@article{ WOS:000805610200001, Author = {Zhang, Wei and Sun, Linhui and Wang, Xinping and Wu, Anbo}, Title = {The influence of AI word-of-mouth system on consumers' purchase behaviour: The mediating effect of risk perception}, Journal = {SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE}, Year = {2022}, Volume = {39}, Number = {3, SI}, Pages = {516-530}, Month = {MAY}, Abstract = {Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is playing an increasingly important role in achieving precision marketing. AI word-of-mouth system marketing focuses most on the entry point of consumers-the key information that leads consumers to buy. Based on consumer behaviour theory and information communication theory, this study constructs a research model of the influence of positive and negative online word of mouth on consumer purchase behaviour from the AI word-of-mouth system's four dimensions: professional degree, information quality, information quantity and information intensity. The results show that in the analysis of perceived risk, whether for positive or negative online word of mouth, consumers pay more attention to the number of information features than information quality and information intensity. In the purchase behaviour analysis, consumers are most concerned about information quality and information intensity. Perceived risk plays a mediating role in the influence of AI word of mouth on purchasing behaviour.}, Publisher = {WILEY}, Address = {111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Zhang, W; Wang, XP (Corresponding Author), Xian Univ Sci \& Technol, Sch Management, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. Zhang, Wei; Sun, Linhui; Wang, Xinping; Wu, Anbo, Xian Univ Sci \& Technol, Sch Management, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.}, DOI = {10.1002/sres.2871}, EarlyAccessDate = {JUN 2022}, ISSN = {1092-7026}, EISSN = {1099-1743}, Keywords = {AI word-of-mouth system; artificial intelligence (AI) technology; perceived risk; purchase intention}, Keywords-Plus = {REVIEWS; PRODUCT; INFORMATION; SALES; IMPACT; CONVERSATIONS; TECHNOLOGY; SEARCH}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics; Social Sciences - Other Topics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Management; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, Author-Email = {zhangwei-shx@163.com wangxp@xust.edu.cn}, Affiliations = {Xi'an University of Science \& Technology}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {LU, Li/JFJ-9011-2023 JIN, LIYING/JFB-1980-2023 wang, chen/JED-7289-2023 Jiang, Yuan/JED-3759-2023 zhang, xu/JEO-4879-2023 wu, yi/JEP-1581-2023 LI, XIAO/IQV-9318-2023}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Key Project of Philosophy and Social Prosperity of Xi'an University of Science and Technology {[}2019SZ01]}, Funding-Text = {Key Project of Philosophy and Social Prosperity of Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Grant/Award Number: 2019SZ01}, Cited-References = {{[}Anonymous], 2014, NANKAI BUSINESS REV, DOI DOI 10.3969/J.ISSN.1008-3448.2014.04.015. 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The questions focus on trust, credibility, expertise, and contribution to purchase intention by the virtual influencers. The results indicate that customers are increasingly attracted to virtual influencers and that virtual influences are perceived as more trustworthy, credible, and relevant to customers' preferences, leading to an increase in purchase intention. The study also discusses the implications of these findings for managers designing marketing campaigns.}, Publisher = {MDPI}, Address = {ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Gerlich, M (Corresponding Author), SBS Swiss Business Sch, Dept Management, Flughafenstr 3, CH-8302 Zurich, Switzerland. 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The digital technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data analytics, Machine Learning (ML), Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality etc. are helping the brands in this sector to predict the taste, preferences, priorities, and overall buying behaviour of their target audience. These valuable insights are subsequently utilised for influencing these prospects through hyper-targeted content and advertising. The overarching objective of this research study is to understand the effectiveness of microtargeting for creating desired customer experience and subsequently its impact on the brand preference and purchase intention. Novelty of this study is reflected in its focus, which is on understanding the role micro-targeting can play in marketing and branding of offerings in experiential tourism category. It was observed that micro-targeting helps companies/ brands to create personalised customer experience across different touch-points during the buying process of the high involvement offerings like experiential travel and tourism services.}, Publisher = {TAYLOR \& FRANCIS LTD}, Address = {2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Chaudhary, P (Corresponding Author), Dr Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace Univ, Sch Management PG, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Chaudhary, Prashant, Dr Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace Univ, Sch Management PG, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Kiran, Prabha, Westminster Int Univ, Sch Business \& Econ, Management \& Mkt Dept, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Kate, Nilesh, Pune Inst Business Management PIBM, Dept Mkt, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Pandey, Shailesh, Jaipuria Inst Management, Dept Mkt, Indore, India.}, DOI = {10.1080/02522667.2022.2139929}, ISSN = {0252-2667}, EISSN = {2169-0103}, Keywords = {Micro-targeting; Purchase intention; Travel industry; Consumer behaviour; Hyper-targeted advertising}, Keywords-Plus = {TRUST; SATISFACTION; PERCEPTIONS; CONSUMERS; COMMERCE; PRICE; MODEL}, Research-Areas = {Information Science \& Library Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Information Science \& Library Science}, Author-Email = {prashant.vchaudhary@gmail.com prabhakiran10@gmail.com nileshkate503@gmail.com shail084@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University; Westminster International University Tashkent}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Chaudhary, Prashant/GZG-2528-2022 Kiran, Prabha/J-6715-2014 }, ORCID-Numbers = {Chaudhary, Prashant/0000-0003-1752-5623 Kiran, Prabha/0000-0002-9256-8407 Kate, Nilesh/0000-0001-8556-083X}, Cited-References = {Aaker DA, 1996, CALIF MANAGE REV, V38, P102, DOI 10.2307/41165845. 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R.}, Title = {AI, Behavioural Science, and Consumer Welfare}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF CONSUMER POLICY}, Year = {2023}, Month = {2023 JUL 24}, Abstract = {This article discusses the opportunities and costs of AI in behavioural science, with particular reference to consumer welfare. We argue that because of pattern detection capabilities, modern AI will be able to identify (1) new biases in consumer behaviour and (2) known biases in novel situations in which consumers find themselves. AI will also allow behavioural interventions to be personalised and contextualised and thus produce significant benefits for consumers. Finally, AI can help behavioural scientists to ``see the system,{''} by enabling the creation of more complex and dynamic models of consumer behaviour. While these opportunities will significantly advance behavioural science and offer great promise to improve consumer outcomes, we highlight several costs of using AI. We focus on some important environmental, social, and economic costs that are relevant to behavioural science and its application. For consumers, some of those costs involve privacy; others involve manipulation of choices.}, Publisher = {SPRINGER}, Address = {ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES}, Type = {Article; Early Access}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Mills, S (Corresponding Author), Univ Leeds, Leeds, England. Mills, S., Univ Leeds, Leeds, England. Costa, S., Univ Ghent, Dept Expt Psychol, Ghent, Belgium. Sunstein, C. R., Harvard Univ, Cambridge, MA USA.}, DOI = {10.1007/s10603-023-09547-6}, EarlyAccessDate = {JUL 2023}, ISSN = {0168-7034}, EISSN = {1573-0700}, Keywords = {Artificial intelligence; Behavioural science; Consumer welfare; Personalisation; Algorithmic harm}, Keywords-Plus = {CHALLENGES; NUDGES}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business}, Author-Email = {s.mills1@leeds.ac.uk}, Affiliations = {University of Leeds; Ghent University; Harvard University}, ORCID-Numbers = {Costa, Samuel/0000-0001-8343-8240 Mills, Stuart/0000-0002-6698-0983}, Cited-References = {Abson DJ, 2017, AMBIO, V46, P30, DOI 10.1007/s13280-016-0800-y. Agrawal K, 2022, Arxiv, DOI arXiv:2208.13940. Aher G, 2022, Arxiv, DOI arXiv:2208.10264. Ahuja A., 2023, FINANC TIMES. Akgun Selin, 2022, AI Ethics, V2, P431, DOI 10.1007/s43681-021-00096-7. {[}Anonymous], 2015, INSIDE NUDGE UNIT. Aoki N, 2021, COMPUT HUM BEHAV, V114, DOI 10.1016/j.chb.2020.106572. 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The paper addresses the expected role of artificial intelligence solutions in marketing decision-making throughout the five steps of the marketing process. The study provides a systematic review of the research articles addressing the application of AI for marketing decision-making published in the period from 2020 to 2022. Identified applications are then mapped to five steps of the marketing process: analysis, strategy, tactics, customer relations, and value proposition creation. The findings indicate that most of the current AI applications are utilized in the first stage of the marketing process related to understanding and predicting customer behaviour and in the tactical stage of creating a marketing mix. The paper concludes with recommendations for marketing practitioners and recommendations for further research.}, Publisher = {UIKTEN - ASSOC INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION \& SCIENCE}, Address = {HILMA ROZAJCA 15, NOVI PAZAR, 36300, SERBIA}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Ljepava, N (Corresponding Author), Amer Univ Emirates, Dubai, U Arab Emirates. Ljepava, Nikolina, Amer Univ Emirates, Dubai, U Arab Emirates.}, DOI = {10.18421/TEM113-40}, ISSN = {2217-8309}, EISSN = {2217-8333}, Keywords = {AI marketing; machine learning; decision-making; marketing process}, Keywords-Plus = {ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE}, Research-Areas = {Computer Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Computer Science, Information Systems}, Author-Email = {nikolina.ljepava@aue.ae}, Cited-References = {Al-Ghamdi LM, 2021, SUSTAINABLE ENG INNO, V3, P15, DOI {[}10.37868/sei.v3i1.121, DOI 10.37868/SEI.V3I1.121]. {[}Anonymous], 2016, PRINCIPLE MARKETING. 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Design: The five most recent annual reports (ranging from 2014 to 2018 or 2015 to 2019, depending on the company) and websites from twelve of the leading companies in the global food and beverage industry were reviewed to identify uses of AI and emerging technologies to influence consumer behaviour. Uses of AI and emerging technologies were categorised according to the Typology of Interventions in Proximal Physical Micro-Environments (TIPPME) framework, a tool for categorising and describing nudge-type behaviour change interventions (which has also previously been used to describe dark nudge-type approaches used by the alcohol industry). Setting: Not applicable. Participants: Twelve leading companies in the global food and beverage industry. Results: Text was extracted from fifty-seven documents from eleven companies. AI-enabled dark nudges used by food and beverage companies included those that altered products and objects' availability (e.g. social listening to inform product development), position (e.g. decision technology and facial recognition to manipulate the position of products on menu boards), functionality (e.g. decision technology to prompt further purchases based on current selections) and presentation (e.g. augmented or virtual reality to deliver engaging and immersive marketing). Conclusions: Public health practitioners and policymakers must understand and engage with these technologies and tactics if they are to counter industry promotion of products harmful to health, particularly as investment by the industry in AI and other emerging technologies suggests their use will continue to grow.}, Publisher = {CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS}, Address = {EDINBURGH BLDG, SHAFTESBURY RD, CB2 8RU CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Backholer, K (Corresponding Author), Deakin Univ, Global Obes Ctr, Sch Hlth \& Social Dev, Inst Hlth Transformat, Geelong, Vic, Australia. Brooks, Ruby; Allender, Steven; Backholer, Kathryn, Deakin Univ, Global Obes Ctr, Sch Hlth \& Social Dev, Inst Hlth Transformat, Geelong, Vic, Australia. Duy Nguyen; Bhatti, Asim; Johnstone, Michael; Lim, Chee Peng, Deakin Univ, Inst Intelligent Syst Res \& Innovat, Geelong, Vic, Australia.}, DOI = {10.1017/S1368980022000490}, EarlyAccessDate = {MAR 2022}, Article-Number = {PII S1368980022000490}, ISSN = {1368-9800}, EISSN = {1475-2727}, Keywords = {Artificial intelligence; Marketing; Nudge; Food; Diet}, Research-Areas = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Nutrition \& Dietetics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Nutrition \& Dietetics}, Author-Email = {kathryn.backholer@deakin.edu.au}, Affiliations = {Deakin University; Deakin University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Lim, Chee Peng/AAS-4698-2021 Johnstone, Michael/B-3243-2010 Allender, Steven/G-9881-2011 Lim, CP/D-1999-2009 }, ORCID-Numbers = {Lim, CP/0000-0003-4191-9083 Johnstone, Michael/0000-0002-3005-8911 Brooks, Ruby/0000-0002-2647-6934}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellowship {[}102047]}, Funding-Text = {KB and RB were funded through a National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellowship {[}102047]. The National Heart Foundation had no role in the design, analysis or writing of this article. Conflict of interest: There are no conflicts of interest. Authorship: K.B. and R.B. conceptualised the study. R.B., K.B. and D.N. contributed to data analysis. All authors provided input into the final version of the manuscript. Ethics of human subject participation: Not applicable.}, Cited-References = {Allen JR., 2020, BROOKINGS GLOSSARY E. Backholer K., 2020, UNSCN NUTR, V45, P103. Cadario R, 2020, MARKET SCI, V39, P465, DOI 10.1287/mksc.2018.1128. Carolan M, 2018, GEOFORUM, V90, P142, DOI 10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.02.006. Chester J., 2021, BIG FOOD BIG TECH GL. Curran T., 2018, P NE BUSINESS EC ASS, P74. Danone, 2018, SOC LIST CHANG WHATS. Ensaff H, 2021, P NUTR SOC, V80, P195, DOI 10.1017/S0029665120007983. Euromonitor International, 2020, PASSP GLOB MARK INF. Frankish K., 2014, CAMBRIDGE HDB ARTIFI, DOI {[}DOI 10.1017/CBO9781139046855, 10.1017/CBO9781139046855]. 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It is of great significance to study the different functional experiences of AI for consumers to improve the current application status of AI technology. (2) Method: Based on the ``SOR{''} model, this study divides the AI technology experienced by the consumers of online shopping platforms into three dimensions: accuracy, insight, and interaction experience. The perceived value is taken as the mediating variable from the prospect of perceived utility value and perceived hedonic value. This article uses empirical research methods to analyze the effect of the three dimensions of online shopping AI experience to research the internal influence mechanism of consumers' purchase intention. (3) Results: 1. The accuracy, insight, and interaction experience of AI marketing technology each have a significant positive impact on consumers' perceived utility value and hedonic value; 2. Both the perceived utility value and perceived hedonic value obtained by an AI technology experience can promote the formation of consumers' purchase intention; 3. The perceived hedonic value was better than perceived utility value at promoting the consumers' purchase intention.}, Publisher = {MDPI}, Address = {ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Qiu, XD (Corresponding Author), Beijing Jiaotong Univ, Sch Econ \& Management, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China. Yin, Jiwang; Qiu, Xiaodong, Beijing Jiaotong Univ, Sch Econ \& Management, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China.}, DOI = {10.3390/su13105671}, Article-Number = {5671}, EISSN = {2071-1050}, Keywords = {artificial intelligence marketing; online shopping; perceived utility value; perceived hedonic value; purchase intention; SOR}, Keywords-Plus = {ACCEPTANCE; CONSUMERS; LOYALTY}, Research-Areas = {Science \& Technology - Other Topics; Environmental Sciences \& Ecology}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies}, Author-Email = {19113075@bjtu.edu.cn xdqiu@bjtu.edu.cm}, Affiliations = {Beijing Jiaotong University}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {National Social Science Fund of China {[}15AGL002]}, Funding-Text = {This research was funded by a grant from the National Social Science Fund of China (15AGL002).}, Cited-References = {Aakash S., 2019, IRE J, V2, P37. 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Exploiting a dynamic optimisation algorithm-based (DOA-based) AI system as the exploratory model and unique customer-purchase-level big data based on Hadoop, we can maximise start-ups' revenue while minimising the dynamic governing cost of a social network to select the right time to evolve the entrepreneurial social network in the context of uncertainty in customer behaviour and the response of the social network. We find that the dynamic optimisation algorithm can effectively improve the dynamic governance of social networks through empirical testing of a real start-up's social network evolution problem. Moreover, the improvement is affected by the exploration efficiency, evolution efficiency, unit resource reliance cost, revenue and profit. These findings are great importance for exploring the roles played by artificial intelligence in entrepreneurial social networks, including measurement, dynamic research and governance.}, Publisher = {INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTD}, Address = {WORLD TRADE CENTER BLDG, 29 ROUTE DE PRE-BOIS, CASE POSTALE 856, CH-1215 GENEVA, SWITZERLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Chen, FW (Corresponding Author), Chongqing Univ, Sch Econ \& Business Adm, 174 Shazheng St, Chongqing, Peoples R China. Chen, Fengzhang, Chongqing Univ, Coll Comp Sci, 174 Shazheng St, Chongqing, Peoples R China. Chen, Fengwen; Zhang, Lu; Zhang, Jing, Chongqing Univ, Sch Econ \& Business Adm, 174 Shazheng St, Chongqing, Peoples R China. Liao, Fangnan, Southwest Univ, Coll Econ \& Management, 2 Tiansheng Rd, Chongqing, Peoples R China.}, ISSN = {0267-5730}, EISSN = {1741-5276}, Keywords = {dynamic optimisation; social network; network dynamism; dynamic network governance; AI system}, Keywords-Plus = {ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE; TIES}, Research-Areas = {Engineering; Business \& Economics; Operations Research \& Management Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Engineering, Multidisciplinary; Management; Operations Research \& Management Science}, Author-Email = {chenfengzhang2019@163.com chenfengwen@cqu.edu.cn liaofangnan234@163.com zhanglu20100160@yeah.net 20160202019@cqu.edu.cn}, Affiliations = {Chongqing University; Chongqing University; Southwest University - China}, ORCID-Numbers = {Zhang, Jing/0000-0002-6431-9286}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) {[}71772019]; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities {[}2020CDJSK02XK16]}, Funding-Text = {We are grateful for the financial support provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 71772019) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Project No. 2020CDJSK02XK16).}, Cited-References = {{[}Anonymous], 1993, ENTREPRENEURSHIP THE. 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Design/methodology/approach For this research, mobile eye-tracking technology was employed in order to develop unique shopping journeys for 30 consumers, using fashion retailers' websites on smartphones, documenting their differences and similarities in browsing and purchasing behaviour. Findings Based on scan path visualisations and observed shopping experiences, three prominent mobile shopping journeys and shopper types were identified: ``directed by retailer's website{''}, ``efficient self-selected journey{''} and ``challenging shopper{''}. These prominent behaviour patterns were used to characterise mixed cluster behaviours; three distinct mixed clusters were identified, namely, ``extended self-selected journey{''}, ``challenging shoppers directed by retailer's website{''} and ``focused challenging shopper{''}. Research limitations/implications This research argues that mobile consumers can be segmented based on their activities and behaviours on the mobile website. Knowing the prominent shopping behaviour types any other complex behaviour patterns can be identified, analysed and described. Practical implications The findings of this research can be used in developing personalised shopping experiences on smartphones by feeding these shopper types into retailers' digital marketing strategy and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Originality/value This paper contributes to consumer behaviour literature by proposing a novel mobile consumer segmentation approach based on detailed shopping journey analysis using mobile eye-tracking technology.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Tupikovskaja-Omovie, Z (Corresponding Author), Manchester Metropolitan Univ, Sch Fash, Manchester, Lancs, England. 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It explores the antecedents and consequences of consumers' interactant satisfaction with communication and identifies ways to enhance consumer purchase intention via AI chatbot promotion. Design/methodology/approach Microsoft Xiaoice served as the focal AI chatbot, and 331 valid samples were obtained. A two-stage structural equation modeling-artificial neural network approach was adopted to verify the proposed theoretical model. Findings Regarding the IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional quotient) of AI chatbots, the multi-dimensional social support model helps explain consumers' interactant satisfaction with communication, which facilitates affective attachment and purchase intention. The results also show that chatbots should emphasize emotional and esteem social support more than informational support. Practical implications Brands should focus more on AI chatbots' emotional and empathetic responses than functional aspects when designing dialogue content for human-AI interactions. Well-designed AI chatbots can help marketers develop effective brand promotion strategies. Originality/value This research enriches the human-AI interaction literature by adopting a multi-dimensional social support theoretical lens that can enhance the interactant satisfaction with communication, affective attachment and purchase intention of AI chatbot users.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Pan, LY (Corresponding Author), Natl Taiwan Univ, Profess Masters Program Business Adm, Taipei, Taiwan. Lee, Crystal T., Shantou Univ, Business Sch, Shantou, Peoples R China. Pan, Ling-Yen, Natl Taiwan Univ, Profess Masters Program Business Adm, Taipei, Taiwan. Hsieh, Sara H., Tunghai Univ, Dept Business Adm, Taichung, Taiwan.}, DOI = {10.1108/INTR-01-2021-0030}, EarlyAccessDate = {DEC 2021}, ISSN = {1066-2243}, Keywords = {AI chatbot; Human-AI interaction; Social support; Interactant satisfaction with communication; Affective attachment; Purchase intention}, Keywords-Plus = {MOBILE PAYMENT ACCEPTANCE; SOCIAL SUPPORT; ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS; RELATIONSHIP QUALITY; EMOTIONAL SUPPORT; SATISFACTION; IMPACT; TRUST; DETERMINANTS; EXPERIENCE}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics; Computer Science; Telecommunications}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business; Computer Science, Information Systems; Telecommunications}, Author-Email = {claudiapan@ntu.edu.tw}, Affiliations = {Shantou University; National Taiwan University; Tunghai University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Pan, Ling-Yen/GLT-4218-2022 }, ORCID-Numbers = {Pan, Ling-Yen/0000-0002-1218-1254 Lee, Crystal T./0000-0002-2451-1353}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Shantou University STU Scientific Research Initiation Grant {[}STF20010]; Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation {[}2021A1515012259]}, Funding-Text = {This work was supported by the Shantou University STU Scientific Research Initiation Grant {[}STF20010] and by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation Grant {[}2021A1515012259]. 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The purpose of the study was to examine consumers' attitudes and purchase intention toward an AI device. By adapting the technology acceptance model, a conceptual model was constructed and tested related to consumers' attitudes and purchase intention toward an AI device-Echo Look. A total of 313 subjects (61\% female) between 18 and 65 years old in the top 10 metropolitan areas in the United States participated in the study. The results indicated that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and performance risk were significant in consumers' attitude toward AI. Positive attitudes toward technology positively influenced the purchase intention. 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The GA wrapper was found to perform exceptionally well, reaching classification accuracies above 90\%. With regard to the Gender, the Household Size, and Household Monthly Income classes, it manages to indicate the best subsets of specific genes that affect decision making. These classes were found to be associated with a specific set of variables, providing a clear roadmap for marketing decision-making.}, Publisher = {MDPI}, Address = {ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Gkikas, DC (Corresponding Author), Univ Patras, Sch Business \& Econ, Dept Business Adm Food \& Agr Enterprises, 2 George Seferi Str, Agrinion 30100, Greece. 