
Import data, load packages and estimate models from previous session

First load training and testing datasets into the workspace

oct <- read.csv(file='C://Users//ckt//OneDrive - MUNI//Institutions//MU//ML Finance//2024//oct.csv')
ocr <- read.csv(file='C://Users//ckt//OneDrive - MUNI//Institutions//MU//ML Finance//2024//ocr.csv')
ocr$km2   <- ocr$km^2
ocr$km3   <- ocr$km^3
ocr$age2  <- ocr$age^2
ocr$age3  <- ocr$age^3
ocr$kmage <- ocr$km * ocr$age
ocr$kmkw  <- ocr$km * ocr$kw
ocr$kmkwage <- ocr$km * ocr$kw * ocr$age
oct$km2   <- oct$km^2         
oct$km3   <- oct$km^3
oct$age2  <- oct$age^2
oct$age3  <- oct$age^3
oct$kmage <- oct$km * oct$age
oct$kmkw  <- oct$km * oct$kw
oct$kmkwage <- oct$km * oct$kw * oct$age

Packages/libraries that we will need

library(glmnet)  # LASSO, RIDGE, EN
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Loaded glmnet 4.1-8
library(rpart)   # Decision trees
library(tree)    # Creating trees
library(rpart.plot) # Having some plots of trees
library(ranger)  # Random forest
library(gbm) # Boosted regression tree
## Loaded gbm
library(foreach) # Parallel look
library(doParallel) # Parallel computing
## Loading required package: iterators
## Loading required package: parallel
library(MCS)     # Model confidence set

Before working with backward, forward and bi-directional elimination we estimate some baseline models that we want to out-perform.

m1 <- lm(price ~ km      , data=ocr)
m2 <- lm(price ~ age     , data=ocr)
m3 <- lm(price ~ km + age, data=ocr)
p1 <- predict(m1,new=oct)
p2 <- predict(m2,new=oct)
p3 <- predict(m3,new=oct)

We are going to import function

source(file='C://Users//ckt//OneDrive - MUNI//Institutions//MU//ML Finance//2024//Functions.R')

And we can create model 6 and corresponding predictions

features <- c('km','age','kw','trans','combi','allw','ambi','styl','rs','dsg','scr','diesel','lpg','hybrid','cng','km2','age2','kmage','kmkw','km3','age3','kmkwage')
m6 <- bwelim(dt=ocr,pt=0.05,dep='price',features=features)
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
p6 <- predict(m6,new=oct)

We will work with octavia dataset

features <- c('km','age','kw','trans','combi','allw','ambi','styl','rs','dsg','scr','diesel','lpg','hybrid','cng','km2','age2','kmage','kmkw','km3','age3','kmkwage')
X = as.matrix(ocr[,features])
Y = as.matrix(ocr[,'price'])
XT = as.matrix(oct[,features])

Estimate penalized models

cvm = cv.glmnet(x=X,y=Y,type.measure='mse',nfolds=10,alpha=1)
p9 = predict(cvm,newx = XT,s='lambda.min')
cvm = cv.glmnet(x=X,y=Y,type.measure='mse',nfolds=10,alpha=0)
p11 = predict(cvm,newx = XT,s='lambda.min')
cvm = cv.glmnet(x=X,y=Y,type.measure='mse',nfolds=10,alpha=0.5)
p13 = predict(cvm,newx = XT,s='lambda.min')

Complete Subset Linear Regression

We are going to an imported function (it was created by me for the purpose of the course) csr.method(), q - is the complexity parameter, cv - is the size of the cross-validation samples, trim - trimmed average, nc - number of cores to use. Let’s try it out. However, if you type ‘wrong’ number into ‘q’ the number of models you have to estimates will be too large and we do not have time for this. Let’s try q=3 (if you have 4 cores) and q=4 if you have 4+ physical cores.

spec <-'price',x=features)
A = Sys.time()
p = csr.method(spec,train=ocr,test=oct,q=5,cv=10,trim=0.2,nc=8)
## Time difference of 2.454364 mins

Highly correlated predictions

##    1.0000000   0.9987280    0.9974273
##   0.9987280   1.0000000    0.9992452
##  0.9974273   0.9992452    1.0000000
p14 = p[,1]
p15 = p[,2]
p16 = p[,3]

