Podniková informatika 2024

Course organization

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, you will be able to:
  • define main terms and concepts from the field of business informatics;
  • describe components of the enterprise information system, including the features of the components;
  • explain the purpose and importance of the components of enterprise information systems;
  • apply the gained knowledge by analyzing a given enterprise information system;
  • design a proposal for enterprise information system optimization;
  • know the latest technological solutions for enterprise information systems;
  • orient at the current IS/ICT market.

Course design

Although this course is still accredited in Czech, all the seminars will be in English because the tutors do not speak Czech. Therefore, all instructions are also in English.

The teaching part of the course is divided into two types of classes, which are 3 hours long. Except for the very first and last class, the logic of the classes is following:

  • Before Friday's seminar, you will have to read and write to prepare; if you fail to do this and come to the seminar unprepared, you will not get the points for the activity that is a mandatory part of the assessment.
  • Friday's seminar will focus on deepening the knowledge you gain from self-studying. Ahad, Feybi, or Radek will tutor the seminars. The seminars should prepare you for Monday's discussions with practitioners moderated by Michal.
  • Each Monday, you will meet one or more practitioners who are experts in the topic you studied before and deepen on Friday. During Monday's class, you will discuss the topic with them. You will have to prepare questions based on the content of the seminar. If the experts cannot come, Michal will take their role.
  • Starting on Tuesday, you will start studying the new topic for Friday's seminar again.

As you can see, this course is built heavily on your participation. You will have to learn how to be an active learner because, with a passive approach, you will not get the credits for the course. Also, this course will take much more time from you outside the class than in class. 8 ECTS award this course (1 ECTS ~ maximum 30 hours of studying); the classes are equivalent only to 2.5 ECTS. Your work outside the classes gains the rest time needed for studying. The estimation of the average time and effort you need to spend on the learning tasks is in the table. This means that the course will take you around 12 hours each week.

Learning taskTime effort (ECTS equivalent)PointsPart of the grade
Seminars12*3 = 36 hours (1.2 ECTS)22Altogether, seminars, discussions, and preparation = 36%
Discussions12*3 = 36 hours (1.2 ECTS)22
Preparation for seminars12*6 = 72 hours (2.6 ECTS)YES/NO
Team projectmax 30 hours (1 ECTS)2521%
Testing (incl. preparation)max 30 hours (1 ECTS)3025%


Program předmětu lze nalézt v tabulce na odkazu níže, který vede do týmu předmětu. Tabulka uvádí přehledně termíny, témata a vyučující během celého semestru pro všechna setkání. Popis bloků a detailní obsahy jednotlivých týdnů jsou popsány podrobně v jednotlivých podosnovách. První setkání probíhá vždy v pondělí od 16:00 v učebně P 104, druhé setkání v pátek od 9:00 do 11:30 (bez přestávky) v učebně S 307.

Since arranging expert participation can take time, the program is not yet 100% confirmed and is subject to change. The colored boxes in the program also indicate whether the meetings will be recorded. However, I strongly recommend attending the discussions, as direct interaction with instructors and experts is crucial, and you will not get points when you do not come.

The topics are divided into two blocks. The first block (topics 1 to 6) introduces the issues of business informatics management. A mid-term test also covers block 1. The second block of the course focuses on the most commonly used application software and technologies encountered in businesses. This will enhance your understanding of how businesses can support their processes with information technologies.

Assessment and grading

The purpose of assessment in this course is not to test you but to provide you with feedback. We focus on assessment for learning, not so much on assessment of learning, although this needs to be done as well. We want you to think about your learning process, reflect on it, and make adjustments during the semester. Reflection on feedback is a critically important skill for your career development and personal life. Therefore, assessment in this course complements the learning and content and should help you gain knowledge faster. 

We set very few mandatory tasks in this course except the active participation threshold and final reflection with an oral "exam." If you do not want to do everything, you can combine the other tasks based on your learning strategy and preference. However, the fewer tasks you will do, the lower your chance of passing this course. We like to give second chances when you do make a mistake. Therefore, the grade has a maximum limit of 100 points. However, all the tasks equal 120 points, so even if you do not do everything completely right, you can earn maximum points for the grade. The grading is set as follows:

  • A >= 92b
  • B >= 84b
  • C => 76b
  • D => 68b
  • E >= 60b

The maximum amount of points awarded for the learning activities (explained in the following sections):

  • Active participation = 44 points (minimum 28)
  • Mid-term = 10 points
  • End-term = 20 points
  • Team project = 25 points
  • Formative assessment = 21 points (mandatory)

Active participation

Participation is a cornerstone of the whole course. It helps you learn the topic by preparing for seminars and understanding their content. It directly impacts all the tasks you can do during the semester. You can earn 4 points for each topic, and you need to earn at least 28 points. With the flipped classroom concept, we must motivate you to prepare for the seminars and be active learners. For this reason, we employed the concept of entry and exit tickets.