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A two-factor experimental design was used to collect data from Generation Z consumers. Four experimental combination scenarios were designed based on consumer attribute benefits (hedonic or utilitarian) and message direction (positive or negative messages). A total of 160 valid samples were obtained, and the influence of variable-final purchase intention was analyzed. The results showed that the combination of product attributes and message direction has a significant impact on purchase intention and that hedonic products should be recommended to process-benefit consumers through positive messages. However, chatbots should choose utilitarian products and negative messages to effectively improve consumers' purchase intention and willingness. In practical application, by finding out the best correspondence method of message transmission and providing the AI chatbot with a reference for the logical construction of content transmission, the communication efficiency between merchants and consumers can be enhanced, and the scientific and technological service capability of merchants can be improved.}, Publisher = {WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD}, Address = {5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPORE}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Chen, CC (Corresponding Author), Tunghai Univ, Dept Hospitality Management, 1727,Sec 4,Taiwan Blvd, Taichung, Taiwan. 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Design/methodology/approach The authors systematically collected literature from several databases covering 25 years (1994-2020). They classified literature based on AVC actors present in different stages of AVC. The literature was analysed using Nvivo 12 (qualitative software) for descriptive and content analysis. Findings Fifty percent of the reviewed studies were empirical, and 35\% were conceptual. The review showed that AI adoption in AVC could increase agriculture income, enhance competitiveness and reduce cost. Among the AVC stages, AI research related to agricultural processing and consumer sector was very low compared to input, production and quality testing. Most AVC actors widely used deep learning algorithm of artificial neural networks in various aspects such as water resource management, yield prediction, price/demand forecasting, energy efficiency, optimalization of fertilizer/pesticide usage, crop planning, personalized advisement and predicting consumer behaviour. Research limitations/implications The authors have considered only AI in the AVC, AI use in any other sector and not related to value chain actors were not included in the study. Originality/value Earlier studies focussed on AI use in specific areas and actors in the AVC such as inputs, farming, processing, distribution and so on. There were no studies focussed on the entire AVC and the use of AI. This review has filled that literature gap.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Review}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Ganeshkumar, C (Corresponding Author), Indian Inst Plantat Management, Decis Sci \& Operat Management, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Ganeshkumar, C., Indian Inst Plantat Management, Decis Sci \& Operat Management, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Jena, Sanjay Kumar, Indian Inst Management Ahmedabad, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India. Sivakumar, A., Vellore Inst Technol, VIT Business Sch, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. Nambirajan, T., Pondicherry Univ, Management Studies, Pondicherry, India.}, DOI = {10.1108/JADEE-07-2020-0140}, EarlyAccessDate = {DEC 2021}, ISSN = {2044-0839}, EISSN = {2044-0847}, Keywords = {Artificial intelligence; Agricultural value chain; Literature review; Nvivo}, Keywords-Plus = {PRECISION AGRICULTURE; NIR SPECTROSCOPY; ELECTRONIC NOSE; NEURAL-NETWORKS; IMAGE TEXTURE; BIG DATA; SYSTEM; CLASSIFICATION; PERFORMANCE}, Research-Areas = {Agriculture; Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Agricultural Economics \& Policy; Economics}, Author-Email = {gcganeshkumar@gmail.com sanjayj@iima.ac.in sivakumar.a@vit.ac.in rtnambirajan@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {Indian Institute of Management (IIM System); Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad; Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); VIT Vellore; Pondicherry University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Jena, Sanjay Kumar/ACD-9622-2022 Ganeshkumar, C/E-4917-2016}, ORCID-Numbers = {Jena, Sanjay Kumar/0000-0003-3911-8877 Ganeshkumar, C/0000-0002-0913-2849}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)-Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (IMPRESS) scheme, Government of India {[}P156]}, Funding-Text = {Authors would like to thank the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)-Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (IMPRESS) scheme, Government of India, for funding this project (P156).}, Cited-References = {Adarsh A.P.P.M., 2018, INT J TREND SCI RES, V2, P351. 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Upon cooking, consumers who decided to taste, detected no differences between WS and N chicken breasts for color, flavor and overall acceptability and the informed situation had a negligible impact. However, the WS samples had higher scores of acceptability for odor and texture parameters compared to the N counterparts. WS myopathy increases the emotions ``interested{''} and ``enthusiastic{''}, although no major differences in the emotional profile were observed. The degree of knowledge about WS myopathy was inversely proportional to the consumer's acceptability and purchase intention of commercial fresh chicken breasts. 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Accordingly, various technology acceptance theories have been used to explain acceptance of these products. This comparative study determines which models best explain consumer acceptance of AI-based intelligent products and which factors have the greatest impact in terms of purchase intention. We assessed the utility of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), and the Value-based Adoption Model (VAM) using data collected from a survey sample of 378 respondents, modeling user acceptance in terms of behavioral intention to use AI-based intelligent products. In addition, we employed decomposition analysis to compare each factor included in these models in terms of influence on purchase intention. We found that the VAM performed best in modeling user acceptance. Among the various factors, enjoyment was found to influence user purchase intention the most, followed by subjective norms. The findings of this study confirm that acceptance of highly innovative products with minimal practical value, such as AI-based intelligent products, is more influenced by interest in technology than in utilitarian aspects.}, Publisher = {ELSEVIER}, Address = {RADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Kwon, O (Corresponding Author), Kyung Hee Univ, Sch Management, Kyungheedae Ro 26, Seoul, South Korea. Sohn, Kwonsang; Kwon, Ohbyung, Kyung Hee Univ, Sch Management, Kyungheedae Ro 26, Seoul, South Korea.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.tele.2019.101324}, Article-Number = {101324}, ISSN = {0736-5853}, Keywords = {AI-based intelligent products; Technology adoption; Purchase intention; Technology acceptance theory; Decomposition analysis}, Keywords-Plus = {VALUE-BASED ADOPTION; PERCEIVED USEFULNESS; INFORMATION-TECHNOLOGY; USER ACCEPTANCE; INITIAL TRUST; MODEL; EASE; CONSUMERS; TAM; SIMULATION}, Research-Areas = {Information Science \& Library Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Information Science \& Library Science}, Author-Email = {miroo1215@khu.ac.kr obkwon@khu.ac.kr}, Affiliations = {Kyung Hee University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Sohn, Kwonsang/AAV-2594-2020}, ORCID-Numbers = {Sohn, Kwonsang/0000-0003-0692-0425}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea; National Research Foundation of Korea {[}NRF-2017S1A3A2066740]; National Research Foundation of Korea {[}2017S1A3A2066740] Funding Source: Korea Institute of Science \& Technology Information (KISTI), National Science \& Technology Information Service (NTIS)}, Funding-Text = {This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2017S1A3A2066740).}, Cited-References = {ADAMS DA, 1992, MIS QUART, V16, P227, DOI 10.2307/249577. 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The role of interaction quality, empathy and perceived psychological anthropomorphic characteristics in the acceptance of artificial intelligence in the service industry}, Journal = {COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR}, Year = {2021}, Volume = {122}, Month = {SEP}, Abstract = {Intelligent AI devices have become a common presence in the business landscape, offering a wide range of services, from the medical sector to the hospitality industry. From an organizational perspective, AI devices have several advantages, by performing certain tasks quicker and more accurately in comparison to humans while at the same time being more cost-efficient. However, in order to maintain the high standards of a brand, they have to be accepted by consumers and deliver socially adequate performance. Therefore, it is important to determine the characteristics of AI devices which make them accepted and trusted by consumers. Based on the Computers as Social Actors (CASA) Theory, we have researched on the role of psychological anthropomorphic characteristics, perceived empathy, and interaction quality in the acceptance of AI devices in the service industry. The results show that anthropomorphic characteristics alone do not influence acceptance and trust towards AI devices. However, both perceived empathy and interaction quality mediate the relation between anthropomorphic characteristics and acceptance. A human-like AI device has higher acceptance when it has the ability to show empathy and interaction in relation to the human consumer. This result reveals the importance of developing forms of strong intelligence and empathetic behaviour in service robots and AI devices.}, Publisher = {PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD}, Address = {THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Pelau, C (Corresponding Author), Bucharest Univ Econ Studies, Bucharest, Romania. Pelau, Corina, Bucharest Univ Econ Studies, Fac Business Adm Foreign Languages, Calea Grivitei 2-2A,Sect 1, Bucharest, Romania. Dabija, Dan-Cristian, Babes Bolyai Univ Cluj Napoca, Fac Econ \& Business Adm, Str Teodor Mihali 58-60, Cluj Napoca, Romania. Ene, Irina, Bucharest Univ Econ Studies, Doctoral Sch Business Adm, Piata Romana 6, Bucharest, Romania.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.chb.2021.106855}, EarlyAccessDate = {MAY 2021}, Article-Number = {106855}, ISSN = {0747-5632}, EISSN = {1873-7692}, Keywords = {Artificial intelligence; Consumer behaviour; AI device; Anthropomorphism; Human-AI interaction; Computers as social actors; Human-computer interaction; Robots}, Keywords-Plus = {CONVERSATIONAL AGENT; BRAND; SALESPERSON; IMPACT; ROBOTS; ANTECEDENTS; PERFORMANCE; TECHNOLOGY; EXPERIENCE; MODEL}, Research-Areas = {Psychology}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Psychology, Multidisciplinary; Psychology, Experimental}, Author-Email = {corina.pelau@fabiz.ase.ro dan.dabija@ubbcluj.ro ene1irina13@stud.ase.ro}, Affiliations = {Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Babes Bolyai University from Cluj; Bucharest University of Economic Studies}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Dabija, Dan-Cristian/I-8101-2012 Pelau, Corina/F-4663-2015}, ORCID-Numbers = {Dabija, Dan-Cristian/0000-0002-8265-175X Pelau, Corina/0000-0002-6139-028X}, Cited-References = {Aggarwal P, 2012, J CONSUM RES, V39, P307, DOI 10.1086/662614. 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A conceptual model is proposed after identifying three major AI factors namely, perceived anthropomorphism, perceived intelligence, and perceived animacy. To test the model, the study employed structural equation modeling using 440 sample. The results indicated that perceived anthropomorphism plays the most significant role in building a positive attitude and purchase intention through digital assistants. Though the study is built using technology-related variables, the hypotheses are proposed based on various psychology-related theories such as uncanny valley theory, the theory of mind, developmental psychology, and cognitive psychology theory. The study's theoretical contributions are discussed within the scope of these theories. Besides the theoretical contribution, the study also offers illuminating practical implications for developers and marketers' benefit.}, Publisher = {SPRINGER}, Address = {VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS}, Type = {Article; Early Access}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Dwivedi, YK (Corresponding Author), Swansea Univ, Sch Management, Emerging Markets Res Ctr EMaRC, Bay Campus,Fabian Way, Swansea SA1 8EN, W Glam, Wales. Balakrishnan, Janarthanan, Natl Inst Technol, Dept Management Studies, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. Dwivedi, Yogesh K., Swansea Univ, Sch Management, Emerging Markets Res Ctr EMaRC, Bay Campus,Fabian Way, Swansea SA1 8EN, W Glam, Wales.}, DOI = {10.1007/s10479-021-04049-5}, EarlyAccessDate = {APR 2021}, ISSN = {0254-5330}, EISSN = {1572-9338}, Keywords = {Anthropomorphism; Intelligence; Animacy; Artificial intelligence; Digital assistants; Purchase intention}, Keywords-Plus = {TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL; BIG DATA ANALYTICS; ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE; PURCHASE INTENTION; VOICE ASSISTANTS; USER ACCEPTANCE; PERCEIVED INTELLIGENCE; CONTINUANCE INTENTION; PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS; CONSUMERS ACCEPTANCE}, Research-Areas = {Operations Research \& Management Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Operations Research \& Management Science}, Author-Email = {reachjanarthanan@gmail.com ykdwivedi@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {National Institute of Technology (NIT System); National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli; Swansea University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Dwivedi, Yogesh Kumar/A-5362-2008 Balakrishnan, Janarthanan/H-9687-2012}, ORCID-Numbers = {Dwivedi, Yogesh Kumar/0000-0002-5547-9990 Balakrishnan, Janarthanan/0000-0003-2456-2617}, Cited-References = {Aggarwal P, 2012, J CONSUM RES, V39, P307, DOI 10.1086/662614. 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However, few studies have focused on studying the differences in the effects of types of customer service on customer purchase intentions. Based on service encounter theory and superposition theory, we designed two shopping experiments to capture customers' thoughts and feelings, in order to explore the differences in the effects of three different types of online customer service (AI customer service, manual customer service, and human-machine collaboration customer service) on customer purchase intention, and analyses the superposition effect of human-machine collaboration customer service. The results show that the consumer's perceived service quality positively influences the customer's purchase intention, and plays a mediating role in the effect of different types of online customer service on customer purchase intention; the product type plays a moderating role in the relationship between online customer service and customer purchase intention, and human-machine collaboration customer service has a superposition effect. This study helped to deepen the understanding of AI developers and e-commerce platforms regarding the application of AI in online business service, and provides reference suggestions for the formulation of more perfect business service strategies.}, Publisher = {MDPI}, Address = {ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Zhu, W (Corresponding Author), Jiangxi Normal Univ, Res Ctr Management Sci \& Engn, Nanchang 330022, Jiangxi, Peoples R China. Zhu, W (Corresponding Author), Jiangxi Normal Univ, Sch Software, Nanchang 330022, Jiangxi, Peoples R China. Qin, Min; Zhu, Wei, Jiangxi Normal Univ, Res Ctr Management Sci \& Engn, Nanchang 330022, Jiangxi, Peoples R China. Qin, Min; Zhu, Wei; Zhao, Shiyue; Zhao, Yu, Jiangxi Normal Univ, Sch Software, Nanchang 330022, Jiangxi, Peoples R China.}, DOI = {10.3390/su14073974}, Article-Number = {3974}, EISSN = {2071-1050}, Keywords = {artificial intelligence; service encounter theory; perceived service quality; superposition effect; customer purchase intention; e-commerce}, Keywords-Plus = {MODEL; TECHNOLOGY; SUPERPOSITION; SATISFACTION; INFORMATION; QUALITY; SEARCH; DESIGN; CUES}, Research-Areas = {Science \& Technology - Other Topics; Environmental Sciences \& Ecology}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies}, Author-Email = {minqin@jxnu.edu.cn zhuwei2020@jxnu.edu.cn zhaoshiyue0201@163.com zhaoyu021711@163.com}, Affiliations = {Jiangxi Normal University; Jiangxi Normal University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Zhao, Shiyue/IXW-7626-2023 }, ORCID-Numbers = {Zhu, Wei/0000-0002-9624-0724}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {National Natural Science Foundation of China {[}71762018]; Jiangxi University Humanities and Social Science Research Project {[}GL20132]; Jiangxi Province Graduate Education Reform Research Project Key Project {[}JXYJG-2020-041]}, Funding-Text = {This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71762018), Jiangxi University Humanities and Social Science Research Project (Grant No. GL20132) and Jiangxi Province Graduate Education Reform Research Project Key Project (Grant No. JXYJG-2020-041).}, Cited-References = {Adam M, 2021, ELECTRON MARK, V31, P427, DOI 10.1007/s12525-020-00414-7. 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The effects of identity on liking and purchase intention}, Journal = {FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY}, Year = {2022}, Volume = {13}, Month = {AUG 5}, Abstract = {Investigating how people respond to and view AI-created artworks is becoming increasingly crucial as the technology's current application spreads due to its affordability and accessibility. This study examined how AI art alters people's evaluation, purchase intention, and collection intention toward Chinese-style and Western-style paintings, and whether art expertise plays a role. Study 1 recruited participants without professional art experience (non-experts) and found that those who made the paintings would not change their liking rating, purchase intention, and collection intention. In addition, they showed ingroup preference, favoring Chinese-style relative to Western-style paintings, in line with previous evidence on cultural preference in empirical aesthetics. Study 2 further investigated the modulation effect of art expertise. Art experts evaluated less favorably (less liking, lower purchase, and collection intentions) AI-generated paintings relative to artist-made paintings, while non-experts showed no preference. There was also an interaction effect between the author and the art expertise and interaction between the painting style and the art expertise. Collectively, the findings in this study showed that who made the art matters for experts and that the painting style affects aesthetic evaluation and ultimate reception of it. These results would also provide implications for AI-art practitioners.}, Publisher = {FRONTIERS MEDIA SA}, Address = {AVENUE DU TRIBUNAL FEDERAL 34, LAUSANNE, CH-1015, SWITZERLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Gu, L; Li, Y (Corresponding Author), Guangzhou Acad Fine Arts, Guangzhou, Peoples R China. Gu, Li; Li, Yong, Guangzhou Acad Fine Arts, Guangzhou, Peoples R China.}, DOI = {10.3389/fpsyg.2022.941163}, Article-Number = {941163}, ISSN = {1664-1078}, Keywords = {artificial intelligence; painting style; art expertise; framing effect; liking; purchase intention}, Keywords-Plus = {ART EXPERTISE; JAPANESE}, Research-Areas = {Psychology}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Psychology, Multidisciplinary}, Author-Email = {guli7@mail2.sysu.edu.cn 412346385@qq.com}, Affiliations = {Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation {[}2020A1515010610]; Art Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China {[}19BG110]}, Funding-Text = {This research was supported by the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (2020A1515010610) to LG and the Art Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China (19BG110) to YL.}, Cited-References = {Bao Y, 2016, FRONT PSYCHOL, V7, DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01596. 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The study develops a theoretical framework based on media-richness theory to investigate the role of perceived anthropomorphism toward an intention to purchase products using AI.Design/methodology/approachThe study is based on cross-sectional data through an online survey. The data have been analyzed using PLS-SEM and SPSS PROCESS macro.FindingsThe results show that consumers tend to demand anthropomorphized products to gain a better shopping experience and, therefore, demand features that attract and motivate them to purchase through artificial intelligence via mediating variables, such as perceived animacy and perceived intelligence. Moreover, trust in artificial intelligence moderates the relationship between perceived anthropomorphism and perceived animacy.Originality/valueThe study investigates and concludes with managerial and academic insights into consumer purchase intention through artificial intelligence in the retail and marketing sector.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article; Early Access}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Malhotra, G (Corresponding Author), Inst Management Technol Ghaziabad, Dept Operat Management, Ghaziabad, India. Malhotra, Gunjan, Inst Management Technol Ghaziabad, Dept Operat Management, Ghaziabad, India. Ramalingam, Mahesh, Inst Management Technol Hyderabad, Dept IT \& Analyt, Hyderabad, India.}, DOI = {10.1108/JEIM-09-2022-0316}, EarlyAccessDate = {MAR 2023}, ISSN = {1741-0398}, EISSN = {1758-7409}, Keywords = {Perceived anthropomorphism; Perceived animacy; Perceived intelligence; Purchase intention; Trust; Artificial intelligence}, Keywords-Plus = {MEDIA RICHNESS; BEHAVIORAL-RESEARCH; E-COMMERCE; CONSUMERS; ANIMACY; BRAND; ACCEPTANCE; CUES}, Research-Areas = {Computer Science; Information Science \& Library Science; Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science \& Library Science; Management}, Author-Email = {mailforgunjan@gmail.com mahesh@imthyderabad.edu.in}, Affiliations = {Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad}, ORCID-Numbers = {Malhotra, Gunjan/0000-0002-6508-8002}, Cited-References = {Aggarwal P, 2007, J CONSUM RES, V34, P468, DOI 10.1086/518544. 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Manag.}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {A0SY5}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:000952327400001}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @article{ WOS:000572369400001, Author = {Sohn, Kwonsang and Sung, Christine Eunyoung and Koo, Gukwon and Kwon, Ohbyung}, Title = {Artificial intelligence in the fashion industry: consumer responses to generative adversarial network (GAN) technology}, Journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL \& DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT}, Year = {2021}, Volume = {49}, Number = {1}, Pages = {61-80}, Month = {JAN 11}, Abstract = {Purpose This study examines consumers' evaluations of product consumption values, purchase intentions and willingness to pay for fashion products designed using generative adversarial network (GAN), an artificial intelligence technology. This research investigates differences between consumers' evaluations of a GAN-generated product and a non-GAN-generated product and tests whether disclosing the use of GAN technology affects consumers' evaluations. Design/methodology/approach Sample products were developed as experimental stimuli using cycleGAN. Data were collected from 163 members of Generation Y. Participants were assigned to one of the three experimental conditions (i.e. non-GAN-generated images, GAN-generated images with disclosure and GAN-generated images without disclosure). Regression analysis and ANOVA were used to test the hypotheses. Findings Functional, social and epistemic consumption values positively affect willingness to pay in the GAN-generated products. Relative to non-GAN-generated products, willingness to pay is significantly higher for GAN-generated products. Moreover, evaluations of functional value, emotional value and willingness to pay are highest when GAN technology is used, but not disclosed. Originality/value This study evaluates the utility of GANs from consumers' perspective based on the perceived value of GAN-generated product designs. Findings have practical implications for firms that are considering using GANs to develop products for the retail fashion market.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Kwon, O (Corresponding Author), Kyung Hee Univ, Sch Management, Seoul, South Korea. Sohn, Kwonsang; Koo, Gukwon; Kwon, Ohbyung, Kyung Hee Univ, Sch Management, Seoul, South Korea. Sung, Christine Eunyoung, Montana State Univ, Jake Jabs Coll Business \& Entrepreneurship, Bozeman, MT 59717 USA.}, DOI = {10.1108/IJRDM-03-2020-0091}, EarlyAccessDate = {SEP 2020}, ISSN = {0959-0552}, EISSN = {1758-6690}, Keywords = {Artificial intelligence (AI); Generative adversarial networks (GANs); Consumption value theory; AI aversion; Fashion consumer behaviour}, Keywords-Plus = {DECISION-MAKING; PERCEIVED VALUE; DESIGN; CONSUMPTION; VALUES; DETERMINANTS; INFORMATION; PERCEPTIONS; BEHAVIOR; MODEL}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business; Management}, Author-Email = {miroo1215@khu.ac.kr Christinemsu.sung@gmail.com qas6125@khu.ac.kr obkwon@khu.ac.kr}, Affiliations = {Kyung Hee University; Montana State University System; Montana State University Bozeman}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Sohn, Kwonsang/AAV-2594-2020}, ORCID-Numbers = {Sohn, Kwonsang/0000-0003-0692-0425}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea; National Research Foundation of Korea {[}NRF-2017S1A3A2066740]; National Research Foundation of Korea {[}2017S1A3A2066740] Funding Source: Korea Institute of Science \& Technology Information (KISTI), National Science \& Technology Information Service (NTIS)}, Funding-Text = {This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2017S1A3A2066740).