We combine forecasts & apply the sanity filter

pred <- cbind(true=oct$price,p1,p2,p3,p6,p9,p11,p13,p14,p15,p16)
for (i in 2:ncol(pred)) pred[pred[,i]<0,i] = min(ocr$price)
mse = pred[,-1]
mae = mse
for (i in 2:ncol(pred)) {
  mse[,i-1] =    (pred[,1] - pred[,i])^2
  mae[,i-1] = abs(pred[,1] - pred[,i])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   20753493   13590599    9458852    3267236    3383160    4781821    3325253 
##        p14        p15        p16 
##    4474717    4157797    4248709
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   3529.504   2770.189   2352.664   1313.841   1340.777   1595.134   1326.421 
##        p14        p15        p16 
##   1571.303   1495.547   1517.360

The CSLR does not seem to work especially well with our data

Decision trees

Can we do any better with a decision tree? Let’s see. Estimate a simple one

t1 = rpart(price~km+trans,data=ocr,method='anova',model=TRUE,

Visualize & Predict & Evaluate



p17  = predict(t1,new=oct)
pred = cbind(pred, p17)
apply(   (pred[,-1] - pred[,1])^2,2,mean)
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   20753493   13590599    9458852    3267236    3383160    4781821    3325253 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17 
##    4474717    4157797    4248709   14691249
apply(abs(pred[,-1] - pred[,1])  ,2,mean)
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   3529.504   2770.189   2352.664   1313.841   1340.777   1595.134   1326.421 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17 
##   1571.303   1495.547   1517.360   3032.057

Not very accurate…

Advanced Task

Test your skills. Create a figure - similar to that on slide 9 of the Lecture 5 (Segmentation of the feature space) (use ChatGPT if you dare)

Let’s try a tree with more variables - make it a shallow tree. We will not use interactions

features <- c('km','age','kw','trans','combi','allw','ambi','styl','rs','dsg','scr','diesel','lpg','hybrid','cng')
spec <-'price',x=features)
t2 = rpart(spec, 

p18 = predict(t2,new=oct)
pred = cbind(pred, p18)
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean((x-y)^2), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   20753493   13590599    9458852    3267236    3383160    4781821    3325253 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18 
##    4474717    4157797    4248709   14691249    7903309
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean(abs(x-y)), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   3529.504   2770.189   2352.664   1313.841   1340.777   1595.134   1326.421 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18 
##   1571.303   1495.547   1517.360   3032.057   2029.873

Better but still not great. Let’s try a deeper tree

t3 = rpart(spec, 

Visualization get’s a little bit tricky - it’s not necessary


p19  = predict(t3,new=oct)
pred = cbind(pred, p19)
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean((x-y)^2), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   20753493   13590599    9458852    3267236    3383160    4781821    3325253 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19 
##    4474717    4157797    4248709   14691249    7903309    3886492
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean(abs(x-y)), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   3529.504   2770.189   2352.664   1313.841   1340.777   1595.134   1326.421 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19 
##   1571.303   1495.547   1517.360   3032.057   2029.873   1389.063

This is so much better -> closing on the best

Can we improve via pre-pruning?

## starting httpd help server ... done
t4 = rpart(spec, 
p20  = predict(t4,new=oct)
pred = cbind(pred, p20)
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean((x-y)^2), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   20753493   13590599    9458852    3267236    3383160    4781821    3325253 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##    4474717    4157797    4248709   14691249    7903309    3886492    3936528
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean(abs(x-y)), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   3529.504   2770.189   2352.664   1313.841   1340.777   1595.134   1326.421 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##   1571.303   1495.547   1517.360   3032.057   2029.873   1389.063   1389.144

Can we improve via penalization?

