Appendix4-Types of audit risks Audit risk Factor/ldentify Lack of physical Employeesaremore Workwe need to Type of risk perform/effect on the audit Physical checks ofthe controls Valuable assets not being locked away. No restricted access to sensitive likely to steal assets from assets required to the company or notlook determinecompleteness afterthem;thereforethey and value. get damaged and become impaired. Analytical review to see any unusual trends over Incorrectstatementon excess ordering etc..... Financial statements the asset position potentially areas. No security over statement. measuresfor access to premises. Lack of IT based Computersystems can controls be changed or modified withoutsuitable No passwords or authorisation. lack of password protection Changes are not (everyone knows recorded and or notified nalytical procedures to be performed to see if any unusual trends are happening. Review the integrityof the staff. each others passwords). Lack of authorisation controls. Lack of segregation of duties. to responsible individuals. ssess the systems to see how easy changes will go undetected. Unnecessary expenditure ssess the systems to incurred or even non determinethe likelihood business expenditure. of this happening. Sales completedover the Review the old balances limitstherefore potential and credit limits and see for non payment. hat other controls the company have in place. New staff employed withoutauthorisation that Review the organisation may not be necessary. chartfor reasonableness and understand the roles withinthe company. Not identifyingerrors and Increase the substantive fraud as only one person testing to ensure thatthe doing thejob therefore statements are true and concealment easier to fair. perform. ccount balances for example Research and Due to the natures of these transactions a high degree ofjudgement or estimationis involved development and and is thereforeopen to arranty manipulationor error. provisions. Client operates Inventorymay be in a high tech or obsolete fashion industry Obsolete inventorymay be overstated in the financial statements Client is based in Inventoryheld at other multiple locations Bank is relying on the financial statementsor Directors are paid a bonus based on profits Itis cash-based locations may be omitted from year-end inventory Controls may be less effective Risk management bias Cash may be Get a understating of the criteria that needs to met and obtain sufficient evidence to supportthe calculations. Review events afterthe reportingperiod to determinethe net realisable value of inventory Use an independent valuer to value inventory Attend inventorytakes at all locations Review control proceduresto ensure they are adequate Consider using a substantive approach Pay more attention •accounting estimates • cut-off Obtain independent estimates re valuation of year-end inventoryetc Consider the adequacy ofbusiness The company tradesoverseas misappropriated,causing internalcontrols over turnover to be understated Transactions in foreign currency may not be translated at the correct rate sales (possible limitationin scope ifwe cannot verify the completeness of sales and internal controls are inadequate) Ensure foreign currency is correctly accounted for The company may make foreign exchange losses Review procedures to mitigateexchange loss risk, e.g. hedging New computer system in the year Newaudit client Tight audit deadline imposed by client Errors in transferring the data from one system to another There may be inherent errors in the new system that have notyet been discovered Lack of cumulative audit knowledge and experience may lead to increased detection risk Review controls over the changeover: •parallel run •check opening balances transferred properly Use test data on the system to ensure it operates correctly Use an audit team that is experienced in the industry Gather knowledge of the company Check openingbalances are correct Staff working quickly to a Increase substantive tight deadline are more likely to make errors There is a shorter post statement of financial position period that we can use to help with our audit testing Perform an interim visit to complete some audit ork before the end of theyear Agree a timetable re: •reporting deadline •client schedules to be available Temporary staff Errors more likely as staff Increase substantive used during the are notfamiliarwiththe year at the client's side A client in a specialised industry client's systems Errors more likely or fraud more likely to be missed because ofthe complexity of the work testing Ensure that the auditors understand the system, increase testing