Organizational Behavior introduction Tomáš Ondráček Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University 2022 WELCOME WELCOME! ·ORBE ·2022 2 / 35 organization & evaluation organization & evaluation ·ORBE ·2022 3 / 35 organization & evaluation organization MEETINGS FIRST: Sat 22. 10. 12:00–15:50 P106 introduction knowledge management communication conflict, and negotiations SECOND: Fri 16. 12. 16:00–19:50 P106 decision-making ethical approaches to leadership change managament presentatioén of gtroup assigments ·ORBE ·2022 4 / 35 organization & evaluation evaluation I/II GROUP ASSIGNMENTS content: presentation of theory (5–10 minutes) case study (15–25 minutes) submission: slides for presentation text on case study (2 to 4 pages) two days before the seminar see interactive syllabi ·ORBE ·2022 5 / 35 organization & evaluation evaluation II/II FINAL EXAM written exam requirement: registration for examination in IS time limit 60 minutes essay-type questions evaluation: max. points = 100 A 91 < x B 81 – 90 C 71 – 80 D 61 – 70 E 51 – 60 F x < 51 ·ORBE ·2022 6 / 35 introductions introductions ·ORBE ·2022 7 / 35 introductions Who are you? ·ORBE ·2022 8 / 35 activity activity ·ORBE ·2022 9 / 35 activity fairness fairness ·ORBE ·2022 10 / 35 activity fairness fairness What is fair? How to achieve fairness? How to fairly divide some goods? ·ORBE ·2022 11 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY ·ORBE ·2022 12 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology Bennett (2018) ·ORBE ·2022 13 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology I 2013 – Thisisyoudrigitalife Aleksandr Kogan psychological test – 300 000 users harvesting data from tested persons and their friends 2014 – new rules need for permission not retroactively imposed 2015 – Ted Cruz banning app legally pressure to delete data erase of the date certified by the firm 2016 – Donald Trump Mark Turnbull acknowledge help of CA to Channel 4 news ·ORBE ·2022 14 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology II 2018, March 17 – Expose The Guardian and The New York Times whistle-blower Dan Kitwood 2018, March 20 – The Federal Trade Commission inquiry 2018, March 21 – Zuckerberg Facebook post We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can’t then we don’t deserve to serve you. I’ve been working to understand exactly what happened and how to make sure this doesn’t happen again. 2018, March 25 – newspapers ads UK: The Observer, The Sunday Times, Mail on Sunday, Sunday Mirror, Sunday Express, Sunday Telegraph US: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal ·ORBE ·2022 15 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY questions Who was the author of the apology? To whom was the apology addressed? (What is the intended audience for apology?) What channel and why was used for the apology? How was the apology crafted? (What is the content?) What was written and what can we know from a context? Is this an attempt to avoid a responsibility? ·ORBE ·2022 16 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY J. L. Austin illocutionary acts behabitives related to attitudes and social behaviour the happiness of the performative utterance Behabitives include the notion of reaction to other people’s behaviour and fortunes and of attitudes and expressions of attitudes to someone else’s past conduct or imminent conduct. There are obvious connexions with both stating or describing what our feelings are and expressing, in the sense of venting our feelings, though behabitives are distinct from both of these. Austin (1962: 151, 159) ·ORBE ·2022 17 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY J. R. Searle expressives related to psychological states no direction of fit The illocutionary point of this class is to express the psychological state specified in the sincerity condition about a state of affairs specified in the propositional content. The paradigms of expressive verbs are "thank", "congratulate" "apologize", "condole", "deplore", and "welcome". Notice that in expressives there is no direction of fit. In performing an expressive, the speaker is neither trying to get the world to match the words nor the words to match the world, rather the truth of the expressed proposition is presupposed. Thus, for example, when I apologize for having stepped on your toe, it is not my purpose either to claim that your toe was stepped on nor to get it stepped on. Austin (1962: 159);Searle (2005: 15) ·ORBE ·2022 18 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY felicity conditions Propositional content Past act A done by S Preparatory condition S believes that A is an offence against H rule (1) The act A specified in the propositional content is an offence against the addressee H rule (2)H would have preferred S’s not doing A to S’s doing A and S believes H would have preferred S’s not doing A to his doing A rule (3) A does not benefit H and S believes A does not benefit H Sincerity condition S regrets act A Essential condition Counts as an apology for act A Owen (1983);Ogiermann (2009: 46) ·ORBE ·2022 19 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY E. Goffman social ritual self-splitting into different moral agents elements of the fullest form expression of embarrassment and chagrin acknowledging disavowing repenting offering restitution "An apology is a gesture through which an individual splits himself into two parts, the part that is guilty of an offense and the part that dissociates itself from the delict and affirms a belief in the offended rule." Goffman (1971: 113) ·ORBE ·2022 20 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Tavuchis’s moral syllogism model Transgression ↓ Call to apology (a mutual understanding of the transgression) Apology (naming the offense and making the literal apology) Response (acceptance, rejection, or discussion) ↓ Reconciliation Battistella (2014: 20) ·ORBE ·2022 21 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY goals of image restoration regain trust customers, partners, ... avoid punishment legal actions penalties to strengthen an organization ... apologia(message) and apology Stamato (2008) ·ORBE ·2022 22 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Theory of Image Restoration Strategies Denial Simple Denial Did Not Perform Act Coke Does Not Charge McDonald’s Less Shift the Blame Act Performed by Another Exxon: Alaska and Caused Delay Evading of Responsibility Provocation Responded to Act of Another Firm Moved Because of New State Laws Defeasibility Lack of Information or Ability Executive Not Told Meeting Changed Accident Act Was a Mishap Sears’ Unneeded Repairs Inadvertent Good Intentions Meant Well in Act Sears: No Willful Over-Charges Reducing Offensiveness of Event Bolstering Stress Good Traits Exxon’s Swift and Competent Action Minimization Act Not Serious Exxon: Few Animals Killed Differentiation Act Less Offensive Sears: Preventative Maintenance Transcendence More Important Considerations Helping Wellman Justifies Tests Attack Accuser Reduce Credibility of Accuser Pepsi: Coke Charges McDonald’s Less Compensation Reimburse Victim Disabled Movie-Goers Given Free Passes Corrective Action Plan to Solve or Prevent Problem AT&T Promised to Improve Service Mortification Apologize for Act AT&T Apologized Benoit (1997: 179) ·ORBE ·2022 23 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: heading ·ORBE ·2022 24 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: heading We have a responsibility to protect your information. If we can’t, we don’t deserve it. ·ORBE ·2022 24 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: heading We have a responsibility to protect your information. If we can’t, we don’t deserve it. Preparatory condition, Bolstering Trust ·ORBE ·2022 24 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: heading We have a responsibility to protect your information. If we can’t, we don’t deserve it. Preparatory condition, Bolstering Trust Goal Facebook deserves data of its users. Facebook can and will be responsibly protecting its users data. ·ORBE ·2022 24 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: heading We have a responsibility to protect your information. If we can’t, we don’t deserve it. Preparatory condition, Bolstering Trust Goal Facebook deserves data of its users. Facebook can and will be responsibly protecting its users data. Users should trust Facebook with theirs data. ·ORBE ·2022 24 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 1st paragraph ·ORBE ·2022 25 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 1st paragraph You may have heard about a quiz app built by a university researcher that leaked Facebook data of millions of people in 2014. This was a breach of trust, and I’m sorry we didn’t do more at the time. We’re now taking steps to make sure this doesn’t happen again. ·ORBE ·2022 25 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 1st paragraph You may have heard about a quiz app built by a university researcher that leaked Facebook data of millions of people in 2014. This was a breach of trust, and I’m sorry we didn’t do more at the time. We’re now taking steps to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Propositional content There was a situation. ·ORBE ·2022 25 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 1st paragraph You may have heard about a quiz app built by a university researcher that leaked Facebook data of millions of people in 2014. This was a breach of trust, and I’m sorry we didn’t do more at the time. We’re now taking steps to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Propositional content Preparatory condition There was a situation. The situation was problematic (damaging). ·ORBE ·2022 25 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 1st paragraph You may have heard about a quiz app built by a university researcher that leaked Facebook data of millions of people in 2014. This was a breach of trust, and I’m sorry we didn’t do more at the time. We’re now taking steps to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Propositional content Preparatory condition Essential condition, Mortification There was a situation. The situation was problematic (damaging). Zuckerberg/Facebook Apologies for this problem. ·ORBE ·2022 25 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 1st paragraph You may have heard about a quiz app built by a university researcher that leaked Facebook data of millions of people in 2014. This was a breach of trust, and I’m sorry we didn’t do more at the time. We’re now taking steps to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Propositional content Preparatory condition Essential condition, Mortification Sincerity condition, Corrective Action There was a situation. The situation was problematic (damaging). Zuckerberg/Facebook Apologies for this problem. Facebook now taking steps to make sure this doesn’t happen again. ·ORBE ·2022 25 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 2nd paragraph ·ORBE ·2022 26 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 2nd paragraph We’ve already stopped apps like this from getting so much information. Now we’re limiting the data apps get when you sign in using Facebook. ·ORBE ·2022 26 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 2nd paragraph We’ve already stopped apps like this from getting so much information. Now we’re limiting the data apps get when you sign in using Facebook. Sincerity condition, Corrective Action Facebook have already made some provisions. ·ORBE ·2022 26 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 3rd paragraph ·ORBE ·2022 27 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 3rd paragraph We’re also investigating every single app that had access to large amounts of data before we fixed this. We