t5 = rpart(spec, 

Which is the optimal shrinkage parameter

cv.tbl = printcp(t5)
## Regression tree:
## rpart(formula = spec, data = ocr, method = "anova", model = TRUE, 
##     control = rpart.control(cp = 0, xval = 10, minsplit = c(25), 
##         minbucket = 12, maxdepth = 9))
## Variables actually used in tree construction:
##  [1] age    allw   ambi   combi  diesel dsg    km     kw     scr    styl  
## [11] trans 
## Root node error: 1.4895e+11/3024 = 49257135
## n= 3024 
##             CP nsplit rel error   xerror      xstd
## 1   5.0849e-01      0  1.000000 1.000994 0.0284777
## 2   1.4983e-01      1  0.491514 0.492073 0.0131209
## 3   1.1092e-01      2  0.341681 0.346070 0.0094820
## 4   3.2540e-02      3  0.230761 0.235187 0.0083924
## 5   2.5058e-02      4  0.198221 0.201659 0.0066913
## 6   1.4588e-02      5  0.173163 0.176651 0.0063456
## 7   1.2357e-02      6  0.158575 0.164914 0.0057321
## 8   8.0535e-03      7  0.146218 0.149469 0.0052432
## 9   6.7339e-03      8  0.138164 0.143007 0.0050743
## 10  6.3434e-03      9  0.131430 0.138851 0.0049356
## 11  5.0120e-03     10  0.125087 0.130408 0.0048052
## 12  3.9368e-03     11  0.120075 0.127187 0.0046248
## 13  3.3318e-03     12  0.116138 0.123193 0.0044208
## 14  2.8001e-03     13  0.112806 0.119089 0.0042583
## 15  2.5920e-03     14  0.110006 0.116753 0.0042392
## 16  2.2836e-03     15  0.107414 0.114064 0.0042003
## 17  2.2740e-03     16  0.105131 0.112181 0.0041438
## 18  2.1365e-03     17  0.102857 0.110837 0.0041344
## 19  2.0208e-03     18  0.100720 0.108794 0.0040847
## 20  1.6233e-03     19  0.098699 0.105665 0.0041353
## 21  1.5793e-03     20  0.097076 0.104047 0.0040928
## 22  1.5446e-03     21  0.095497 0.103750 0.0040878
## 23  1.2989e-03     22  0.093952 0.103223 0.0040651
## 24  1.2639e-03     23  0.092653 0.101719 0.0040612
## 25  1.2173e-03     25  0.090125 0.101772 0.0040671
## 26  1.1151e-03     26  0.088908 0.101164 0.0040580
## 27  1.0650e-03     27  0.087793 0.099950 0.0040114
## 28  1.0649e-03     28  0.086728 0.099921 0.0040122
## 29  1.0641e-03     29  0.085663 0.099921 0.0040122
## 30  9.5436e-04     30  0.084599 0.098952 0.0040002
## 31  8.8912e-04     31  0.083645 0.097103 0.0039586
## 32  8.1429e-04     32  0.082756 0.096459 0.0039633
## 33  8.1278e-04     34  0.081127 0.096076 0.0039659
## 34  7.6183e-04     35  0.080314 0.095794 0.0039601
## 35  7.4718e-04     36  0.079552 0.095279 0.0039530
## 36  7.0551e-04     37  0.078805 0.095054 0.0039592
## 37  6.8840e-04     38  0.078100 0.094208 0.0039394
## 38  6.4620e-04     39  0.077411 0.094317 0.0039588
## 39  6.3144e-04     40  0.076765 0.093827 0.0039535
## 40  6.2352e-04     41  0.076134 0.093835 0.0039534
## 41  5.9955e-04     42  0.075510 0.093571 0.0039512
## 42  5.8956e-04     43  0.074911 0.092636 0.0039305
## 43  5.8890e-04     44  0.074321 0.092374 0.0039201
## 44  4.8092e-04     45  0.073732 0.091101 