Remainders in Business Central Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of Business Management Reminders •Reminders – better control over Receivables • –In Business Central a Reminder is similar to an Invoice. When you create a reminder, you must fill in a Reminder header and one or more Reminder lines. – –You can fill in a header manually and have the program fill in the lines – OR – - you can have the program create reminders for all customers automatically. – – – – – – – – Customer card setup Remainder terms (conditions) and its setup It is very important to check the box Post Additional Fee. Otherwise, the fee amount will not appear in the reminder lines! Reminder levels I. Reminder levels II. Defining Grace Periods: For each reminder level, you can specify a grace period. This period is the number of days after the due date during which no another reminder will be sent Reminder Beginning and Ending texts Set Up Reminder Terms and Levels - Business Central | Microsoft Learn Přístup k parametrům typu : %p Reminder texts for every reminder level %7 – text variable (list of all variables see later in this show – see slide 10) In our examle: %7= Total ( Remaining amount + Charge + Fee + VAT) How to calculate fee (we will use Fixed option) Resource : Help MS Dynamics 365 Business Central a)Fee setup is not accessible b)Nobody uses Dynamic Variants – so it is the reason why it is not mentioned in this material •Fixed Fees are calculated based on the value of the Fee field on the row for the reminder level itself. • Varibles used in terms Set Up Reminder Terms and Levels - Business Central | Microsoft Learn Set Up Reminder Terms and Levels - Business Central | Microsoft Learn Terms – second level Code –Text Variable for Reminder level Dochází nám trpělivost… Automatic Reminder creation •Open the Reminders window (Search window -> Reminder -> New icon) •In the Reminders window, use the Create Reminder icon in the Actions area. The batch request panel appears, which creates a reminder • • • • • • •Set a filter per customer and/or per Document type of Customer Ledger Entries if you want to create reminders for selected customers and/or for specified type of Customer Ledger Entries (such as for example Invoice) Reminder dates example (WD=9/9/2026) ->MM/DD/YYYY •VAT Date = 10/9 •Invoice issue date = 9/9 •Invoice due dates = 10/9 •Reminder Level 1 = 10/9+5D+1D=10/15 - > Issue (in this model DDC=0 ) •Reminder Level 2= 10/15+1M+1M+1D=12/16/2026 - > Issue •Reminder Level 3 = 12/16/2027+1M+1M+1D=2/17/2027 -> Issue Green days -> Grace periods Red days -> Due Date Calculation (DDC) WD=Working Day Why 1D ? -> next day Issue -> jde o vydání upomínky One (1) month from Payment Term code Automatic reminder creation •On the Options tab, fill in the fields with the relevant information. If you need Help, then use the Help on each field In former student database we used Posting date and Document Date = 1.4.2023 In this presentation we used 2023/02/02 List of created reminders in database used Header of created reminder in used database In this database Used Posting date and Document Date =1.4.2023 Date template : YYYY/MM/DD Díly naší nové licenci umožňující reálná data od 1.11.20xx do 28.2.20x(x+1) použijeme 1.12.2027 a zákazníka 20000. WD=1.12.2027 Created Reminder lines in used database Additional Fee for remineder level 1 Issuing of already created reminder in database List of issued reminders in used database Just created Printout of issued reminder in used database Customer ledger entries Reminder Due date Second attempt to create reminders in used database Actual working date to create reminder : 2023/06/02 New date for ceration of 2nd level reminder= Due Date + 1M + 1D = 2023/06/02 Due to the grace period (1M) 2nd level reminder creation in used database Actual Working date to create reminder : 2023/06/02 2nd level reminder created in used database 2nd level reminder created in used database Additional Fee for remineder level 1 Customer Ledger entries and G/L entries after issuing reminder Actual working date to create reminder : 2023/06/02 List of issued reminders General ledger entries Customer Ledger Entries Printout of issued 2nd level reminder (part of it – there is much more lines) Important date for 3rd lever reminder creation Creation of the 3rd level Reminder Important date for 3rd level Reminder creation (2023/07/02) 2023/07/02+1M +1D = 2023/08/03 1 month 3rd level reminder header 3rd level reminder some lines Another example Newly created customer : Customer ledger entries •All Customer Ledger entries originate from test versions of the example Reminder setup (Domestic) Working date Data creation (invoice) •Only sales line (in Sales Header we have our Limpopo Machinery client) First part of the line Second part of the line F9 to post Sales Order Customer ledger entries Create remainder 1st level 2023/02/22 invoice was posted 2023/03/22 – invoice due date (payment term condition =1 month on Customer card) Due Date calculation =1M of 1st level remineder Grace period=5 Days Document date=2022/04/28 (reminder 1st) 2022/04/28=2022/03/22+1M+5 Days +1 Day (1 day after calculation) Created reminder 1st level Issue Reminder Document date of the Reminder =2023/04/28 Customer ledger entries Due date of the 1st Reminder = 2023/05/28 = 2023/04/28+ 1M Create remainder 2nd level 2023/02/22 invoice was posted 2023/05/28 – due date of 1st level reminder Due Date calculation =1M (see reminder 2nd level) Grace period= 1 Month Document date=2023/04/28 (1st level reminder) New document date for reminder 2nd level 2023/06/29=2023/04/28 +1 M + 1 Month +1 day 2nd level Reminder Customer ledger entries after issuing 2nd level reminder Create remainder 3rd level 2023/02/22 invoice was posted 2023/07/29 – due date of 2nd level reminder Due Date calculation =1M (see reminder 3rd level) Grace period= 1 Month Document date=2023/06/29 (2nd level reminder) New document date for reminder 3rd level 2023/08/30=2023/06/29 +1 M + 1 Moths +1day 3rd level reminder Customer ledger entries after issuing 3rd level reminder Customer payment Customer payment F9 Customer ledger entries and GL entries