PROJECT MANAGEMENT Petr Smutný Agenda ̶Why a lecture on Project management? ̶Project – definition ̶Project management ̶Process approach to a project ̶Initiation of a project ̶Planning of a project ̶Management and coordination of a project ̶Closure of a project Agenda ̶Why (a lecture on) project management? ̶Project – definition ̶Project management ̶Process approach to a project ̶Initiation of a project ̶Planning of a project ̶Management and coordination of a project ̶Closure of a project Why project management? 1. Changing nature of environment and its impact on management of companies; 2. Requirements on pretenders to managerial positions. Ad 1) Changing nature of environment … • rapid development of new products; • frequent and rapid changes of processes; • individualization of products according to customer demand => All of these factors require a one-shot managed set of activities. Ad 2) Requirements on pretenders … Why project management? => increasing importance of project management knowledge and skills for businesses and graduates Agenda ̶Why (a lecture on) project management? ̶Project – definition ̶Project management ̶Process approach to a project ̶Initiation of a project ̶Planning of a project ̶Management and coordination of a project ̶Closure of a project Project (definition) ̶ A project is a temporary organisation that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed business case. ̶ short-term effort undertaken to create a unique objective (product / service). 1. temporariness = start and completion dates are set. 2. uniqueness goal technology people (=KSA) outer influence and risks => specific (one-shot) = every project is realized only once. Why projects fail ̶Lack of project justification, no valid business case. ̶Insufficient attention to quality from the start and through development. ̶Poorly defined outcomes, confusion over what the project needs to achieve. ̶Lack of communication amongst stakeholders. ̶Poorly defined roles and responsibilities amongst project personnel. ̶Poor cost and time estimating. ̶Poor planning and resource coordination. ̶Insufficient measurables and lack of progress control. ̶Lack of quality control. Agenda ̶Why (a lecture on) project management? ̶Project – definition ̶Project management ̶Process approach to a project ̶Initiation of a project ̶Planning of a project ̶Management and coordination of a project ̶Closure of a project What is project management ̶Project Management is the planning, delegating, monitoring and controlling of all aspects of the project, and the motivation of those involved, to achieve the project objectives within the expected performance targets for time, cost, quality, scope, benefits, and risks. Plan Delegate Monitor Control Distinctions of PM  What makes PM different from traditional management approaches? ̶temporariness; ̶uniqueness; ̶use of resources allocated based on the project’s needs. Advantages of PM ̶rigorous delegation of authority and responsibility; ̶use of resources allocated based on the project’s needs => flexibility; ̶creates environment for progress checks (to achieve the project’s goals); ̶system approach. Disadvantages / risks of PM ̶specific demands of customers arise only during realization phase; ̶need for frequent org. changes; ̶need for planning and valuation ex-ante (before realization). Three bases of PM Project is a unique sequence of coordinated activities and tasks: ̶with a specific goal (final value); ̶with a time framework; ̶with a framework for drawing on resources. Problem of interdependence ̶individual bases are interdependent ̶specifics of the project define relative importance of every single level (base) => need to seek balanced solutions. It is more an optimization problem (x maximization of individual categories). Agenda ̶Why (a lecture on) project management? ̶Project – definition ̶Project management ̶Process approach to a project ̶Initiation of a project ̶Planning of a project ̶Management and coordination of a project ̶Closure of a project Lifecycle of a project Sequence of phases ̶Initiation ̶Planning ̶Execution (coordination, monitoring and control) ̶Closing Agenda ̶Why (a lecture on) project management? ̶Project – definition ̶Project management ̶Process approach to a project ̶Initiation of a project ̶Planning of a project ̶Management and coordination of a project ̶Closure of a project Goals setting ̶Project goal = new final value resulting form the project. ̶S.M.A.R.T. ̶Specific ̶Measurable ̶Assignable ̶Realistic ̶Time-bound =>critera for evaluation Defintion (Outline) Business Case Composition ̶Defines the justification for undertaking a project based on estimated costs against the anticipated benefits to be gained and offset by any associated risks. ̶Reasons for undertaking the project ̶(Business) options = how to reach the goals. => analysis and reasoned recommendation for which one option to choose => project approach Do nothing Do the minimum Do something ̶Expected benefits – desired outcomes (qualitative and quantitative) should be expressed in measurable terms. ̶Expected dis-benefits – (potential) negative outcomes of project activities ̶Timescale ̶(Estimated) costs ̶(Expected) major risks Definition Project Brief Composition - is used to provide full and firm foundation for the initiation of the project and is created during starting up a project. - Project definition – explains what the project needs to achieve. It covers the background, definition of project objectives, desired outcomes, project scope and exclusions, constraints and assumptions, and project