}, Cited-References = {Aghazadeh H., 2014, NEW MARK RES J, V3, P221. 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Fashion retailers offer AI-based voice assistants to facilitate online shoppers. However, the consumer motivations to use digital voice assistants and their effect on the purchase intentions of online fashion shoppers are unexplored. To bridge this literature gap, this study presents a unique theoretical model grounded in the consumer innovativeness concept, broaden-and-built theory, and stimulus-organism-response model to explore the effect of motivated consumer innovativeness to use digital voice assistants on purchase intention and awe experience of online shoppers. The study used data collected from 538 users of digital voice assistants for online shopping of fashion products. Structural equation modeling analysis revealed that the functional, hedonic, social, and cognitive motivated consumer innovativeness for using voice assistants affects purchase intention and awe experience. Further, the awe experience mediates the relationship between motivated consumer innovativeness and purchase intention; and electronic word-of-mouth mediates the relationship between awe experience and purchase intention. The study theoretically contributes to the extant literature on consumer innovativeness, AI-based voice assistants, and fashion shopping. The findings offer insights to fashion retailers for improved use of voice as-sistants by online shoppers.}, Publisher = {ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC}, Address = {STE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10169 USA}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Dwivedi, YK (Corresponding Author), Swansea Univ, Sch Management, Digital Futures Sustainable Business \& Soc Res Grp, Bay Campus,Fabian Bay, Swansea SA1 8EN, Wales. Kautish, Pradeep, Nirma Univ, Inst Management, Dept Mkt, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India. Purohit, Sonal, Mudra Inst Commun, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India. Filieri, Raffaele, Audencia Business Sch, Dept Mkt, 8 Route Jonelie re, F-44312 Nantes, France. Dwivedi, Yogesh K., Swansea Univ, Sch Management, Digital Futures Sustainable Business \& Soc Res Grp, Bay Campus,Fabian Bay, Swansea SA1 8EN, Wales. 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Applying EVA on student journals garnered from an Experiential Learning (EL) course, we find that EVA is useful for profiling variations in sentiment polarity and intensity, which in turn can predict academic performance. As a feature set, EVA is compatible with a wide variety of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications. Although evaluated on education data, we foresee EVA to be useful in mental health profiling and consumer behaviour applications. EVA is available at . Our results show that EVA was able to achieve an overall accuracy of 88.7\% and outperform NLP (76.0\%) and SentimentR (58.0\%) features by 15.8\% and 51.7\% respectively when predicting student experiential learning grade scores through a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) ML model.}, Publisher = {PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE}, Address = {1160 BATTERY STREET, STE 100, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 USA}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Bin Goh, WW (Corresponding Author), Nanyang Technol Univ, Sch Biol Sci, Singapore, Singapore. Bin Goh, WW (Corresponding Author), Nanyang Technol Univ, Lee Kong Chian Sch Med, Singapore, Singapore. Bin Goh, WW (Corresponding Author), Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Biomed Informat, Singapore, Singapore. Tan, Leonard; Sze, Chun Chau; Bin Goh, Wilson Wen, Nanyang Technol Univ, Sch Biol Sci, Singapore, Singapore. Tan, Ooi Kiang, Nanyang Technol Univ, Coll Engn, Singapore, Singapore. Bin Goh, Wilson Wen, Nanyang Technol Univ, Lee Kong Chian Sch Med, Singapore, Singapore. Bin Goh, Wilson Wen, Nanyang Technol Univ, Ctr Biomed Informat, Singapore, Singapore.}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0274299}, Article-Number = {e0274299}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, Keywords-Plus = {PREDICTION}, Research-Areas = {Science \& Technology - Other Topics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Multidisciplinary Sciences}, Author-Email = {wilsongoh@ntu.edu.sg}, Affiliations = {Nanyang Technological University \& National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore; Nanyang Technological University; Nanyang Technological University \& National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore; Nanyang Technological University; Nanyang Technological University \& National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore; Nanyang Technological University; Nanyang Technological University \& National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore; Nanyang Technological University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Sze, Chun Chau/A-2200-2011 Goh, Wilson Wen Bin/K-1637-2015}, ORCID-Numbers = {Sze, Chun Chau/0000-0003-2245-9050 Goh, Wilson Wen Bin/0000-0003-3863-7501}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {ACE grant from Nanyang Technological University; EdeX Teaching and Learning grant from Nanyang Technological University; MOE AcRF Tier 1 award {[}RG35/20]}, Funding-Text = {WWBG, CCS and TOK acknowledge funding from an ACE grant from Nanyang Technological University. 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Manser and Dahl, Andrew J. and Peltier, James}, Title = {Digital servitization value co-creation framework for AI services: a research agenda for digital transformation in financial service ecosystems}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN INTERACTIVE MARKETING}, Year = {2021}, Volume = {15}, Number = {2}, Pages = {200-222}, Month = {JUN 21}, Abstract = {Purpose Innovative firms have rapidly developed artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities into their service ecosystems, essentially changing perceptions of what is service quality and service delivery in their respective industries. Nonetheless, the issues surrounding AI services remain relatively unknown. The purpose for this paper is to offer a digital servitization framework for understanding how AI services impact value perceptions, consumer engagement and firm performance measures. The authors use the financial service ecosystem to explore this topic. Design/methodology/approach The authors explore relevant literature on digital servitization, service-dominant logic and AI/disruptive innovation. Next, a conceptual framework, organized by AI-Service Exchange Antecedents, Context of AI Usage and Digital Servitization Consequences, is developed. The authors conceptualize consequences for consumers and firms. Findings The main findings suggest that the linkages between consumers, financial institutions and fintech companies with AI usage in a service ecosystem should be identified; how value is created among multiple SD Logic-AI network actors should be analyzed; and the effects of AI-consumer interactions (lower-level and higher levels of engagement) on firm performance measures should be explored. Research limitations/implications The conceptual framework identifies gaps in the literature and suggests research questions for future studies. Practical implications This paper may assist practitioners with the development of AI-enabled banking activities that involve direct consumer engagement. Originality/value To the authors' best knowledge, this research agenda is the first comprehensive framework for understanding value co-creation in the context of AI in financial services, linking antecedents, usage and consequences.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Payne, EHM (Corresponding Author), Univ South Dakota, Dept Mkt, Vermillion, SD 57069 USA. Payne, Elizabeth H. Manser, Univ South Dakota, Dept Mkt, Vermillion, SD 57069 USA. 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Interest in the subject has been boosted significantly by the healthcare crisis generated by COVID-19 and the need to maintain social distancing while continuing to provide efficient services. The purpose of this brief paper is threefold: (i) to introduce and summarize the current state of automated forms of interaction in services; (ii) to provide an overview of the six papers published in this special issue; and (iii) to describe the possibilities for future research that emerged at the AIRSI2019 (Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Service Interactions) Conference. The AIRSI2019 conference was the precursor to this special issue and provided an excellent opportunity to explore with leading international researchers the extraordinary development possibilities presented in this research context.}, Publisher = {ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR \& FRANCIS LTD}, Address = {2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND}, Type = {Editorial Material}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Flavian, C (Corresponding Author), Univ Zaragoza, Mkt Management \& Market Res, Zaragoza, Spain. Flavian, Carlos; Casalo, Luis V., Univ Zaragoza, Mkt Management \& Market Res, Zaragoza, Spain.}, DOI = {10.1080/02642069.2021.1989177}, ISSN = {0264-2069}, EISSN = {1743-9507}, Keywords = {Artificial Intelligence; Service Interaction; Robot; Virtual assistant; Agenda for future research; Consumer behaviour}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Management}, Author-Email = {cflavian@unizar.es}, Affiliations = {University of Zaragoza}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Flavian, Carlos/G-4365-2013 Casaló, Luis V./T-7450-2019}, ORCID-Numbers = {Flavian, Carlos/0000-0001-7118-9013 Casaló, Luis V./0000-0002-9643-2814}, Cited-References = {AJZEN I, 1975, PSYCHOL BULL, V82, P261, DOI 10.1037/h0076477. Akdim K, 2023, INT J CONTEMP HOSP M, V35, P2816, DOI 10.1108/IJCHM-12-2020-1406. Belanche D, 2021, PSYCHOL MARKET, V38, P2357, DOI 10.1002/mar.21532. Belanche D, 2020, SERV IND J, V40, P203, DOI 10.1080/02642069.2019.1672666. 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J.}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {WP3DL}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:000713016600001}, OA = {Bronze}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @article{ WOS:000958697200001, Author = {Paul, Justin and Ueno, Akiko and Dennis, Charles}, Title = {ChatGPT and consumers: Benefits, Pitfalls and Future Research Agenda}, Journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSUMER STUDIES}, Year = {2023}, Volume = {47}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1213-1225}, Month = {JUL}, Abstract = {The need of the hour is to encourage research on topics with newness and novelty. In this context, this article discusses multidimensional benefits and potential pitfalls of using artificial intelligence-based Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT), and provides numerous ideas for future research in consumer studies and marketing in the context of ChatGPT. ChatGPT provides algorithm-generated conversational responses to text-based prompts. Since its launch in the late 2022, ChatGPT has generated significant debate surrounding its hallmarks, benefits and potential pitfalls. On the one hand, ChatGPT can offer enhanced consumer engagement, improved customer service, personalization and shopping, social interaction and communication practice, cost-effectiveness, insights into consumer behaviour and improved marketing campaigns. On the other hand, potential pitfalls include concerns about consumer well-being, bias, misinformation, lack of context, privacy concerns, ethical considerations and security. The article concludes by outlining a potential future research agenda in the area of ChatGPT and consumer studies. Overall, this article provides valuable insights into the benefits and challenges associated with ChatGPT, shedding light on its potential applications and the need for further research.}, Publisher = {WILEY}, Address = {111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA}, Type = {Editorial Material}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Paul, J (Corresponding Author), Univ Reading, Henley Business Sch, Reading, England. Paul, Justin, Univ Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR USA. Paul, Justin, Univ Reading, Henley Business Sch, Reading, England. Paul, Justin, Parul Univ, Vadodara, India. Ueno, Akiko; Dennis, Charles, Middlesex Univ, Business Sch, Mkt Branding \& Tourism Dept, London, England.}, DOI = {10.1111/ijcs.12928}, EarlyAccessDate = {MAR 2023}, ISSN = {1470-6423}, EISSN = {1470-6431}, Keywords = {benefits; ChatGPT; pitfalls; research agenda}, Keywords-Plus = {SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY; ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE; AI}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business}, Author-Email = {j.paul@reading.ac.uk}, Affiliations = {University of Puerto Rico; University of Reading; Parul University; Middlesex University}, ORCID-Numbers = {Ueno, Akiko/0000-0001-6157-3193}, Cited-References = {Ahmed A., 2023, CHATGPT ACHIEVED ONE. Akter S, 2021, INT J INFORM MANAGE, V60, DOI 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2021.102387. Arnott D, 2019, DECIS SUPPORT SYST, V122, DOI 10.1016/j.dss.2019.05.003. Atlas S., 2023, CHATGPT HIGHER ED PR. Aw ECX, 2022, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC, V180, DOI 10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121711. 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This paper aims to explore the factors affecting practical implacability of artificial intelligence and its impact on consumers' online purchase intention. Design/methodology/approach This paper has used a technology-based model as the base to explore the different factors affecting consumers' purchase intention towards e-retailing. This study has formulated a model that demonstrates the integration of artificial intelligence in retailing by the business organizations so as to understand the needs of customers and help them accept technology. This study has further explored faith, subjective norms and consciousness as constructs which enhance the implacability of artificial intelligence. Findings This study shows that artificial intelligence positively influences consumers' buying behaviour. This study through a model also shows that integration of artificial intelligence enhances consumers' purchase intention. Research limitations/implications The study has been focusing on a portion of target population. So there is scope to include the whole set of the population to get closer-to-accurate results. Practical implications The study offers useful inputs for academicians as well as marketers for predicting buying behaviour of consumers. Marketing managers can use artificial intelligence-embedded technology to enhance online purchase intention. Social implications The study shows that an increase in consciousness towards e-retailing has made consumers keenly analyse and purchase products on the basis of merit and usefulness of the products. Originality/value The contribution has been made with the best of knowledge in formulating an integrated artificial intelligence model for consumers' purchase intention in e-retailing.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Bhagat, R (Corresponding Author), Univ Jammu, Business Sch, Bhaderwah Campus, Jammu, India. Bhagat, Rohit; Chauhan, Vinay, Univ Jammu, Business Sch, Bhaderwah Campus, Jammu, India. 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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is probably the most notable, with others such as database management systems (DBMS), decision support systems (DSS), planning support systems (PSS), and expert systems (ES), having mixed levels of recognition and acceptance (Kontokosta, C. E. (2021). Urban informatics in the science and practice of planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 41(4), 382-395. doi:10.1177/0739456X18793716; Yigitcanlar, T., Desouza, K. C., Butler, L., \& Roozkhosh, F. (2020). Contributions and risks of artificial intelligence (AI) in building smarter cities: Insights from a systematic review of the literature. Energies, 13(6), 1473). Advances in information technologies have moved very slowly in the field of urban planning, more recently concerning `smart city' technologies while revolutionizing other domains, such as consumer goods and services. Baidu, Amazon, Netflix, Google, and many others are using these technologies to gain insights into consumer behaviour and characteristics and improve supply chains and logistics. This is an opportune time for urban planners to consider the application of AI-related techniques given vast increases in data availability, increased processing speeds, and increased popularity and development of planning related applications. Research on these topics by urban planning scholars has increased over the past few years, but there is little evidence to suggest that the results are making it into the hands of professional planners (Batty, M. (2018). Artificial intelligence and smart cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 45(1), 3-6; Batty, M. (2021). Planning education in the digital age. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 48(2), 207-211). Others encourage planners to leverage the ubiquity of data and advances in computing to enhance redistributive justice in information resources and procedural justice in decision-making among marginalized communities (Boeing, G., Besbris, M., Schachter, A., \& Kuk, J. (2020). Housing search in the Age of Big data: Smarter cities or the same Old blind spots? Housing Policy Debate, 31(1), 112-126; Goodspeed, R. (2015). Smart cities: Moving beyond urban cybernetics to tackle wicked problems. Cambridge journal of regions, Economy and Society, 8(1), 79-92). This article highlights findings from a recent literature review on AI in planning and discusses the results of a national survey of urban planners about their perspectives on AI adoption and concerns they have expressed about its broader use in the profession. Currently, the outlook is mixed, matching how urban planners initially viewed the early stages of computer adoption within the profession. 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Lim, Theo, Virginia Tech, Urban Affairs \& Planning, Blacksburg, VA USA.}, DOI = {10.1080/12265934.2022.2102538}, EarlyAccessDate = {JUL 2022}, Article-Number = {2102538}, ISSN = {1226-5934}, EISSN = {2161-6779}, Keywords = {Urban planning; technology; artificial intelligence; data science}, Keywords-Plus = {SMART CITIES; AUTOMATA; MODELS}, Research-Areas = {Environmental Sciences \& Ecology; Urban Studies}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Environmental Studies; Urban Studies}, Author-Email = {tom.sanchez@vt.edu}, Affiliations = {Virginia Polytechnic Institute \& State University; Virginia Polytechnic Institute \& State University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Sanchez, Thomas/IAN-5364-2023 Sanchez, Thomas W./D-5093-2012}, ORCID-Numbers = {Sanchez, Thomas W./0000-0002-8259-0088}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {National Science Foundation {[}2125259]; Virginia Tech, Institute for Society, Culture and Environment; Division Of Computer and Network Systems; Direct For Computer \& Info Scie \& Enginr {[}2125259] Funding Source: National Science Foundation}, Funding-Text = {This work was supported by National Science Foundation: {[}grant number 2125259]; Virginia Tech, Institute for Society, Culture and Environment.}, Cited-References = {Adadi A, 2018, IEEE ACCESS, V6, P52138, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2870052. {[}Anonymous], 2011, P 3 ACM INT WORKSH M. 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Zhang XY, 2020, ISPRS J PHOTOGRAMM, V161, P1, DOI 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2020.01.005.}, Number-of-Cited-References = {42}, Times-Cited = {10}, Usage-Count-Last-180-days = {23}, Usage-Count-Since-2013 = {53}, Journal-ISO = {Int. J. Urban Sci.}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {F6YO6}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:000829873800001}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @article{ WOS:001050972300004, Author = {Rosli, Nadzirah and Zaki, Hafizah Omar}, Title = {A BIBLIOMETRIC REVIEW OF RESEARCH ON GAMIFICATION IN MARKETING: REFLECTIONS FOR MOVING FORWARD}, Journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES}, Year = {2023}, Volume = {30}, Number = {2}, Pages = {271-300}, Month = {JUL}, Abstract = {Gamification has become increasingly popular among businesses, institutions and consumers, especially since the emergence of Covid-19 pandemic. It has been widely used to promote positive changes in user behaviour, improve companies' digital presence and provide immersive and engaging brand experiences. Though bibliometric studies on gamification have been conducted previously, information on citations and networking analysis emphasises marketing and consumer behaviour remains scarce. Thus, the purpose of this bibliometric study is to describe how gamification is structured and how it has evolved over time. To achieve this, we utilise citation analysis and co-word analysis to visually uncover the intellectual, conceptual and social network structures in gamification research. A total of 558 articles published between 2011 and 2021 were extracted from the Dimension.ai database through the PRISMA review process. The results reveal positive growth in gamification research between 2011 and 2021. The United States was the most productive and most cited country and the most productive and influential institution was Tampere University in Finland, which houses Juho Hamari, the most influential and most cited author. Additionally, the results reveal recent trends in gamification research including those related to value, brand and attitude as well as emerging trends including artificial intelligence. The results also reveal collaborations through co-authorship among authors, institutions and countries. Together, they depict the intellectual landscape of gamification as related to marketing and consumer behaviour. This is beneficial for both inexperienced and experienced scholars, practitioners, funding agencies and policymakers.}, Publisher = {UNIV UTARA MALAYSIA PRESS}, Address = {UNIV UTARA MALAYSIA PRESS, SINTOK, KEDAH 06010, MALAYSIA}, Type = {Review}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Rosli, N (Corresponding Author), Univ Kebangsaan Malaysia, Fac Econ \& Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Rosli, Nadzirah; Zaki, Hafizah Omar, Univ Kebangsaan Malaysia, Fac Econ \& Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.}, DOI = {10.32890/ijms2023.30.2.4}, ISSN = {2232-1608}, EISSN = {2180-2467}, Keywords = {Bibliometric; gamification; marketing; consumer behaviour; PRISMA; VOSviewer}, Keywords-Plus = {IMPACT; ENGAGEMENT; INTENTION; BEHAVIOR; ATTITUDE}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Management}, Author-Email = {nadzirah.rosli@ukm.edu.my}, Affiliations = {Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Geran Inovasi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia {[}EP-2022-026]; Geran Inisiatif Penyelidikan (GIP), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia {[}EP-2021-021]}, Funding-Text = {This work was supported by Geran Inovasi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (EP-2022-026) and Geran Inisiatif Penyelidikan (GIP), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (EP-2021-021).}, Cited-References = {Ab Rahman R, 2018, INT J EDUC TECHNOL H, V15, DOI 10.1186/s41239-018-0123-0. 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A consumer involvement framework was developed to evaluate the mediating effect of advertising involvement (AI) on the correlation between product involvement (PI), situational involvement (SI) and purchase intention (PI).Design/methodology/approachA total of 467 mature adults aged over 40 years who resided in China's Yangtze River Delta region and had experience in purchasing DS online were recruited. Relevant data were collected through an online survey and analysed through structural equation modelling.FindingsCognitive PI was positively correlated with both SI and PI and SI was positively correlated with PI. AI negatively moderated the correlation between affective PI and SI. Both cognitive PI and AI were positively correlated with PI and the correlation was mediated through SI.Originality/valueDS consumption is a rational decision-making process driven by utilitarian motives. Consumers who are aware of the misleading claims adopt a cautious evaluation approach and place themselves in specific purchase situations before making a purchase decision. This study advances the literature by incorporating the consideration of misleading advertisements into the consumer involvement model within the context of online DS consumption. The study's findings provide insights to intensify monitoring of false advertisements in the DS industry and design effective consumer education programmes.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article; Early Access}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Sun, YT (Corresponding Author), Hohai Univ, Sch Publ Adm, Nanjing, Peoples R China. Sun, Yuting; Li, Yixuan, Hohai Univ, Sch Publ Adm, Nanjing, Peoples R China.}, DOI = {10.1108/BFJ-01-2023-0029}, EarlyAccessDate = {AUG 2023}, ISSN = {0007-070X}, EISSN = {1758-4108}, Keywords = {Consumer involvement; Mature consumer; Misleading advertisement; Plant-based dietary supplement; Purchase intention}, Keywords-Plus = {HEALTH-INFORMATION-SEEKING; ORGANIC FOOD-CONSUMPTION; PRODUCT INVOLVEMENT; MODERATING ROLE; ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS; FUNCTIONAL FOOD; UNITED-STATES; OLDER-ADULTS; US ADULTS; ATTITUDES}, Research-Areas = {Agriculture; Food Science \& Technology}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Agricultural Economics \& Policy; Food Science \& Technology}, Author-Email = {yutingsun@hhu.edu.cn liyixuan0209@163.com}, Affiliations = {Hohai University}, ORCID-Numbers = {SUN, YUTING/0000-0001-7590-3106}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Hohai University, China {[}B220201066]}, Funding-Text = {This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Hohai University, China (grant number B220201066).The authors highly appreciate the reviewers' insightful and helpful comments on our manuscript.