Self Assessment Consultancy project: By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Our Agenda •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment 01 10 min Actual market position 02 20 min Current product & service portfolio 03 20 min Organization setup 04 10 min Financial performance 05 20 min SWOT Actual Market Position Self Assessment By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Targets of Analysis •Self Assessment | Actual Market Position To compare the company’s sales with the potential in the selected market segments. The main target is to understand the sales distribution compared to the potential distribution among the various market segments. Market Share To compare the profitability of the company’s sales to the defined market segments. The following factors usually influence the profitability of sales to the various segments: §Product mix §Volume and average net sales price §Cost of the goods sold §Marketing cost §Transportation cost §Sales & Admin Cost • Profitability To compare the company’s sales growth (or declination) development with the potential growth (or decline) development. The main target is to understand the company’s position in the segments with the promising future. Growth Trends ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Market Position by Segments •Self Assessment | Actual Market Position ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Growth Trends Analysis •Self Assessment | Actual Market Position VS Potential CAGR 0.48% Estimated growth rate for the next 3 years is 2% Sales CAGR 9.89% Market share is 36% with profit of 16% of the Net Sales ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Market Position by Segments •Self Assessment | Actual Market Position ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Profitability by Segment •Self Assessment | Actual Market Position Product & Service Portfolio Self Assessment By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Targets of Analysis •Self Assessment | Actual Market Position To compare the current company’s product range with the customers’ typical product basket within the selected market segment. The main target is understanding how the company’s product portfolio matches the customers’ needs and recognize possible gaps or opportunities. Range To compare the most important technical parameters of the selected products with the customers’ requirements and competitors’ products. The targets of analysis is following: §understanding what features of products are important for the customers and how the company’s products match them §comparison of company’s products features with the relevant competitors’ products Quality & Performance To compare the company’s value proposition for the customers in the selected with their needs To compare the company’s value proposition with the major competitors within the selected market segment . Price & Value ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Product Range Analysis •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Product Range Analysis •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment Company Customer ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Product Range Analysis •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment Performance High Low High Company Competitor #1 Competitor #3 Competitor #2 Competitor #4 High Customer Expectation ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Product Range Analysis •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Product Range Analysis •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Product Range Analysis •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Product Range Analysis •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Product Range Analysis •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Product Range Analysis •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment Organization Setup Self Assessment By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Targets of Analysis •Self Assessment | Organization Setup To map actual allocation of the employees to different departments and geographical regions. The main target is understanding if the current organization structure provides proper efficiency and flexibility and does allow the company to deliver desired results. Current Allocation of Workforce To map an actual allocation of the market potential to the defined segments and geographical regions The main target is to understand how the future organization structure should look like: §the size of the market potential within defined market segments and regions §number of the potential customers in the most attractive segments §prevailing way of sales, technical customer & delivery service in the most attractive segments §production & supply chain setup Potential Allocation of the Workforce Trends of Future Influence To map and understand all major trends with the possible influence on future workforce structure in the industry such as: §automation §digitalization §demographical development §future technological and safety standards §environmental standards §ESG legislation §employment legislation §regional set up and infrastructure § ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Organization Mirror •Self Assessment | Organization Setup Market Segment Criteria Unit Importance Comparison & Rating Company Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Weight # Low Mid High # Low Mid High # Low Mid High # Low Mid High 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 Number of Sales Point FTE 30% 250 3,0% 540 30,0% 480 15,0% 760 30,0% Number of Sales Reps FTE 10% 25 1,0% 50 10,0% 46 5,0% 65 10,0% Number of Technical Advisors FTE 5% 10 5,0% 5 2,5% 2 0,5% 