American Economic Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. American Economic Association Altruism and the Child Cycle of Alumni Donations Author(s): Jonathan Meer and Harvey S. Rosen Source: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 1, No. 1 (February 2009), pp. 258-286 Published by: American Economic Association Stable URL: Accessed: 18-08-2015 16:54 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2009, 1:1, 258-286 http://www.aeaweb. org/articles.php?doi=10.1257/pol. 1.1.258 Altruism and theChild Cycle ofAlumni Donations1^ By Jonathan Meer and Harvey S. Rosen* We study alumni contributions to an anonymous research univer sity. If alumni believe donations will increase the likelihood of their child's admission, and if this belief helps motivate their giving, then thepattern of giving should vary systematically with the ages of their children, whether the children ultimately apply to the university, and theadmissions outcome. We call thispattern thechild cycle of alumni giving. The evidence is consistent with the child-cycle pattern. Thus, while altruism drives some giving, the hope for a reciprocal benefit also plays a role. We compute rough estimates of theproportion of givingdue toselfishmotives. (JELD91, D64,121) fn an essay on the economics of altruism, Paul A. Samuelson (1993, 143) writes: Mesmerized by Homo economicus, who acts solely on egoism, econo mists shy away from altruism almost comically. Caught in a shameful act of heroism, theyaver: "Shucks, itwas only enlightened self interest." Sometimes it is.At other times itmay be only rationalization... "If I res cue somebody's son, someone will rescue mine." Samuelson concludes that such arguments render economists guilty of "face sav ing tautologies." Theodore C. Bergstrom and Oded Stark (1993, 149) similarly criti cize economists' stance toward altruistic behavior: "Why are economists convinced thatHomo economicus is selfish? No doubt we find considerable support for this hypothesis in the behavior of our colleagues." The notion thatmainstream economics categorically rejects the existence of altru ism is essentially false, however. As noted below, a substantial theoretical literature explicitly allows for the possibility that human behavior is unselfish and draws out the implications of altruism in a variety of contexts. Contrary to Samuelson, itwould be more accurate to characterize economists' view of the importance of altruism as agnostic rather than skeptical. They are willing to contemplate the possibility that altruism is an important motivator of behavior but, at the same time, do not rule out selfishness. Charles T. Clotfelter's (1985) important volume on charitable giving *Meer: Department of Economics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (e-mail:; Rosen: Department of Economics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 (e-mail: We are grateful toAlan Auerbach, B. Douglas Bernheim, William Bowen, Charles Clotfelter, Ronald Ehrenberg, Jean Grossman, Bo Honore, Donna Lawrence, Brian McDonald, Ashley Miller, JohnMorgan, Sriniketh Nagavarapu, Andres Santos, Julie Shadle, Burton Weisbrod, and two anonymous referees for useful suggestions. Brent Newhouse and Zhihao Zhang provided excellent research assistance. This research was supported in part by Princeton University's Center forEconomic Policy Studies and in part by the Stanford Institute forEconomic Policy Research. f To comment on this article in the online discussion forum visit the articles page at: http://ww 1.1.258 258 This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 1NO. I MEER AND ROSEN: ALTRUISM AND THE CHILD CYCLE OF ALUMNI DONATIONS 259 is typical in this regard. In an introductory section, he provides a list of possible motivations for charity. Some involve narrow self-interest, such as the expectation that donors and their families will receive services or favorable publicity for their businesses in return for their contribution. But the list gives equal footing to altruism associated with social norms or a sense of duty or commitment. Clotfelter takes no position on the relative importance of the various motivations. He merely observes that they could all be operative.1 Of course, saying that both selfishness and altruism can be present does not tell us that both motivations actually guide behavior. This is an empirical question, but empirical work using observational data is rare in this area. Perhaps the primary reason is the difficulty inmeasuring the benefits that donors expect to receive. For example, news accounts of donations to hospitals indicate that one reason for giving is the hope that, if individuals find themselves in the hospital in the future, theywill receive particularly attentive treatment.2 But how does one measure themagnitude of this benefit?Without quantifiable indicators of the potential selfish benefits, one cannot estimate how responsive giving is to their existence. This paper uses a unique data set that allows us to assess whether donors' contri butions to a nonprofit institution are affected by the expectation of a reciprocal ben efit.We study alumni contributions to an anonymous selective research university, henceforth referred to as Anon U. The proprietary data provided by Anon U contain detailed information about donations made by alumni as well as a variety of their economic and demographic characteristics. The data also include information on the ages of the children of the alumni, whether they applied for admission toAnon U, and, if so, whether theywere accepted. The premise of our analysis is simple. If alumni believe donations increase the likelihood of their children being accepted toAnon U, and if this belief helps motivate their giving, then the pattern of giving should vary systematically with the age of their children, whether the children ulti mately apply toAnon U, and the outcome of the admissions process. Specifically, if reciprocity influences the behavior of donors, one would expect that, ceteris paribus, the presence of children increases the propensity to give, that giving drops off after the admissions decision is rendered, and that the decline is greater when the child is rejected. We refer to this pattern as the child cycle of alumni giving. An interesting feature of this phenomenon is that the institutionmakes no prom ise of reciprocity. True, children of Anon U alumni have a higher rate of accep tance than other students,3 but this does not prove that having a parent who made donations in the past increases a child's likelihood of admission. Nevertheless, the view that reciprocity exists is widespread. As one account of the college admis sions process stated, "Traditionally, universities have relied on gifts from alumni, 1 In the same way, Dugan et al. (2000) ascribe a number ofmotivations to university donors. The list includes "avoidance of social stigma, tax incentives, recognition for generosity, a response to past or deterrence to future solicitation, and quid pro quo for services rendered indirectly such as access to elite social circles or business contacts." However, at the top of their list is "pure altruism." 2 Julie Bick, "The Hospital Worked Wonders. Can you Return the Favor?" New York Times, August 5, 2007. 3 According to public information, children of alumni at Anon U are accepted at roughly three times the rate of other applicants. William G. Bowen et al. (2005) document the importance of correcting fordifferences in the characteristics of applicant pools when assessing the importance of legacy preferences, however. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 260 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 who are rewarded with 'legacy' preferences for their children."4 In 1976, a federal judge held inRosenstock v.Board ofGovernors of theUniversity ofNorth Carolina that admission preferences for the children of out-of-state alumni were not uncon stitutional, since "alumni provide monetary support for theUniversity." The judge viewed this as "a reasonable basis and...not constitutionally defective." Perceptions of reciprocity may be reinforced by university administrators who link the accep tance of alumni children to the financial support of their institutions. In a recent interview with theWall Street Journal, the president of Princeton University was asked, "Why does Princeton give admissions preference to alumni children...?" Her response was, "We are deeply dependent on the generosity of our alumni each and every year...They are extremely important to the financial well-being of this university."5We know of no statistical evidence on whether alumni donations at any university affect admissions probabilities for their children, and if so, how much. For our purposes, the key insight is that generating the child cycle of alumni giving requires only the perception of reciprocity. Determining whether a child life cycle exists is important because of the opportu nity itprovides to shed light on the general question ofmotivations for altruism. As Lise Vesterlund (2006) notes, several important policy issues surround the question. Suppose, for example, thatdonors perceive the gain from a donation to be primarily private. In that case, if the government provides a grant to the institution, there is no strong reason for the donor to cut back on his or her donations, and vice versa. Thus, determining whether or not a child cycle of giving is present gives us some evidence about the importance of "crowding out" at least in this context.6 In addition, the extent towhich a donation for a public good ismotivated by a private gain affects whether private provision of the public good is optimal and whether government intervention is required to enhance efficiency. Gaining a better understanding of the motivations for alumni giving is also of independent interest because of its impor tance to the financing of higher education. In 2004-2005, alumni contributed $7.1 billion to higher education, about 28 percent of all voluntary support.7 In Section I, we briefly review some pertinent previous research in this area. Section II describes the data and econometric framework. The results are presented in Section III. The evidence is strongly consistent with the child-cycle pattern. Alumni parents of teenage children who apply toAnon U make larger donations than alumni whose children do not apply. Once an alumnus's child is accepted, his donations fall off substantially. If the child is rejected, giving falls off dramati cally. Section IV discusses the sensitivity of the results to alternative specifications of themodel. Section V concludes with a summary and suggestions for additional research. 4 Daniel Golden, "How Lowering the Bar Helps Colleges Prosper," Wall Street Journal, Saturday/Sunday, September 9-10, 2006. 5 JohnHechinger, "The Tiger Roars," Wall Street Journal, July 17,2006. 