When starting with the new topic, you will read mandatory sources and submit an entry ticket for the first seminar. The entry tickets will have various forms for each topic. You will get a percentage assessment, which will affect the portion of the points from active participation. The entry ticket should give you enough background for active seminar participation. Each seminar will have a dedicated exit ticket focusing on learning outcomes and reflection. The points will be awarded for the exit tickets and active participation in the following manner:

  • entry and exit tickets will be submitted in the FeedBackFruits app;
  • the entry ticket influences the percentage of points you can get from the topic => no entry ticket, no points for the topic;
  • 1 point for attending the Friday seminar (including filled exit ticket);
  • 1 point for active participation during the seminar;
  • 1 point for attending the Monday seminar (including filled exit ticket);
  • 1 point for active participation during the discussion (including submitting at least one meaningful question in advance on Friday);
  • you can get extra points for special activities, such as competitions and extra homework.
  • If you get over 44 points, the extra points will count towards your grade above E (not for minimal need for a grade).

The visualization below can help you understand the impact of active participation in this course's assessment system. The logic behind it is following:

  • The position paper will help you to be more active during the seminars and expert discussions.
  • You will not need to study for mid-term if you have position papers and notes from seminars and discussions.
  • The end-term is a more complex argumentative essay, which is what you train during the semester in position papers.
  • In total, position papers have direct impact on 60 points, which is 50 % of all the points you can earn in this course.


The mid-term test date will be set during the first class and is worth a maximum of 10 points. It will test your knowledge from mandatory sources, the seminars' content, and the discussion class's main points covering the first six topics of the course. The test format includes closed and open questions and creative tasks. 


The end-term will be an open-book, online essay that allows argumentation and deep exploration of course content. You will take it during the last seminar in December. It is valued at a maximum of 20 points and covers all topics taught throughout the course, focusing on integrating knowledge across several topics. It will test your comprehension and understanding of overlaps and connections between the topics and your analytical skills. You can choose one essay question from a set of three.

The temaplate for the essay is here, and an example in Czech of an .


Projects will be done in teams of 4 or fewer students. Your task will be to find a company (middle-sized companies are best for this project) that will provide you with data about their information systems and IS/ICT infrastructure. You will describe, analyze, and suggest potential improvements or additions. In the project, you will use and demonstrate what you learned during the semester and train interpersonal and communication skills needed in your future roles as consultants, project managers, or sales personnel. The report should be as close to a consulting report as possible. Although you develop the report for the course, you also provide it for the company. On top of the consulting content, you should provide information about the company so we can evaluate it properly. An example of the structure could be as follows:

  • Executive summary;
  • Company description;
  • Methodology;
  • Description of current IS/ICT;
  • Analysis of IS/ICT;
  • Suggestions of changes (including basic cost-benefit analysis);
  • Discussion (limits of your approach and data, risks of the feasibility of your suggestions, etc.).

You will present and defend the project upon the date during examination period we will agree during the semester.

Formative assessment

  • Formative assessment and reflection - odevzdání eseje je POVINNÉ
    • equals 21 points (5p reflective recording; 16p formative assessment on reflective essay)
    • before reading week, you can submit a reflective recording of the first half of the semester; you will get feedback until the end of the reading week;
    • after the project defense, you will submit a reflective essay and schedule a reflective discussion;
    • the essay will focus on your learning process, how you improve it during the semester, and what you will do better in the next semester;
    • use your reflective diary and recording to formulate the essay; without reflecting during the semester, the essay will be very shallow and not much of use to you;
    • Reflection is a dedicated section of this syllabus.

An important part of your university studies is improvement. To improve yourself, you need to reflect on what you did and what you do. Without it, you cannot think about what you will do. If you improve your reflective skills, you will increase the ability to long-term learning and professional improvement. Therefore, we understand reflection as an integral part of the course and on the same level of importance as the knowledge content. Moreover, reflection is ideal for providing feedback about your learning process and how we can improve it and increase your learning experience. During the semester, you can undergo several reflective activities, resulting in a reflective essay at the end of the exam period.

