),T) E[Y(t)|T] = E[Y(t)] (mean unconfoundedness) if T = t then Y = Y(t) φ consists of E[Y|T = 1] and E[Y|T = 0] θ is the average treatment effect θ = E[Y(1)−Y(0)] s(φ,θ) is non-empty whenever θ = E[Y|T = 1]−E[Y|T = 0] is satisfied. Under (Y(1),Y(0)) ⊥ T we have that θ = E[Y|T = 1]−E[Y|T = 0] and hence it is point identified. Example 3d- Treatment effects M - all possible joint distributions of (Y(1),Y(0),T) ymin ≤ Y(t) ≤ ymax (Y(1),Y(0)) ⊥ T no randomization here! if T = t then Y = Y(t) φ consists of E[Y|T = 1], E[Y|T = 0] and Pr(T = 1) θ is the average treatment effect θ = E[Y(1)−Y(0)] E[Y(1)] = E[Y(1)|T = 1]Pr(T = 1)+E[Y(1)|T = 0] unobserved Pr(T = 0) ymin ≤ E[Y(1)|T = 0] ≤ ymax θ ∈ [θL,θH] and θ is partially identified Bounds on Average Treatment Effect E[Y(t)] = E[Y|T = t]·P(T = t) Observed +E[Y(t)|T = t] Unobserved ·P(Z = t) Observed Observed quantities Unobserved quantities Assumption of Bounded support Suppose that ymin ≤ Yi(t) ≤ ymax LBE[Y(t)] = E[Y|T = t]·P(T = t)+ymin ·P(T = t) ≤ E[Y(t)] = E[Y|T = t]·P(Z = t)+E[Y(t)|T = t]·P(T = t) ≤ UBE[Y(t)] = E[Y|z = t]·P(T = t)+ymax ·P(T = t) E[Y(t)] (and hence also ATE) is partially identified and the interval (LBE[Y(t)],UBE[Y(t)]) is called an identified set. Example 4 - Supply and Demand Demand: Q = b ·P +c ·Z +U, Supply: Q = a ·P +ε M - all possible joint distributions of (I,U,ε) and coeffs (a,b,c) E(U) = E(ε) = 0 and (U,ε) ⊥ Z φ is coeffs (φ1,φ2) from Q = φ1Z +V1 and P = φ1Z +V2, where E(V1) = E(V2) and (V1,V2) ⊥ Z θ = a - coeff of price in supply eqn. For any m in s(φ,θ), we need to have θ = a, φ1 = ac a−b , φ2 = c a−b if c = 0 we get a = φ1 φ2 and s(φ,θ) contains many elements if c = 0 then any θ and ˜θ will be obs. equivalent with φ = (0,0) In other words: we need the instrument Z to appear in the demand eqn. Point identification? So far ”by construction”: Ex 1: θ = F−1 (0.5) Ex 2: θ = E(XT X)−1 E(XT y) Ex 3: θ = E[Y|T = 1]−E[Y|T = 0] Ex 4: θ = φ1/φ2 Other strategies? True θ0 is an unique maximizer of a optimization problem defined by the model. (e.g. Likelihood function is globally concave) Identification logically precedes estimation. What is ”knowable” φ? Distribution based on IID data: Glivenko-Cantelli theorem Expected values: Law of Large Numbers In many cases, it is assumed that the parameter is identified (GMM). Example: Preferences θ may be identified from demand functions φ. But how do we identify these demand functions? φ is the starting point. We assume this is knowable from the data. Reasons for not (point) identification model is incomplete perfect collinearity non-linearity simultaneity endogeneity unobservability Some remarks We keep asking this: ”Does there exist an unique value of θ for every possible φ ?” There are different ways how to achieve identification. Stronger assumptions are more difficult to defend but easier to work with. Weaker assumptions may not be sufficient to guarantee identification. Some assumptions are difficult to interpret (mean unconfoundedness is sensitive to transformation of Y) What if the identification fails? If we treat unidentified model as if it was identified: Parameters, Tests and Confidence sets have no clear interpretation Consistent estimation is not possible Statistical inference methods are not valid Numerical problems (inverting singular matrices) ”Harmful econometrics” vs. ”Cuteonomics” Structural model of economic behaviour is built up based on economic theory focus on deep parameters allows to answer rich set of questions Reduced form as few assumptions as possible focus on reduced form parameters (e.g. ATE, ATT, MTE, LATE, QTE) attempts to do or mimic RCT prefers simplicity and transparency Lewbel’s JEL Zoo paper (section 5.1) suggests to use both and gives many examples. Example: Y = a +bT +e Structural model variables U1,U0,V1,V0 individual effect U1 y = U0 +U1T and T = V0 +V1T E(V1) = 0 (U1,U0,V1,V0) ⊥ Z cov(e,Z) = 0 (this implies cov(U1,V1) = 0) =⇒ E[Y(1)−Y(0)] = E(U1) = b Reduced form model