0.0039236
## 45  4.6164e-04     46  0.073251 0.090897 0.0039324
## 46  4.3442e-04     47  0.072790 0.090005 0.0038865
## 47  4.1881e-04     48  0.072355 0.089381 0.0038650
## 48  4.1231e-04     49  0.071936 0.089387 0.0038629
## 49  4.0384e-04     50  0.071524 0.089072 0.0038617
## 50  3.9911e-04     51  0.071120 0.089088 0.0038619
## 51  3.7370e-04     52  0.070721 0.088646 0.0038902
## 52  3.6413e-04     53  0.070347 0.088061 0.0038911
## 53  3.6411e-04     54  0.069983 0.087927 0.0039105
## 54  3.6115e-04     55  0.069619 0.088021 0.0039107
## 55  3.4844e-04     56  0.069258 0.087979 0.0039125
## 56  3.4532e-04     57  0.068910 0.087859 0.0039124
## 57  3.4384e-04     58  0.068564 0.087859 0.0039124
## 58  3.1362e-04     59  0.068220 0.087543 0.0039086
## 59  3.0589e-04     60  0.067907 0.086741 0.0038924
## 60  2.8529e-04     61  0.067601 0.086091 0.0038585
## 61  2.7449e-04     62  0.067316 0.085222 0.0038004
## 62  2.7063e-04     63  0.067041 0.084917 0.0037974
## 63  2.4685e-04     64  0.066770 0.084616 0.0037897
## 64  2.4177e-04     65  0.066524 0.084386 0.0037712
## 65  2.3638e-04     66  0.066282 0.084212 0.0037651
## 66  2.2817e-04     67  0.066045 0.084289 0.0037720
## 67  2.1651e-04     68  0.065817 0.084167 0.0037718
## 68  2.1471e-04     69  0.065601 0.083876 0.0037775
## 69  2.1028e-04     70  0.065386 0.083976 0.0037913
## 70  1.9694e-04     71  0.065176 0.083765 0.0037828
## 71  1.9654e-04     72  0.064979 0.083467 0.0037791
## 72  1.8674e-04     73  0.064782 0.083550 0.0037849
## 73  1.7411e-04     74  0.064596 0.083365 0.0037861
## 74  1.6794e-04     75  0.064421 0.083361 0.0037866
## 75  1.6610e-04     76  0.064253 0.083228 0.0037852
## 76  1.4873e-04     77  0.064087 0.083307 0.0037881
## 77  1.4509e-04     78  0.063939 0.083120 0.0037767
## 78  1.4415e-04     79  0.063794 0.083062 0.0037765
## 79  1.3862e-04     80  0.063649 0.083088 0.0037766
## 80  1.3469e-04     81  0.063511 0.083025 0.0037730
## 81  1.2429e-04     82  0.063376 0.083031 0.0037730
## 82  1.2314e-04     83  0.063252 0.082959 0.0037757
## 83  1.1896e-04     84  0.063129 0.082918 0.0037759
## 84  1.1231e-04     86  0.062891 0.082683 0.0037633
## 85  1.1138e-04     87  0.062778 0.082657 0.0037630
## 86  1.0982e-04     88  0.062667 0.082569 0.0037605
## 87  1.0959e-04     89  0.062557 0.082595 0.0037629
## 88  9.4377e-05     90  0.062448 0.082234 0.0037578
## 89  9.4286e-05     91  0.062353 0.082230 0.0037632
## 90  9.2321e-05     92  0.062259 0.082217 0.0037633
## 91  9.1997e-05     93  0.062167 0.082192 0.0037634
## 92  8.7576e-05     94  0.062075 0.082121 0.0037628
## 93  8.5671e-05     95  0.061987 0.082093 0.0037622
## 94  8.4646e-05     96  0.061901 0.082023 0.0037621
## 95  8.3563e-05     97  0.061817 0.082032 0.0037623
## 96  8.2598e-05     98  0.061733 0.082017 0.0037623
## 97  8.2066e-05     99  0.061651 0.081998 0.0037624
## 98  8.1969e-05    100  