Organizational Behavior conflict and negotiations Tomáš Ondráček 2023 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT 1. types of conflict ·ORBE ·2023 2 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT conflict conflict Conflict is a process that begins when one party believes that the other party has negatively affected, or will negatively affect, something that the first party cares about. ·ORBE ·2023 3 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT types of conflict by consequence types of conflict by consequence ·ORBE ·2023 4 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT types of conflict by consequence paradox of conflict and decision making (Amason, 1996: 128) ·ORBE ·2023 5 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT types of conflict by consequence types of conflict: focus affective conflict Conflict that is emotional and focused on personal grievances or disputes. cognitive conflict Conflict that is task-oriented and focused on critical differences of parties to choose the best solution to achieve common goals. (Amason, 1996: 129) ·ORBE ·2023 6 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT types of conflict by consequence types of conflict: consequences dysfunctional conflict Dysfunctional conflict refers to conflict that reduces the performance of the group. functional conflict Functional conflict refers to conflict that supports the group’s goals and enhances its performance. ·ORBE ·2023 7 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT types of conflict by consequence conflict A B C level of conflict(low) (high) unit performance (low) (high) situation level of conflict type of conflict internal characteristics units output units A low dysfunctional apathetic stagnant unresponsive to change lacking new ideas low B optimal functional viable self-critical innovative high C high dysfunctional disruptive chaotic uncooperative low Robbins and Judge (2017) ·ORBE ·2023 8 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT types of conflict by content types of conflict by content ·ORBE ·2023 9 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT types of conflict by content types of conflict: contents task conflict Task conflict refers to conflict that relates to content and objectives work. relationship conflict Relationship conflict refers to conflict that relates to interpersonal relationships. process conflict Process conflict refers to conflict that relates to the ways in which and procedures of work. ·ORBE ·2023 10 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT types of conflict by origin types of conflict by origin ·ORBE ·2023 11 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT types of conflict by origin conflict types: place of origin I/II dyadic conflict Dyadic conflict refers to a conflict that occurs between two people or parties. interpersonal conflict Interpersonal conflict refers to a conflict that occurs between different persons. intrapersonal conflict Intrapersonal conflict refers to a conflict that occurs within one person between their attitudes, values, etc. ·ORBE ·2023 12 / 38 1. TYPES OF CONFLICT types of conflict by origin conflict types: place of origin II/II intergroup conflict Interpersonal conflict refers to conflict that occurs between different groups or teams. intragroup conflict Intrapersonal conflict refers to conflict that occurs within group or team. ·ORBE ·2023 13 / 38 2. CONFLICT PROCESS 2. conflict process ·ORBE ·2023 14 / 38 2. CONFLICT PROCESS intention in conflict resolution intention in conflict resolution ·ORBE ·2023 15 / 38 2. CONFLICT PROCESS intention in conflict resolution dimensions of intentions in conflict (Thomas, 1992) ·ORBE ·2023 16 / 38 2. CONFLICT PROCESS intention in conflict resolution conflict resolution intention I/II collaborating Collaboration is a way of approaching conflict resolution where each party in a conflict seeks to fully satisfy the needs of all other parties. compromising Compromise is a way of approaching conflict resolution where each party in a conflict is willing to give up something. avoiding Avoidance is a way of approaching conflict resolution where the parties are willing to to withdraw or suppress the conflict. ·ORBE ·2023 17 / 38 2. CONFLICT PROCESS intention in conflict resolution conflict resolution intention II/II accomodating Accomodation is a way of approaching conflict resolution where one party is in a conflict is willing to give the interests of the other party a higher priority than its own their own interests. competing Competition is a way of approaching conflict resolution in which each side seeks to satisfy its own interests, regardless of the impact this has on other parties in the conflict. ·ORBE ·2023 18 / 38 2. CONFLICT PROCESS intention in conflict resolution BAR event intensity scale (Wolf, Yoffe, & Giordano, 2003) ·ORBE ·2023 19 / 38 2. CONFLICT PROCESS options for conflict resolution options for conflict resolution ·ORBE ·2023 20 / 38 2. CONFLICT PROCESS options for conflict resolution options for conflict resolution collaborating or problem solving compromising smoothing forcing withdraw or avoidance altering ·ORBE ·2023 21 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION 3. negotiation ·ORBE ·2023 22 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION negotiation negotiation Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods and services in an attempt to agree on the price of the exchange. ·ORBE ·2023 23 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION types of negotiation II/III distributive bargaining Distributive bargaining is bargaining in which the parties attempt to allocate a given amount of resources. It is a win-lose situation. integrative bargaining Intergrative bargaining is bargaining in which the parties attempt to to find an agreement or agreements that can create a win-win (win-win) solution. ·ORBE ·2023 24 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION types of negotiation II/III distributive integrative goal get the most satisfy everyone motivation win-lose win-win focus positional interest interest opposition congruent sharing low high duration short long ·ORBE ·2023 25 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION distributive and integrative negotiation III/III distributive negotiations aggressive strategies anchoring time pressure ... integrative action trust compromise? ·ORBE ·2023 26 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION negotiation process negotiation process ·ORBE ·2023 27 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION negotiation process negotiation process 1. preparation 2. determining the rules 3. clarifying and confirming positions 4. bargaining and problem solving 5. conclusion and implementation ·ORBE ·2023 28 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION negotiation process salary negotiation model Marks and Harold (2011) ·ORBE ·2023 29 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION negotiation process BATNA The Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) The Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement refers to the concept that, what should be the least possible acceptable outcome of a party in a negotiation. ·ORBE ·2023 30 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION negotiation and individual differences negotiation and individual differences ·ORBE ·2023 31 / 38 3. NEGOTIATION negotiation and individual differences What influences negotiation? personality emotions culture men and women ... ·ORBE ·2023 32 / 38 4. THIRD PARTY 4. third parties ·ORBE ·2023 33 / 38 4. THIRD PARTY third parties arbitrator An arbitrator is a third party in a negotiation who has the authority to impose the parties to an agreement. mediator A mediator is a neutral third party in a negotiation who facilitates reaching a negotiated solution by using reasoning, persuasion and offering alternatives. conciliator A conciliator is a neutral third party in a negotiation who provides informal communication link between the negotiator and the opponent. ·ORBE ·2023 34 / 38 4. THIRD PARTY negotiation in a social context reputation credibility competence integrity relationships renegotiation ·ORBE ·2023 35 / 38 SUMMARY SUMMARY ·ORBE ·2023 36 / 38 SUMMARY fundamentals of conflict good and bad conflicts type of conflict goals (intentions) in conflict conflict resolution third party ·ORBE ·2023 37 / 38 Zdroje I Amason, A. C. (1996). Distinguishing the effects of functional and dysfunctional conflict on strategic decision making: Resolving a paradox for top management teams. Academy of management journal, 39(1), 123–148. Marks, M., & Harold, C. (2011). Who asks and who receives in salary negotiation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32(3), 371–394. Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2017). Organizational Behavior. Pearson Education Limited. Thomas, K. W. (1992). Conflict and conflict management: Reflections and update. Journal of organizational behavior, 13(3), 265–274. Wolf, A. T., Yoffe, S. B., & Giordano, M. (2003). International waters: identifying basins at risk. Water policy, 5(1), 29–60.