MPF_RRFI - Lecture 05 Historical Simulation and Extreme Value Theory (Chapter 13) Methodology one-day VaR, confidence 99\% indenify risk factors calculate last 500 daily returns 99\% VaR is the 5th worst outcome for ES calculate average of losses that are worse than VaR (the worst four losses) Stressed VaR find a historical period of 251 days (250 consecutive returns) where the VaR was the worst Accuracy of VaR standard error of historical VaR where -th percentile of the distribution is estimated as , is the number of observations, is probability density function normal distribution is not the best assumption (fat tails), alternative e.g. Pareto distribution Extreme Value Theory describe the science of estimating the tails of a distribution used to improve VaR or ES estimates when we are interested in a very high confidence level it is a way of smoothing and extrapolating the tails of an empirical distribution Model-Building Approach (Chapter 14) variance-covariance approach in some cases faster than historical simulation approach extension of Martowitz portfolio theory (normality assumptions) The Basic Methodology ⟹ √ 1 f(x) (1 − q)q n q x n f(x) it uses VaR and ES equations from Chapter 12 (equation 12.1 and 12.2) we need to estimate the standard deviation using the assuption that changes are normally distributed calculate the selected percentile for multi-asset portfolio we need to know the correlation calculate standard deviation based on portfolio theory Generalization assumption that the change in the value of the portfolio is linearly related to proportional changes in the risk factors so that where is the dollar change in the value of the whole portfolio in one day, is the proportional change in the ith risk factor in one day, is a variation of the delta risk measure standard deviation for assets Extensions of the Basic Procedure stressed VaR and ES non-normal distributions Monte Carlo simulations for non-linear portfolios V aR = μ + σN −1 (X) ES = μ + σ e −Y 2 /2 √2π(1 − X) ⟹ ΔP = n ∑ i=1 δi Δxi ΔP Δxi δi n σP =    ⎷ n ∑ i=1 n ∑ j=1 ρij δi δj σi σj