6 Vesterlund (2006) notes that, relative to studies of crowd-out using survey or tax data, experimental studies tend to find stronger evidence of a public motive for giving.7 Other sources of voluntary support include other individuals, corporations, foundations, and religious and other organizations. See Chronicle ofHigher Education (2006). This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 1NO. 1 MEER AND ROSEN: ALTRUISM AND THE CHILD CYCLE OF ALUMNI DONATIONS 261 I. Previous Literature The role of altruism in human behavior has long been of interest to economists. As Serge-Christophe Kolm (2000, 7) notes, "all great economists have considered the effects of positive social sentiments," including Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Leon Walras, Vilfredo Pareto, and JeremyBentham. Inmore recent times, notions of altru ism have been brought to bear in theoretical analyses of charitable giving (Gary S. Becker 1974), rescues (William M. Landes and Richard A. Posner 1978), commercial policy (Julio J.Rotemberg 2000), and remittances ofmigrants to theirhome countries (Frederic Docquier and Hillel Rapoport 2000), among other important social phenom ena. Additional discussion can be found inAmartya Sen (1977) and Kolm (2000). Altruistic behavior within families has received particularly extensive attention because of its implications for several important policy questions. In particular, the efficacy of fiscal policy hinges on the extent towhich intergenerational bequests are motivated by altruism. Becker (1974) considers a theoretical model inwhich parents are altruistic and shows that, under certain assumptions (an important one being that parents' utility depends only on family income) they have no incentive tobe strategic with respect to their children. In contrast, B. Douglas Bernheim, Andrei Shleifer and Lawrence H. Summers (1985) develop a theory inwhich bequests are motivated not only by altruistic concern for children, but also with the hope for reciprocity in the form of care or attention. Theories relating to intrafamily altruism have been tested in a rich economet ric literature. This literature has developed because there are observable variables related to the selfish gains thatmight be obtained from seemingly altruistic behavior. For example, one can look at the amount of contact between elderly parents and children and how it is related to the parents' bequeathable wealth. The results are mixed. Bernheim, Shleifer, and Summers (1985); Joseph G. Altonji, Fumio Hayashi, and Laurence J.Kotlikoff (1992); and Alessandro Cigno and Furio C. Rosati (2000) find evidence that gifts from parents to children have a strategic component, while Kathleen McGarry and Robert F. Schoeni (1995), Lakshmi K. Raut and Lein H. Tran (2000), and Yannis M. Ioannides and Kamhon Kan (2000) find that altruistic motives predominate. Turning to themuch different but important case of charitable donations, which amounted to about $250 billion in 20048, researchers have more or less taken for granted that selfish motives play a role. According to Clotfelter (1985, 38), "Individuals may volunteer for organizations in order for their families or them selves to consume services;' Burton A. Weisbrod (1978, 34) ismore pointed: "The extent towhich narrow self-interest lies behind the donations ofmoney and time to nonprofit organizations is little understood, but there can be no doubt that donors often do benefit through themaking of business contacts and the receipt of favorable publicity for good deeds." Similarly, ithas been suggested that selfish motives may 8 Giving USA Foundation (2005). This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 262 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 underlie donations to universities. "Donors demand attention and prestige supplied by college fundraisers"9 (JangH. Yoo andWilliam B. Harrison 1989, 367). Are such assertions valid? Erik Schokkaert and Luc Van Ootegem (2000) sum marize survey evidence on reasons for giving. Also, a number of laboratory experi ments have investigated the extent towhich contributions topublic goods aremarked by altruism. (See, for example, James Andreoni (1993), John A. List (2007), and the extensive survey by Andreoni, William T. Harbaugh and Vesterlund (2008).10 James C. Cox (2004) designed an experiment to determine how much of individu als' behavior is driven by altruism or reciprocity. He found thatwhile reciprocity is an important component ofmotivation, a large proportion of the subjects still show some elements of pure altruism. Similarly, Gary Charness and Ernan Haruvy (2002) found that altruism plays a role in a gift-exchange experiment. Inmarked contrast to the literature on giving within the family, however, we have been able to find no statistical work on motivations for charitable giving based on observational data. The same holds for the literature on the determinants of alumni giving to their universities. Econometric studies of alumni giving have examined a wide array of variables such as attitudinal measures of satisfaction with the under graduate experience, income, marital status, number of children, occupation, the state of the stock market, marginal tax rates, gender, ethnicity, academic perfor mance as an undergraduate, extracurricular activities including varsity athletics, membership in fraternities or other social clubs, whether the individual received financial aid, performance of athletic teams, and so on.11 However, we have found no systematic attempts to assess whether self-interestmight have a role in explaining giving behavior. The likely reason for the dearth of such research is the absence of measurable indicators of the benefits donors expect to receive in return for their donations. Our study is premised on the notion that alumni believe donations enhance the probabil ity that their children will be admitted to their alma mater. Therefore, the presence of children, their ages, and their admissions status are measurable indicators of the potential for reciprocal benefits generated by donations. In this view, alumni believe that donations buy them entrance into a lottery inwhich the prize is admission for their children. As we stressed above, whether the probability of one's child being admitted depends on prior or expected future donations is unknown.12 However, as long as alumni perceive that their contributions improve their children's chances of being admitted and that greater contributions by others lessen the odds, then this mechanism is operative. 9 This suggests that efforts by college development offices could be an important determinant of alumni giv ing.Certainly, this iswhy colleges have such offices in the firstplace. While there is some evidence of a correla tion between development costs and donations across institutions (Harrison, Shannon K. Mitchell, and Steven P. Peterson 1995), it is difficult to ascribe a causal relationship because the variables are likely jointly determined. 10 For an ethnographic approach to studying motivations for charitable giving, see Teresa Odendahl (1990). 11 See, for example, Clotfelter (2003), JamesMonks (2003), James L. Shulman andWilliam G. Bowen (2001, Chapter 10),Alton L. Taylor and Joseph C. Martin (1995), and Phanindra V. Wunnava and Michael A. Lauze (2001). 12 In particular, our data do not allow us to explore this hypothesis forAnon U, as we have no information on the attributes of rejected students. (See below.) This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 1NO. I MEER AND ROSEN: ALTRUISM AND THE CHILD CYCLE OF ALUMNI DONATIONS 263 II. Data and Econometric Model A. Data Our primary data source is the administrative archives of Anon U's develop ment office, which contain information on all alumni donations from 1983 to 2006. There are no issues of selectivity with respect to the sample because every alumnus is included. The data are proprietary and sensitive, and individuals' names were stripped from the records before being made available to us. Our unit of observation is a yearly giving opportunity. For example, if an individual has been an alumna for five years, she accounts for five giving opportunities in our analysis, starting in the first fiscal year after graduation. Multiple gifts in the same year are summed together. The development office data also include information on academic major, extracurricular activities when the alumnus was an undergraduate, post graduate education, occupation, residence, whether he or she ismarried to another graduate ofAnon U, as well as information on the age and admissions status of the alumnus's children.13 Anon U's registrar supplemented these data with information on SAT scores, academic honors, ethnicity, type of high school, summary evaluations made by the admissions office during the application process, and grade point average. The registrar's data are available only as far back as the class of 1972, so we restrict most of our analysis to this group of individuals. We begin with 547,836 observations representing 35,556 alumni. We delete 27,992 observations because ofmissing data on the child's age, essential information forour analysis. We deleted an additional 1,100 observations because the child withdrew his or her application before a decision was rendered, and another 32,041 because of missing data for other variables. Altogether, our analysis sample has 487,913 obser vations on 32,488 alumni. We focus on two dimensions of alumni giving. First is the probability that an alumnus made any gift at all in a given year.14 Universities care about the propor tion of their alumni who make donations. Anon U, for example, makes considerable effort to contact as many alumni as possible and urge them togive something, even if it is just a few dollars. Second, we analyze the amount donated in any given year.15 The mean and standard deviation of each of these variables are shown at the top of Table l.16The unconditional mean gift (in 2006 dollars) is $466. The relatively large 13 The data regarding post-graduation attributes are collected through various means, including surveys, class Web sites, and the alumni magazine. Class officers and the alumni records office also contribute to these data. Although the approach is not entirely systematic. Anon U's development office is confident that the data are fairly complete and accurate. 14 Pledges without an associated gift are not counted. L>> As is typically the case, a few relatively large gifts account fora disproportionate amount of Anon U's dona tions. For example, in2006, the top 1percent of gifts accounted for 69.2 percent of total giving. In results avail able upon request, we also estimate the probability that the alumnus is a "class leader" in a given year, where a class leader isdefined as an individual who donated an amount greater than or equal to the 90th percentile of gifts inhis or her class. The results with respect to the child cycle are qualitatively the same for the probability of being a class leader as they are for the probability of making any gift at all, and for the amount of thegift.16 As noted above, these are summary statistics of our observations, which are not the same as summary statis tics for the alumni themselves. In effect, thedata in the table weight alumni characteristics by the number of years each alumnus was in the sample. Therefore, changes in the demographic structure of Anon U may not be fully evident. However, the summary statistics in the last panel of Table 1report some variables forwhich themeans are taken over the number of alumni rather than the number of observations. