Podniková informatika 2023

Topic 02 - SW Life Cycle I


  • Laudon and Laudon – chapter 13, 14

Position Paper 02

Check the assignment in the FbF course you have been invited to by your UČO@muni.cz e-mail.

Seminar Preparation

For the seminar, read the two-page case document below. During the seminar, you will try to identify use cases based on the instructions in the seminar section and given by the tutor.

Week3 Case reading
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For the seminar task, you must heavily use the book uploaded into the Topic 02 channel. The instructions are as follows:

1.         Write your understanding of the business problem/opportunity (p 83), and business objectives (p 84) for the proposed system in the case.

2.         Draw the system's context diagram, considering the internal and external entities to the system (p 92-93). Describe it and explain why do you label each entity as internal or external.

3.         Identify at least four use cases (indicating the relevant actor(s), p 149).

4.         Identify and describe at least four functional requirements relevant to two aforementioned use cases (discover how to identify functional requirements from use-cases) and four non-functional requirements (p 147-149).

note: do not restrict your answers to the text of the case study. For instance, there are some items referred to in the text, as business objectives of the MHC-PMS. Think of other potential business objectives that could be applied, here. Or what other use cases beyond the text could you imagine for the MHC-PMS?