Theory of Business Informatics

Lecture 18. 10. 2022

Tutor: Ahad Zareravasan

The lecture session will introduce the concept of process v.s variance theories and explain how they are different, using two related theories.


- Business Value of Information Technology

- DeLone and McLean’s IS Success Model

Study Material

Mandatory Study Material

The following paper presents the ISBV framework and explains the different dimensions of the model. You must read the first nine pages (up to the end of the "lag Effects" section) and be prepared for the pre-class quiz.

Link for the preclass quiz

Optional Study Material

This video explains the concept of a variance theory and how to use constructs in conceptual models.

The following paper is an updated version of the original IS success model. It also explains process v.s variance theories and how IS success model deals with that. 

The following paper reviews and shortly summarizes the main dimensions of IS Success model, the interrelations among the constructs, and some applications of this model in academic research.

The last paper reviews the IS success model and summerizes prior empirical research at the individual and organizational levels.

Lecture Presentation File