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 264 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 Table 1?Variable Definitions and Summary Statistics3 Variable Description Mean Standard deviation TotalYear LogTotalYear Didgive Yearssince Yearssince2 Spouseisalum Male Race/ethnicity White Amerind Black Hispanic Asian Secondary schooling Public Boarding Private Schloth SATmath Total giving for year in 2006 dollars Log of total giving for year in 2006 dollars 1 ifany donation given in year Number of years since graduation Number of years since graduation, squared 1 if the spouse is an alumnus 1 if the alumnus ismale Omitted category: 1 if the alumnus iswhite 1 if the alumnus is a Native American 1 if the alumnus isblack 1 if the alumnus isHispanic 1 if the alumnus isAsian Omitted category: 1 if the alumnus attended public school 1 if the alumnus attended boarding school 1 if the alumnus attended private school 1 if the alumnus attended another type of school SAT math score. Scores prior to 1996 are adjusted to reflect recentering of the scoring scale SATverbal SAT verbal score. Scores prior to 1996 are adjusted to reflect recentering of the scoring scale Admissions office "nonacademic" ranking5 A Omitted category: 1 if the alumnus received the highest nonacademic ranking from the admissions office B 1 if the alumnus received the second highest nonacademic ranking from the admissions office C 1 if the alumnus received the third highest nonacademic ranking from the admissions office D 1 if the alumnus received the fourth highest nonacademic ranking from the admissions office E 1 if the alumnus received the fifthhighest nonacademic ranking from the admissions office Admissions office "academic" ranking A Omitted category: 1 if the alumnus received the highest academic ranking from the admissions office B 1 if the alumnus received the second highest academic ranking from the admissions office C 1 if the alumnus received the third highest academic ranking from the admissions office D 1 if the alumnus received the fourth highest academic ranking from the admissions office E 1 ifthe alumnus received the fifthhighest academic ranking from the admissions office 1 if the alumnus played on a varsity team 1 if the alumnus played on a club team 1 if the alumnus graduated magna, summa, or cum laude 1 if the alumnus was a member of a fraternity or sorority 466.14 2.425 0.5563 12.05 206.5 0.1302 0.6507 0.8195 0.00363 0.06929 0.03798 0.06958 0.5792 0.1395 0.2622 0.01916 703.1 Varsity Clubsport Honors Greek Major Molbio Small social sciences English Economics Public policy Political science Psychology History MAE EE/CS 701.9 0.03220 0.4660 0.4188 0.07897 0.00401 0.1536 0.4242 0.2708 0.1435 0.0079 0.3892 0.1728 0.4532 0.6949 49,512 2.425 0.4968 7.826 231.3 0.3365 0.4768 0.3846 0.06012 0.2539 0.1911 0.2544 0.4937 0.3464 0.4398 0.1371 75.95 75.77 Omitted Category: 1 if the alumnus majored inmolecular biology 1 if the alumnus majored in anthropology, urban studies, or Sociology 1 if the alumnus majored inEnglish 1 if the alumnus majored in economics 1 if the alumnus majored inpublic policy 1 if the alumnus majored inpolitical science 1 if the alumnus majored in psychology 1 if the alumnus majored in history 1 if the alumnus majored inmechanical/aerospace engineering 1 if the alumnus majored in electrical engineering or computer science 0.1073 0.07949 0.05841 0.08796 0.04890 0.1182 0.03534 0.1765 0.4988 0.4934 0.2697 0.06319 0.3605 0.4942 0.4444 0.3506 0.08858 0.4876 0.3780 0.4978 0.4604 0.02940 0.1689 0.3095 0.2705 0.2345 0.2832 0.2157 0.3229 0.1846 0.05533 0.2286 This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. INO. I MEER AND ROSEN:ALTRUISMANDTHECHILD CYCLEOF ALUMNIDONATIONS 265 Table 1?Variable Definitions and Summary Statistics (Continued) Variable Description Mean Standard deviation Major Arch & Civ Small humanities Small engineering Small sciences Minor No minor African/African American studies American studies Latin Finance Theater Public policy Other engineering Other sciences Other humanities Teaching Reunion Post baccalaureate education NoPostAB PhD Masters JD MD/DDS MBA Alumni-based sample EverGave0 Children0 AnyAcceptedc PropApplied0 PropAcceptedc I if the alumnus majored in architecture or 0.07040 0.2558 civil engineering I if the alumnus majored inart, art history, 0.11800.3226 classics, East Asian studies, linguistics, music, Near Eastern studies, philosophy, religion, or languages and literature 1 if the alumnus majored in "engineering," 0.03132 0.1742 operations research and financial engineering, or chemical engineering 1 if the alumnus majored inapplied mathematics, 0.1375 0.3444 astrophysics, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, ecology and evolutionary biology, geology, mathematics, physics, or statistics Omitted category: 1 if the alumnus received no minor 0.7673 0.4226 1 if the alumnus received a minor inAfrican or 0.02303 0.1500 African American studies 1 ifthe alumnus received a minor inAmerican studies 0.02324 0.1507 1 ifthe alumnus received a minor inLatin 0.00186 0.04305 1 ifthe alumnus received a minor in finance 0.00324 0.05683 1 if the alumnus received a minor in theater 0.0129 0.1130 1 if the alumnus received a minor in public policy 0.05023 0.2185 1 ifthe alumnus received a minor in architecture, 0.0184 0.1344 basic engineering, bioengineering, electrical engineering, geological engineering, management, materials sciences, or robotics 1 ifthe alumnus received a minor in applied and 0.0273 0.1630 computational mathematics, biophysics. cognitive studies, environmental studies, science inhuman affairs, or neuroscience 1 ifthealumnus received aminor ina humanities field 0.0526 0.2233 1 if the alumnus received a teaching certificate 0.01377 0.1165 1 if the year after graduation is some multiple of 5 0.1795 0.3838 Omitted category: 1 if the alumnus has no 0.6053 0.4888 advanced degree 1 ifthe alumnus has a PhD or equivalent degree 0.0674 0.2508 1 if the alumnus has a masters 0.1381 0.3450 1 ifthe alumnus has a JD 0.1004 0.3006 1 ifthe alumnus has a medical degree 0.06173 0.2407 1 ifthe alumnus has an MBA 0.0899 0.2860 Proportion of alumni who gave at least once 0.8828 0.3216 since graduation Proportion of alumni with at least one child 0.2347 0.4238 Proportion of all alumni who had at least one 0.0212 0.144 child admitted toAnon U Conditional on the eldest child reaching age 17, 0.5870 0.4924 proportion of alumni who had at least one child apply toAnon U (n - 2.840) Conditional on at least one child applying, 0.4107 0.4921 proportion of alumni who had at least one child admitted toAnon U (// = 1,667) a Based on 487,913 observations on gift giving from 1983 to 2006. Represented here are 32,488 alumni who graduated from 1972 to2005. Unless otherwise indicated, these are summary statistics of our observations, which are not the same as summary statistics for the alumni themselves. In effect, the data in the table weight alumni characteristics by the number of years each alumnus was in the sample. bThe nonacademic ranking isbased on attributes such as musical talent, athletic ability, volunteer work, etc. c Based on 32,488 observations on alumni who graduated from 1972 to 2005, observed in2006. Unless other wise noted, these are summary statistics for the alumni themselves. These variables do not enter the regression models. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 266 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 standard deviation, $49,512, reflects thepresence of enormous outliers. To reduce the likelihood that outliers drive our results, we take the log of the amount given.17 In addition, we also estimate our models without the top 1percent of the observations, and find that the results are essentially unchanged. With respect to the probability of giving, Table 1 shows that about 55.6 percent of the giving opportunities result in a donation to the university. Relative to other schools, this is a high participation rate. Indeed, Anon U is at the edge of the right tailwith respect to the proportion of alumni who make contributions. Most of the explanatory variables in the table are dichotomous. For each set of dichotomous variables, the "omitted category" is the variable that is excluded from the regressions. About 65.1 percent of our observations are associated with male alumni. Historically, Anon U was an all-male institution and did not confer degrees on women until the 1970s.Whites comprise 81.9 percent of our observations. A total of 57.9 percent of the observations are associated with secondary education at a pub lic school; almost 39 percent with participation in undergraduate varsity athletics;18 and 45.3 percent with individuals who receive honors when they graduate. About 40 percent receive a post baccalaureate degree. Unfortunately, the data include no direct information on income, an important determinant of giving (Shulman and Bowen 2001, 404). We address this issue in twoways. First, for a large subset of our alumni, we have information that is closely related to permanent income, occupation and field.19 Table 2 shows the occupations and fields for the 344,342 observations, representing 20,039 alumni, forwhich we have this information.20 The fields of education, finance, health care, and law are highly represented. We re-estimate our basic models with this subsample including the occupation and field data in order to see whether our substantive results are sen sitive to their inclusion. As shown below, they are not. Second, ifwe are willing to think of an alumnus's permanent income as an unchanging attribute (at least during our sample period), thenwe can model itas a fixed effect.We show below that our substantive results are unchanged with fixed-effects estimation. B. Characterizing theChild Cycle We characterize the child cycle by a vector of dichotomous variables indicating whether the alumnus has a child, and if so, his or her age and admissions status. We discuss the treatment of families with several children below. Recall that in our framework, alumni with children may believe that a gift toAnon U will some day 17 A logarithmic transformation presents problems for observations that take a value of zero. As noted below, we set 320 gifts that are greater than zero but less than or equal to $1 equal to $1.01. Therefore, observations for which there is no giving are associated with $1, forwhich the logarithm is zero. 18 Varsity athletes are defined as those who participated in a varsity-level sport, not necessarily receiving a varsity letter.Club sports are defined as those thatdo not confer a varsity letter. 