}, Cited-References = {Abd Wahab MS, 2021, BMC COMPLEMENT MED, V21, DOI 10.1186/s12906-021-03287-1. 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The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential role service robots will play in the future and to advance a research agenda for service researchers. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses a conceptual approach that is rooted in the service, robotics and AI literature. Findings The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, it provides a definition of service robots, describes their key attributes, contrasts their features and capabilities with those of frontline employees, and provides an understanding for which types of service tasks robots will dominate and where humans will dominate. Second, this paper examines consumer perceptions, beliefs and behaviors as related to service robots, and advances the service robot acceptance model. Third, it provides an overview of the ethical questions surrounding robot-delivered services at the individual, market and societal level. Practical implications This paper helps service organizations and their management, service robot innovators, programmers and developers, and policymakers better understand the implications of a ubiquitous deployment of service robots. Originality/value This is the first conceptual paper that systematically examines key dimensions of robot-delivered frontline service and explores how these will differ in the future.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Wirtz, J (Corresponding Author), Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Mkt, Singapore, Singapore. Wirtz, Jochen, Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Mkt, Singapore, Singapore. Patterson, Paul G., Univ New South Wales, Dept Mkt, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Kunz, Werner H., Univ Massachusetts, Dept Mkt, Boston, MA 02125 USA. Gruber, Thorsten, Loughborough Univ, Ctr Serv Management, Loughborough, Leics, England. 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To study users' acceptance of embedded e-commerce in short videos based on AI-supported recommendation, we make an analysis with a number of factors as independent variables, concluding that perceived risk and perceived cost have a significant negative influence on purchase intention, whereas other independent variables have a significant positive influence on purchase intention. In addition, perceived enjoyment and conformity, embodying the entertainment and social features of short video apps, have a significant positive influence on perceived usefulness. We provide a guideline for enterprises to improve functions of the technology and informs public oversight of the technology's development. 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The tourism sector has been one of the most affected, with significant impacts on the number of cancelled reservations, a decrease in international travel and changes in consumption behaviour. This study aims to analyse the main changes in promotion and marketing in the tourism sector in Spain after the pandemic. To this end, a qualitative analysis was carried out via questionnaire-based interviews with 65 experts in the areas of marketing, consumer behaviour and tourism. The main findings show that online information sources gained weight over consulting friends and relatives, and a great advance in digitization is expected, where physical travel agencies will be displaced by online platforms, except for specialized and advisory services. 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Res.}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {SX9YB}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:000665551600001}, OA = {gold}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @article{ WOS:000523963700001, Author = {Yen, Chiahui and Chiang, Ming-Chang}, Title = {Trust me, if you can: a study on the factors that influence consumers' purchase intention triggered by chatbots based on brain image evidence and self-reported assessments}, Journal = {BEHAVIOUR \& INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY}, Year = {2021}, Volume = {40}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1177-1194}, Month = {AUG 18}, Abstract = {Nowadays, chatbots is one of the fast rising artificial intelligence (AI) trend relates to the utilisation of applications that interact with users in a conversational format and mimic human conversation. Chatbots allow business to enhance customer experiences and fulfil expectations through real-time interactions in e-commerce environment. Therefore, factors influence consumer's trust in chatbots is critical. This study demonstrates a chatbots trust model to empirically investigate consumer's perception by questionnaire from self-reported approach and by electroencephalography (EEG) from neuroscience approach. This study starts from integrating three key elements of chatbots, in terms of machine communication quality aspect, human-computer interaction (HCI) aspect, and human use and gratification (U\&G) aspects. Moreover, this study chooses EEG instrument to explore the relationship between trust and purchase intention in chatbots condition. We collect 204 questionnaires and invite 30 respondents to participate the survey. The results indicated that credibility, competence, anthropomorphism, social presence, and informativness have influence on consumer's trust in chatbots, in turn, have effect on purchase intention. Moreover, the findings show that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the superior temporal gyrus are significantly associated with building a trust relationship by inferring chatbots to influence subsequent behaviour.}, Publisher = {TAYLOR \& FRANCIS LTD}, Address = {2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Chiang, MC (Corresponding Author), Fu Jen Catholic Univ, Dept Life Sci, Taipei 242, Taiwan. Yen, Chiahui, Ming Chuan Univ, Dept Int Business, Taipei, Taiwan. Chiang, Ming-Chang, Fu Jen Catholic Univ, Coll Sci \& Engn, Dept Life Sci, Taipei, Taiwan.}, DOI = {10.1080/0144929X.2020.1743362}, EarlyAccessDate = {MAR 2020}, ISSN = {0144-929X}, EISSN = {1362-3001}, Keywords = {Trust; chatbots; neuroscience; electroencephalography (EEG); purchase intention}, Keywords-Plus = {PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION AGENTS; SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES; CONVERSATIONAL AGENT; E-COMMERCE; MEDIA; NEUROSCIENCE; MODEL; GRATIFICATIONS; CREDIBILITY; PERSPECTIVE}, Research-Areas = {Computer Science; Engineering}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Computer Science, Cybernetics; Ergonomics}, Author-Email = {cmcphd@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {Ming Chuan University; Fu Jen Catholic University}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Ministry of Science and Technology}, Funding-Text = {This work was supported by Ministry of Science and Technology.}, Cited-References = {Anderson BB, 2016, J MANAGE INFORM SYST, V33, P713, DOI 10.1080/07421222.2016.1243947. 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This type of online purchase has made life easier for individuals by reducing the time required to travel and purchase. This online purchasing and delivery of goods or products follow the concept of supply chain management. Mobile Internet, tracking sensors, and tags that aid in tracking processes are used in online supply chain management. For data transfer and status updates, these devices rely on wireless sensor networking technology. This research analyses consumer behaviour after the delivery of goods using wireless sensor networks and artificial intelligence. This behaviour analysis focuses on whether the consumer is satisfied with the product in complex situations or not. The analysis is performed with the Differential-Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization (D-EMO) algorithm with the aid of artificial intelligence. The proposed system's results were compared with the existing random forest algorithm, and it was observed that the proposed system had provided a 5\% increase in accuracy.}, Publisher = {HINDAWI LTD}, Address = {ADAM HOUSE, 3RD FLR, 1 FITZROY SQ, LONDON, W1T 5HF, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Li, X (Corresponding Author), Shandong Vocat Coll Sci \& Technol, Text \& Garment Dept, Weifang 261053, Shandong, Peoples R China. Li, Xia, Shandong Vocat Coll Sci \& Technol, Text \& Garment Dept, Weifang 261053, Shandong, Peoples R China.}, DOI = {10.1155/2022/1424099}, Article-Number = {1424099}, ISSN = {1687-5265}, EISSN = {1687-5273}, Keywords-Plus = {DECISION}, Research-Areas = {Mathematical \& Computational Biology; Neurosciences \& Neurology}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Mathematical \& Computational Biology; Neurosciences}, Author-Email = {0021090@yzpc.edu.cn}, Cited-References = {Alghamdi EA, 2020, INT J ONLINE MARKET, V10, P72, DOI 10.4018/IJOM.2020010105. Alversia Y, 2016, DEV MKT SCI, P849. {[}Anonymous], 2016, CONSUMER BEHAV TOURI. Bandara D.M., 2020, SSRN ELECT J, DOI {[}10.2139/ssrn.3862941, DOI 10.2139/SSRN.3862941]. Chen J.I.-Z., 2021, J ARTIFICIAL INTELLI, V2, P232, DOI {[}10.36548/jaicn.2020.4.006, DOI 10.36548/JAICN.2020.4.006]. Chhabra D., 2018, J ADV SCHOLARLY RESE, V15, P131, DOI {[}10.29070/15/57735, DOI 10.29070/15/57735]. 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This research also examines whether social anxiety moderates the relationship between AI assistant advantages and utilitarian/hedonic value. The study reveals that AI assistant advantages are important factors affecting the utilitarian/hedonic value perceived by users, which further influence user willingness to accept AI assistants. The relationships between AI assistant advantages and utilitarian and hedonic value are affected differently by social anxiety. Marketers and managers in the AI context can refer to the study methods to help improve AI assistants and develop more effective marketing strategies for product promotion.}, Publisher = {ELSEVIER SCI LTD}, Address = {THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Wang, SM (Corresponding Author), Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Antai Coll Econ \& Management, Shanghai, Peoples R China. Yuan, Chunlin, Henan Univ, Business Sch, Business Management Inst, Kaifeng City, Henan, Peoples R China. Zhang, Chenlei, Beijing Jiaotong Univ, Sch Econ \& Management, Beijing, Peoples R China. Wang, Shuman, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Antai Coll Econ \& Management, Shanghai, Peoples R China.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102878}, EarlyAccessDate = {DEC 2021}, Article-Number = {102878}, ISSN = {0969-6989}, EISSN = {1873-1384}, Keywords = {Artificial intelligence assistant; Utilitarian value; Hedonic value; Social anxiety}, Keywords-Plus = {ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE; PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIP; PURCHASE INTENTION; PRIVACY CONCERNS; INTERNET USE; INFORMATION; ADOPTION; MOTIVATIONS; INNOVATION; MODEL}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business}, Author-Email = {marketingycl@163.com Freedom135@163.com 15617130566@163.com}, Affiliations = {Henan University; Beijing Jiaotong University; Shanghai Jiao Tong University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Klitzke, Karina/IXD-3488-2023 }, ORCID-Numbers = {, Chunlin/0000-0003-4110-2348}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {National Natural Science Foundation of China {[}72172044, 71702049]; China Postdoctoral Science Foundation {[}2021T140178, 2018M630816]}, Funding-Text = {This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 72172044 and 71702049) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant (Grant No. 2021T140178 and 2018M630816).}, Cited-References = {Ameen N, 2021, COMPUT HUM BEHAV, V114, DOI 10.1016/j.chb.2020.106548. 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By way of an exploratory study with in-depth interviews followed by a survey, it was possible to identify how aspects such as a concern with data and the perceived risk in online shopping increase the sense of a risk to privacy. Consumers are generally unaware of how recommendation agents work, which makes them unsure about their usability and purpose. Consumer trust, however, mediates this relationship by mitigating the negative effects of risk perception.}, Publisher = {SPRINGER}, Address = {VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS}, Type = {Article; Early Access}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Rohden, SF (Corresponding Author), IPAM Lisboa, Portuguese Mkt Management Inst, Estr Correia 54, P-1500210 Lisbon, Portugal. Rohden, Simoni F., IPAM Lisboa, Portuguese Mkt Management Inst, Estr Correia 54, P-1500210 Lisbon, Portugal. 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Twenty-eight in-depth interviews were conducted to extract the variables and propose a model based on risk theory as well as CRCB framework. An offline survey was distributed to 649 (valid) ecommerce users; valid data was assessed and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Results show CRCB was influenced by switching cost and comparative attraction. Moreover, negative (undesirable) attitudes mediate the relationship between risk perception and CRCB, which has a positive impact on undesirable WoM. The study findings help the managers and policy makers to devise a new policy and serve the customers in a better way.}, Publisher = {IGI GLOBAL}, Address = {701 E CHOCOLATE AVE, STE 200, HERSHEY, PA 17033-1240 USA}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Rashidin, MS (Corresponding Author), Univ Int Business \& Econ, Beijing, Peoples R China. Rashidin, Md Salamun; Javed, Sara, Univ Int Business \& Econ, Beijing, Peoples R China. 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Wang, Shuman; Liu, Yue, Henan Univ, Business Sch, Kaifeng City, Henan, Peoples R China.}, DOI = {10.1057/s41262-022-00292-8}, EarlyAccessDate = {OCT 2022}, ISSN = {1350-231X}, EISSN = {1479-1803}, Keywords = {Artificial intelligence service; Brand image; Customer equity; Brand familiarity}, Keywords-Plus = {ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE; PURCHASE INTENTION; PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIP; ANTHROPOMORPHISM; FAMILIARITY; VARIANCE; TRUST; DIMENSIONS; MANAGEMENT; CONSUMERS}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business; Management}, Author-Email = {marketingycl@163.com 15617130566@163.com 990195328@qq.com}, Affiliations = {Henan University; Henan University}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {National Natural Science Foundation of China {[}72172044, 71702049]; China Postdoctoral Science Foundation {[}2021T140178]}, Funding-Text = {This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 72172044; 71702049) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant (Grant No. 2021T140178).}, Cited-References = {Aaker DA, 1996, CALIF MANAGE REV, V38, P102, DOI 10.2307/41165845. 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Behav.}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {RO8ZR}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:000641329700004}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @article{ WOS:000762853600001, Author = {Lee, Minsun and Park, Jee-Sun}, Title = {Do parasocial relationships and the quality of communication with AI shopping chatbots determine middle-aged women consumers' continuance usage intentions?}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR}, Year = {2022}, Volume = {21}, Number = {4}, Pages = {842-854}, Month = {JUL}, Abstract = {Artificial intelligence (AI) assistants, or chatbots, have become widely used on several retailers' websites. Effective interaction and communication with AI chatbots can deliver a better consumer experience by assisting with decision-making, ultimately supporting purchase intentions. Based on parasocial theory, this study focuses on how interactions with AI shopping chatbots impact consumers' perceptions of communication quality, satisfaction, and continuance usage intentions. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to assess the proposed research model using data from 184 Korean middle-aged women who shop online. Participants completed the shopping process with the assistance of an AI shopping chatbot and responded to survey items about their experiences. In particular, the findings reveal the structural process whereby a consumer's parasocial relationship with an AI shopping chatbot ultimately increases continuance usage intentions through perceived communication quality and satisfaction. The results indicate that a parasocial relationship positively influences communication quality with the chatbot, which in turn increases satisfaction and continuance usage intentions. These findings provide marketers with theoretical and practical guidance for enhancing consumer experiences in the online shopping environment.}, Publisher = {WILEY}, Address = {111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Park, JS (Corresponding Author), Incheon Natl Univ, Dept Fash Ind, 119 Acad Ro, Incheon 22012, South Korea. Lee, Minsun, Konkuk Univ, Dept Fash Design, Glocal Campus, Chungju, South Korea. Park, Jee-Sun, Incheon Natl Univ, Dept Fash Ind, 119 Acad Ro, Incheon 22012, South Korea.}, DOI = {10.1002/cb.2043}, EarlyAccessDate = {MAR 2022}, ISSN = {1472-0817}, EISSN = {1479-1838}, Keywords-Plus = {COMMON METHOD VARIANCE; PURCHASE INTENTION; SOCIAL COMMERCE; SATISFACTION; PERCEPTIONS; MODEL; ANTECEDENTS; PERFORMANCE; ASSISTANTS; EXPERIENCE}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business}, Author-Email = {jpark@inu.ac.kr}, Affiliations = {Konkuk University; Incheon National University}, ORCID-Numbers = {lee, minsun/0000-0001-6354-2956}, Cited-References = {Agarwal R., 2018, 10 EXAMPLES ARTIFICI. Akhtar M, 2019, CONF BUS INFORM, P397, DOI 10.1109/CBI.2019.00052. Al Serhan YN, 2015, J SMALL BUS ENTERP D, V22, P288, DOI 10.1108/JSBED-02-2012-0017. Araujo T, 2020, SMART INNOV SYST TEC, V167, P278, DOI 10.1007/978-981-15-1564-4\_26. Ashfaq M, 2020, TELEMAT INFORM, V54, DOI 10.1016/j.tele.2020.101473. 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Businesses or individuals use deceptive comments to mislead people for the sake of economic gain and thus hurt the benefit of the customers and the welfare of society. In this research, we propose a rule-based artificial intelligence (AI) machine learning (ML) architecture for online review fraud detection. The proposed methodology features an AI and ML hybrid architecture, where ML refers to the common well-developed machine learning models, and the AI part features a rules-based controller that prioritizes and customizes the fraud detection rules based on human intelligence to improve the accuracy of the result and computational efficiency.}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Address = {345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA}, Type = {Proceedings Paper}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Liu, H (Corresponding Author), San Jose State Univ, Dept Ind \& Syst Engn, San Jose, CA 95192 USA. Toplu, A.; Liu, H., San Jose State Univ, Dept Ind \& Syst Engn, San Jose, CA 95192 USA.}, DOI = {10.1109/IEEM50564.2021.9672994}, ISSN = {2157-3611}, ISBN = {978-1-6654-3771-4}, Keywords = {Deceptive comment detection; fake review; machine learning; rule-based system}, Research-Areas = {Engineering; Operations Research \& Management Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Engineering, Industrial; Operations Research \& Management Science}, Author-Email = {Hongrui.liu@sjsu.edu}, Affiliations = {California State University System; San Jose State University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Liu, Hongrui/HLP-7261-2023}, Cited-References = {Agnihotri R, 2016, IND MARKET MANAG, V53, P172, DOI 10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.09.003. {[}Anonymous], 2010, P 1 WORKSHOP SOCIAL, DOI DOI 10.1145/1964858.1964860. {[}Anonymous], 2014, ARXIV14041982. CORTES C, 1995, MACH LEARN, V20, P273, DOI 10.1023/A:1022627411411. Gregory GD, 2019, IND MARKET MANAG, V78, P146, DOI 10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.03.002. Harris C. 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In addition, the current paper examines the consequences of the attachment to AI agents.Design/methodology/approachA pretest to validate the measurement scale for the attachment to AI agents and a survey study were conducted with AI agent users. The authors used structural equation modeling to analyze the data for hypothesis testing.FindingsThe baby schema and whimsical cuteness of AI agents drive consumers to develop stronger attachments to their AI agents. This is because consumers perceive cute AI agents as being more trustworthy. As a result, consumers who feel attached to their AI agents are more inclined to report higher satisfaction and commitment levels. They are also more likely to purchase products or services recommended by their AI agents and use them more frequently.Originality/valueDespite the growing popularity of AI agents, there is a lack of understanding regarding which characteristics of AI agents affect consumer behavior. Therefore, this research examines how the attribute of cuteness influences consumers' attachment to AI agents and subsequently affects their satisfaction and purchase intention toward products recommended by AI agents. Our study demonstrates that the element of cuteness in AI agents plays a crucial role in shaping perceptions of benevolence trustworthiness, as well as fostering users' attachment to AI agents. Furthermore, we observe positive consumer behaviors as a result of their attachment to AI agents. The findings from this study provide valuable insights for practitioners on how to effectively utilize cuteness in AI agents.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article; Early Access}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Yim, A (Corresponding Author), Radford Univ, Davis Coll Business \& Econ, Dept Mkt, Radford, VA 24142 USA. 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Mark.}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {N7XJ6}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:001039094200001}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @article{ WOS:000572987800012, Author = {Pillai, Rajasshrie and Sivathanu, Brijesh and Dwivedi, Yogesh K.}, Title = {Shopping intention at AI-powered automated retail stores (AIPARS)}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES}, Year = {2020}, Volume = {57}, Month = {NOV}, Abstract = {Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way retail stores operate. AI-Powered Automated Retail Stores are the next revolution in physical retail. Consumers are facing fully automated technology in these retail stores. Therefore, it is necessary to scrutinize the antecedents of consumers' intention to shop at AI-Powered Automated Retail Stores. This study delves into this area to find the predictors of consumers' intention to shop at AI-Powered Automated Retail Stores. It extends the technology readiness and acceptance model by the addition of AI context specific constructs such as Perceived Enjoyment, Customization and Interactivity from the present literature. The proposed model is tested by surveying 1250 consumers \& the data is analyzed using the PLS-SEM technique and empirically validated. The outcome of the study reveals that Innovativeness and Optimism of consumers affect the perceived ease and perceived usefulness. Insecurity negatively affects the perceived usefulness of AI-powered automated retail stores. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, customization and interactivity are significant predictors of shopping intention of consumers in AI-powered automated stores. This research presents insightful academic and managerial implications in the domain of retailing and technology in retail.}, Publisher = {ELSEVIER SCI LTD}, Address = {THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Pillai, R (Corresponding Author), Pune Inst Business Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Pillai, Rajasshrie, Pune Inst Business Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Sivathanu, Brijesh, Sri Balaji Univ, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Dwivedi, Yogesh K., Swansea Univ, Emerging Markets Res Ctr, Sch Management, Swansea, W Glam, Wales.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102207}, Article-Number = {102207}, ISSN = {0969-6989}, EISSN = {1873-1384}, Keywords = {TRAM; PLS-SEM; Perceived enjoyment; Customization; Interactivity; Artificial intelligence-powered automated; retail stores}, Keywords-Plus = {INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY READINESS; IMAGE INTERACTIVITY TECHNOLOGY; ONLINE PURCHASE INTENTION; ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE; CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE; AUGMENTED REALITY; USER ACCEPTANCE; VIRTUAL-REALITY; BIG DATA; INTRINSIC MOTIVATION}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business}, Author-Email = {rajasshrie1@gmail.com brij.jesh2002@gmail.com ykdwivedi@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {Swansea University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {S, BRIJESH/AAQ-4753-2021 Dwivedi, Yogesh Kumar/A-5362-2008 Pillai, Rajasshrie/GRO-0859-2022}, ORCID-Numbers = {S, BRIJESH/0000-0003-2505-9140 Dwivedi, Yogesh Kumar/0000-0002-5547-9990 }, Cited-References = {Adapa S, 2020, J RETAIL CONSUM SERV, V52, DOI 10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.101901. 