0.061569 0.082006 0.0037625
## 99  8.1292e-05    101  0.061487 0.081985 0.0037626
## 100 6.7098e-05    102  0.061405 0.081851 0.0037617
## 101 5.8314e-05    103  0.061338 0.081643 0.0037573
## 102 5.4532e-05    104  0.061280 0.081626 0.0037571
## 103 5.3884e-05    105  0.061225 0.081771 0.0037601
## 104 5.0563e-05    106  0.061171 0.081674 0.0037506
## 105 4.9379e-05    107  0.061121 0.081655 0.0037503
## 106 4.8199e-05    108  0.061072 0.081586 0.0037512
## 107 4.5713e-05    109  0.061023 0.081526 0.0037514
## 108 4.4998e-05    110  0.060978 0.081541 0.0037514
## 109 4.4907e-05    111  0.060933 0.081541 0.0037514
## 110 4.3673e-05    112  0.060888 0.081440 0.0037476
## 111 4.1518e-05    113  0.060844 0.081426 0.0037478
## 112 4.1424e-05    114  0.060802 0.081423 0.0037488
## 113 3.9942e-05    115  0.060761 0.081494 0.0037493
## 114 3.9191e-05    117  0.060681 0.081506 0.0037500
## 115 3.8147e-05    118  0.060642 0.081516 0.0037501
## 116 3.7939e-05    119  0.060604 0.081524 0.0037501
## 117 3.7877e-05    120  0.060566 0.081524 0.0037501
## 118 3.6732e-05    121  0.060528 0.081497 0.0037499
## 119 3.5101e-05    122  0.060491 0.081494 0.0037499
## 120 3.4752e-05    123  0.060456 0.081499 0.0037497
## 121 3.3277e-05    124  0.060421 0.081462 0.0037498
## 122 3.2023e-05    126  0.060355 0.081491 0.0037503
## 123 3.0774e-05    128  0.060291 0.081482 0.0037508
## 124 2.9529e-05    129  0.060260 0.081508 0.0037508
## 125 2.6406e-05    131  0.060201 0.081450 0.0037508
## 126 2.4364e-05    132  0.060175 0.081435 0.0037514
## 127 2.3353e-05    133  0.060150 0.081314 0.0037424
## 128 1.7396e-05    134  0.060127 0.081314 0.0037425
## 129 1.7385e-05    135  0.060110 0.081236 0.0037391
## 130 1.6911e-05    136  0.060092 0.081262 0.0037391
## 131 1.6856e-05    137  0.060075 0.081229 0.0037391
## 132 1.6175e-05    138  0.060058 0.081219 0.0037391
## 133 1.5092e-05    139  0.060042 0.081207 0.0037392
## 134 1.5080e-05    140  0.060027 0.081179 0.0037371
## 135 1.3670e-05    141  0.060012 0.081188 0.0037372
## 136 1.2791e-05    142  0.059998 0.081186 0.0037373
## 137 8.6119e-06    143  0.059986 0.081136 0.0037367
## 138 7.7197e-06    144  0.059977 0.081083 0.0037361
## 139 7.1078e-06    145  0.059969 0.081103 0.0037379
## 140 6.1418e-06    146  0.059962 0.081083 0.0037379
## 141 5.2843e-06    147  0.059956 0.081088 0.0037379
## 142 4.0469e-06    148  0.059951 0.081073 0.0037379
## 143 0.0000e+00    149  0.059947 0.081080 0.0037380
##           CP nsplit rel error    xerror        xstd
## 1 0.50848560      0 1.0000000 1.0009943 0.028477651
## 2 0.14983351      1 0.4915144 0.4920725 0.013120901
## 3 0.11091999      2 0.3416809 0.3460704 0.009481984
## 4 0.03254003      3 0.2307609 0.2351870 0.008392401
## 5 0.02505781      4 0.1982209 0.2016591 0.006691273
## 6 0.01458827      5 0.1731631 0.1766505 0.006345584
opt.cp = cv.tbl[which(cv.tbl[,4] == min(cv.tbl[,4])),1]

