Behavioral economics
Test questions
Here you can find a list of questions/problems for the final test. The list is now complete.
Decision under uncertainty
- What is certainty equivalent?
- Explain independence axiom.
- What is common consequence effect? What are the implications for EUT?
- What is common ratio effect? What are the implications for EUT?
- There is an evidence that people systematically deviate from EUT. Describe the pattern.
- Suppose that you elicit certainty equivalents (CE) for lotteries where you get higher amount with probability p and smaller amount with probability 1-p. How would you expect that relative risk premiums ((CE-EV)/EV) depends on p?
- Explain the concept of probability weighting (PW). Highlight differences between PW and expected utility theory (EUT).
- Describe main elements of rank-dependent utility theory?
- Suppose that you have
lotteries where you get higher amount with probability p and smaller amount with probability 1-p. How would you interpret the probability weighting function w(p) in this particular case?
- Describe the common (i.e. empirically observed) shape of the probability weighting function.
- Describe the observed heterogeneity in the shape of the probability weighting function?
- What is endowment effect? How does it relate to loss-aversion?
- Discuss how market experience affects endowment effect (your argumentation should be based on some academic paper).
- Explain the concept of reference point.
- Explain the concept of loss-aversion.
- Explain a difference between rank-dependent utility theory and prospect theory?
- Name and shortly describe some field evidence for loss-aversion (your answer should be based on some academic paper).
- What is considered to be a reference point? List and explain main possibilities.
- Prospect theory assumes particular shape of the value function. Plot it and explain.
Information and biases
- Describe rational benchmark for dealing with new information.
- Describe confirmatory bias and give examples of evidence that documents the bias.
- Discuss how the confirmatory bias depends on the desirability of new information (i.e. good vs. bad news)
- Explain and give example of evidence for hot hand fallacy and gambler's fallacy.
- Explain overconfidence and list manifestations of overconfidence.
- Give examples of some field evidence (i.e. coming from real world not laboratory) for overconfidence bias.
- Explain projection bias by using O'Donoghue and Rabin model.
- Give example of evidence for porjection bias.
Fairness and social preferences
- Give several examples of evidence that people have social (other-regarding) preferences.
- Describe ultimatum game and typically observed behavior in this game.
- Describe gift-giving game and typically observed behavior in this game.
- Write down and interpret the inequality aversion utility function.
- Explain the main criticism of Fehr-Schmidt model (i.e. inequality aversion).
- Explain the main differences between theories based on distributional prefences and reciprocity.
- Give several examples of evidence for reciprocity theories of social preferences.
- Give example of evidence that monetary incentives can crowd out intrinsic motivation.
- Explain the role of observability in situations when monetary incentives can crowd out intrinsic motivation. Give example of some evidence that supports your explanation.
- Describe the basic setup of Benabou and Tirole model of intrinsic motivation and reputational concerns. What effects are in place when monetary incentives become stronger.
- Describe public goods game and typically observed behavior in this game.
- What types of players are usually identified in public goods game? What is the consequence for observed outcome in public goods game?
- What is the effect of punishment in public goods game? What is the anti-social punishment?
Time preferences
- Write down and explain exponential discounting utility function.
- List and explain main properties of exponential discounting model?
- Define time-consistency. How is it related to exponential discounting?
- Describe so called MEL (money earlie or later) experiements?
- Discuss the conditions under which MEL experiments measure time preferences (i.e. discounting).
- Besides MEL, what other approaches can be used to measure time preferences? Give examples.
- What is the common difference effect?
- Discuss the empirical relationship between time preferences and individual traits (e.g. age, gender, etc.)
- Write down and explain hyperbolic discounting utility function.
- Write down and explain quasi-hyperbolic discounting utility function.
- Plot and show differences between shapes of exponential, hyperbolic and quasi-hyperbolic utility functions.
- Explain the concept of present-biased preferences?
- Describe the model of multiple-selves? What types of decision makers can be distinguished in this model.
- Give example of several empirical phenomena that can be explained by time-incosistent preferences?