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Among various factors, the three most well-known determinants on which human conjecture depends for preferring a product are demographic, economic and psychographic factors, which can help in developing an accurate market design and strategy for the sustainable growth of a company. In this paper, the study of customer satisfaction with regard to a life insurance company is presented, which focused on comparing artificial intelligence-based, data-driven approaches to classical market segmentation approaches. In this work, an artificial intelligence-based decision support system was developed which utilises the aforementioned factors for the accurate classification of potential buyers. The novelty of this paper lies in developing supervised machine learning models that have a tendency to accurately identify the cluster of potential buyers with the help of demographic, economic and psychographic factors. By considering a combination of the factors that are related to the demographic, economic and psychographic elements, the proposed support vector machine model and logistic regression model-based decision support systems were able to identify the cluster of potential buyers with collective accuracies of 98.82\% and 89.20\%, respectively. The substantial accuracy of a support vector machine model would be helpful for a life insurance company which needs a decision support system for targeting potential customers and sustaining its share within the market.}, Publisher = {MDPI}, Address = {ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Mursaleen, M (Corresponding Author), China Med Univ Taiwan, China Med Univ Hosp, Dept Med Res, Taichung 40402, Taiwan. Khan, Mohammad Farhan, Cranfield Univ, Sch Water Energy \& Environm, Cranfield MK43 0AL, Beds, England. Haider, Farnaz, Aligarh Muslim Univ, Dept Agr Econ \& Business Management, Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India. Al-Hmouz, Ahmed, Middle East Univ, Dept Comp Informat Syst, Amman 11831, Jordan. Mursaleen, Mohammad, China Med Univ Taiwan, China Med Univ Hosp, Dept Med Res, Taichung 40402, Taiwan.}, DOI = {10.3390/math9121369}, Article-Number = {1369}, EISSN = {2227-7390}, Keywords = {consumer behaviour; life insurance; support vector machine; logistic regression; demographic factors; economic factors; psychographic factors; data-driven approach}, Keywords-Plus = {DEMAND; DETERMINANTS; EXPENDITURES; OWNERSHIP; ECONOMICS; BEHAVIOR; MOTIVES; MACHINE}, Research-Areas = {Mathematics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Mathematics}, Author-Email = {farhan7787@gmail.com farnaz.mgmt@gmail.com ahmouz@meu.edu.jo mursaleenm@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {Cranfield University; Aligarh Muslim University; Middle East University; China Medical University Taiwan; China Medical University Hospital - Taiwan}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Khan, Mohammad Farhan/J-2346-2019 Mursaleen, M./A-6146-2013}, ORCID-Numbers = {Khan, Mohammad Farhan/0000-0001-8773-8726 Mursaleen, M./0000-0003-4128-0427}, Cited-References = {Abakouy R., 2019, P 4 INT C SMART CITY, P1. 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Despite its fruitfulness in many simple situations, the RL model does not always cope well with real life situations involving a large space of possible world states or a large set of possible actions. We propose a modified version of the RL learning model. The benefit of this model is that the temporal difference prediction error can be used directly to update not only the value of the latest action of the learning agent, but the values of many possible future actions. An example application of this modified reinforcement learning infrastructure (MRLI) is presented for a customer behaviour in a complex shopping environment.}, Publisher = {ATLANTIS PRESS}, Address = {29 AVENUE LAVMIERE, PARIS, 75019, FRANCE}, Type = {Proceedings Paper}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Suomala, Jyrki, Laurea Univ Appl Sci, NeuroLab, FI-02650 Espoo, Finland. Suomala, Ville, Univ Oulu, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland.}, ISSN = {1951-6851}, ISBN = {978-94-62520-24-0}, Keywords = {MRLI; Graph Theory; Learning; Behavioral model; Decision-making}, Keywords-Plus = {DECISION-MAKING; PREDICTION; REWARD}, Research-Areas = {Social Sciences - Other Topics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, Author-Email = {Jyrki.suomala@laurea.fi ville.suomala@oulu.fi}, Affiliations = {Laurea University of Applied Sciences; University of Oulu}, Cited-References = {Botvinick MM, 2009, COGNITION, V113, P262, DOI 10.1016/j.cognition.2008.08.011. Botvinick MM, 2012, CURR OPIN NEUROBIOL, V22, P956, DOI 10.1016/j.conb.2012.05.008. Daw Nathaniel D., 2014, NEUROECONOMICS, P299, DOI DOI 10.1016/B978-0-12-416008-8.00016-4. Glimcher PW, 2003, BRADFORD BOOKS, P1. Kahneman D, 1997, Q J ECON, V112, P375, DOI 10.1162/003355397555235. Li J, 2006, PLOS ONE, V1, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0000103. Markov NT, 2013, SCIENCE, V342, P578, DOI 10.1126/science.1238406. 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Various drivers were identified for food waste, such as consumer behaviour, unskilled workforce, intention, perceived behavioural control, and increasing disposable income. In the present study, a bibliometric analysis of 2498 publications from 2000 to 2022 (February) is done with the help of VOSviewer to investigate the research publication trends in food waste generating due to consumer behaviour. To find out the most dominated journals, researchers, and research organisationshandling consumer behaviour leading to food waste, to figure out the highly cited research publications in the present research area and their impact on society. To prepare a thematic research cluster and determine the most dominant research terms in wasteful consumer behaviour. www.dimensions.ai free database app is used to extract the data to analyse the objectives mentioned above. A tremendous increase in the publication was found since 2015, i.e., 500\%. Journal of cleaner publication is the leading Journal having 3836 citations and a total link strength (TLS) of 140329. The University of Oxford (17 documents, 1979 citations, and 2635 of TLS) was the most influential organisation in consumer behaviour, leading to food waste research. The University of Oxford (17 documents, 1979 citations, and 2635 TLS) was the leading organisation in the present study. The United States topped the ranking with 428 articles, having citations of 6745 and a TLS of 108742. ``Food waste within food supply chains . quantification and potential for change to 2050{''} was the most-cited research publication. Product (787), use (563), data (502), production (489), and review (484) are the most occurred keywords found in the present study. The present study helps in connecting the relation between FW and consumer behaviour, which is one of the most significant concerns in the current scenario, justified by the massive increase in the publication in the last five years. More research is required in this field to fight against this global concern to achieve the SDGs12 and 13.}, Publisher = {ANADOLU UNIV}, Address = {INST FINE ARTS, ESKISEHIR, 26470, TURKEY}, Type = {Review}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Kumar, D (Corresponding Author), AURO Univ, Sch Hospitality Management, Surat, Gujarat, India. Kumar, Dilip, AURO Univ, Sch Hospitality Management, Surat, Gujarat, India. Singh, Rohit, AURO Univ, Sch Business, Surat, Gujarat, India. Choudhuri, Sajjan, Chandigarh Univ, Univ Sch Business, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. Shandilya, Abhinav Kumar, Birla Inst Technol, Dept Hotel Management \& Catering Technol, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India.}, DOI = {10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I3.507}, ISSN = {1308-5581}, Keywords = {Bibliometric analysis; VOSviewer; Food Waste; Consumer Behaviour; SDG}, Keywords-Plus = {SUSTAINABILITY; MANAGEMENT; ATTITUDES; LOSSES}, Research-Areas = {Education \& Educational Research}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Education, Special}, Author-Email = {dilipraj81@gmail.com rohit@aurouniversity.edu.in sajjan.usb@cumail.in sabhinavkumar@bitmesra.ac.in}, Affiliations = {Chandigarh University; Birla Institute of Technology Mesra}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Kumar, Dr. Dilip/AAA-4924-2022 Kumar Shandilya, Abhinav/AHD-0059-2022}, ORCID-Numbers = {Kumar, Dr. Dilip/0000-0002-2503-1394 Kumar Shandilya, Abhinav/0000-0001-5186-9433}, Cited-References = {Alexander P, 2017, AGR SYST, V153, P190, DOI 10.1016/j.agsy.2017.01.014. Bene C, 2020, FOOD SECUR, V12, P805, DOI 10.1007/s12571-020-01076-1. 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Educ.}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {2Z6XH}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:000826717600001}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @article{ WOS:000562543500001, Author = {Deng, Guangkuan and Zhang, Jianyu and Ye, Naiyi and Chi, Rui}, Title = {Consumers' human nature and their shopping channel choices in the emerging artificial intelligence era: based on Xunzi's humanity hypothesis}, Journal = {INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REVIEW}, Year = {2021}, Volume = {38}, Number = {4, SI}, Pages = {736-755}, Month = {JUL 22}, Abstract = {Purpose Drawing from the ancient Chinese philosopher Xunzi's insights on humanity, this study aims to address human nature's critical role in influencing and shaping consumers' shopping channel choices in the emerging artificial intelligence (AI) era and the implications for non-East Asian countries. Design/methodology/approach Based on the theory of planned behaviour and accessibility-diagnosticity theory, our approach created a holistic model conceptualising human nature, shopping orientations, channel choice intentions, subjective norms and perceived AI usefulness. A questionnaire survey method served to test the framework. Findings The results validated human nature's role in shaping and influencing consumers' channel choices through shopping orientation. Subjective norms weaken the positive relationship between human nature and shopping orientation, while the positive relationship between shopping orientation and online purchase intention is stronger when consumers perceived AI as highly useful. Originality/value This paper contributes to humanity hypotheses literature in management by introducing Xunzi's theory that views human nature as evil. Additionally, it enriches channel choice literature by introducing perceived AI usefulness.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Deng, GK (Corresponding Author), Southwestern Univ Finance \& Econ, Sch Business Adm, Chengdu, Peoples R China. Deng, Guangkuan; Zhang, Jianyu; Chi, Rui, Southwestern Univ Finance \& Econ, Sch Business Adm, Chengdu, Peoples R China. Ye, Naiyi, Southwest Jiaotong Univ, Sch Econ \& Management, Chengdu, Peoples R China.}, DOI = {10.1108/IMR-01-2019-0026}, EarlyAccessDate = {AUG 2020}, ISSN = {0265-1335}, EISSN = {1758-6763}, Keywords = {Xunzi; Human nature is evil; Perceived AI usefulness; Shopping orientation; Subjective norms}, Keywords-Plus = {STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELS; HUMAN-NATURE HELD; PERSONALIZED RECOMMENDATION; ETHICAL JUDGMENTS; UTILITARIAN; INFORMATION; ACCEPTANCE; BELIEFS; PREFERENCE; COMMERCE}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business}, Author-Email = {styzdgk@126.com}, Affiliations = {Southwestern University of Finance \& Economics - China; Southwest Jiaotong University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {G.K., Deng/AAZ-7371-2020 Chi, Jasmine/GRJ-9418-2022}, ORCID-Numbers = {G.K., Deng/0000-0002-5071-463X }, Funding-Acknowledgement = {National Natural Science Foundation of China {[}71472153]}, Funding-Text = {This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71472153)}, Cited-References = {Ahluwalia R, 2000, J CONSUM RES, V27, P371, DOI 10.1086/317591. 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Rev.}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {TN5MJ}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:000562543500001}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @inproceedings{ WOS:000717224200032, Author = {Del Vacchio, Erica and Laddaga, Cesare and Bifulco, Francesco}, Editor = {Schiuma, G}, Title = {How AI Affects the Motivations Tourists Photographs}, Booktitle = {15TH INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON KNOWLEDGE ASSET DYNAMICS (IFKAD 2020): KNOWLEDGE IN DIGITAL AGE}, Series = {Proceedings IFKAD}, Year = {2020}, Pages = {434-454}, Note = {15th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) - Knowledge in Digital Age, ELECTR NETWORK, SEP 09-11, 2020}, Abstract = {Service literature suggests that identifying the motivations of tourists is fundamental (e.g., Woosnam et al., 2016; Pomfret \& Bramwell, 2016) to be able to adapt marketing strategies according to the different users' needs. However, today digital technologies and more generally service innovations have profoundly changed the decision-making of the tourists photographers. Some contributions (Lo et al., 2011; Ozansoy cardici et al., 2019) agree that the motivation that drives users to take photos is no longer linked just to memory but to the communication of personal identity, especially for the new generations. These changes depend on the use of digital tools such as the introduction of mobile with camera, social networks, and AI. Indeed, Huyn et al (2009) conceptualized the tourism in the mobile context, recognizing the use of mobile to search travel information through photo of other visitors; then, Prideaux \& Coghlan (2010) investigated the photographic habits, using mobile phones or cameras as a tool of memory. Several recent contributions (Munar \& Jacobsen, 2014; Kozinets, 2017; Trinanda \& Sari, 2019) focus on the evolution of tourist's motivation photo due to the development of social networks. Indeed, Munar \& Jacobsen (2014) examined the reasons that drive tourists to share their photos on social networks, showing that the findings provide insights into motivational factors such as personal and community-related benefits, as well as social capital that influences the sharing of user-generated content. Besides, according to Kozinets (2017) the visitor became part of art domain with the selfie, not only for narcissistic reasons, as exposed by Fox and Rooney (2015), Sorokowski et al. (2015), and Lee and Sung (2016), but to express aspects of themselves through the art. Findings show that AI is actually a tool able to influence and add new motivations for tourist photographer: in particular, AI improve the game and curiosity motivations, with the consequent rise of a different and new interaction with art. Future research could use a customer survey (Hulland et al., 2018) to better understand which features of AI are the most appreciated by tourist photographers. The purpose of the research is to verify, through a content analysis, what emerged in the literature on the first two steps of the tourist photographer motivations. Furthermore, after investigating through the observation, the theoretical framework, we will proceed to define a theoretical framework inherent in the emerging phenomenon of AI implementation also in tourism which at the moment is little treated in managerial literature.}, Publisher = {IKAM-INST KNOWLEDGE ASSET MANAGEMENT}, Address = {VIA D SCHIAVONE 1, MATERA, MT 75100, ITALY}, Type = {Proceedings Paper}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Del Vacchio, E (Corresponding Author), Univ Naples Federico II, Dept Econ Management Inst, Via Cintia 26, I-80126 Na, Italy. Del Vacchio, Erica; Laddaga, Cesare; Bifulco, Francesco, Univ Naples Federico II, Dept Econ Management Inst, Via Cintia 26, I-80126 Na, Italy.}, ISSN = {2280-787X}, ISBN = {978-88-96687-13-0}, Keywords = {Cultural heritage; artificial intelligence; consumer behaviour; digital tourism; hospitality}, Keywords-Plus = {SELF-PRESENTATION; NARCISSISM; TRAVEL; INFORMATION; BEHAVIORS}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics; Computer Science; Information Science \& Library Science; Operations Research \& Management Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science \& Library Science; Management; Operations Research \& Management Science}, Affiliations = {University of Naples Federico II}, Cited-References = {{[}Anonymous], 1990, TOURIST GAZE LEISURE. {[}Anonymous], 2006, GEOGRAPHIES COMMUNIC. {[}Anonymous], 2015, INFORM COMMUNICATION. {[}Anonymous], 2005, J BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT, DOI DOI 10.1007/S11301-004-0002-8. {[}Anonymous], 2002, APPL CASE STUDY RES. {[}Anonymous], 2008, INT C INFORM COMMUNI, DOI DOI 10.1007/978-3-211-77280-5\_4. 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Algorithms now produce high-quality artistic content (e.g. original songs), for hedo consumption and utilitarian business applications. While available literature to-date focuses mainly on technological development and applications, this paper aims to address the resulting research gap by investigating listeners' perceptions towards music composed by AI. Design/methodology/approach - First, an online survey was conducted with 446 respondents and compared perceptions of music professionals (n = 72) and non-professional listeners (n = 374). Following this, a 2 x 2 laboratory experiment was conducted, where 86 participants listened to songs composed by AI but were presented different narratives regarding the composition process (human versus AI). Findings - Overall, results from the online survey indicated a rather negative perception, low purchase intention for AI music and a negative credibility perception of musicians using AI. Findings from the experiment indicated no significant differences between the groups, suggesting that the awareness of the use of automation did not influence the perception towards the music. Originality/value - This paper contributes by highlighting the current perception of both listeners and music professionals towards the application of artificial creativity in music composition. Furthermore, it contributes to the existing literature on artificial creativity applied in music, by providing evidence of its impact on listeners' perception. Results reveal the importance of further investigation on the topic.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Moura, FT (Corresponding Author), IUBH Univ Appl Sci, Dept Mkt, Munich, Germany. Tigre Moura, Francisco, IUBH Univ Appl Sci, Dept Mkt, Munich, Germany. Maw, Charlotte, IUBH Univ Appl Sci, Munich, Germany.}, DOI = {10.1108/JCM-02-2020-3671}, EarlyAccessDate = {FEB 2021}, ISSN = {0736-3761}, EISSN = {2052-1200}, Keywords = {Automation; Artificial intelligence; Music; Artificial creativity; Music composition}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business}, Author-Email = {f.tigre-moura@iubh.de charlotte.maw@iubh.de}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Tigre Moura, Francisco/HJH-6195-2023 Tigre, Francisco/HJH-6256-2023}, ORCID-Numbers = {Tigre Moura, Francisco/0000-0003-4699-7582 }, Cited-References = {Aaker JL, 1997, J CONSUM RES, V24, P315, DOI 10.1086/209513. An M, 2017, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGE. {[}Anonymous], 2016, 4 IND REVOLUTION WHA. {[}Anonymous], 2008, EMOTION MEANING MUSI. {[}Anonymous], 2004, CREATIVE MIND MYTHS. {[}Anonymous], 2018, OXFORD HDB ALGORITHM. {[}Anonymous], 1994, MUSIC GROOVES ESSAYS. {[}Anonymous], 2017, DISCOVERING STAT USI. {[}Anonymous], 1974, STIMULATING CREATIVI. Areni C. 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This research aims to investigate the adoption of AI color cosmetics applications and their electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) intention among Chinese social media influencers. Several key concepts have been proposed in this research, namely body esteem, price sensitivity, social media addiction and actual purchase. Design/methodology/approach An online questionnaire design was used in this research. A combination of purposive sampling and snowball sampling of AI color cosmetics users who are also social media influencers in China yields 221 respondents. To analyze the data, this research employs Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method via SPSS and AMOS software. A 2-step approach, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), is implemented to prove the hypotheses and generate the results. Findings 1) Social media addiction is a positive predictor of AI color cosmetics usage, (2) AI color cosmetics usage is a positive predictor of actual purchase, (3) actual purchase is a positive predictor of e-WOM intention and lastly, (4) there is a full mediation effect of actual purchase. Originality/value This research draws on the uses and gratification (U\&G) theory to investigate how specific user characteristics affect Chinese social media influencers' adoption of AI color cosmetics, as well as how this may affect their decision to purchase branded color cosmetics and their e-WOM.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Simay, AE (Corresponding Author), Corvinus Univ Budapest, Inst Mkt \& Commun Sci, Budapest, Hungary. Simay, Attila Endre; Wei, Yuling; Gyulavari, Tamas; Syahrivar, Jhanghiz; Hofmeister-Toth, Agnes, Corvinus Univ Budapest, Inst Mkt \& Commun Sci, Budapest, Hungary. Syahrivar, Jhanghiz, President Univ, Fac Business, Bekasi, Indonesia. Gaczek, Piotr, Poznan Univ Econ \& Business, Dept Mkt Strategies, Poznan, Poland.}, DOI = {10.1108/APJML-04-2022-0352}, EarlyAccessDate = {SEP 2022}, ISSN = {1355-5855}, EISSN = {1758-4248}, Keywords = {Artificial intelligence; Cosmetics; e-WOM intention; Social media influencers; Social media addiction; China}, Keywords-Plus = {AUGMENTED REALITY; PURCHASE INTENTION; SELF-ESTEEM; CONTINUANCE INTENTION; FACEBOOK ADDICTION; BODY-ESTEEM; GRATIFICATIONS; PRODUCT; PRICE; SCALE}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business}, Author-Email = {attila.simay@uni-corvinus.hu}, Affiliations = {Corvinus University Budapest; Poznan University of Economics \& Business}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Syahrivar, Jhanghiz/P-7234-2017 Hofmeister, Agnes/AEK-1276-2022 Wei, Yuling/GRJ-4677-2022 Gyulavari, Tamas/K-2503-2014}, ORCID-Numbers = {Syahrivar, Jhanghiz/0000-0002-4563-3413 Wei, Yuling/0000-0003-0955-0909 Simay, Attila Endre/0000-0001-5114-8791 Gyulavari, Tamas/0000-0003-1358-786X}, Cited-References = {Abed SS, 2022, INT J ORGAN ANAL, V30, P1045, DOI 10.1108/IJOA-11-2020-2501. 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Researchers have developed complex credit scoring models using statistical and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to help banks and financial institutions to support their financial decisions. Neural networks are considered as a mostly wide used technique in finance and business applications. Thus, the main aim of this paper is to help bank management in scoring credit card clients using machine learning by modelling and predicting the consumer behaviour with respect to two aspects: the probability of single and consecutive missed payments for credit card customers. The proposed model is based on the bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) model to give the probability of a missed payment during the next month for each customer. The model was trained on a real credit card dataset and the customer behavioural scores are analysed using classical measures such as accuracy, Area Under the Curve, Brier score, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and H-measure. 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Such methodology is based on Genetic Fuzzy Systems, a specific hybridization of artificial intelligence methods, highly suited to the research problem we face. The use of KDD methodologies based on intelligent systems like this can be considered as an avant-garde evolution, exponent nowadays of the so-called knowledge-based Marketing Management Support Systems; we name them as Marketing Intelligent Systems. The most important questions to the KDD process-i.e. pre-processing; machine learning and post-processing-are discussed in depth and solved. After its theoretical presentation, we empirically experiment with it, using a consumer behaviour model of reference. In this part of the paper, we try to offer an overall perspective of how it works. The valuation of its performance and utility is very positive. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. 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Focusing on the Amazon Echo in-home VA, and its associated Alexa Skills, this research uncovers the key drivers of consumer brand engagement through VAs. In study 1, through a set of in-depth exploratory interviews with 21 respondents, we established three factors as key drivers of why consumers use VAs to engage with brands: AI attributes, technology attributes, and situational attributes. Study 2 examines these specific drivers via a questionnaire with 724 respondents. The findings outline the VA as an actor in the engagement process and affirm the importance of the VA's AI attributes of social presence, perceived intelligence, and social attraction in influencing consumer brand engagement. Additionally, technology attributes influence consumer brand engagement, along with the utilitarian benefits derived from interactions with brand-related information. Hedonic benefits do not influence consumer brand engagement via VA technology, while trust concerns play a negative role in brand engagement behaviour. Lastly, the results convey that consumer brand engagement via a VA influences brand usage intention, but in contrast to previous research, does not directly influence future purchase intention.}, Publisher = {ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC}, Address = {STE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10169 USA}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {McLean, G (Corresponding Author), Univ Strathclyde, Business Sch, Stenhouse Wing, Glasgow G4 0QU, Lanark, Scotland. McLean, Graeme, Univ Strathclyde, Business Sch, Stenhouse Wing, Glasgow G4 0QU, Lanark, Scotland. Osei-Frimpong, Kofi, Univ Profess Studies, Accra, Ghana. 