Course information
MPV_ARPM: Applied
Research in Public Policy Making
Lecturers: Martin
Guzi (, Eugenio
Levi (
Office Hours: by appointment (Room 316)
Welcome to the
We will be meeting on Mondays at 12:00 in Room P312.
The course is focused on problems related to labour
market discrimination, income poverty and living wages, migration, and
subjective well-being. The materials presented in the course are exclusively
based on the recently published papers of recognized scholars.
You can earn 100 points and your grade will depend on
the overall score. Grading is based on short assignments (30 points), class
presentation (20 points), two written assignments (2 x 10 points) and final
exam (30 points). Grading: A 100-91 points, B 81 – 90 points, C 71 – 80
points, D 61 – 70 points, E 55 – 60 points, F less than 55
Academic dishonesty
No copy-paste and no plagiarism is
acceptable. Written assignments are a good practice to develop your
communication and argumentation style. Always use your own language to
express your ideas. If you are not sure how to reference and/or
paraphrase, read this material (link). Do not forget to include your name, in
every document you submit. Write clear, simple and short sentences. Avoid
complicated text structures with no meaning. You can use Grammarly software to
correct typos and simple grammar mistakes. Submit text that makes a good
impression of your work.
Class presentation (max 20 points)
Each student will be responsible to elaborate
empirical research paper into class presentations. Papers are assigned to
students during the first two weeks of the semester. Papers are uploaded in
the study materials folder and
the schedule of presentations is posted in the interactive syllabus.
Presentations are about ten minutes long. Students shall send slides 24
hours before the presentation to the lecturer for the review (you may send
slides earlier to receive useful feedback from the lecturer on how to improve
your presentation). Please do not forget to upload your final
presentation to the homework folder.
Presentation is graded accordingly:
• (max 5 points) Explanation of the research question and methods (explain what
authors do, why it is important and how they do it). Main findings of the paper
are well communicated to students.
• (max 5 points) Delivery and overall impression: language is correct, student
highlights the important information during the presentation.
• (max 5 points) Bring your own ideas to the presentation. Adopt alternative
materials or comment on weak points of a paper or propose possible extensions.
• (max 5 points) At the end of your presentation formulate two
multiple-choice questions with exactly four options but only one correct
answer to ask students. The originality and creativity of questions are valued.
Some students' questions will be adopted for the final examination.
• (max 2 points) Formalities: The presentation fits into the allocated
time frame, all sources are described and there are not many typos.
Short lecture
assignments (max 30 points)
Short assignments are posted in the interactive
syllabus after the lecture. These may take different formats and you
will have 10 days to submit each assignment.
Two written
assignments (max 2 x 10 points)
the semester students shall attend (at least) two online webinars and elaborate
two critical summaries. You are free to choose a webinar from the list of webinars or you may also propose
other interesting webinars to the class (after consultation with lecturers).
Your task is to summarize and critically assess the main contribution and
methods of the presented research (read guidelines). The critical summary
should be around 700 words and you should upload it to the homework folder within 2 weeks after
attending the webinar.
Final exam (max 30
The final exam is organized in the last week of the
semester on December 13, 2021 (Monday) at 12:00. Please make sure that you can
attend the class on this date. The exam will include questions similar to those
in short lecture assignments and questions from students class
All the best, good health and a cheerful mind!
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