You can force him to estimate the model with optimal shrinkage

t5 = rpart(spec, 
p21  = predict(t5,new=oct)
pred = cbind(pred, p21)
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean((x-y)^2), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   20753493   13590599    9458852    3267236    3383160    4781821    3325253 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##    4474717    4157797    4248709   14691249    7903309    3886492    3936528 
##        p21 
##    3890927
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean(abs(x-y)), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   3529.504   2770.189   2352.664   1313.841   1340.777   1595.134   1326.421 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##   1571.303   1495.547   1517.360   3032.057   2029.873   1389.063   1389.144 
##        p21 
##   1364.854


Recall - it involves bootstrapping! Number of bootstrap samples

B = 1000
NT = dim(ocr)[1]
bag.fore = matrix(NA,nrow=dim(oct)[1],ncol=B)
rownames(bag.fore) = rownames(oct)
for (b in 1:B) {
  if (b %in% seq(0,B,100)) print(b)
  # Randomly select (with replacement) some row numbers
  idx = sample(1:NT,NT,replace=T)
  # Create the bootstrap sample
  auta.train.b = ocr[idx ,]
  # Estimate the model
  bt = rpart(spec, 
  # Prediction on a testing sample
  bag.fore[,b] = predict(bt,new=oct)
## [1] 100
## [1] 200
## [1] 300
## [1] 400
## [1] 500
## [1] 600
## [1] 700
## [1] 800
## [1] 900
## [1] 1000

For every single observations in the testing dataset you have B predictions

hist(bag.fore[1,],breaks=50) # nice

This way you could estimate ‘confidence in your prediction’. For example, for the first car, the 95% confidence would be

##     2.5%    97.5% 
## 13104.61 18301.92

Now evaluate

p22  = apply(bag.fore,1,mean,na.rm=T)
pred = cbind(pred, p22)
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean((x-y)^2), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   20753493   13590599    9458852    3267236    3383160    4781821    3325253 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##    4474717    4157797    4248709   14691249    7903309    3886492    3936528 
##        p21        p22 
##    3890927    3089110
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean(abs(x-y)), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   3529.504   2770.189   2352.664   1313.841   1340.777   1595.134   1326.421 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##   1571.303   1495.547   1517.360   3032.057   2029.873   1389.063   1389.144 
##        p21        p22 
##   1364.854   1217.985

Random forest - can it get any better?

Let’s try to decorrelate trees. Number of trees

B = 5000

Depth of the trees

depth = c(3,6,9,12)

Number of depth parameters

ND = length(depth)

Number of random ‘picks’ of features to consider in each split

mtry = c(3,6,9)

Number of mtry parameters

NR = length(mtry)

Number of cross-validations

cv = 10

For each cross-validation sample I need to store predictions. MSE for CV = array(NA,dim=c(NR,ND,cv))
dimnames([[1]] = paste('Try',mtry,'features')
dimnames([[2]] = paste('Depth',depth)
dimnames([[3]] = paste('CV sample',1:cv)

I need to find the average values for each cross-validation = array(NA,dim=c(NR,ND))
dimnames([[1]] = paste('Try',mtry,'features')
dimnames([[2]] = paste('Depth',depth)

Now we loop over different parameters & cross-validation samples.

# Number of mtry
for (m in 1:NR) {
  num.try = mtry[m]
  # Depth
  for (d in 1:ND) {
    num.depth = depth[d]
    # Now cross-validation      
    for (r in 1:cv) {
      # Select data
      idx = c(((r-1)*(NT/10)+1):(r*(NT/10)))
      auta.train.cvin = ocr[-idx,]
      auta.train.cout = ocr[+idx,]
      # Estimate the model
      rf.tree = ranger(spec,
                       num.trees=B,mtry=num.try,min.node.size=5,max.depth=num.depth) = predict(rf.tree,data=auta.train.cout)$predictions[m,d,r] = mean(( - auta.train.cout$price)^2)
    # Average[m,d] = mean([m,d,])

We estimated random forest(S) under different hyper-parameters. Now which rando forest has the lowest forecast error via cross-validation?

which( == min(, arr.ind=TRUE)
##                row col
## Try 6 features   2   4
mtry.opt  = mtry[3]
depth.opt = depth[4]
rf = ranger(spec,data=ocr,num.trees=B,mtry=mtry.opt,min.node.size=5,max.depth=depth.opt)

Now evaluate

p23  = predict(rf,data=oct)$predictions
pred = cbind(pred, p23)
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean((x-y)^2), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   20753493   13590599    9458852    3267236    3383160    4781821    3325253 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##    4474717    4157797    4248709   14691249    7903309    3886492    3936528 
##        p21        p22        p23 
##    3890927    3089110    2708885
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean(abs(x-y)), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   3529.504   2770.189   2352.664   1313.841   1340.777   1595.134   1326.421 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##   1571.303   1495.547   1517.360   3032.057   2029.873   1389.063   1389.144 
##        p21        p22        p23 
##   1364.854   1217.985   1164.859