tolerances. - Outline business case (see previous slide) - Project product description – explaining quality expectations and acceptance criteria. - Project management team structure – describing the role of those in the project management team. Agenda ̶Why (a lecture on) project management? ̶Project – definition ̶Project management ̶Process approach to a project ̶Initiation of a project ̶Planning of a project ̶Management and coordination of a project ̶Closure of a project What to plan for? ̶time ̶cost ̶quality ̶scope ̶benefits ̶risks Work Breakdown Structure ̶is a hierarchical structure of tasks ensuring a successful accomplishment of the set project goal ̶it is important resource for managing all three bases of project management allocation of resources (who will do what?) time schedule (when?) budget (how much is it going to be?) WBS – example 1 WBS – example 2 WBS – example 3 Time scheduling ̶defines sequence and deadlines of activities within a project. ̶tools: ̶line segment charts (Gantt charts) + easy-to-create + easy-to-follow - inability to display the connections between activities - inability to show the completion rate as a percentage ̶network diagrams C.P.M. – based on analysis of a critical path = longest sequence of activities without any float time (reserves). P.E.R.T. – duration set according to pessimistic, realistic and optimistic alternatives. G.E.R.T – improvement of PERT method + present interdependencies + allow for seeking alternative solutions + define critical path - complex - not that easy-to-follow Critical Path Method (CPM) ̶to determine the critical activities = the activities whose delays will cause a delay in the completion of the entire project (or their shortening will mean earlier completion of the entire project). ̶ ET = earliest possible time = time at which the activity can commence at the earliest (given the constraints, i.e. technology, resources); ET = max {ET(x) + t(x)}; where x = immediately preceding activity ̶ LT = latest possible time = time at which the activity can be completed at the latest without a delay in the completion of the whole project; LT = min {LT(x) – t(x)}; where x = immediately following activity ̶ FT = float time = the longest possible delay in the activity that will not cause a delay in the completion of the entire project. FT = LT – ET – t; for each activity If FT = 0 then no delay is possible this activity is the critical activity!! Project plan Critical path method - example CPM calculations Activity Duration ET LT FT Training 6 initial activity 0 LT(3) = 26-8=18 LT(4) = 16-7=9 9 9-0-6 3 Purchasing 9 initial activity 0 LT(3) = 26-8=18 LT(4) = 16-7=9 9 9-0-9 0 Production 8 ET(1) = 0+6=6 ET(2) = 0+9=9 9 LT(6) = 38-12=26 26 26-9-8 9 Quality control 7 ET(1) = 0+6=6 ET(2) = 0+9=9 9 LT(5) = 26-10=16 16 16-9-7 0 Assembling 10 ET(4) = 9+7=16 16 LT(6) = 38-12=26 26 26-16-10 0 Transporting 12 ET(3) = 8+9=17 ET(5) = 16+10=26 26 terminal activity 38 38-26-12 0 Activity Duration (days) Immediate predecessors 1. Training 6 none 2. Purchasing materials 9 none 3. Production 8 1, 2 4. Quality control 7 1, 2 5. Assembling 10 4 6. Transporting 12 3, 5 No. Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1Training 6 ft = 3 2Purchasing 9 3Production 8 ft = 9 days 4Quality control 7 5Assembling 10 6Transporting 12 Budgeting ̶timed plan represented with monetary or working (labor) units: ̶general x detailed ̶timed according to presumed time of spending the resources ̶methods Definition Project Plan Structure ̶provides a statement of how and when objectives are to be achieved, by providing the major products, activities and resources required for the scope of the plan. It identifies the management stages and other major control points. ̶A plan should cover not just the activities to create products but also the activities to manage product creation. - planning assumptions; - products description; - tolerances – time, cost and scope tolerances; - budgets – time and cost budgets, including provisions for risk and changes; - schedule – incl. a Gannt chart and work breakdown structure; - monitoring and control details Agenda ̶Why (a lecture on) project management? ̶Project – definition ̶Project management ̶Process approach to a project ̶Initiation of a project ̶Planning of a project ̶Management and coordination of a project ̶Closure of a project Progress tracking ̶involves measuring actual progress against the performance targets of time, cost, quality, scope, benefits and risk. ̶Plans need to be fit for progress tracking ̶Progress tracking is a forward looking excercise ̶Estimates „to comlete“ ̶Estimates „at completion“ ̶Monitor progress. ̶Compare level of achievement with plan. ̶Review plans and options against future situations. ̶Detect problems and identify risks. ̶Initiate corrective action. ̶Authorize further work. Agenda ̶Why (a lecture on) project management? ̶Project – definition ̶Project management ̶Process approach to a project ̶Initiation of a project ̶Planning of a project ̶Management and coordination of a project ̶Closure of a project Project Closure ̶Verify user acceptance of the project’s products and ensure that the host site is able to support the products when the project is disbanded. ̶Review the performance of the project against its baselines. ̶Assess any benefits that have already been realized and update the benefits management approach to include any post-project benefit reviews. ̶Ensure that provision has been made to address all open issues and risks, with follow-on action recommendations. Thank you! … any questions?