Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV Financial Reports Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of Business Management Preview of Financial Reports Sales Orders Purchase Orders Transfer Orders Production Orders Service Orders Assembly Orders Prodects General Ledger Entries Row definition Column Definition View what to see DimensionS Financial reporting •Benefits –User defined templates used to get reports –Programming services necessary to create required specific reports are not used – lower costs and faster access to important data –You can use Financial Reports to analyse figures in G/L accounts or to compare G/L entries with G/L budget entries –By employing user-defined rows and columns, you can decide exactly which figures you wish to compare and how !! –This means that you can create as many customized financial statements as you want without using the Report Designer. – Our model - example Rows of Financial report setup Column setup Financial report Assembled Financial report Financial Reports Edit Financial Report in new BC version Data from Charr of accounts Rows of Financial report Row Definitions – alreday created report Accounts 6110..6190 are General Ledger accounts (see Chart of account- previous slide) Column Definitions Financial Report overview – Edit FR FR=Financial Report – to see data from predefined General Ledger accounts Creation of a new simple VAT report -1st step See next slide Creation of a new simple VAT report -1st step Manually enter the code and report description Row definitions VAT report - Raw Definitions Manually enter the Name and Description Start raw definitions here EDIT RAW Definitions VAT report- raw definition (editining phase) Manually enter all four account for VAT (Purchase and Sales) VAT report- raw definition (editining phase) Manually enter all four account for VAT (Purchase and Sales) Overwrite the Variables in the column Row No. and write the formula manually . Rewrite original 5610 and 5611 by newly chosen codes S25 and S10 manually !!! VAT report- raw definition (editining phase) Manually enter all four account for VAT (Purchase and Sales) Overwrite the Variables in the column Row No. and write the formula and Description field manually !!! Creation of Ananysis view of VAT report Creation of Ananysis view of VAT report 1st step For the range of accounts, see Chart of Accounts Creation of Ananysis view of VAT report 2nd step after Update action Confirm Back to Financial reports list Complete the Row definitions (by selecting) from the already created definition and select the predefined Default version as the Column view How to see final result of the report I. How to see final result of the report II. Dimensions •Dimensions are values that categorize entries so you can track and analyze them on documents, such as sales orders. Dimensions can, for example, indicate the project or department an entry came from. •So, instead of setting up separate general ledger accounts for each department and project, you can use dimensions as a basis for analysis and avoid having to create a complicated chart of accounts. Learn more at Business Intelligence. • Dimension- examples Update Analysis view –before update Enable editing Financial Report for VAT Analysis overview (use of Dimensions - filter ) OLAP=On-Line Analytic Processing VAT report with Area dimension Balance sheet report already created (home study) BS Printout 1st part 2nd part Brand new report creation Brand new report creation Before UPDATE Brand new report creation After UPDATE Brand new report creation Brand new report creation Brand new report creation Brand new report creation •Transfer to report rows Brand new report creation Brand new report creation 2nd set of G/L accounts to be moved to report Brand new report creation Brand new report creation Brand new report creation Brand new report creation Brand new report creation Brand new report creation Brand new report creation End of the section