19 In this context, it is important to note that a number of the variables in our basic specification are also cor related with income including gender, ethnicity, college major and grade point average, advanced degrees, years since graduation, and location. Moreover, Brendan M. Cunningham and Carlena K. Cochi-Ficano (2002) point out that SAT scores are related closely to family socioeconomic status as well. 20 Due to lack of reliable data regarding the start and stop dates of occupation and field, these variables indicate whether the alumnus was ever involved in that field or occupation, rather thanwhether they are involved during the particular year of observation. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. INO. 1 MEERAND ROSEN:ALTRUISMAND THECHILD CYCLEOF ALUMNIDONATIONS 267 Table 2?Position and Field Definitions and Summary Statistics0 Variable Description Mean Standard deviation Field Arts Agriculture Architecture Pharmaceuticals Communications Consulting Education Finance Health care (Business/Industry) Hospitality Information technology Law Manufacturing Retail Transportation Federal government State Government Foreign government Nongovernmental Organization Religion Other Multilateral organization Military Occupation Government worker Miscellaneous worker Physician/dentist White collar Attorney Executive ifthe alumnus ever worked in the arts field ifthe alumnus ever worked in the agriculture field if the alumnus ever worked in the architecture field if the alumnus ever worked in the pharmaceuticals field ifthe alumnus ever worked in the communications field if the alumnus ever worked in the consulting field ifthe alumnus ever worked in the education field if the alumnus ever worked in the finance field ifthe alumnus ever worked in the health care field ifthe alumnus ever worked in the hospitality field if the alumnus ever worked in the IT field if the alumnus ever worked in the law field if the alumnus ever worked in themanufacturing field if the alumnus ever worked in the retail field ifthe alumnus ever worked in the transportation field ifthe alumnus ever worked for the federal government if the alumnus ever worked for a state government ifthe alumnus ever worked for a foreign government if the alumnus ever worked in theNGO field if the alumnus ever worked in the religion field if the alumnus ever worked in another field if the alumnus ever worked in themultilateral organization field if the alumnus ever worked for themilitary if the alumnus ever worked as a government worker ifthe alumnus everworked in some miscellaneous occupation ifthe alumnus ever worked as a physician or dentist ifthe alumnus ever worked ina white collar occupation if the alumnus ever worked as an attorney ifthe alumnus ever worked as an executive 0.06254 0.00187 0.02516 0.02336 0.09619 0.1009 0.1222 0.1947 0.1700 0.00457 0.1150 0.1883 0.07509 0.02251 0.01014 0.04406 0.02515 0.00275 0.02832 0.01052 0.27108 0.00191 0.00747 0.01007 0.08177 0.1339 0.3079 0.2673 0.4863 0.2421 0.04324 0.1566 0.1511 0.2949 0.3011 0.3275 0.3960 0.3756 0.06743 0.3190 0.3909 0.2635 0.1483 0.1002 0.2052 0.1566 0.05234 0.1659 0.1020 0.4445 0.04371 0.08612 0.09982 0.2740 0.3405 0.4616 0.4426 0.4998 a Based on 344,342 observations on gift giving from 1983 to 2006 for individuals forwhom data on field and position are reported. A total of 20.039 alumni who graduated from 1972 to 2005 are represented. generate a reciprocal benefit, and therefore the presence of a child should increase the probability ofmaking a gift. Perhaps, though, having a child is correlated with unobserved variables that also drive giving decisions. For example, individuals who become parents might care about young people in general, and hence be particularly willing to support higher education. But if so, there would be no reason to expect giving to decline just when the child exceeds the age at which college admissions decisions are made. In contrast, the child-cycle framework implies that once the child is beyond that age, giving will drop off, because the admissions lottery is over. To examine how giving varies with the age of the child, we include a series of dichotomous variables, CHILDh which take a value of one if the alumnus has a child of age /and zero otherwise. The range of / is from zero (less than one year old) to 26 years old and older. Even if giving increases as admissions time approaches (at approximately 18 years of age) and falls thereafter, hopes for reciprocity need not be atwork. Perhaps, for example, a child of college age reawakens fond memories of an alumnus's This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 268 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 undergraduate days, or inspires thoughts of experiences that the alumnus and his child might share during future parents' weekends. This could lead to an increase in an alumnus's propensity to give. To investigate this possibility, we take advantage of information on whether the child ultimately applies for admission. Suppose that by the time the child is a teenager, an alumnus can reasonably estimate the probability thathis orher childwill ultimatelyapply.Such an estimatecouldbe based on the child's expressed preferences for type of college, academic performance, and so on. If so, the perceived payoff to the admissions lottery should be higher for alumni whose children ultimately apply than for those who do not, and so should their dona tions.We therefore include a set of interaction terms, CHILD {Appl, which multiply CHILD {by a dichotomous variable that equals one if a child of age /eventually applied toAnon U and zero otherwise. We assume thatparents can form reasonably accurate expectations about whether their children will apply only when the children are in their teens, so thatCHILD {Appl is defined only forvalues of ifrom 14 through 17 years of age. Under the joint hypothesis that alumni can predict with some accu racy whether their children will apply and that expected reciprocity is a motivation for giving, these interaction terms should have positive coefficients. Similarly, we define a series of dichotomous variables, CHILD{NoAppl, which equals one if the child ultimately did not apply and zero otherwise, with /running from 14 to 17years of age. If expected reciprocity is present, the coefficients on these variables will be smaller than those associated with theCHILD\Appl variables, but still positive. They remain positive because presumably some parents in this group believe that their children will apply, so their giving should be higher than that of members of the omitted category, who have no children at all. A third series of dichotomous variables, CHILDjYoung, equal one if the child was not old enough to have applied by the end of our sample in 2006, with /running from 14 to 16 years of age. Turning now to the outcome of the admissions decision, we expect it to have no impact on giving if altruism is the only motivation. On the other hand, to the extent that giving ismotivated by expected reciprocity, we expect parents of admitted chil dren to reduce giving, as there is no longer an expected gain. This effect will be attenuated if these alumni perceive thatAnon U has "held up its side of thebargain," and reciprocate by continuing to give. Below, we examine some other reasons why admittance of one's child might not lead to a dramatic decrease in giving. Turning now to the parents of rejected children, not only is the prospect of an expected gain gone, but the alumnus may perceive that the university has not reciprocated properly, and therefore retaliates by reducing donations even further. To examine these conjectures about the impact of the admissions decision, we cre ate a set of dichotomous variables: CHILDtAcc, which equal one if the child applied toAnon U and was accepted and zero otherwise; and CHILDtRej, which equal one if the child applied toAnon U and was rejected and zero otherwise.21 For these vari ables, /runs from 18 through 26 years old and older. 21 The data allow us todistinguish between those who are accepted but do not attend and those who do attend. However, nearly all ofAnon U's alumni children who are accepted toAnon U choose to attend. Therefore, sample sizes are too small tomeasure accurately any differences in the two populations. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. INO. I MEER ANDROSEN:ALTRUISMAND THECHILD CYCLE OF ALUMNIDONATIONS 269 A complication arises when families have multiple children. Which one should be used for characterizing the child cycle? In our basic results reported below, all the child-cycle variables are defined in terms of the first child. This makes sense because the giving decision surrounding the first child is unaffected by any prior personal experience of reciprocity. However, some of the giving that occurs during the first child's cycle might be affected by the presence of younger children. For example, alumni might continue tomake large donations after their first child is accepted out of concern about the admissions prospects of younger children. Given the large number of child-cycle variables, it is infeasible to include the cycles for multiple children and their interactions inone model. Therefore, we simply estimate the child cycle based on the last child in the family. As shown below, the substantive results are essentially the same as those'based on the first child. Itwould be cumbersome and uninformative to report summary statistics for each of the large number of variables that characterize the child cycle. To provide some basic information, we note that in2006, the last year of our sample, 23.5 percent of the alumni had at least one child. Of those who had a child, themean age was 13.6 years old. Conditional on reaching age 17, 1,501 alumni children, representing 52.9 percent of that subsample, had applied toAnon U, and 37.2 percent were accepted. Other summary statistics that relate to the child cycle are reported in the last panel of Table 1 under the heading "Alumni-based sample." C. Econometric Model We model the decision tomake a gift toAnon U with a probit model: Pr(Gjt) $[a + CYCLER + Xjty+ YEARt(32+ LOCJt(33 + CLASS,-j34], wherePr(G^) is theprobabilitythatalumnusj makes a gift inyear t\<&[ ] is the cumulative normal distribution function; CYCLEy, is the vector of variables charac terizing the child cycle as discussed above; Xjt is a vector of the alumnus's personal characteristics; YEARt is a set of time effects; LOCjt is a set of location effects (state or foreign country of residence); and CLASS) is a set of class effects (equal to one if the alumnus graduated in a given year and zero otherwise). The time effects account for the impacts of the state of the business cycle, the stockmarket, and so on.22 The state effects allow for the possibility that alumni who live closer toAnon U might be more likely to donate, and their children might be more likely to attend. The class effects control for common influences on alumni in the same class, such as the political milieu when theywere undergraduates, the presence of certain professors or administrators, and so on. As noted above, we have more than one observation per alumnus. Because the errors for the observations for a given alumnus are likely to be correlated, the stan dard errors are adjusted for clustering within individuals. 