variables Y(1),Y(0),T(1),T(0) individual effect Y(1)−Y(0) Y(t,z) satisfies Y(t,0) = Y(t,1) E(T(1)−T(0)) = 0 (Y(1),Y(0),T(1),T(0)) ⊥ Z P(T(1) = 0,T(0) = 1) = 0 =⇒ E[Y(1)−Y(0)|T(1) = 1,T(0) = 0] = cov(Z,Y) cov(Z,T) Structural model identifies ATE cov(U1,V1) = 0 is a restriction on the heterogeneity of the treatment effect U1 stronger assumptions about the outcome Y can we justify cov(e,Z) = 0? Reduced form model identifies LATE No defiers condition is a restriction on the heterogeneity of types, not about outcomes stronger assumptions about the treatment T who are the compliers? what do we know about the rest? how about non-binary treatments? Examples of restrictions from economic theory shape restrictions: concavity, continuity or monotonicity of functions (utility function, demand function, production function) implications of optimization (first order conditions) equilibrium conditions exclusion restrictions (an instrument does not appear in the equation of interest) long-run restrictions on covariance matrix of errors in VAR models (money-supply shock has no long-run effect on output) Example 5 - Cost function and Revenue distribution Matzkin (1994) A firm operating in a perfectly competitive market decides whether to invest in a development of a new product. We wish to know cost function of a typical firm distribution of the revenues We observe input prices (x1 ,x2 ,...,xN ) for the N firms and whether they invested (yi = 1) or not (yi = 0). We take revenue (ε ≥ 0) as a random variable. Example 5 - Model Restrictions Properties of the production function: monotonous convex homogeneous of degree one in prices Further assumptions revenue is independent of input prices the distribution of revenue ε, F is strictly increasing. the value of the cost function h is known for a particular vector of input prices. h(x∗) = α M - Set of joint distributions of (x,y,ε), cost function h and production function that they jointly satisfy all the assumptions. φ is the probability of not investing given prices x: P(y = 0|x) θ is the cost function h and the distribution of revenues F Question of Identification Will the assumptions enable us to recover the cost function (h) and the distribution of revenues (F)? It turns out that yes g(x) ≡ P(y = 0|x) = Pr(ε ≤ h(x)) = F(h(x)) F(t) norm = F((t/α)h(x∗ )) h.o.d.1 = F(h((t/α)x∗ )) = g((t/α)x∗ ) h(x) mono = F−1 g(x) =⇒ (h,F) is identified. parametric model: h(x) = x β, F ∼ lnN(µ,σ2 ), θ = (β,µ,σ2 ) semi-parametric model: h(x) = x β, θ = (β,F) nonparametric model: no parametric restrictions on both (h,F), θ = (h,F) Application: Gandhi, Navarro and Rivers (2013) Example 6: Demand Function under Slutsky Condition Blundell, Horowitz and Parey (2012) Heterogenous demand function for gasoline in the U.S. Additive separability only under very restrictive assumptions about preferences Nonparametric estimate is noisy (DWL < 0) Identification: Q - Demand, P - Price, Y - Income, U - Unob. Heterogeneity Q = g(P,Y,U) increasing in U U is independent of (P,Y) Slutsky restriction: ∂g(P,Y,α) ∂P +g(P,Y,α)g(P,Y,α) ∂Y ≤ 0 Results: Middle income group shows strongest price responsiveness highest DWL Slutsky restriction ∂g(P,Y,α) ∂P total effect +g(P,Y,α) g(P,Y,α) ∂Y −income effect substitution effect ≤ 0 Slutsky matrix is negative semi-definite. Simpler: In one dimension: own price elasticity is negative. Even simpler: cost minimizing consumer will buy less of a certain good if it gets more expensive. Thank you for your attention! References Lewbel, Arthur. ”The identification zoo: Meanings of identification in econometrics.” Journal of Economic Literature 57.4 (2019): 835-903. Working, Holbrook. ”The statistical determination of demand curves.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 39.4 (1925): 503-543. Working, Elmer J. ”What do statistical “demand curves” show?.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 41.2 (1927): 212-235. 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