We will use a package gbm()

mod.gbm = gbm(spec,data=ocr,distribution='gaussian',n.trees=10000,

Now evaluate

p24  = predict(mod.gbm,new=oct)
## Using 10000 trees...
pred = cbind(pred,p24)
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean((x-y)^2), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   20753493   13590599    9458852    3267236    3383160    4781821    3325253 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##    4474717    4157797    4248709   14691249    7903309    3886492    3936528 
##        p21        p22        p23        p24 
##    3890927    3089110    2708885    2764740
apply(pred[,-1],2,function(x,y) mean(abs(x-y)), y=pred[,1])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   3529.504   2770.189   2352.664   1313.841   1340.777   1595.134   1326.421 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##   1571.303   1495.547   1517.360   3032.057   2029.873   1389.063   1389.144 
##        p21        p22        p23        p24 
##   1364.854   1217.985   1164.859   1149.121

Final evaluation with winsorization!

for (i in 2:ncol(pred)) pred[pred[,i]<0,i] = min(ocr$price)

Now we find the Mean Square Error and Mean Absolute Error:

mse = pred[,-1]
mae = mse
for (i in 2:ncol(pred)) {
  mse[,i-1] =    (pred[,1] - pred[,i])^2
  mae[,i-1] = abs(pred[,1] - pred[,i])
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   20753493   13590599    9458852    3267236    3383160    4781821    3325253 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##    4474717    4157797    4248709   14691249    7903309    3886492    3936528 
##        p21        p22        p23        p24 
##    3890927    3089110    2708885    2764740
##         p1         p2         p3         p6 lambda.min lambda.min lambda.min 
##   3529.504   2770.189   2352.664   1313.841   1340.777   1595.134   1326.421 
##        p14        p15        p16        p17        p18        p19        p20 
##   1571.303   1495.547   1517.360   3032.057   2029.873   1389.063   1389.144 
##        p21        p22        p23        p24 
##   1364.854   1217.985   1164.859   1149.121

Which model is the best one?

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Model p17 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:12.130008
## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Model p1 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:16.577415
## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Model p3 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:20.547673
## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Model p18 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:24.190827
## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Model p2 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:27.276123
## Model p14 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:30.04438
## Model p15 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:32.376234
## Model p16 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:34.356258
## Model p19 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:36.087887
## Model p20 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:37.610409
## Model p21 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:38.89641
## Model p6 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:39.95004
## ###########################################################################################################################
## Superior Set Model created   :
##            Rank_M        v_M MCS_M Rank_R        v_R MCS_R    Loss
## lambda_min      5 -1.4673821 1.000      6  3.6539353 0.013 3383160
## lambda_min     NA -1.4673821    NA     NA  3.6539353    NA 4781821
## lambda_min     NA -1.4673821    NA     NA  3.6539353    NA 3325253
## p22             6 -0.2300183 0.967      3  3.0693204 0.013 3089110
## p23             1 -3.9430845 1.000      1 -0.6755989 1.000 2708885
## p24             2 -3.8126251 1.000      2  0.6755989 0.962 2764740
## p-value  :
## [1] 0.967
## ###########################################################################################################################
## ------------------------------------------
## -          Superior Set of Models        -
## ------------------------------------------
##            Rank_M        v_M MCS_M Rank_R        v_R MCS_R    Loss
## lambda_min      5 -1.4673821 1.000      6  3.6539353 0.013 3383160
## lambda_min     NA -1.4673821    NA     NA  3.6539353    NA 4781821
## lambda_min     NA -1.4673821    NA     NA  3.6539353    NA 3325253
## p22             6 -0.2300183 0.967      3  3.0693204 0.013 3089110
## p23             1 -3.9430845 1.000      1 -0.6755989 1.000 2708885
## p24             2 -3.8126251 1.000      2  0.6755989 0.962 2764740
## Details
## ------------------------------------------
## Number of eliminated models  :   12
## Statistic    :   Tmax
## Elapsed Time :   Time difference of 33.8067 secs
## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Model p17 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:45.920177
## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Model p1 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:50.280137
## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Model p3 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:54.511114
## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## Warning in max((abs(d_ij_mean[model_temp]))/(d_var_ij[1, model_temp]^0.5)): no
## non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Model p2 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:37:58.048792
## Model p14 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:38:01.131326
## Model p18 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:38:03.781344
## Model p15 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:38:06.125816
## Model p16 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:38:08.146412
## Model p19 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:38:09.889726
## Model p20 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:38:11.423827
## Model p21 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:38:12.764508
## Model p6 eliminated 2024-10-23 13:38:13.84888
## ###########################################################################################################################
## Superior Set Model created   :
##            Rank_M        v_M MCS_M Rank_R        v_R MCS_R     Loss
## lambda_min      6 -0.1294107  0.98      6  4.8475662 0.005 1340.777
## lambda_min     NA -0.1294107    NA     NA  4.8475662    NA 1595.134
## lambda_min     NA -0.1294107    NA     NA  4.8475662    NA 1326.421
## p22             3 -1.6832985  1.00      3  3.2779203 0.005 1217.985
## p23             2 -4.0523367  1.00      2  0.8135652 0.935 1164.859
## p24             1 -5.1802367  1.00      1 -0.8135652 1.000 1149.121
## p-value  :
## [1] 0.98
## ###########################################################################################################################
## ------------------------------------------
## -          Superior Set of Models        -
## ------------------------------------------
##            Rank_M        v_M MCS_M Rank_R        v_R MCS_R     Loss
## lambda_min      6 -0.1294107  0.98      6  4.8475662 0.005 1340.777
## lambda_min     NA -0.1294107    NA     NA  4.8475662    NA 1595.134
## lambda_min     NA -0.1294107    NA     NA  4.8475662    NA 1326.421
## p22             3 -1.6832985  1.00      3  3.2779203 0.005 1217.985
## p23             2 -4.0523367  1.00      2  0.8135652 0.935 1164.859
## p24             1 -5.1802367  1.00      1 -0.8135652 1.000 1149.121
## Details
## ------------------------------------------
## Number of eliminated models  :   12
## Statistic    :   Tmax
## Elapsed Time :   Time difference of 33.91963 secs