22 Ralph Bristol (1991) emphasizes the role of the stock market and Ronald G. Ehrenberg and Christopher L. Smith (2003) document the importance of macroeconomic conditions. Time effects also take into account changes in the value of the university's endowment (Sharon M. Oster 2001). This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 270 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 When we turn to the actual amount of the gift,we face two issues that arise in all studies of donative behavior. First, a substantial number of the observations are zero. Second, there are a few very large outliers. For example, the three largest gifts in our sample are $3.1 million, $6 million, and $31.1 million. To address the first issue, we use the Tobit estimator, which explicitly takes censoring into account. The second problem suggests thatwe transform the data to reduce the influence of outliers. We take logarithms. Because the logarithm of zero is not defined, we set the 320 positive gifts thatwere less than or equal to $1 equal to $1.01.23 In effect,we have censoring at the point where the logarithm of the gift is equal to zero, and can then apply Tobit straightforwardly. There is, of course, some arbitrariness to this procedure. To assess its robustness, we also estimate the model in levels, firstwith the entire sample and then eliminating the top one percent of the observations in order to reduce the impact of outliers. The substantive results with respect to the child-cycle variables are not affected. As with the probit estimates, we correct for correlation among the error terms for any given individual by using a clustering procedure. We assume that the determinants of the amount of giving are the same as those that affect the probability of giving. Under this condition, themarginal effects gen erated by the probit model and theTobit model are the same up to a constant of pro portionality. Because the quantitative magnitudes of the child-cycle variables on the probability of giving and the amount of giving are both of interest,we report both sets ofmarginal effects below. III. Results A. ProbabilityofMaking a Gift Given the large number of child-cycle variables, themost convenient way topresent the child-cycle coefficients is in a graph.24 In Figure 1, the horizontal axis measures the child's age, and the vertical axis shows the incremental effect on the probability ofmaking a gift (relative to having no children). The dashed lines indicate 95 per cent confidence intervals. Note that overlapping confidence intervals do not imply necessarily thatone cannot reject thehypothesis that the difference between the two associated coefficients is zero. We return to this issue below. The graph starts when the child is born and shows that having a child increases the probability of giving by about 13 percentage points. The incremental effect of the child's presence generally increases with the child's age, reaching about 17 per centage points by the time he or she is 13 years old. These coefficients are estimated precisely. When children reach the age of 14, our model distinguishes between those who eventually apply to Anon U and those who do not. This is reflected by the fact that the line divides at age 14.Comparing the two sets of coefficients, we see that at every age from 14 to 17 years old, the incremental probability of giving is greater for alumni whose children ultimately applied. The differences at each age 23 Dropping these observations, which represent only 0.12 percent of all gifts, leaves our results essentially unchanged. 24 The coefficients and standard errors themselves are available upon request. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 1NO. 1 MEER ANDROSEN:ALTRUISMAND THECHILD CYCLEOF ALUMNIDONATIONS 271 Figure 1. Incremental Effect of the Child Cycle on the Probability of Making a Gift Notes: This figure graphs the child-cycle coefficients from a probit model of the probability ofmaking any dona tion in a given year, estimated using 487,913 observations. The vertical axis shows the incremental effect (relative to having no children) on the probability ofmaking a gift in a given year as a function of the first child's age and admissions status. The dashed lines are 95 percent confidence intervals. are statistically significant from each other.Moreover, the joint test that each pair of coefficients is different is highly significant (the chi-squared testwith four degrees of freedom is 31.78, which is associated with p = 0.0000). This differential is con sistent with the hypothesis that alumni reasonably can predict the likelihood that their children will apply toAnon U and that reciprocity in the form of admission is expected.25 At age 18, the graph splits again, this time between applicants who were rejected by and those who were accepted atAnon U.26 The graph indicates that, conditional on applying, the probability of giving increases by about 34 percentage points for an alumnus whose 18 year old child is accepted. The incremental probability falls after acceptance (by age 20 it is down to about 27 percentage points), but remains elevated into the child's mid-20s. The parents of unsuccessful applicants behave very differently.As the figure indicates, the incremental probability ofmaking a gift falls off substantially at age 18, and at age 19 and older, it is essentially zero. At each age, the differences between probabilities for alumni whose children were accepted and those who were not are statistically significant except for those whose children 25 Note also that this finding is inconsistent with the notion that the child-cycle pattern isdue to the fundraising office focusing on alumni with children approaching college age. To explain this finding, one would have to argue that the fundraisers have perfect foresight with respect to the future behavior of alumni children. 26 Because our unit of observation is based on an entire year, there is some ambiguity in precisely when the admissions decision becomes known. The year inwhich the child turns 18 years old is a sensible choice. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 272 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 were 26 years old or older. In addition, the joint hypothesis that the coefficients are pairwise equal is rejected easily (the chi-squared testwith 18 degrees of freedom is 260.32, which is associated with p = 0.00). Interestingly, having a child rejected lowers the probability of giving to the level of alumni who have no children. Indeed, formost ages one cannot reject the hypothesis that the coefficients for individuals without children and parents of rejected children are the same. One concern with our interpretation of these findings is that the likelihood of giv ing and the likelihood that a child applies toAnon U are both driven by some unob served third variable, perhaps the extent towhich a parent feels an affinity toAnon U. To investigate this possibility, we estimate amodel inwhich we allow the impact of the child's age, at all ages, to depend on his or her eventual application status. That is,CHILDfAppl andCHILD{NoAppl arealso includedforages 0 through14.If our results are driven by affinity forAnon U, thenwe would expect the differences between these variables at young ages to be as important as when the children are teenagers. However, this is not the case. When the dependent variable is the prob abilityofmaking a gift,thejointhypothesisthatthecoefficientson CHILD\Appl and CHILDtNoAppl are equal for ages 0 through 13 cannot be rejected (p = 0.1415). These findings increase our confidence that the child-cycle results are not being driven by the alumnus's unobservable affinity forAnon U. Further evidence along these lines is presented in Section IV. Another possible problem with our interpretation of Figure 1 is that reduced giving after admissions might be driven by income effects associated with tuition payments. If tuition were the important factor, then we would also expect to see decreases in giving among alumni whose children did not apply to Anon U but instead attended other institutions. As Figure 1demonstrates, however, these alumni do not exhibit anything like the substantial decreases in giving thatwe see for the alumni of accepted children.27 In short, the patterns inFigure 1 cannot be explained readily by the public good provision, by a "warm glow" from giving, or by income effects associated with tuition payments. In contrast, the results fitwell in the child-cycle framework. Other variables.?The coefficients on the other variables in the basic model are of some interest, because they allow us to see whether the determinants of giving at Anon U are similar to those that have been found in previous studies of alumni giving. Since they are not of central importance to documenting the existence of a child cycle to alumni donations, however, we discuss them in theAppendix to this paper. The Appendix shows that, taken together, our results are very much in line with those from previous studies. While no school is "typical," Anon U appears not tobe idiosyncratic with respect to the determinants of the donation decision. It is not unreasonable to expect, therefore, that the child-cycle results would also generalize to other selective institutions. 27 Another argument along the same lines is thatwhen one's child is accepted at another institution, new opportunities for charitable giving open at that institution. Again, though, if thiswere the case, we would expect thebehavior of theparents of rejected children and theparents of children who never applied tobe about the same, in contrast to Figure 2. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. INO. I MEER AND ROSEN: ALTRUISM AND THE CHILD CYCLE OF ALUMNI DONATIONS 273 3 -0.5-.?.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.?.-\ -1 -I Age Figure 2. Incremental Effect of the Child Cycle on the Amount Given {LastChild) Notes: This figure graphs the child-cycle coefficients from theTobit model of the amount of donations in any given year, estimated using 487,913 observations. The vertical axis shows the incremental effect (relative to hav ing no children) on the log of amount donated in a given year as a function of the firstchild's age and admissions status. The dashed lines are 95 percent confidence intervals. B. Amount ofGiving Figure 2 graphs the child-cycle coefficients from the Tobit model of the amount of donations. As noted above, the probit and Tobit coefficients are the same up to a constant of proportionality, so thefigure does not provide any trulynew information. The magnitudes are of some interest, however. In this context, it is important to note that,because the dependent variable is the logarithm of giving, small coefficients are approximately percentage changes. However, this approximation is not very good for large coefficients, so caution is required in their interpretation. A challenge to the child-cycle interpretation of Figure 2 is that total giving over an alumnus's lifemay not be affected much by having an eligible child, just the timing of donations. To investigate this possibility, we estimate a cross sectional regression inwhich the left-hand-side variable is lifetime giving as of 2006,28 and the right- hand-side variable includes the basic demographic variables in Table 1 augmented with a series of dichotomous variables for number of children and con tinuous variables for the age of each child. We find that lifetime giving is 109 percent higher for alumni with one child and an additional 58 percent higher with a second 28 Specifically, this is computed as the sum of giving in constant dollars over all years that the alumnus has been in the sample. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 274 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 child. Further, lifetime giving increases by 5.1 percent for each year of the first child's age and 2 percent for each year of the second child's age. In short, lifetime giving is affected by the presence and age of children. The child cycle does not arise simply because alumni are shifting donations over time. C. The Role ofDirected Giving Giving by parents of accepted children remains high after the admissions deci sion has been rendered, a result that is not necessarily wholly consistent with the child-cycle model. Perhaps the alumnus is showing tangible evidence of warm feel ings engendered by the acceptance of his or her child.29 Without ruling out this explanation, we note that another forcemay be operative. Certain donations made by alumni with children on campus could be less public goods than relatively targeted benefits for their progeny. An example is a donation earmarked for a child's varsity team. To explore this possibility, we estimate the probability that an alumnus makes a directed gift in a particular year as a function of the variables in Table l.30We find that, conditional on making any gift, alumni with 17-year-old children who are applying toAnon U are 3.4 percentage points more likely tomake a directed gift than alumni who have no children, and the difference is statistically signifi cant. After admission, this figure increases substantially. Alumni with 18 year old children who have been accepted are 6.1 percentage points more likely tomake a directed gift,while those whose accepted children are 19-years-old are 12.8 percent age points more likely tomake a directed gift. The impact of having a child accepted at Anon U on directed giving peaks at 16.5 percentage points when the accepted child is 21 years old. It remains statistically significant through age 25, but drops to an insignificant ?0.22 percentage points for children aged 26 and older. In contrast, conditional on giving, the parents of rejected children are not significantly more likely tomake a directed giftwhen their children are of college age.31 In short, during the time an alumnus's child is on campus, the probability ofmak ing a gift aimed at specific purposes, conditional on making a gift at all, is elevated. This phenomenon might be due to the fact that prior to thematriculation of their children, parents know little about the activities of certain campus organizations, or even of their existence. But if that is the case, it is hard to explain why the relative likelihood of directed giving drops after the child graduates. We conjecture that at least part of the explanation is that the specific purposes directly benefit the child. Therefore, elevated giving after the admission of one's child may be due in part to nonaltruistic motivations. 29 Another possibility is that the alumnus is concerned about admissions prospects for younger children. However, as shown below, the same tendency exists when we look at the child cycle for the last child in the family. 30 A directed gift is defined as one notmade through the general annual appeal. It is possible that individu als could support a particular student organization without going through the official channel of alumni giving. However, in this case, the donation is unlikely to be tax deductible, hence, there are strong incentives to give through the university. 31 The full set of results is available upon request. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. INO. 1 MEER AND ROSEN: ALTRUISM AND THE CHILD CYCLE OF ALUMNI DONATIONS 275 D. Basic Model: Summary The child-cycle pattern comes through clearly in our estimates. This is not to say that altruism is unimportant?people without any children give substantial amounts ofmoney, after all. For the top 1percent of all gifts, unconditional on class or year, 2,875 gifts came from alumni with children, while 2,003 came from alumni without children. Among the top 1percent of lifetime (cumulative to 2006) givers, 212 had children and 110 did not. However, it is hard to explain the patterns found inFigures 1 and 2 on the basis of altruism alone. Ifwe are willing tomake some strong assumptions, we can be more precise about the relative roles played by altruistic and selfish motivations. Specifically, suppose that: 1)Giving by childless alumni is done without the expectation of receiving any reciprocal benefit. Of course, other motivations, such as public recognition or donat ing to research projects that could be useful to one's business, may also be present. To the extent that they are, our estimate of the proportion of giving due to altruism may be considered an upper bound. 2) The additional giving by alumni with chil dren who do not ultimately apply toAnon U is unselfish as well. As conjectured above, it is generated for one reason or another by warm feelings toward Anon U thatare associated with having children.32 3) The additional giving by alumni whose children do apply is motivated by self-interest. Under these assumptions, we can use our estimates of the difference in giving associated with a child who did not apply relative to a child who did apply to estimate the self-interested component of giving. A complication arises because this differential depends on the child's age. Seventeen years old seems a sensible choice because at this age the application choice has generally been made, so that alumni whose children do not apply are not making any precautionary donations. At the same time, these children have not yet been accepted, so parents do not have an incentive tomake directed donations as discussed in Section IIIC. For the same reason, neither can donations be influenced by warm feelings due to the acceptance of one's child. Under these assumptions, and using the estimated coefficients on CHILDl7Appl and CHILDl7NoAppL we calculate that about 52 percent of giving by alumni whose children apply toAnon U is due to altruism and the remaining 48 percent is due to self-interest.33 To the best of our knowledge, this is the firstattempt to use observa tional data to decompose donative behavior into altruistic and self-interested com ponents, and it suggests that the two motivations are of about equal importance, at least in this context. 32 One concern is thatgiving by alumni whose children do not apply may be motivated by thedesire to enhance the prospects of younger children. However, as shown below, this portion of the child cycle for the last child in a family is very similar to the child cycle for the firstchild. 33 The calculation is done as follows. We assume, without loss of generality, that giving associated with no children (the baseline) is 1.We then exponentiate the coefficient on CHILDl7Appl, which gives us a figure of 6.06, the amount donated by alumni whose 17-year-old children applied toAnon U, relative to the baseline. Next, we exponentiate the coefficient on CHILDxlNoApl to obtain the relative amount given by those whose 17-year-old children did not apply, which is 3.14. Under our assumptions, the proportion due to altruism has two components: baseline altruism, and the increment associated with having children. The proportion of giving from baseline altruism is 1/6.06 (= 0.165), while the proportion due towarm feelings associated with having children is (3.14 l)/6.06 (= 0.353), and the proportion associated with selfish reasons is (6.06 - 3.14)76.06 (= 0.482). This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 276 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 It isworth noting, however, that the self-interested component is likely to differ by the type of charitable giving (Vesterlund 2008). A gift to one's local religious con gregation entitles one to counseling and fellowship, while the rewards for donating to international relief efforts are less tangible. Given thatwe cannot observe what rewards a donation toAnon U garners, one might expect that our estimate of the self-interested component of donations to universities is a lower bound. IV. Alternative Specifications In this section we present some alternative specifications of our model in order to assess the robustness of the basic results. A. Subsequent Children So farwe have characterized the child cycle in terms of the first child in the fam ily.A possibledrawbackis thatgivingalong thefirstchild'scyclecouldbe affected by concerns about younger children's admissions prospects. Therefore, estimating the cycle for the last child might allow a cleaner test of themodel.34 We began by re-estimating our basic model using information on the last child rather than the first,which, in effect, ignores any possible impact of older siblings. All alumni with complete data, including those who only have one child, are included in this sample. After deleting observations with missing data on the child's age (27,882 observa tions), this sample contains 488,297 observations. For brevity, we present only the graphical representation of the child cycle for amounts given (see Figure 3). If anything, the child-cycle pattern is even stronger than for the first child. Note that giving by those whose last child was rejected is lower than by those with no children at all, and significantly so at ages 22- and 23-years-old. This is a sharper relative decrease thanwe observed for first children. Within our framework, this suggests that parents of rejected first children still give some amount with an eye toward enhancing their younger children's prospects. But with the last child, thismotivation disappears.35 A natural question is whether the character of the child cycle is affected by a previous child's outcome. Does acceptance of a first child toAnon U reinforce the notion thatdonations generate a reciprocal benefit? One way to answer this question would be to interact the child-cycle variables for the second child with indicators for the first child's outcome. Estimating such amodel is infeasible, however, as itwould involve hundreds of right-hand-side variables, many of which are all or nearly all zeros. Instead, we augment the specification for the second child with three indicator 34 For families with only one child, the firstchild is also considered to be the last. Future children may not yet be born, but it is reasonable to expect that at least for the children's age group that is our primary interest, 14years and older, most families are unlikely to have another child. In addition, for some families, previous children may be sufficiently old that alumni are concerned about the admissions prospects for grandchildren. 