Microeconomics 2
Schedule of topics
- Orientation week
- Budget constraint, preferences, and utility (22/9)
- Choice and revealed preference (29/9)
- Demand and Slutsky equation (6/10)
- Consumer's surplus, market demand, and equilibrium (13/10)
- Uncertainty + a short test (opportunity to gain 1 extra point for the exam, covering lectures 2-5)
(20/10) - Technology and profit maximization, cost minimization, cost functions (27/10)
- Study week (3/11)
- Firm supply and industry supply (10/11)
- National holiday (17/11)
- Monopoly and monopoly behavior (24/11)
- Oligopoly and game theory (1/12)
- Cartel and asymmetric Information (8/12)
- Questions and answers (15/12)
- VARIAN, Hal R. Intermediate microeconomics: a modern approach. 8. ed. New York: Norton, 2010. xxiv, 739,. ISBN 9780393934243.
- BERGSTROM, Theodore C. a Hal R. VARIAN. Workouts in intermediate microeconomics. 8th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 2009. 562, 38 s. ISBN 9780393935158.
Final exam
The final exam has 30 questions a/b/c/d/e, each with exactly one correct answer (see a sample test). The test covers topics from weeks 1 - 11. Correct answers are rewarded with 1 point, and incorrect or no answers with 0 points each. The time for the exam will be 120 minutes. Students may take the exam three times in the first year, and twice if they have Microeconomics 2 for the second time until they receive a passing grade. Students receive a grade for each attempt. So, for instance, the final result of a student who needs two attempts to succeed may be FC.
- A: 26 – 30 points
- B: 23 – 25 points
- C: 21 – 22 points
- D: 19 – 20 points
- E: 17 – 18 points
- F: 0 – 16 points