Competition - Task

Can you improve upon the apartments dataset’s predictions?

apartments <- read.csv(file='C:\\Users\\ckt\\OneDrive - MUNI\\Institutions\\MU\\ML Finance\\2024\\datasets\\aprt1.csv')
N     <- dim(apartments)[1]
idx   <- sample(1:N,size=floor(0.7*N),replace=FALSE)
train <- apartments[idx ,]
test  <- apartments[-idx,]
##    rent city sub1 sub2 sub3 sub4 sub5 sub6 sub7 sub8 new recon part_recon area
## 48  800    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   0     1          0   70
## 33  800    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0   1     0          0   57
## 44  800    1    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    0   1     0          0   56
## 22  900    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   0     1          0  105
## 62  550    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   0     1          0   54
## 32  800    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   0     1          0   70
##    balcony rooms floor cellar lift shops_km shops_min_car shops_min_walk
## 48       1     3     7      1    1      2.7             5             30
## 33       1     2     3      1    1      5.0             7             53
## 44       1     2     5      0    0      4.0             8             46
## 22       1     3     2      0    0      0.8             3              4
## 62       1     2     2      0    0      1.6             4             16
## 32       1     3     4      1    1      2.9             8             23
##    hospital_km hospital_min_car hospital_min_walk school_km school_min_car
## 48        3.00                5                33      2.30              4
## 33        7.10               10                81      0.29              2
## 44        5.30               11                60      3.40              8
## 22        3.10                8                21      2.10              4
## 62        0.65                2                 7      0.80              2
## 32        2.30                6                26      2.70              8
##    school_min_walk station_km station_min_car station_min_walk center_km
## 48              26       2.60               5               26       1.8
## 33               4       5.60               8               59       6.9
## 44              33       3.90               8               39       4.1
## 22              23       0.75               2                5       1.9
## 62               7       1.90               5               20       1.9
## 32              24       2.90               7               21       1.3
##    center_min_car center_min_walk
## 48              5              19
## 33             15              64
## 44             10              37
## 22              5               9
## 62              5              15
## 32              6              12