Reflective diary

After each topic, you can write a small reflection on the topic and learning activities. You can write your reflection in FeedBackFruits, where you get our feedback or comments when relevant. The reflections will be accessible only to you and your teachers.

Reflective recording

At the start of the reading week, you can submit your reflection on the first half of the semester as a reflective recording. You will reflect on your achievements, task fulfilment and knowledge and skills improvement. You should use the content of your reflective diary. The recording could be either audio or video. We do not expect you to submit 40 minutes long recording. However, less than 5 minutes is insufficient to reflect in needed depth. You will get a response on the recording in the format you chose to submit through the FeedBackFruit app in Teams.


You can use the following list of points for structuring the content of your reflective recording:

  • What do you like and do not like in the course?
  • What would you like to change in the course so it will be better aligned with your needs and wishes?
  • What are your strong and weak competencies for this course (writing, seminar activities, discussions, case studies, testing, preparation tasks, etc.)?
  • How do you reflect on your learning process, and how do you identify strong and weak areas?
  • What do you think you can do better during your learning, and how?
  • Do you want to change your behaviour in group activities and tasks? And if yes, how?
  • How satisfied are you with the quality of your outputs (and points), and why?

Reflective essay

In the second half of the exam period, you must submit a reflective essay and register for oral discussion (exam) after you defend your project. The content of the discussion will be focused on your learning progress in the course, how you reflect on it, and what you would change. The reflective essay will cover your submitted outputs and obtained results and feedback during the semester. For this, using your reflective diary is strongly recommended.

Main Sources

Jelikož tento předmět nepoužívá jednu konkrétní učebnici jako referenční studijní text, je obsah kurzu sestaven s využitím různých zdrojů. Níže uvedený komentovaný seznam také reflektuje různé potřeby a různou úroveň studentů v kurzu (bc a mgr. úroveň, POIN a PEM).

Podniková informatika

Gála, Libor, Pour, Jan, Šedivá, Zuzana. Podniková Informatika: Počítačové Aplikace V Podnikové a Mezipodnikové Praxi. 3., aktualizované vydání. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2015. ISBN 978-80-247-5457-4. ODKAZ DO BOOKPORTU.

Publikace může sloužit jako úvod do problematiky, jelikož nevyžaduje skoro žádné předchozí znalosti tématu. S tím souvisí i její nevýhoda, kterou je poměrné malá hloubka informací a nesystematičnost. V odrážkách níže je souhrn toho, co je v rámci tohoto předmětu v jednotlivých kapitolách důležité.

  1. Základní vymezení pojmosloví, teoretické vymezení a konceptualizace.
  2. Technologická komponenta IS; kapitola přináší úvod do jednotlivých nástrojů a technologií (SW a HW).
  3. Datová komponenta IS; kapitola popisuje možné způsoby reprezentace dat v IS.
  4. Aplikace a nástroje; kapitola obecně charakterizuje aplikace podnikové informatiky. Jednotlivé kategorie aplikací jsou pak podrobně vysvětlovány v následujících kapitolách.
  5. Infrastrukturní aplikace
  6. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systémy
  7. Business Intelligence (BI) systémy
  8. Any Relationship Management (XRM) systémy, konkrétně Suply Chain Management (SCM) systémy a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systémy
  9. Pro tento kurz nerelevantní
  10. Řízení podnikové informatiky; kapitola velmi stručně vymezuje část činností, které je nutné v rámci řízení POINu provádět.
  11. Procesní řízení a analýza; kapitola je důležitá zejména proto, že procesní analýza je nedílnou součástí implementace IS/ICT.
  12. Životní cyklus aplikací POIN; kapitola vymezuje jednotlivé fáze životního cyklu IS/ICT.
  13. Informační bezpečnost; kapitola se věnuje důležitému, ale často podceňovanému aspektu POIN.

Podnikové informační systémy





Tvorba informačních systémů

(Principy, metodiky, architektury)

BRUCKNER, Tomáš, Jiří VOŘÍŠEK, Alena BUCHALCEVOVÁ, Iva STANOVSKÁ, Dušan CHLAPEK a Václav ŘEPA. Tvorba informačních systémů: principy, metodiky, architektury. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2012. Management v informační společnosti. ISBN 978-80-247-4153-6. Dostupné také z: https://www.bookport.cz/kniha/tvorba-informacnich-systemu-740/