35 This raises the question of whether other family relationships might be associated with expectations of reciprocal benefits to giving. For example, grandparents might make donations hoping to enhance the likelihood of admissions for theirgrandchildren. Unfortunately, inour data set,we are only able to reliably link grandparents and grandchildren when themembers of the intermediate generation also attended Anon U. This would leave us with a small and very unrepresentative sample of grandparent-grandchild pairs. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. INO. 1 MEER ANDROSEN:ALTRUISMAND THECHILD CYCLEOF ALUMNIDONATIONS 277 Figure 3. Incremental Effect of the Child Cycle on the Amount Given (LastChild) Notes: This figure graphs the analogs to the child-cycle coefficients from theTobit model, using 482,760 obser vations, when the basic model is re-estimated using the last child's age and admissions status rather than the first child's. The vertical axis shows the incremental effect (relative to having no children) on the log of amount donated in a given year as a function of the firstchild's age and admissions status. The dashed lines are 95 per cent confidence intervals. variables relating to the status of the first child: whether the first child was rejected by Anon U, whether the first child was accepted, and whether the first child did not apply toAnon U at all. Note that these variables are not constant over time. Their values change as the first child grows older and his or her admissions status becomes known.36 We find that the shape of the giving cycle associated with the second child is unaf fected by the inclusion of these variables. However, if the firstchild isknown to have been accepted, the entire child cycle shifts upward. The probability ofmaking a gift increases by 11.6 percentage points. If the first child is rejected, the probability of making a gift falls by 6.1 percentage points. (All of these figures are statistically sig nificant.) If the firstchild did not apply, there is no significant change in the probabil ityof making a gift. These results have a straightforward interpretation within the child-cycle framework. Rejection of the first child indicates to the alumnus that his or her expectations regarding reciprocity were to some extent incorrect, and giving 36 In particular, the variables for first child acceptance and rejection can take on a value of one only for those years inwhich the firstchild is 18-years-old or older, while the indicator for firstchild nonapplication can be one only for those years inwhich the first child is 14-years-old and older. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 278 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 behavior is adjusted accordingly. In the same way, acceptance of the firstchild rein forces the perception that reciprocity is present. As an additional test,we estimate the cycle for third children.37 The shape of the cycle associated with the third child is very similar to that of both the firstand sec ond children. The oldest child's rejection reduces the amount given by 14.5 percent (imprecisely estimated), while the second child's rejection reduces the amount given by a statistically significant 39 percent. The firstand second child's acceptances increase the amount given by 134 percent and 118 percent, respectively, and both figures are statistically significant. Again, information that reinforces or weakens the perception of a reciprocal benefit affects giving. B. Occupation and Field As noted earlier, a drawback of our data set is lack of information on income or wealth. However, for a subset of observations, we have detailed information on the alumnus's occupational field and position. We know whether the individual ever worked in a number of fields, including consulting, finance, information technol ogy, health care, education, and so on. From the position data, we can classify the alumnus as an executive, government worker, academic, attorney, physician, white collar worker, or some other occupation. We believe that this information, together with the variables inour basic model, do a reasonable job of proxying forpermanent income. Using the field and position data reduces our sample size substantially, from 487,913 to344,342givingopportunities,which iswhywe didnot includethesevari ables in our basic model. To establish a baseline, we begin by estimating our basic model (that is, themodel without the field and position variables) with the smaller sample. The child-cycle graphs are virtually identical to their counterparts in Figures 1 and 2. When we augment thismodel with the field and position variables, the estimated child cycle is essentially unchanged. We present a graphical summary of the child cycle for the amount given in Figure 4. The same tendencies thatwe saw in Figure 2 are clearly present. Hence, the existence of a child cycle is not sensitive to the inclusion of a rich set of variables relating to the alumnus's permanent income.38 C. Permanent Income and Fixed-Effects Estimation Another approach to dealing with missing income data begins with the hypothesis that giving depends on the alumnus's permanent income. If so, then a sensible alter native is fixed-effects estimation, which controls for any attributes of an alumnus that 37 For this specification, there are 493,854 observations representing 32,817 alumni with 1,687 third children. 38 Although the child-cycle coefficients do not substantially change, some of the other coefficients do. For example, inour basic model, being an economics major increases the amount of giving by about 85 percent. Once we take occupation into account, however, this figure drops to 37 percent. In part, the coefficient in the basic model reflects the fact thatAnon U's economics majors are particularly likely to go into the field of finance which, by itself, increases the amount of giving by about 75 percent, ceteris paribus. Interestingly, the coefficients on the race variables do not change substantially. For instance, the independent effect of being black is?56.8 percent in the basic model and -59.4 percent when we augment themodel with occupation and field. Other race variables are similarly unaffected. Detailed estimates for these models are available upon request. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 1NO. 1 MEER ANDROSEN:ALTRUISMAND THECHILD CYCLE OF ALUMNIDONATIONS 279 3 -1 J-1 Age Figure 4. Incremental Effect of the Child Cycle on the Amount Given (Controlling for Position and Field) Notes: This figure graphs the analogs to the child-cycle coefficients from theTobit model, using 344,342 observa tions, when the basic model is re-estimated including information on alumni's fields and positions. The vertical axis shows the incremental effect (relative tohaving no children) on the log of amount donated ina given year as a function of the firstchild's age and admissions status. The dashed lines are 95 percent confidence intervals. do not change over time (or at least over the length of our sample period). Indeed, a fixed-effects model takes into account any time-invariant unobservable variables thatmight drive both giving behavior and the admissions status of an alumnus's child, and hence confound the child-cycle interpretation of our findings. Such unob servables include affinity toAnon U, generosity, quality of undergraduate experi ence, and so on. Estimating fixed effects in nonlinear models is difficult at best, due to the incidental parameters problem (JeffreyM. Wooldridge 2002, 484). Therefore, we use ordinary least squares. To establish a baseline, we first estimate the equations with OLS but without fixed effects. The qualitative outcomes are very similar to those seen above. Next, we include fixed effects. Figures 5 and 6 show the resulting child cycles for the prob ability of making a gift and the amount given, respectively. If our results were in fact being driven by permanent income or other time-invariant unobservables, then the child cycle would be less pronounced than itwas previously, or perhaps disap pear altogether. However, ifanything, the fixed-effects estimates aremore consistent with the child-cycle framework. The probability that an alumnus with an accepted 22-year-old child makes a gift is 18.5 percentage points higher than for an alumnus without children. But this differential trends downward to 8.5 percentage points by the time the child reaches age 25. The incremental probability of an alumnus with a rejectedchildmaking a giftdrops to?0.044 percentagepointswhen thechild is This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 280 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL-ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 Figure 5. Incremental Effect of the Child Cycle on the Probability of Making a Gift (Fixed-Effects Estimates) Notes: This figure graphs the analogs to the child-cycle coefficients when the basic probit model is re-estimated with OLS and fixed effects. The vertical axis shows the incremental effect (relative to having no children) on the probability ofmaking a gift ina given year as a function of thefirst child's age and admissions status. The dashed lines are 95 percent confidence intervals. 19yearsold and staysinsignificantlydifferentfromtheprobabilityfora childless alumnus. The results for amount given are similarly pronounced. We conclude that our results are not likely affected by time-invariant unobservable variables. D. Augmented Sample Our analysis sample is based on alumni who graduated between 1972 and 2005. We have additional data on alumni who graduated before 1972. This sample, which includes alumni from classes as early as 1914, is far larger, containing 939,671 giving opportunities between 1983 and 2006. Ithas many more alumni children who are at college age and beyond, a group that is essential to estimating the child cycle. Some 5,096 children applied since 1983 (41.9 percent of whom were accepted), compared to 1,501 in our basic sample. The tradeoff is a less rich set of explanatory variables, because we lack data on SAT scores, admissions rating, race, grade point average, secondary school type, and honors for the pre-1972 classes. When we estimate themodel using the augmented sample, the results are nearly identical to those from the basic sample. Graphs of the coefficients are available upon request. Thus, our main results continue to hold using a data set with much more information on a critical group of alumni, those with children old enough to have gone through the admissions process. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 1NO. 1 MEER ANDROSEN:ALTRUISMAND THE CHILD CYCLE OF ALUMNIDONATIONS 281 Figure 6. Incremental Effect of the Child Cycle on the Amount Given (Fixed-Effects Estimates) Notes: This figure graphs the analogs to the child-cycle coefficients when the basic Tobit model is re-estimated with OLS and fixed effects. The vertical axis shows the incremental effect (relative to having no children) on the logarithm of the amount of giving in a given year as a function of the first child's age and admissions status. The dashed lines are 95 percent confidence intervals. V. Conclusions Our starting point is an old question in economics. To what extent does philan thropy stem from altruism rather than the expectation of receiving some reciprocal benefit? Research on this topic using observational data is rare because quantify ing a reciprocal benefit is difficult. To address the problem, we analyze a unique data set that allows us to estimate how alumni contributions to a university relate to a perceived benefit?an improvement in the likelihood that their children will be admitted. We find that the presence of children increases an alumnus's giving, that giving drops off after the admissions decision, and that the decline is far greater when the child is rejected. In short, alumni giving varies systematically with the age and admissions status of the alumni's children. This child cycle of alumni giving is con sistentwith the hypothesis that some donations are made in the hope of a reciprocal benefit. The result is robust to choice of estimation method and alternative specifica tions of themodel, and does not appear to be due to unobservable variables such as underlying affinity to the university. Our results do not imply that self-interest is the only motivation behind donative behavior. As we document in the text,many alumni with no apparent reason to expect a reciprocal benefit, at least in terms of a higher admissions probability for This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 282 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 their children, are extraordinarily generous. In the context of the larger debate over themotivations for altruism, our analysis shows that both selflessness and giving with the hope of reciprocity are present. We do not know whether these results generalize to other selective universities. However, we are encouraged by the fact that other institutions seem quite similar to the university we study with respect to other variables that affect giving. Hence, behavior with respect to the child cycle might be similar as well. That said, itwould be useful to investigate whether the child cycle ispresent at other selective schools.39 Similarly, itwould be informative to study the trajectory of alumni giving at non selective schools. At such schools, the child cycle is not operative, and we would expect to see a path of alumni giving, with respect to their children's age, that is less steep, and that exhibits less of a falloff after the child's admissions decision. Appendix: Other Covariates in the Basic Model Our basic model includes variables that characterize the child cycle of giving as well as a set of covariates to control forother alumni characteristics thatmight affect their giving decisions. This Appendix reports and discusses the estimated impacts of the latter set of variables on the probability ofmaking a gift. The results are reported inTable Al. The coefficients on the linear and quadratic terms for years since graduation imply that the probability of making a gift falls for about the first20 years after graduation, and then turns upward.40 With respect to gender, men are 4.6 percentage points less likely to donate in a given year, cet eris paribus.41 Whites are more likely to contribute thanAmerican Indians, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians. The gap is largest with African Americans, who are 16 percentage points less likely tomake a gift than are whites. These gender and ethnic/racial differentials are similar to those reported in previous studies (Monks 1993)42 Alumni who attended boarding or private schools are somewhat more likely to contribute than those who attended public schools. There is no discernible impact of home or alternative schooling on the probability of giving relative topublic school attendees. As noted above, the admissions office produces summary evaluations of appli cants on the basis of both academic and nonacademic criteria, such as musical talent, athletic ability, volunteer work, and so on. An A is the highest score and an E is the lowest score. Alumni who received the lowest nonacademic ratings at the time of admissions are 6.9 percentage points less likely tomake donations. On the other 39 By definition, the child cycle can be operative only at selective schools. 40 The impact of years since graduation could embody several different effects, including changes in income, changes in attitudes toward the institution as one ages, and the extent towhich solicitations of alumni vary over time. 41 We also interacted the gender variable with the child-cycle variables to see if the child-cycle pattern is different formen and women. The only branch of the child cycle forwhich there is a statistically significant dif ference is for the accepted children. For this group, there is amuch steeper fall in giving after acceptance on the part ofmale alumni than there is for female alumni. Further, the fall in giving after graduation ismuch steeper formale than female alumni. 42 Some of these differentials may be due to the fact that income and wealth differ across ethnic groups. As noted in the text,when we re-estimate themodel for a subsample of our data, which includes some reasonable measures of permanent income, the differentials do not disappear. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 1NO. 1 MEER ANDROSEN:ALTRUISMAND THECHILD CYCLEOF ALUMNIDONATIONS 283 Table Al?Other Variables in the Basic Probit Modelu Didgive Didgive Yearssince Yearssince2 Spouseisalum Male Race/ethnicity Amerind Black Hispanic Asian Secondary schooling Boarding Private Schloth SATmath SATverbal Admissions office "nonacademic" ranking1 B C D E Admissions office "academic" ranking B C D E Varsity Club sport Honors Greek GPA?Second quartile GPA?Third quartile GPA?Bottom quartile -0.01455 (0.00085) 0.00034 (0.00002) 0.1401 (0.005968) -0.04591 (0.00482) -0.09796 (0.03579) -0.1622 (0.00979) -0.1112 (0.01146) -0.07193 (0.00823) 0.01963 (0.00656) 0.01021 (0.00501) -0.02547 (0.01764) -0.00010 (0.00009) 0.000002 (0.00010) 0.00123 (0.01326) 0.00505 (0.01365) -0.01293 (0.01563) 0.06919 (0.03214) 0.01503 (0.00724) 0.02461 (0.00939) 0.00710 (0.01231) 0.02640 (0.02365) 0.04912 (0.00494) 0.00860 (0.00598) 0.00105 (0.00628) 0.1285 (0.00501) 0.00313 (0.00662) -0.02053 (0.00812) -0.05714 (0.00946) Major Small social sciences English Economics Public policy Political science Psychology History MAE EE/CS Arch & Civ Small humanities Small engineering Small sciences Minor African/African American studies American studies Latin Finance Theater Public policy Other engineering Other sciences Other humanities Teaching Reunion Post-baccalaureate education PhD Masters J.D. M.D./D.D.S. M.B.A. -0.03655 (0.01782) -0.02557 (0.01426) 0.08084 (0.01408) 0.04885 (0.02069) 0.02286 (0.01428) -0.02501 (0.01583) 0.03214 (0.01388) 0.06214 (0.01650) 0.06090 (0.01520) 0.06510 (0.01504) -0.03285 (0.01411) 0.09559 (0.01666) -0.00471 (0.01377) -0.03727 (0.01555) 0.09132 (0.01337) -0.00103 (0.04341) 0.09217 (0.02246) -0.07022 (0.01876) -0.00890 (0.01896) 0.02029 (0.01739) 0.00304 (0.01282) -0.00678 (0.00936) -0.00768 (0.01930) 0.06318 (0.00141) 0.04909 (0.00955) 0.08972 (0.00670) 0.1483 (0.00721) 0.1258 (0.00901) 0.1873 (0.00703) a This table shows the coefficients on variables other than those that characterize the child cycle. (The child-cycle variables themselves are summarized graphically in Figure 1).Each figure shows the incremental effect on theprobability ofmaking a gift ina given year, as estimated by a probitmodel. The model is estimated using the basic sample of 487,913 observations. The figures inparentheses are standard errors. Figures in italics are statistically significant at the 5 percent level. Standard errors are adjusted for clustering based on individuals. In addition to the variables listed, the regression includes location effects, year effects and class effects, which are suppressed forbrevity. hThe nonacademic ranking isbased on attributes such as musical talent, athletic ability, volunteer work, etc. This content downloaded from on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:54:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 284 AMERICANECONOMIC JOURNAL:ECONOMIC POLICY FEBRUARY2009 hand, students in the highest academic category are somewhat less likely tomake donations than those with lower ratings. SAT scores do not appear to have any sta tisticallysignificantimpacton theprobabilityofgiving. We now turn from variables that are known before matriculation at Anon U to those that reflect the alumnus's undergraduate experiences. Involvement in a varsity sport increases the probability of giving by about 5 percentage points, and member ship in one of Anon U's fraternities or sororities increases giving by 13 percentage points.43 These results are consistent with previous findings that students who were actively engaged in extracurricular activities as undergraduates are more likely to make donations as alumni (Dugan et al. 1999). With respect to academic perfor mance, receiving honors has no effect on the probability of giving. However, the probability of giving increases with grade point average (GPA). Those in the bottom quartile of theGPA distribution were 5.7 percentage points less likely tomake a gift, while those in the third quartile were 2.1 percentage points less likely. There is no significant difference in giving between the second and top quartiles. Consistent with earlier studies, giving patterns differ substantially by course of study (Dugan, et al. 1999,Monks 2003). Alumni who majored in engineering, eco nomics,andpublicpolicyhave relativelyhighprobabilitiesofmaking a giftlaterin life. Those who majored in the small social sciences (such as sociology) and small humanities departments (such as linguistics) tend to have relatively low probabilities ofmaking a gift later in life. Students with minors in finance aremore likely tomake subsequent gifts (by about 9 percentage points), while those with minors in theater are less likely (by about 7 percentage points). Turning to schooling afterAnon U, alumni who continue their education aremore likely tomake donations than those who do not, a finding consistent with previous studies (Dugan et al., 1999, Monks 2003). Finally, we note that, consistent with previous research (James H. Grant and David L. Lindauer 1986, Olsen, Smith, and Wunnava 1989) the likelihood of giving increases substantially during reunion years, with the probability increasing by 6.3 percentage points. 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