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The first uses quantitative methods and is based on a sample of 35,264 retail banking customers. Study 2 explores the findings that emerge from Study 1 using qualitative methods. Findings This paper finds that matching consumer personality with congruent advertising messages can lead to more effective consumer persuasion for most personality types. For consumers who exhibit neurotic personality traits, ameliorating perceived risks during purchasing and providing cues for social acceptance and goal attainment are important factors for advertising effectiveness. These factors also had a positive impact on the purchasing behaviour of extroverted consumers. Research limitations/implications This research focusses on understanding purchasing behaviour based on the most dominant personality trait. However, people are likely to exhibit a combination of most or even all of the Big Five personality traits. Practical implications Building on advances in natural language processing, enabling the identification of personality from language, this study demonstrates the possibility of influencing consumer behaviour by matching machine inferred personality to congruent persuasive advertising. It is one of the few studies to use contextual instead of social media data to capture individual personality. Such data serves to capture an authentic rather than contrived persona. Further, the study identifies the factors that may moderate this relationship and thereby provides an explanation of why some personality traits exhibit differences in purchasing behaviour from those that are anticipated by existing theory. Originality/value Although the idea that people are more likely to be responsive to advertising messages that are congruent with their personality type has already been successfully applied by advertising practitioners and documented by advertising scholars, this study extends existing research by identifying the factors that may moderate this relationship and thereby provides an explanation why some personality traits may exhibit differences in purchasing behaviour from those that are anticipated by existing theory.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Shumanov, M (Corresponding Author), Swinburne Univ Technol, Dept Business Technol \& Entrepreneurship, Melbourne, Vic, Australia. Shumanov, Michael, Swinburne Univ Technol, Dept Business Technol \& Entrepreneurship, Melbourne, Vic, Australia. 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Studies show that 14\% of the country's population in 2018 were vegetarians and research points Brazil in the ranking of the ten countries with the largest increase in vegans. With this growth, alternative products have emerged, such as aquafaba, which is the water from cooking legumes. Objective: To develop a vegan dessert using meringue from aquafaba. Materials and Methods: The recipe was developed in the dietetic technique laboratory, in three samples with distinct flavors (A, B and C), and for sensory analysis to be performed the project was sent to the Ethics Committee (opinion 4.008.403 of 05/05/20), applying Term of Consent to random tasters (vegan, vegetarian and omnivore). Results: After compilation and statistical analysis, the mean sensory attributes, and their acceptability indices (AI) were calculated. Although there was no significant difference between the acceptance results of the samples, sample A was the best accepted (mean 92\%), compared to B (mean 90.8\%) and C (mean 89.6\%). In the purchase intention there was an approval rate of 64\% saying they would certainly buy, 28\% would buy and 8\% would maybe buy. Conclusion: the recipe developed had a good acceptance in all samples, considering the attributes evaluated as well as the positive correlation with the purchase intention of the tasters and their frequency of candy consumption. Thus, the preparation is contributing to a compilation of new products for the public in question.}, Publisher = {INST BRASILEIRO PESQUISA \& ENSINO FISIOLOGIA EXERCICIO-IBPEFEX}, Address = {INST BRASILEIRO PESQUISA \& ENSINO FISIOLOGIA EXERCICIO-IBPEFEX, SAO PAULO, 00000, BRAZIL}, Type = {Article}, Language = {Portuguese}, Affiliation = {de Oliveira, LJ (Corresponding Author), Rua 15,Numero 352,Setor Cent, BR-74030030 Goiania, Go, Brazil. de Oliveira, Leticia Jesus, Pontificia Univ Catolica Goias, PUC Goias, Acad Nutr, Goiania, Go, Brazil. Pereira, Sueli Essado, PUC Goias, Escola Ciencias Sociais \& Saude ECISS, Goiania, Go, Brazil.}, ISSN = {1981-9919}, Keywords = {Vegans; Cicer arietinum; Sensory function}, Research-Areas = {Nutrition \& Dietetics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Nutrition \& Dietetics}, Author-Email = {oliveirajleticia@gmail.com suganutrir@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Goias}, Cited-References = {Alles B, 2017, NUTRIENTS, V9, DOI 10.3390/nu9091023. Amaral F.M., 2018, REV BRASILEIRA GASTR, V1, P34. Bento R.A., 2013, TECNICO ALIMENTOS AN, P142. Brasil. Ministerio da Saude, 2014, GUIA AL POP BRAS. Dever Z, 2016, AQUAFABA SWEET SAVOR, P295. Dutcosky S. D., 2013, ANALISE SENSORIAL AL, P531. Goncalves N.A., 2015, NUTR BRASIL, V14, P197. IBGE. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica, 2011, PESQ ORC FAM 2008 20. INSA. Instituto Nacional de Saude Doutor Ricardo Jorge SNS-Servico Nacional de Saude., 2019, AL NUTR. 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Taking AI-powered Smart TV (AI TV) as a typical research object, this study (1) develops a theoretical model by integrating the technology acceptance model with users' smart service belief factors and (2) employs the user experience type as an original moderator. Using data from 585 AI TV users, the structural equation modeling analysis suggests that perceived two-way communication, perceived personalization, and perceived co-creation as three belief factors, are important antecedent constructs in the extended technology acceptance model. The analysis also suggests that the user experience type exerts positive moderating effects on two-way communication and personalization to attitude toward behavior and purchase intention. This study thus contributes to the literature on smart service by identifying and studying smart service belief factors. The addition of smart service belief factors as antecedents, as well as user experience type as a moderator, are crucial to expand the generalizability of TAM to the smart media service context. From a customer experience management perspective, this study shows how to convert ad-supported users into new paid subscribers, while keeping existing subscribers by fulfilling their smart service requirements.}, Publisher = {ELSEVIER SCI LTD}, Address = {THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Gao, B (Corresponding Author), Kobe Univ, Grad Sch Business Adm, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan. Gao, Biao; Huang, Lin, Kobe Univ, Grad Sch Business Adm, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02983}, Article-Number = {e02983}, EISSN = {2405-8440}, Keywords = {Business; Psychology; Marketing; Smart media; Technology acceptance model; Two-way communication; Personalization; Co-creation; User experience type}, Keywords-Plus = {TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE; PERCEIVED EASE; CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE; ONLINE CONSUMERS; CO-CREATION; MODEL; INTERNET; PERSONALIZATION; EXPERIENCE; ADOPTION}, Research-Areas = {Science \& Technology - Other Topics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Multidisciplinary Sciences}, Author-Email = {biaogao.edu@outlook.com}, Affiliations = {Kobe University}, ORCID-Numbers = {Gao, Biao/0000-0002-0263-0167}, Cited-References = {Abdullah A, 2017, INT J ADV APPL SCI, V4, P16, DOI 10.21833/ijaas.2017.012.004. Agag G, 2016, COMPUT HUM BEHAV, V60, P97, DOI 10.1016/j.chb.2016.02.038. Allmendinger G, 2005, HARVARD BUS REV, V83, P131. 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Design/methodology/approach A comparative study between China and South Korea was conducted with sample sizes of 458 and 315, respectively. Smart PLS was used for analysis. Findings The findings suggest that AR apps influence innovative consumers in China and South Korea to be satisfied with and continue to use such services. Previous research on technology acceptance model, information system success, AR and artificial intelligence (AI)-context-specific variables supported the findings. Practical implications This study contributes to the development of AR apps for beauty brands, as such technology revolutionizes how beauty brands work and grow. As a result, AR apps can pave the way for brands to provide an immersive experience to their customers. Originality/value The current study contributes to AR and AI drivers in the context of beauty brands by using novel technologies such as AR. AR integration with AI-context-specific variables indicates that consumers in China and South Korea are innovative and accept such technologies when purchasing beauty products online.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Ahmad, H (Corresponding Author), Univ Okara, Okara, Pakistan. Butt, Asad, Univ Cent Punjab, Fac Management Studies, Lahore, Pakistan. Ahmad, Hassan, Univ Okara, Okara, Pakistan. Muzaffar, Asif, Birmingham City Univ, Birmingham City Business Sch, Birmingham, W Midlands, England. Ali, Fayaz, Shenzhen Univ, Coll Management, Res Inst Business Analyt \& Supply Chain Managemen, Shenzhen, Peoples R China. 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L.}, Title = {Putting the ``Me{''} in endorsement: Understanding and conceptualizing dimensions of self-endorsement using intelligent personal assistants}, Journal = {NEW MEDIA \& SOCIETY}, Year = {2021}, Volume = {23}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1506-1526}, Month = {JUN}, Abstract = {Self-endorsement-depicting the ``self{''} as an endorser of a brand-represents a potentially powerful advertising strategy made possible by new media. This experiment tests the hypothesis that receiving brand recommendations from an intelligent personal assistant believed to be tailored to one's own characteristics and consumer interests yields higher brand attitude and purchase intention toward the (self-endorsed) brand than receiving brand recommendations from a typical, but not self-tailored, intelligent personal assistant. Because endorsement is a well-known and highly effective advertising strategy, this is a high bar. 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However, few authors have focused on linking the antecedent dimensions of luxury value to further attitudinal outcomes, besides purchase intention. Also, the few studies considering both dimensions focused on age or culture as moderator dimensions between such constructs. The gap identified in the literature constitutes the originality of the present study. As a result, the main goal of the present work is to measure the impact of luxury value perceptions in customer-based outcomes, as well as the possible moderator effect of Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in the relationship between Owner Based Luxury Value and customer-based outcomes. Therefore, a quantitative methodological approach will be employed, through the development of a questionnaire.}, Publisher = {SPRINGER-VERLAG SINGAPORE PTE LTD}, Address = {152 BEACH ROAD, \#21-01/04 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE, 189721, SINGAPORE}, Type = {Proceedings Paper}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Dominique-Ferreira, S (Corresponding Author), Polytech Inst Cavado \& Ave UNIAG, Appl Management Res Unit UNIAG, Dept Mkt \& Tourism, Barcelos, Portugal. Dominique-Ferreira, Sergio, Polytech Inst Cavado \& Ave UNIAG, Appl Management Res Unit UNIAG, Dept Mkt \& Tourism, Barcelos, Portugal. Gomes, Helena, Univ Porto, Fac Econ, Porto, Portugal. Brito, Pedro Quelhas, Univ Porto, Dept Mkt, Porto, Portugal. Prentice, Catherine, Univ Southern Queensland, Dept Mkt, Springfield, Australia.}, DOI = {10.1007/978-981-19-6585-2\_48}, ISSN = {2190-3018}, EISSN = {2190-3026}, ISBN = {978-981-19-6587-6; 978-981-19-6585-2; 978-981-19-6584-5}, Keywords = {Luxury; Owner Based Luxury Value (OBLV); Service encounter; Service quality; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Emotional Intelligence (EI); Customer engagement; Customer satisfaction; Customer loyalty}, Keywords-Plus = {SATISFACTION INDEX; PERCEPTIONS; ENGAGEMENT; LOYALTY; BRANDS; TECHNOLOGY; PURCHASE; QUALITY; MODEL}, Research-Areas = {Education \& Educational Research}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Education \& Educational Research; Education, Special}, Author-Email = {sergio.dominique@gmail.com pbrito@fep.up.pt cathyjournalarticles@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {Instituto Politecnico do Porto; Universidade do Porto; Universidade do Porto; University of Southern Queensland}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {FCT - Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education {[}UIDB/04752/2020]}, Funding-Text = {UNIAG, R\&D unit funded by the FCT - Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. ``Project Code Reference: UIDB/04752/2020{''}.}, Cited-References = {Alexander MJ, 2018, J SERV MANAGE, V29, P333, DOI 10.1108/JOSM-08-2016-0237. 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Comparing virtual and human influencers endorsement effectiveness}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES}, Year = {2023}, Volume = {75}, Month = {NOV}, Abstract = {As AI increasingly permeates digital spaces, virtual influencers are operating in similar ways as human influ-encers. However, given their recent introduction, the effectiveness of virtual influencers is unclear, and there is limited managerial guidance regarding when and how they should be used. Across four studies, including an empirical investigation using secondary data analysis and three scenario-based experiments spanning two cul-tural contexts, we find that virtual influencers are less effective than human influencers as endorsers in terms of brand attitude and purchase intention. Furthermore, we identify perceived sensory capability and credibility as the serial mechanism. Lastly, we introduce the salience of sensory cues within the ad as a theoretically important and managerially relevant moderator, which attenuates the negative effect of virtual influencers. This research extends virtual influencer literature by focusing on business-related outcomes. Our theoretical model highlights essential differences in advertising outcomes between human and virtual influencers and provides important managerial implications.}, Publisher = {ELSEVIER SCI LTD}, Address = {THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Zhou, Q (Corresponding Author), Huazhong Univ Sci \& Technol, Sch Journalism \& Informat Commun, 1037 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China. Li, Huajun; Lei, Yueqiu; Zhou, Qi, Huazhong Univ Sci \& Technol, Sch Journalism \& Informat Commun, 1037 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China. Yuan, Hong, Univ Oregon, Lundquist Coll Business, 1208 Univ Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 USA.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jretconser.2023.103456}, EarlyAccessDate = {JUN 2023}, Article-Number = {103456}, ISSN = {0969-6989}, EISSN = {1873-1384}, Keywords = {Virtual influencer; Endorsement effectiveness; Mind perception theory; Perceived credibility; Sensory cue}, Keywords-Plus = {CELEBRITY CREDIBILITY; MIND PERCEPTION; ROBOTS; IMPACT}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business}, Author-Email = {jennyzq1020@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {Huazhong University of Science \& Technology; University of Oregon}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {yuan, lin/JDW-7387-2023 wu, p/JDW-5015-2023 yang, peng/JEZ-8452-2023 zhou, yang/JED-3951-2023 Yang, Jie/JDM-6213-2023 zhang, chen/JES-0371-2023 Liu, Jie/JCP-1070-2023 li, xiang/JCN-9316-2023 Yang, Jing/JFK-4046-2023}, ORCID-Numbers = {Yang, Jie/0000-0002-3941-0053 Yang, Jing/0009-0004-8274-9863}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {China Science Foundation of Ministry of Education {[}22YJCZH264]; China Postdoctoral Science Foundation {[}2021M701324]}, Funding-Text = {Acknowledgments This project is financially supported by the China Science Foundation of Ministry of Education (Grant No. 22YJCZH264) , China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2021M701324) .}, Cited-References = {Adtraction, 2020, WHAT IS VIRT INFL. 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Considering these two trends, this study aims to deploy the Lancaster approach in the emerging area of artificial intelligence. The paper aims to develop the ANN-based predictive model to investigate the relationship between organic food consumption, demographic characteristics, and health awareness attitudes. Survey research has been conducted on a sample of Croatian inhabitants, and ANN models have been used to assess the importance of various determinants for organic food consumption. A Three-layer Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks (MLPNN) structure has been constructed and validated to select the optimal number of neurons and transfer functions. One layer is used as the first input, while the other two are hidden layers (the first covers the radially symmetrical input, sigmoid function; the second covers the output, softmax function). Three versions of the testing, training, and holdout data structures were used to develop ANNs. The highest accuracy was achieved with a 7-2-1 partition. The best ANN model was determined as the model that was showing the smallest percent of incorrect predictions in the holdout stage, the second-lowest cross-entropy error, the correct classification rate, and the area under the ROC curve. The research results show that the availability of healthy food shops and consumer awareness of these shops strongly impacts organic food consumption. Using the ANN methodology, this analysis confirmed the validity of the Lancaster approach, stating that the characteristics or attributes of goods are defined by the consumer and not by the product itself.}, Publisher = {MDPI}, Address = {ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Bach, MP (Corresponding Author), Univ Zagreb, Fac Econom \& Business, Zagreb 10000, Croatia. 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During previous decades, food safety risk communication developed to be a distinguishable and well-grounded profession. Based on literature of the last 40 years, the evolution of food safety risk communication is presented from the perspectives of consumer involvement, methodological approach, and challenges. Expected future trends are also unfolded during the analysis. The paper identifies 5 + 1 stages in the evolution of food safety risk communication: Pre-risk communication era, Deficit model, Dialogue model, Partnership model, and Behavioural insight model. Expected future trends are summarised as a 6th stage, called Controlled risk environment model. The models are separated by level of consumer involvement and methodological approach. Consumer science played a crucial role in the evolutionary procedure. Despite the observed advancement between the stages, the application of each communication model might have justification under certain circumstances. In practice, the different stages have no clear boundaries, and the models can overlap. An organisation can even move on to the next phase by skipping a previous evolutionary step.}, Publisher = {ELSEVIER SCI LTD}, Address = {THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Kasza, G (Corresponding Author), Natl Food Chain Safety Off, Dept Risk Prevent \& Educ, Kelet Karoly u 24, H-1024 Budapest, Hungary. Kasza, Gyula; Csenki, Eszter; Izso, Tekla, Natl Food Chain Safety Off, Dept Risk Prevent \& Educ, Kelet Karoly u 24, H-1024 Budapest, Hungary. 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Design/methodology/approach A quantitative-based approach was followed by a questionnaire survey, which was completed by 230 respondents comprising graduate and postgraduate students, using structural equation modelling. Findings While the trait of openness was positively associated with the perceived ease of use of AR, the usefulness of AR and subjective norms, the trait of neuroticism was negatively associated with the perceived ease of use of AR. Extraversion was positively associated with subjective norms. Perceived ease of use of AR, the usefulness of AR and subjective norms were positively associated with attitudes toward AR. Practical implications The data gathered will add a valuable contribution to the currently limited data available on empirical consumer behaviour research, particularly in relation to the adoption of AR for interactive marketing. Originality/value The findings of this study will benefit academics working on the adoption of technology in rapidly developing fields such as automation and artificial intelligence; the study also contributes to the emerging interdisciplinary domain of psychology, information systems, marketing and human behaviour.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Ray, A (Corresponding Author), FORE Sch Management, Informat Technol, New Delhi, India. Srivastava, Abhishek, Indian Inst Management Jammu, Jammu, India. Dasgupta, Shilpee A., Indian Inst Management Ranchi, Gen Management Area, Ranchi, Bihar, India. Ray, Arghya, FORE Sch Management, Informat Technol, New Delhi, India. Bala, Pradip Kumar; Chakraborty, Shibashish, Indian Inst Management Ranchi, Ranchi, Bihar, India.}, DOI = {10.1108/AJIM-02-2021-0046}, EarlyAccessDate = {SEP 2021}, ISSN = {2050-3806}, EISSN = {1758-3748}, Keywords = {Augmented reality; Big five personality traits; Consumer attitude; Generation Z; Wearable devices; Technology acceptance factors}, Keywords-Plus = {TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE; USER ACCEPTANCE; SMART GLASSES; ADOPTION; IMPACT; USAGE; DIMENSIONS; MODEL}, Research-Areas = {Computer Science; Information Science \& Library Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science \& Library Science}, Author-Email = {arghya.ray16fpm@iimranchi.ac.in}, Affiliations = {Indian Institute of Management (IIM System); Indian Institute of Management Jammu; Indian Institute of Management (IIM System); Indian Institute of Management Ranchi; FORE School of Management; Indian Institute of Management (IIM System); Indian Institute of Management Ranchi}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Ray, Arghya/GXH-3304-2022 }, ORCID-Numbers = {RAY, ARGHYA/0000-0001-5836-0621 Dasgupta, Shilpee/0000-0002-2298-1570 Chakraborty, Shibashish/0000-0002-6958-6762}, Cited-References = {AJZEN I, 1991, ORGAN BEHAV HUM DEC, V50, P179, DOI 10.1016/0749-5978(91)90020-T. 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This is a component of communication between potential customers and the enterprise. This space requires that marketing processes are automated. This is carried out based on the mechanisms available in such solutions as: Marketing Automation and Programmatic Marketing. An important role here play: artificial intelligence, machine learning and software bots. The underlying objective of the paper is the investigate the interest of commercial enterprises that operate based on the traditional-internet business model in implementing solutions in the scope of e-marketing processes automation. The pilot research was conducted with the use of a survey questionnaire and additional phone conversations as a free-form interviews among the enterprises of the gardening industry in the selected EU countries. Within the research the authors have distinguished three components of solutions applied in optimising marketing processes: Marketing Automation, Programmatic Marketing and chat bots. The results demonstrate a significant interest in the discussed solutions, in particular in implementing them on social media portals, communication with clients as well as customer behaviour analysis and monitoring. The results of the research also include opinions of entreprenuers, which indicted the potential benefits of the presented solutions pertaining to marketing processes optimisation, such as: reduced cost of service, a possibility of acquiring additional data indispensable to segment and analyse loyalty of customers.}, Publisher = {INT BUSINESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ASSOC-IBIMA}, Address = {34 E GERMANTOWN PIKE, NO. 327, NORRISTOWN, PA 19401 USA}, Type = {Proceedings Paper}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Niedbal, R (Corresponding Author), Czestochowa Tech Univ, Fac Management, Czestochowa, Poland. 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The cloud service providers have attracted the attention of a huge number of user requests based on different Quality of Service (QoS) factors. The data gained researchers attention to predict user behavior through the production of IoT applications. Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based techniques have a great impact on analyzing and detection of web service segmentation and user behavior in selecting and allocating online services and online stores with wireless communications and smart devices. This research improves the Redundancy, Frequency, and Maintenance value (RFM) model to evaluate healthcare records using a hybrid Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA) and Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) algorithms. In this hybrid method, using the GGA algorithm, the features selection is applied to find the optimal features for healthcare records of customer segmentation. After that, by applying the RFM model on the data output of the genetic algorithm, the data are clustered. Finally, by applying the DBSCAN algorithm, the most suitable case for clustering will be selected. The simulation results show that the accuracy of the genetic algorithm is 97\% and the final clustering accuracy is 92\%.}, Publisher = {WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD}, Address = {5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPORE}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Chen, C (Corresponding Author), Nanchang Normal Coll Appl Technol, Sch Econ \& Management, Nanchang 330108, Jiangxi, Peoples R China. Liu, Yishu; Chen, Chen, Nanchang Normal Coll Appl Technol, Sch Econ \& Management, Nanchang 330108, Jiangxi, Peoples R China.}, DOI = {10.1142/S0218213022500099}, Article-Number = {2250009}, ISSN = {0218-2130}, EISSN = {1793-6349}, Keywords = {IoT; healthcare records; customer segmentation; feature selection; RFM model; DBSCAN; GGA}, Keywords-Plus = {PURCHASE INTENTION; PREDICTION; INTERNET; ATTITUDE}, Research-Areas = {Computer Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications}, Author-Email = {pim\_lau@163.com cool-16@163.com}, Cited-References = {Al Bazi A, 2021, INT J ARTIF INTELL T, V30, DOI 10.1142/S0218213021500032. Anitha, 2019, J KING SAUD U INF SC. {[}Anonymous], 2014, INT J INF THEORY. Arora N, 2019, DECISION-INDIA, V46, P179, DOI 10.1007/s40622-019-00208-7. Blaszczynski J, 2021, EXPERT SYST APPL, V163, DOI 10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113740. 