12 5,0% Number of Customer Service Reps FTE 10% 10 1,0% 20 10,0% 15 5,0% 25 10,0% Number of Factories lines 5% 3 0,5% 5 5,0% 3 0,5% 5 5,0% Number of Warehouses locations 5% 3 0,5% 5 2,5% 3 0,5% 8 5,0% Number of Merchandisers FTE 5% 0 0,5% 5 0,5% 5 0,5% 10 5,0% Average Delivery Terms days 30% 3 3,0% 3 3,0% 2 15,0% 1 30,0% Subtotal 9,5% 0 5,0% 4% 5% 55% 2% 40% 0% 0% 0% 100% Market Segment Total 100% 14,5% 63,5% 42,0% 100,0% Company's level of organisational complexity on the market segment 14,5% Standard level of organisational complexity on the market segment 68,5% Company's sales to the market segment mEUR 10 Total potential on the market segment mEUR 350 ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Organization Mirror •Self Assessment | Organization Setup Organization Complexity Level 0% 100% Company Market Segment #1 Market Segment #3 Company Segment #1 Company Segment #2 High Company Segment #3 Market Segment #3 Organization Gap Organization Advantage | Oversize Organization Fit ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Organization Development •Self Assessment | Organization Setup ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Organization Development •Self Assessment | Organization Setup ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Organization Development •Self Assessment | Organization Setup ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Organization Development •Self Assessment | Organization Setup ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Organization Development •Self Assessment | Organization Setup Financial performance Self Assessment By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Targets of Analysis •Self Assessment | Financial performance A balance sheet is a financial statement which shows relationship between assets, liabilities and shareholer´s equity. A balance sheets shows what company owns and how these asets are financed. It shows the general financial status of a company. Balance sheet Profit & Loss statement is the financial statement, which calculates the revenues, cost and all other expenses. It shows the ability of the company to generate profit. Main target of the companies is to increase their profits by revenue increase, cost cutting or both. • Profit & Loss Cash flow is the amount of cash that comes in and goes out of a company. The companies take in money from sales as revenues and spend money on expenses. Cash flow ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Balance Sheet •Self Assessment | Financial performance ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Profit & Loss •Self Assessment | Financial performance ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Cash Flow •Self Assessment | Financial performance SWOT analysis Self Assessment By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Targets of Analysis •Self Assessment | SWOT analysis First half of the analysis is focused on internal environment. The main purpose is to understand the competencies of your company. The result of this part are the definitions of our positives, Strenghts, and negatives, Weaknesses Internal environment Second half of this analysis is the opposite, focused on external environment. The main purpose is to identify the potential for business growth. The result of this part are the definitions of our Opportunutities on the market and the Threats which can we meet there. External environment Description of all this factors is not enough. SWOT analysis helps us to define particulat actions. Based on the strenghts with understanding the weaknesses to use possible opportunities to grow the company business. All these with awareness of threats. So what? ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak SWOT Analysis Model •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment Internal Analysis „can be influenced“ External Analysis can´t be influenced O T W S Opportunities Potential external opportunities to grow the business and strnghten the market position. These opportunities can bring bigger demand, customer satisfaction etc. So what? What new business will this bring us? Weaknesses All aspects which reduce the company value, skills, resources etc. The company goal is to reduce the weaknesses or to be aware of it. So what? How to prevent from doing this? Threats Possible risks which can negatively impact the company´s goals. The target is to identify these and eliminate if possible. So what? Which part of the business can be affected? How to avoid it? Strengths All aspects of our company, which have a positive impact to our business and helps to strenghten our market position. Where are we better than competition? So what? How can we use it? ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak SWOT Analysis Example •Consultancy Project | Self Assessment STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES We are leaders in our business We have products/services ready Proven quality and know-how We provide solutions Stable team – low fluctuation rate Long term partner 1. Complex order handling procedures Slow reaction to the customers Organizational structure Internal competition between divisions Lower warehouse capacity Longer delivery times OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Legistation support to the sustainable solutions Innovations supported Increasing demand for additional services Quality services valued by the customers Growth strategy of our main partners Sales synergies focused on growth Non stable Exchange rate Negative impact to imported products Upcoming economical crisis Negative market trends – buying decisions delayed Lack of labor force Missing employees within the industry Thank You For Your Watching Jakub & Andrej