expect there are others. And when we find them, we will ban them and tell everyone affected. ·ORBE ·2022 27 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 3rd paragraph We’re also investigating every single app that had access to large amounts of data before we fixed this. We expect there are others. And when we find them, we will ban them and tell everyone affected. Sincerity condition, Corrective Action Facebook is investigating every single app that had access to large amounts of data to prevent similar problematic situation. ·ORBE ·2022 27 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 3rd paragraph We’re also investigating every single app that had access to large amounts of data before we fixed this. We expect there are others. And when we find them, we will ban them and tell everyone affected. Sincerity condition, Corrective Action Warning Facebook is investigating every single app that had access to large amounts of data to prevent similar problematic situation. Facebook expects there are similar problems with other apps. ·ORBE ·2022 27 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 3rd paragraph We’re also investigating every single app that had access to large amounts of data before we fixed this. We expect there are others. And when we find them, we will ban them and tell everyone affected. Sincerity condition, Corrective Action Warning Promise Facebook is investigating every single app that had access to large amounts of data to prevent similar problematic situation. Facebook expects there are similar problems with other apps. Facebook will ban any problematic app. Facebook will inform tell everyone affected. Facebook will fixed this problem. ·ORBE ·2022 27 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 4th paragraph ·ORBE ·2022 28 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 4th paragraph Finally, we’ll remind you which apps you’ve given access to your information – so you can shut off the ones you don’t want anymore. ·ORBE ·2022 28 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 4th paragraph Finally, we’ll remind you which apps you’ve given access to your information – so you can shut off the ones you don’t want anymore. Sincerity condition, Corrective Action Promise FB will provide (better) information regarding data security. ·ORBE ·2022 28 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 4th paragraph Finally, we’ll remind you which apps you’ve given access to your information – so you can shut off the ones you don’t want anymore. Sincerity condition, Corrective Action Promise Shift the Blame, including users to the problem FB will provide (better) information regarding data security. Users already have the possibility not to allowed access to theirs data. ·ORBE ·2022 28 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 5th paragraph ·ORBE ·2022 29 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 5th paragraph Thank you for believing in this community. I promise to do better for you. ·ORBE ·2022 29 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 5th paragraph Thank you for believing in this community. I promise to do better for you. Sincerity condition, Bolstering Facebook cares about its users. ·ORBE ·2022 29 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: 5th paragraph Thank you for believing in this community. I promise to do better for you. Sincerity condition, Bolstering Promise Facebook cares about its users. Mark Zuckerberg will do better for users of Facebook. ·ORBE ·2022 29 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: signing ·ORBE ·2022 30 / 35 activity ZUCKERBERG/FACEBOOK APOLOGY Zuckerberg/Facebook Apology: signing Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook is taking the blame. social actor and its face (image) ·ORBE ·2022 30 / 35 OVERVIEW OVERVIEW ·ORBE ·2022 31 / 35 OVERVIEW ·ORBE ·2022 32 / 35 OVERVIEW questions Who was the author of the apology? Mark Zuckerberg as Facebook To whom was the apology addressed? (What is the intended audience of apology?) informed stakeholders What channel and why was used for the apology? newspapers to balance negative reporting How was the apology crafted? (What is the content?) addressing the main criticism – protection of data admitting to breach of trust – not breach of security stating apology supporting sincerity conditions by doing and promising corrective actions What was written and what can we know from a context? inexact representation of situation ·ORBE ·2022 33 / 35 OVERVIEW responsibility avoidance Is this an attempt to avoid a responsibility? partial confession and bolstering inexact representation of situation breach of trust not breach of security or mistake or wrongdoing pre-emptive warning There are others. evading of responsibility, shifting blame (not explcit denial) including users to the problem shifting person FB, MZ founder, MZ CEO, MZ visionary ... ·ORBE ·2022 34 / 35 Sources Austin, J. L. (1962). How to Do Things with Words. Oxford University Press. Battistella, E. L. (2014). Sorry About That: The Language of Public Apology. Oxford University Press. Bennett, L. (2018). Facebook buys print ads to apologise for Cambridge Analytica scandal. AdNews. Online; accessed 2018-05-08; . Benoit, W. L. (1997). Image Repair Discourse and Crisis Communication. Public Relations Review, 23(2), 177–186. Goffman, E. (1971). Relations in Public: Microstudies of the Public Order. Basic Books. Ogiermann, E. (2009). On Apologising in Negative and Positive Politeness Cultures. John Benjamins Publishing. Owen, M. (1983). Apologies and remedial interchanges: A study of language use in social interaction. Mouton de Gruyter. Searle, J. R. (2005). Expression and meaning: Studies in the theory of speech acts. Cambridge University Press. Stamato, L. (2008). Should business leaders apologize? why, when, and how an apology matters. Ivey Business Journal, 72(4), 1–8.