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For Acai there is still a need for improving sanitizing processes, making it more effective, reducing the microbiological contamination without affecting either the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of final product. Thermal (blanching at 80 and 90C) and nonthermal treatments (150 mg/L-1 chlorination and 4 mg/L-1 aqueous ozonation) were applied to fruits in order to evaluated their anthocyanins content and also processed beverages for coloring, sensory characteristics, and their purchase intentions. Ozonated fruits exhibited less anthocyanins content and beverage originated from this process showed higher color difference from the traditional beverage. Consumers could not distinguish among beverages processed thermally and sanitized by chlorination. Beverage from blanched fruits in both temperatures obtained good notes and positive purchase intention. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS The Acai fruit has naturally high microbial load and sanitization processes of fruit were studied. Thermal (blanching at 80 and 90C) and nonthermal treatments (150 mg/L-1 chlorination and 4 mg/L-1 aqueous ozonation) were applied to fruits in order to evaluated possible changes the anthocyanins content on Acai fruits and color and sensory characteristics of the beverage. Practical results were obtained since aqueous ozonation process promoted changes in total anthocyanins content of Ac, ai fruits and the difference of the color beverage over traditional sample. Thermal and nonthermal treatments for Ac, ai fruits did not affect the quality and sensory characteristics of beverages, and beverages from fruits thermally treated obtained good purchase intentions by traditional regional consumers. The thermal treatment of Acai fruit at 90C can be considered a new parameter for the sanitization of Acai processors.}, Publisher = {WILEY}, Address = {111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Bezerra, VS (Corresponding Author), Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, PPGCAL Inst Chem, Av Athos da Silveira Ramos,149 Bloco A-5 Andar, BR-21941909 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Bezerra, Valeria S., Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, PPGCAL Inst Chem, Av Athos da Silveira Ramos,149 Bloco A-5 Andar, BR-21941909 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Bezerra, Valeria S.; Damasceno, Leandro Fernandes, Embrapa Amapa, Rodovia Juscelino Kubitscheck 2-600, BR-68903419 Macapa, AP, Brazil. Freitas-Silva, Otniel; Goulart Nunes Mamede, Alexandra Mara; Cabral, Lourdes M. C., Embrapa Food Technol, Av Amer 29501, BR-23020470 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.}, DOI = {10.1111/jfpp.12961}, Article-Number = {e12961}, ISSN = {0145-8892}, EISSN = {1745-4549}, Keywords-Plus = {EUTERPE-OLERACEA; LISTERIA-MONOCYTOGENES; ANTHOCYANINS; QUALITY; COLOR; FOOD; DEGRADATION; STABILITY; COPIGMENTATION; OPTIMIZATION}, Research-Areas = {Food Science \& Technology}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Food Science \& Technology}, Author-Email = {valeria.bezerra@embrapa.br}, Affiliations = {Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA); Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA)}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Freitas-Silva, Otniel/S-4765-2018}, ORCID-Numbers = {Freitas-Silva, Otniel/0000-0002-7658-8010}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Government of the State of Amapa, Brazil through the Secretary of State for Science and Technology-SETEC; Foundation for the Amapa State Research-Foundation Tumucumaque; FAPERJ}, Funding-Text = {This research project has financial support from the Government of the State of Amapa, Brazil. through the Secretary of State for Science and Technology-SETEC and the Foundation for the Amapa State Research-Foundation Tumucumaque and FAPERJ.}, Cited-References = {ALBARICI T.R., 2002, EFEITO TEMPERATURA N, P2. 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Zou W, 2019, IEEE T IND INFORM, V15, P4934, DOI 10.1109/TII.2019.2910606.}, Number-of-Cited-References = {57}, Times-Cited = {9}, Usage-Count-Last-180-days = {8}, Usage-Count-Since-2013 = {10}, Journal-ISO = {Energy Build.}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {7R4WG}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:000910073700001}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @inproceedings{ WOS:000866475000019, Author = {Bhavana, Puppala Bala and Kondaveeti, Hari Kishan and Dalai, Asish Kumar}, Editor = {Noor, A and Sen, A and Trivedi, G}, Title = {Zomato Review Analysis Using NLP}, Booktitle = {PROCEEDINGS OF EMERGING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGIES ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (ETTIS 2021)}, Series = {Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing}, Year = {2022}, Volume = {1371}, Pages = {235-242}, Note = {International Conference on Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems (ETTIS), ELECTR NETWORK, MAR 04-05, 2021}, Organization = {Ctr Dev Adv Comp; Petr Gas Univ Ploiesti, Fac Mech \& Elect Engn, Automat Control Comp \& Elect Dept}, Abstract = {Natural language processing is generally used to understand the interactions between humans and machine, and it is also a subpart of artificial intelligence. Sentimental analysis is a subpart of AI and used to differentiate the words by the patterns that are given by people like good, bad, or average. Sentiment analysis is used to knowabout user's likes and dislikes toward a product. Zomato is an app which is used for ordering foods from different restaurants and allows user to drop their reviews and ratings of respective food that they ordered. These reviews given by the customers will be taken for sentimental analysis. The buying decision of a customer is also depending on the reviews and ratings. So, reviews have a lot more important. It is estimated that 79\% of unstructured data is producing every day. A lot of textual data are generating through social media, healthcare, e-commerce applications. We as humans cannot analyze these huge volumes of data. Sentiment analysis will help us to do this task very easily. In this project, we can train with millions of data and predict new data as positive, negative, and neutral. We use artificial neural networks (ANNs) to train the model and to predict the reviews as positive, negative, or neutral. Artificial neural networks use feedforward networks and work as biological neural networks.}, Publisher = {SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG}, Address = {GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLAND}, Type = {Proceedings Paper}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Dalai, AK (Corresponding Author), VIT AP Univ, Sch Comp Sci Engn, Near Vijayawada, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India. Bhavana, Puppala Bala; Kondaveeti, Hari Kishan; Dalai, Asish Kumar, VIT AP Univ, Sch Comp Sci Engn, Near Vijayawada, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India.}, DOI = {10.1007/978-981-16-3097-2\_19}, ISSN = {2194-5357}, EISSN = {2194-5365}, ISBN = {978-981-16-3097-2; 978-981-16-3096-5}, Keywords = {Natural language processing; Artificial neural networks; Sentimental analysis; Feedforward network}, Research-Areas = {Computer Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence}, Author-Email = {balabhavana.puppala@vitap.ac.in kishan.kondaveeti@vitap.ac.in asish.d@vitap.ac.in}, Affiliations = {VIT Bhopal University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Kondaveeti, Hari Kishan/K-4827-2017}, ORCID-Numbers = {Kondaveeti, Hari Kishan/0000-0002-3379-720X}, Cited-References = {cheatsheet, LOSS FUNCTIONS. monkeylearn, SENTIMENT ANAL. Munoz R, EVOL COMMUN. Patrikar S, 2019, GRADIENT DESCENT. Sharma A.V, 2017, ACTIVATION FUNCTIONS.}, Number-of-Cited-References = {5}, Times-Cited = {0}, Usage-Count-Last-180-days = {0}, Usage-Count-Since-2013 = {2}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {BU0AS}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:000866475000019}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @article{ WOS:000911284400001, Author = {Lin, Jhih-Syuan (Elaine) and Wu, Linwan}, Title = {Examining the psychological process of developing consumer-brand relationships through strategic use of social media brand chatbots}, Journal = {COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR}, Year = {2023}, Volume = {140}, Month = {MAR}, Abstract = {As brands increasingly integrate artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled automation as part of their communication efforts, marketers have employed social media brand chatbots to provide personalized responses to consumers and facilitate relationship building. However, how specific facets of consumer-brand relationships may be manifested in the process of consumer-brand interaction via social media brand chatbots warrants further investigation. Hence, the current research develops a conceptual model to examine how perceived contingency, a defining psychological determinant of social media brand chatbots, determines consumer brand relationship outcomes via different motivational experiences and consumer engagement. Based on the survey conducted in the U.S. (N = 491), the findings reveal that perceived contingency is positively related to gratifications of information seeking, social interaction, and entertainment, while information seeking and social interaction lead to enhanced consumer engagement. In addition, consumer engagement helps deepen brand intimacy, strengthen affective commitment, and increase chatbot-related behavioral intention and purchase intention. The findings further show that social-interaction gratification and consumer engagement are crucial components that underline how consumers' perception of contingency can foster strong, affect-laden brand relationships when marketers capitalize on the conversational capabilities of social media brand chatbots. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as limitations and directions for future research, are discussed.}, Publisher = {PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD}, Address = {THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Lin, JS (Corresponding Author), Natl Chengchi Univ, Taiwan Inst Governance \& Commun Res, Coll Commun, Dept Advertising, 64,Sect 2,Zhinan Rd, Taipei, Taiwan. Lin, Jhih-Syuan (Elaine), Natl Chengchi Univ, Taiwan Inst Governance \& Commun Res, Coll Commun, Dept Advertising, 64,Sect 2,Zhinan Rd, Taipei, Taiwan. Wu, Linwan, Univ South Carolina, Coll Informat \& Commun, Sch Journalism \& Mass Commun, 800 Sumter St,Room 329, Columbia, SC USA.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.chb.2022.107488}, EarlyAccessDate = {DEC 2022}, Article-Number = {107488}, ISSN = {0747-5632}, EISSN = {1873-7692}, Keywords = {Social media brand chatbots; Perceived contingency; Uses and gratifications; Consumer engagement; consumer-brand relationships}, Keywords-Plus = {ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE; CONVERSATIONAL AGENT; CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT; SELF-DISCLOSURE; WEB SITE; INTERACTIVITY; COMMITMENT; METHODOLOGY; EXPERIENCE; TRUST}, Research-Areas = {Psychology}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Psychology, Multidisciplinary; Psychology, Experimental}, Author-Email = {jslin@nccu.edu.tw linwanwu@mailbox.sc.edu}, Affiliations = {National Chengchi University; University of South Carolina System; University of South Carolina Columbia}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Ministry of Science and Technology under grant MOST {[}108-2410-H-004 -183 -MY2]}, Funding-Text = {This study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology under grant MOST \#108-2410-H-004 -183 -MY2.}, Cited-References = {Aaker JL, 1997, J MARKETING RES, V34, P347, DOI 10.2307/3151897. 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The paper proposes a methodology capable of unlocking the full potential of clickstream data using the framework of recurrent neural networks (RNNs). An empirical evaluation based on real-world e-commerce data systematically assesses multiple RNN classifiers and compares them to SML benchmarks. To this end, the paper proposes an approach to measure the revenue impact of a targeting model. Estimates of revenue impact together with results of standard classifier performance metrics evidence the viability of RNN-based clickstream modeling and guide employing deep recurrent learners for campaign targeting. Given that the empirical analysis shows RNN-based and conventional classifiers to capture different patterns in clickstream data, a specific recommendation is to combine sequence and conventional classifiers in an ensemble. The paper shows such an ensemble to consistently outperform the alternative models considered in the study. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.}, Publisher = {PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD}, Address = {THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Lessmann, S (Corresponding Author), Humboldt Univ, Chair Informat Syst, Spandauer Str 1, D-10178 Berlin, Germany. Koehn, Dennis; Lessmann, Stefan, Humboldt Univ, Chair Informat Syst, Spandauer Str 1, D-10178 Berlin, Germany. Schaal, Markus, Webtrekk GmbH, Robert Koch Pl 4, D-10115 Berlin, Germany.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113342}, Article-Number = {113342}, ISSN = {0957-4174}, EISSN = {1873-6793}, Keywords = {Deep learning; e-commerce; Recurrent neural networks; Digital marketing}, Keywords-Plus = {CONVERSION; MODELS; TIME}, Research-Areas = {Computer Science; Engineering; Operations Research \& Management Science}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Electrical \& Electronic; Operations Research \& Management Science}, Author-Email = {dkoehn@hotmail.de stefan.lessmann@hu-berlin.de markus.schaal@webtrekk.com}, Affiliations = {Humboldt University of Berlin}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Lessmann, Stefan/AEG-7736-2022}, ORCID-Numbers = {Lessmann, Stefan/0000-0001-7685-262X}, Cited-References = {Abadi M, 2016, TENSORFLOW LARGE SCA, V16, P265. Abelian J, 2017, EXPERT SYST APPL, V73, P1, DOI 10.1016/j.eswa.2016.12.020. Arora S., 2016, KDD WORKSH MACH LEAR. 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This article addresses the implications of consumer behavioural economics in the design of offers and the way airlines will have to rethink the way they price in a New Distribution Capability (NDC) world, as defined by IATA. In a pandemic impacted era, this investment will show its fruits not only after, but also during the recovery phase, where travel behaviour is exceptionally different, capacity fluctuates and the competitive landscape is equally difficult to predict. We will discuss what challenges a pricing department is facing in this new world of offers, as well as how to overcome them in order to provide relevant and personalised offers to each consumer and price them according to the value that these offers bring. In the COVID-19 context as well as post-pandemic, airlines will need to not only respond quicker with capacity adjustments, but also to better understand human behaviour relative to a purchase decision and address each consumer with an optimised offer in real-time, as they request it. Some of the questions for which new artificial intelligence experimentation techniques and behavioural economics models will require significant development are: What drives a person to choose or not to choose a certain offer? How many choices should they see? What trip purpose segment do they belong to? What is their willingness to pay? What attributes of an offer are people considering and what value do they associate to these offers?}, Publisher = {PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD}, Address = {BRUNEL RD BLDG, HOUNDMILLS, BASINGSTOKE RG21 6XS, HANTS, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, DOI = {10.1057/s41272-021-00348-5}, EarlyAccessDate = {JUN 2021}, ISSN = {1476-6930}, EISSN = {1477-657X}, Keywords = {Pricing; Behavioural economics; Revenue management; Innovation; Offer optimisation}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business, Finance}, Author-Email = {omifam@yahoo.com}, Cited-References = {Bockelie A, 2017, J REVENUE PRICING MA, V16, P553, DOI 10.1057/s41272-017-0100-6. Cheng YY, 2012, BRIT J PSYCHOL, V103, P129, DOI 10.1111/j.2044-8295.2011.02067.x. Lu Y, 2019, IMPACTS ANCILLARY SE. Nammir D. S. S., 2012, EUR J BUS MANAGE, V4, P27. Oancea O, 2020, J REVENUE PRICING MA, V19, P230, DOI 10.1057/s41272-020-00248-0. 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The authors analysed the progress of the s-commerce paradigm between 2003 and 2023 by applying longitudinal science mapping. The authors then developed a research framework based on the themes in the strategic diagrams and evolution map.FindingsFrom 2003 to 2010, studies on s-commerce mainly focused on social networking sites, virtual communities, social shopping and analytic approaches. From 2011 to 2015, it shifted to s-commerce, consumer behaviour, Web 2.0, artificial intelligence, social technologies, online shopping, user studies, data gathering methods, applications, service-based social commerce constructs, e-commerce and cognitive factors. Social commerce remained the primary research paradigm from 2017 to 2023.Practical implicationsThe SC framework may be analogous to popular research frameworks such as technology-organisation-environment (T-O-E) and stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R). Based on this SC framework, researchers may gain a better understanding by determining the factors of the social, commercial, technological and behavioural dimensions.Originality/valueThe authors redefined s-commerce and developed an SC framework. Practical guidelines for the SC framework and an exemplary research model are presented. Overall, this study offers a new research agenda for the extant understanding of s-commerce, with the SC framework as the next frontier of the theoretical advancements and applications of s-commerce.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article; Early Access}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Tan, GWH (Corresponding Author), UCSI Univ, UCSI Grad Business Sch, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tan, GWH (Corresponding Author), Nanchang Inst Technol, Sch Finance \& Econ, Nanjing, Peoples R China. Tan, GWH (Corresponding Author), Yunnan Normal Univ, Sch Econ \& Management, Nanjing, Peoples R China. Tan, GWH (Corresponding Author), Asia e Univ, Subang Jaya, Malaysia. Leong, Lai-Ying, Univ Tunku Abdul Rahman, Fac Business \& Finance, Dept Commerce \& Accountancy, Perak, Malaysia. Hew, Teck Soon, Univ Malaya, Fac Business \& Econom, Dept Operat \& Management Informat Syst, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ooi, Keng-Boon; Tan, Garry Wei-Han, UCSI Univ, UCSI Grad Business Sch, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ooi, Keng-Boon; Tan, Garry Wei-Han, Nanchang Inst Technol, Sch Finance \& Econ, Nanjing, Peoples R China. Ooi, Keng-Boon, Chang Jung Christian Univ, Coll Management, Tainan, Taiwan. Hajli, Nick, Swansea Univ, Sch Management, Swansea, Wales. Tan, Garry Wei-Han, Yunnan Normal Univ, Sch Econ \& Management, Nanjing, Peoples R China. Tan, Garry Wei-Han, Asia e Univ, Subang Jaya, Malaysia.}, DOI = {10.1108/INTR-08-2022-0657}, EarlyAccessDate = {AUG 2023}, ISSN = {1066-2243}, Keywords = {Social commerce framework; research agenda; science mapping; evolution map; scoping review; bibliometric analysis; performance analysis}, Keywords-Plus = {BEHAVIOR; SUPPORT}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics; Computer Science; Telecommunications}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Business; Computer Science, Information Systems; Telecommunications}, Author-Email = {lyennlly@gmail.com hewtecksoon@gmail.com Ooikengboon@gmail.com n.hajli@lboro.ac.uk garrytanweihan@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR); Universiti Malaya; UCSI University; Nanchang Institute Technology; Chang Jung Christian University; Swansea University; Yunnan Normal University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {OOI, Keng-Boon/I-4143-2019 Lai-Ying, Leong/S-5659-2017}, ORCID-Numbers = {OOI, Keng-Boon/0000-0002-3384-1207 Hajli, Professor Nick/0000-0002-9818-181X Tan Wei Han, Garry/0000-0003-2974-2270 Lai-Ying, Leong/0000-0001-7283-0300}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {UCSI University {[}T2S-2023/003]}, Funding-Text = {This work was supported by the UCSI University under the UCSI World's Top 2\% Scientist Research Grant under the project number T2S-2023/003.}, Cited-References = {Abdelsalam S, 2020, IEEE ACCESS, V8, P89041, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2993671. 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The ability to understand and to accurately predict the consumer decision can lead to more effectively target the products (and/or services), cost effectiveness in marketing strategies, increasing in sale and result in substantial improvement in the overall profitability of the firm. Conventional econometric models, such as discriminant analysis and logistic regression have been used to predict consumer choices. However, in recent years, there has been a growing interest in applying artificial neural networks (ANN) to analyse consumer behaviour and to model the consumer decision-making process. Neural networks are considered as a field of artificial intelligence. The development of the models was inspired by the neural architecture of human brain. Neural networks have been generally applied to two different categories of problems recognition problems and generalisation problems. Recognition problems include visual applications such as learning to recognize particular words and speak them. Generalization problems include classification and prediction problems. ANN have been applied in many disciplines, including biology, psychology, statistics, mathematics, medical science, and computer science. Recently ANNs have been applied to a variety of business areas such as accounting, finance, management and decision making, marketing, and production. However, the technique has been sparsely used in modelling consumer choices. For example, Dasgupta et al. (1994) compared the performance of discriminant analysis and logistic regression models against an ANN model with respect to their ability to identify consumer segment based upon their willingness to take financial risks and to purchase a non-traditional investment product. The purpose of this paper is to empirically compare the predictive power of the probability neural network (PNN), a special class of neural networks, and the MLFN with the logistic model on consumers' banking choices between electronic banking and non-electronic banking. Data for this analysis was obtained through a mail survey sent to 1,960 household in New Zealand. The questionnaire gathered information on consumers' decision to use electronic banking versus non-electronic banking. The factors include service quality dimensions, perceived risk factors, user input factors, price factors, service product characteristics, and individual factors. In addition, demographic variables including age, gender, marital status, ethnic background, educational qualification, employment, income, and area of residence are considered. Empirical results showed that both ANN models (MLFN and PNN) exhibit a higher overall percentage correct on consumer choice predictions than the logistic model. Furthermore, the PNN demonstrates to be the best predictive model since it has the highest overall percentage correct and a very low percentage error on both Type I and Type II errors.}, Publisher = {MODELLING \& SIMULATION SOC AUSTRALIA \& NEW ZEALAND INC}, Address = {MSSANZ, CHRISTCHURCH, 00000, NEW ZEALAND}, Type = {Proceedings Paper}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Gan, C (Corresponding Author), Lincoln Univ, Commerce Div, Lincoln, New Zealand. Gan, C.; Limsombunchai, V.; Clemes, M.; Weng, A., Lincoln Univ, Commerce Div, Lincoln, New Zealand.}, ISBN = {978-0-9758400-2-3}, Keywords = {Electronic Banking; Artificial Neural Networks; Logistic Regression}, Keywords-Plus = {SEGMENTATION; DENSITY}, Research-Areas = {Computer Science; Operations Research \& Management Science; Mathematics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Operations Research \& Management Science; Mathematics, Applied; Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications}, Author-Email = {Ganc1@lincoln.ac.nz}, Affiliations = {Lincoln University - New Zealand}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Gan, Christopher/D-6635-2018 Clemes, Michael/X-2205-2018}, ORCID-Numbers = {Gan, Christopher/0000-0002-5618-1651 Clemes, Michael/0000-0002-0438-8693}, Cited-References = {Al-Ashban A. A., 2001, INT J BANK MARK, V19, P191. Albanis G. A., 1999, P 5 ANN C INF SYST A. {[}Anonymous], J MARKETING MANAGEME. Ben-Akiva M.E., 1985, DISCRETE CHOICE ANAL. 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West PM, 1997, MARKET SCI, V16, P370, DOI 10.1287/mksc.16.4.370.