Theory of Business Informatics

Course rules

Statement academic integrity

Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student's submitted work, examinations, reports, or projects must be that student's own work unless clearly following the rules for allowable group work. Students shall be guilty of violating this and be subject to proceedings under it if they cheat, fabricate, plagiarize, and represent others' work as their own. If you violate these, you may subject yourself to loss of credit for the affected assignment, a failing grade for the entire course, or even be summoned for a hearing at the disciplinary committee.

Classroom/online etiquette

Laptop and mobile usage are restricted to class-related tasks only (such as online quizzes or software practices during seminars). Please do NOT use them unless it is essential for emergency cases. All ringers must be turned off.

Policy on absences

It is not obligatory to attend the course sessions. However, it is strongly recommended to attend all sessions, as you will need a proper understanding of the course topics to pass the course and apply the theories in your future research and practice activities. There is a 10% extra mark for active collaboration during the lecture and seminar sessions.