}, Number-of-Cited-References = {22}, Times-Cited = {0}, Usage-Count-Last-180-days = {1}, Usage-Count-Since-2013 = {9}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {BUQ81}, Web-of-Science-Index = {Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S)}, Unique-ID = {WOS:000290114100006}, DA = {2023-10-04}, } @article{ WOS:000937168000003, Author = {Cuesta-Valino, Pedro and Kazakov, Sergey and Gutierrez-Rodriguez, Pablo and Rua, Orlando Lima}, Title = {The effects of the aesthetics and composition of hotels' digital photo images on online booking decisions}, Journal = {HUMANITIES \& SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS}, Year = {2023}, Volume = {10}, Number = {1}, Month = {FEB 15}, Abstract = {Photographic images help customers perceive product information more accurately and clearly. A customer's perception of a particular product also influences their decision to purchase it. In the context of a hotel, guests evaluate digital hotel photos online during their booking decision process. While a large body of research has contributed to the understanding of how hotel online digital images shape hotel customer behaviour, little is known about the aesthetics, content, and composition of hotel images and their effects on booking decisions. In addition, previous research has routinely been criticised for having methodological limitations. These studies have routinely used surveys and experiments to explore how hotel pictures affect customer perception of the hotel and his/her booking intentions. Unlike prior studies, this research scopes a determination of the `selling' properties pertinent to the hotel's digital images placed online on the hotel-themed websites with the application of the latest technologies pursuant to visual data mining, processing and analysis. This study employed Google's Inception v3 neural network as an AI solution for embedding and classifying hotel photo images with the further application of logistic regression and fuzzy cognitive mapping method. The results of the present study determined the hotel picture properties that may engender positive customer perception of the hotel and sequentially can precipitate hotel booking. The revealed `selling' hotel image properties comprise (a) light and time of the photo shooting, (b) image colour scheme, (c) human presence, and (d) shooting angle. This study suggests a set of practical recommendations to hotel marketers to develop `selling' photo images that generate hotel bookings online. The completed research is one of the first in the nascent literature stream in AI-powered computer vision solutions studies to determine the effects of photo aesthetics on online hotel bookings.}, Publisher = {SPRINGERNATURE}, Address = {CAMPUS, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON, N1 9XW, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Cuesta-Valino, P (Corresponding Author), Univ Alcala, Alcala De Henares, Spain. Cuesta-Valino, Pedro; Kazakov, Sergey, Univ Alcala, Alcala De Henares, Spain. Gutierrez-Rodriguez, Pablo, Univ Leon, Leon, Spain. Rua, Orlando Lima, Polytech Porto, Ctr Org \& Social Studies, Porto, Portugal.}, DOI = {10.1057/s41599-023-01529-w}, Article-Number = {59}, EISSN = {2662-9992}, Keywords-Plus = {INFORMATION; PERFORMANCE; INSIGHTS; TOURISM}, Research-Areas = {Arts \& Humanities - Other Topics; Social Sciences - Other Topics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Humanities, Multidisciplinary; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, Author-Email = {pedro.cuesta@uah.es}, Affiliations = {Universidad de Alcala; Universidad de Leon; Instituto Politecnico do Porto}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Cuesta-Valiño, Pedro/J-2809-2018 Kazakov, Sergey/AEY-5424-2022 Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Pablo/ITT-3959-2023}, ORCID-Numbers = {Cuesta-Valiño, Pedro/0000-0001-9521-333X Kazakov, Sergey/0000-0001-5532-5791 Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Pablo/0000-0001-5407-4265}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Telefonica and its Telefonica Chair on Smart Cities of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Universitatde Barcelona {[}42, DB.00.18.00]}, Funding-Text = {This research was supported by Telefonica and its Telefonica Chair on Smart Cities of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Universitatde Barcelona (project number 42.DB.00.18.00).}, Cited-References = {Aksoy S, 2017, TOUR MANAG PERSPECT, V22, P73, DOI 10.1016/j.tmp.2017.02.001. 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Design/methodology/approach A self-administrated online survey was used to collect data from a sample of Gen-Z consumers in Hong Kong with experience in using health-care wearable technology. Data analysis was performed using partial least-squares-structural equation modeling to verify four hypotheses. Findings The results reveal that consumer innovativeness (CI) and electronic word-of-mouth referral (EWOM) are significant predictors of perceived credibility, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, which subsequently drive online engagement intention and adoption intention (AI). Practical implications This research provides practical guidance for marketers of health-care wearable technology products. In particular, CI and EWOM hold the key to young consumers' product perceptions (and thereby their online engagement and AIs). Originality/value This research leverages the insights of GCT to enrich the TAM, specifically by including CI and EWOM as antecedents and online engagement as a consequence in the context of health-care wearable technology. The results of an empirical study enhance theoretical understanding of Gen-Z consumers' perceptions and behavioral intentions toward health-care wearable technology. They also point to actionable recommendations for marketing this new technology to young consumers.}, Publisher = {EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD}, Address = {HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Cheung, ML (Corresponding Author), Hang Seng Univ Hong Kong, Dept Mkt, Shatin, Hong Kong, Peoples R China. Cheung, ML (Corresponding Author), Univ Newcastle, Newcastle Business Sch, Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Cheung, Man Lai; Chan, Hak Sin, Hang Seng Univ Hong Kong, Dept Mkt, Shatin, Hong Kong, Peoples R China. 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Therefore, the issue of developing methodology and building a model in a particular area is relevant, which will make the project quite effective and ensure the achievement of goals for the company. The banking services market has a certain specificity of consumer behaviour, so forming marketing strategies is a somewhat complex process. Thus, banks face the task of maintaining the loyalty of their existing customers and attracting new ones. This article aims to build a marketing strategy to attract new customers in the banking sector using Data Science tools. The result of the study is the construction of two econometric models of the different bank's credit products: cash loans and credit cards, which determine the influence of various factors on this process and helps to distribute the advertising budget between different types of advertising. Using the built model, it was determined that advertising campaigns directly affect the increase in the number of new customers in the bank and the overall growth of brand knowledge about the banking institution in society. In addition, the determined weights of each influencing factor helped form an advertising budget, which increased customer inflows by 12\%, with an average ROI of 3.18. Taking all into account, the model had shown its effectiveness in organising the bank's advertising campaign when decisions were made using Data Science technologies. The results obtained based on the models give a fairly clear understanding of the factors influencing the inflow of new customers in the bank, which will model the distribution of the budget for advertising campaigns in future periods and predict their effectiveness. Competition in the country's financial sector is forcing banking institutions to use data science in their marketing activities.}, Publisher = {SUMY STATE UNIV, DEPT MARKETING \& MANAGEMENT INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY}, Address = {RYMSKIY-KORSAKOV ST 2, SUMY, 40007, UKRAINE}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Zatonatska, T (Corresponding Author), Taras Shevchenko Natl Univ Kyiv, Kiev, Ukraine. Zatonatska, Tetiana; Hubska, Maryna; Shpyrko, Viktor, Taras Shevchenko Natl Univ Kyiv, Kiev, Ukraine.}, DOI = {10.21272/mmi.2022.2-11}, ISSN = {2218-4511}, Keywords = {bank; marketing activity; advertising; regression; involvement of new clients; Data Science}, Research-Areas = {Business \& Economics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Management}, Author-Email = {tzatonat@ukr.net maryna.hubska@gmail.com viktor.shpyrko@gmail.com}, Affiliations = {Ministry of Education \& Science of Ukraine; Taras Shevchenko National University Kiev}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Shpyrko, Viktor/HZK-4921-2023}, Cited-References = {Alalwan AA, 2018, INT J INFORM MANAGE, V42, P65, DOI 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2018.06.001. Chernyak O., 2020, ICTERI WORKSHOPS, P282. Dolega L, 2021, J RETAIL CONSUM SERV, V60, DOI 10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102501. Fedirko O., 2021, EUR RES STUD J, V24, P3, DOI {[}10.35808/ersj/2187, DOI 10.35808/ERSJ/2187]. Financial Conduct Authority, 2022, STRATEGIC REV RETAIL. 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J.}, Title = {Modelling the bioeconomy: Emerging approaches to address policy needs}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION}, Year = {2022}, Volume = {330}, Month = {JAN 1}, Abstract = {With its update of the Bioeconomy Strategy and the Green Deal, the European Commission committed itself to a transformation towards a sustainable and climate-neutral European Union. This process is characterised with an enormous complexity, which policymaking needs to acknowledge for designing transition pathways. Modelling can support policymaking in dealing with uncertainty and complexity. This article reviews emerging and new developments and approaches to model the development of the bioeconomy. We focused our review on how bioeconomy modelling addresses key enabling factors related to (i) climate change, (ii) biodiversity, (iii) circular use of biomass, (iv) consumer behaviour related to biomass and bioproducts use, and (v) innovation and technological change. We find that existing modelling frameworks offer large possibilities for extensions and considerations for analysing short-run impacts related to climate change and circularity, and to lesser degree for biodiversity, and we identify possibilities for developing further the existing bioeconomy models. However, addressing key processes related to societal and technological changes is more challenging with existing/conventional modelling approaches, as they specifically relate to how innovations transform economic structures and how consumers learn and change their preferences and what kind of dynamics are to be expected. We indicate how emerging modelling techniques such as Agent-Based Modelling could improve and complement existing bioeconomy modelling efforts by allowing for the consideration of structural change and, more generally, transformation of the economic metabolism. This modelling approach eclecticism asks for a better description of modelling targets, a sound reflection on the meaning of time horizons and a closer cooperation between the different research communities. Furthermore, it will benefit from the developments in big data and artificial intelligence from which we expect valuable guideposts for designing future modelling strategies.}, Publisher = {ELSEVIER SCI LTD}, Address = {THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Pyka, A (Corresponding Author), Univ Hohenheim, Inst Econ, Hohenheim, Germany. Pyka, A., Univ Hohenheim, Inst Econ, Hohenheim, Germany. Cardellini, G., Energyville VITO, Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium. van Meijl, H., Wageningen Univ \& Res, Wageningen Econ Res, Wageningen, Netherlands. van Meijl, H., Wageningen Univ, Agr Econ \& Rural Policy Grp, Wageningen, Netherlands. Verkerk, P. J., European Forest Inst, Yliopistokatu 6B, Joensuu 80100, Finland.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.129801}, EarlyAccessDate = {NOV 2021}, Article-Number = {129801}, ISSN = {0959-6526}, EISSN = {1879-1786}, Keywords = {Bioeconomy; Complexity; Modelling; Policy}, Keywords-Plus = {CLIMATE-CHANGE MITIGATION; HUMAN DECISION-MAKING; LAND-USE; EUROPEAN FORESTS; BIODIVERSITY; INNOVATION; SUSTAINABILITY; BEHAVIOR; HETEROGENEITY; UNCERTAINTIES}, Research-Areas = {Science \& Technology - Other Topics; Engineering; Environmental Sciences \& Ecology}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Sciences}, Author-Email = {a.pyka@uni-hohenheim.de}, Affiliations = {University Hohenheim; VITO; Wageningen University \& Research; Wageningen University \& Research}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {van Meijl, Hans/G-6223-2015 Pyka, Andreas/IST-6329-2023}, ORCID-Numbers = {van Meijl, Hans/0000-0002-2455-6869 }, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Directorate-General for Research and Innovation; Joint Research Centre of the European Commission}, Funding-Text = {This work has received funding from the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. 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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the attributes usually referred to the characteristics of wheat flour known to consumers and at implementing a predictive model of purchasing that allows to make correct decisions without the necessary experience of a real human expert. Design/methodology/approach - In order to investigate the research aims of the paper, an online survey was carried out and conducted by means of the Google Forms in the detection time January-April 2016. The online survey collected responses from 467 Italian respondents asked to give feedback about their buying habits of various types of flour. The responses were analyzed through a data mining approach. This paper implements predictive analytics to create a statistical model of future behavior by means of a machine learning algorithms. Findings - In line with recent healthy and dynamic trends in the food industry, conscious consumer seems to be willing to pay a price for ``type 1{''} wheat flour that is four times higher than the price related to the basic types of wheat flour. Social implications - Consumer seems not to know well the ``type 1{''} wheat flour and its healthy characteristics; then, it should be crucial to implement promotional strategies and marketing hand in hand. Promotion can be a key element in putting across the health benefits of special kinds of wheat flour. Originality/value - Highlighting health issues about the ``type 1{''} wheat flour gives insights and sheds some light on the crucial need of changing eating and purchasing behavior. 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Tsoukatos, Evangelos, TEI Crete, Gazi Malevyziou, Greece.}, DOI = {10.1108/BFJ-04-2017-0200}, ISSN = {0007-070X}, EISSN = {1758-4108}, Keywords = {Consumer behaviour; Healthy food; Basis types of wheat flour; Machine learning algorithms}, Keywords-Plus = {FOOD CHOICE; CONSCIOUSNESS; INFORMATION; ATTRIBUTES; BEHAVIOR; OBESITY; SAMPLE}, Research-Areas = {Agriculture; Food Science \& Technology}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Agricultural Economics \& Policy; Food Science \& Technology}, Author-Email = {piermichele.lasala@unifg.it}, Affiliations = {University of Foggia; University of Foggia; Hellenic Mediterranean University}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {fiore, mariantonietta/L-3559-2019 La Sala, Piermichele/U-2214-2017 Gallo, Crescenzio/AAC-1482-2019 }, ORCID-Numbers = {La Sala, Piermichele/0000-0003-2081-8013 Gallo, Crescenzio/0000-0002-3929-462X fiore, mariantonietta/0000-0002-9244-6776 Tsoukatos, Evangelos/0000-0002-2670-8555}, Cited-References = {Akhtar S, 2011, FLOUR AND BREADS AND THEIR FORTIFICATION IN HEALTH AND DISEASE PREVENTION, P263, DOI 10.1016/B978-0-12-380886-8.10024-8. 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The resulting hybrid models are powerful tools that combine the flexibility of the agent-based methodology with the strengths of more traditional modelling. Such combinations allow us to consider agent-based modelling of such large-scale and complex retail markets. In particular, this paper examines the application of a hybrid agent-based model to a retail petrol market. An agent model was constructed and experiments were conducted to determine whether the trends and patterns of the retail petrol market could be replicated. Consumer behaviour was incorporated by the inclusion of a spatial interaction (SI) model and a network component. The model is shown to reproduce the spatial patterns seen in the real market, as well as well known behaviours of the market such as the ``rocket and feathers{''} effect. In addition the model was successful at predicting the long term profitability of individual retailers. The results show that agent-based modelling has the ability to improve on existing approaches to modelling retail markets.}, Publisher = {J A S S S}, Address = {UNIV SURREY, DEPT SOCIOLOGY, GUILDFORD GU2 7XH, SURREY, ENGLAND}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Article-Number = {2}, ISSN = {1460-7425}, Keywords = {Agents; Spatial Interaction Model; Retail Markets; Networks}, Keywords-Plus = {PRICE; BEHAVIOR}, Research-Areas = {Social Sciences - Other Topics}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Heppenstall, Alison/N-4354-2015}, ORCID-Numbers = {Heppenstall, Alison/0000-0002-0663-3437}, Cited-References = {Abdulai A, 2000, J DEV ECON, V63, P327, DOI 10.1016/S0304-3878(00)00115-2. {*}ARG NAT LAB, EMCAS EL MARK COMPL. BACON RW, 1991, ENERG ECON, V13, P211, DOI 10.1016/0140-9883(91)90022-R. Birkin M, 2002, RETAIL GEOGRAPHY INT. BIRKIN M, 1996, INTELLIGENT GIS LOCA. 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Interesting to this matter, we proposed a virtual try-on interface to stimulate consumers purchase intentions and facilitate their online buying decision process. Thus, we present, in this paper, our flexible person generation system for virtual try-on that aiming to treat the task of human appearance transfer across images while preserving texture details and structural coherence of the generated outfit. This challenging task has drawn increasing attention and made huge development of intelligent fashion applications. However, it requires different challenges, especially in the case of a wide divergences between the source and target images. To solve this problem, we proposed a flexible person generation framework called Dress-up to treat the 2D virtual try-on task. Dress-up is an end-to-end generation pipeline with three modules based on the task of image-to-image translation aiming to sequentially interchange garments between images, and produce dressing effects not achievable by existing works. The core idea of our solution is to explicitly encode the body pose and the target clothes by a pre-processing module based on the semantic segmentation process. Then, a conditional adversarial network is implemented to generate target segmentation feeding respectively, to the alignment and translation networks to generate the final output results. The novelty of this work lies in realizing the appearance transfer across images with high quality by reconstructing garments on a person in different orders and looks from simlpy semantic maps and 2D images without using 3D modeling. Our system can produce dressing effects and provide significant results over the state-of-the-art methods on the widely used DeepFashion dataset. Extensive evaluations show that Dress-up outperforms other recent methods in terms of output quality, and handles a wide range of editing functions for which there is no direct supervision. Different types of results were computed to verify the performance of our proposed framework and show that the robustness and effectiveness are high by utilizing our method.}, Publisher = {SPRINGER}, Address = {VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS}, Type = {Article}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Ghodhbani, H (Corresponding Author), Univ Sfax, Natl Engn Sch Sfax ENIS, REs Grp Intelligent Machines REGIM Lab, BP 1173, Sfax 3038, Tunisia. Ghodhbani, Hajer; Neji, Mohamed; Alimi, Adel M., Univ Sfax, Natl Engn Sch Sfax ENIS, REs Grp Intelligent Machines REGIM Lab, BP 1173, Sfax 3038, Tunisia. Neji, Mohamed, Natl Sch Elect \& Telecommun Sfax Technopk, BP 1163, Sfax 3018, Tunisia. Qahtani, Abdulrahman M., Taif Univ, Coll Comp \& Informat Technol, Dept Comp Sci, POB 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia. Almutiry, Omar; Dhahri, Habib, King Saud Univ, Coll Appl Comp Sci, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Alimi, Adel M., Univ Johannesburg, Fac Engn \& Built Environm, Dept Elect \& Elect Engn Sci, Johannesburg, South Africa.}, DOI = {10.1007/s11042-022-14127-w}, EarlyAccessDate = {NOV 2022}, ISSN = {1380-7501}, EISSN = {1573-7721}, Keywords = {Artificial intelligence; Outfit generation; Garment interchange; Virtual try-on; Semantic segmentation}, Keywords-Plus = {RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM}, Research-Areas = {Computer Science; Engineering}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {Computer Science, Information Systems; Computer Science, Software Engineering; Computer Science, Theory \& Methods; Engineering, Electrical \& Electronic}, Author-Email = {hajer.ghodhbani@regim.usf.tn mohamed.neji@ieee.org amqahtani@tu.edu.sa oalmutiry@ksu.edu.sa hdhahri@ksu.edu.sa adel.alimi@regim.usf.tn}, Affiliations = {Universite de Sfax; Ecole Nationale dIngenieurs de Sfax (ENIS); Taif University; King Saud University; University of Johannesburg}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {Dhahri, Habib/L-7833-2018 Alimi, Adel M./A-5697-2012}, ORCID-Numbers = {Alimi, Adel M./0000-0002-0642-3384}, Funding-Acknowledgement = {Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia {[}TURSP-2020/327]; Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Tunisia {[}LR11ES48]}, Funding-Text = {We deeply acknowledge Taif University for Supporting this study through Taif University Researchers Supporting Project number (TURSP-2020/327), Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia. 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It is the key driver for becoming a market leader. Therefore, it is important that all processes in business are customer centric. Capturing, categorizing, warehousing, mining, analysing and making sense of data is a real-time challenge for all marketers. Organizations embracing digitization are seeing Big Data getting bigger. Investments are being made in IT infrastructure, Internet of Things, machine learning and artificial intelligence in business decision-making. Marketers need to harness big data by engaging in Data Driven Marketing (DDM) to help organizations choose the `right' customers, to `keep' and `grow' them and to sustain `growth' and `profitability'. This research examines DDM adoption practices and how companies can aim to enhance shareholder value by bringing about `customer centricity' through better use of data. Design/Methodology/Approach: An online survey conducted in 2016 received 180 responses from junior, middle and senior executives. Of the total responses 26\% were from senior management, 39\% from middle management and the remaining 35\% from junior management. Industries represented in the survey included Retail, BFSI, Healthcare and Government, Automobile, Telecommunication, Transport \& Logistics and IT. Other industries represented were Aviation, Marketing Research \& Consulting, Hospitality, Advertising \& Media and Human resource. Among the respondents, 34\% represented companies with less than \$ 30 million in annual revenues, 15\% between \$ 30-50 million and \$ 50-100 million, 32\% between \$ 100-500 million, and the remaining 19\% with \$ 500 million and above in annual revenues. In terms of company size, 60\% were companies with 1-500 employees, 13\% with 500-1000 and 26\% with 1000 and above employees. The survey was done in Dubai which represents a blend of several global economies and hence, can be generalised. Findings: Success of DDM depends upon how well an organization embraces the practice. The first and foremost indicator of an organization's commitment is the extent of resources invested for data driven marketing. Respondents were divided into four categories; Laggards, Dabblers, Contenders, and Leaders based on their `current level of investments' and ` willingness to enhance investments' soon. `Leaders' are from Retail, Banking \& financial services, transportation \& logistics and Telecommunication sectors. The major sources of information are point-of-sales data, social media and other published sources. They use data to understand what and why customers are buying, what their consumption patterns are and what makes them satisfied or dissatisfied. `Dabblers' are players who have realized the importance of data and have just begun to incorporate it in their marketing in a limited way. `Contenders' are far more regular in using data for measuring and taking marketing decisions. `Laggards' are at the other extreme when it comes to using data for customer analysis. Practical implications: The results of the study offer interesting implications for managing the growing sea of data. An iterative and incremental approach is the need of the hour, even if it has to start with baby steps, to invest in and reap the fruits of data driven marketing. The intention to use any system is always dependent on two primary belief factors: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, however attitudes and social factors are equally important. Investments in the right people, infrastructure and processes early on can result in better marketing due diligence and contribute to higher return on marketing investment, necessary to sustain an organization's growth and profitability. Originality/Value: All organizations, irrespective of size and sector, need to engage in data driven marketing for customer centricity. In this era of digitalization, a marketer needs to wisely handle the volume, velocity, variety and veracity of data. Roger's diffusion of innovation theory identifies factors leading to the adoption of innovation by both individuals and organizations. The theory argues that willingness and ability to adopt depends on awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and adoption ( Rogers, 2003). There is a dearth of knowledge with regards to who is and is not adopting DDM, and how best big data can be harnessed for enhancing effectiveness and efficiency of marketing budget. It is, therefore, imperative to build a knowledge base on DDM practices, challenges and opportunities. Better use of data can help companies enhance shareholder value by bringing about `customer centricity'.}, Publisher = {EUROMED PRESS}, Address = {RUE ANTOINE BOURDELLE, DOMAINE DE LUMINY BP 921, MARSEILLE CEDEX 9, 13 288, FRANCE}, Type = {Proceedings Paper}, Language = {English}, Affiliation = {Grandhi, B (Corresponding Author), SP Jain Sch Global Management, Dubai, U Arab Emirates. 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