Cost minimization and cost functions Varian: Intermediate Microeconomics, 8e, 20 and 21 1 / 30 In this lecture you will learn • how to define a cost function • what the conditional demand for factor is • what follows from revealed cost minimization • what different cost functions look like • how to measure cost inefficiency 2 / 30 Profit maximization and cost minimization Profit maximization (last lecture) – what production plan maximizes the firm’s profit (for a given technology and input and output prices). 3 / 30 Profit maximization and cost minimization Profit maximization (last lecture) – what production plan maximizes the firm’s profit (for a given technology and input and output prices). Cost minimization – what combination of inputs minimizes the cost of producing a given output (for a given technology and input prices) – derivation of the cost function. In the second step the firm chooses the profit-maximizing output (for a given cost function and demand). In the rest of this lecture and the next 4 lectures we assume competitive input markets. =⇒ Prices of inputs (w) are given. 3 / 30 Cost minimization The firm chooses a combination of inputs that minimizes its costs of producing a given output (at given input prices and technology): min x1,x2 w1x1 + w2x2 pro f (x1, x2) = y 4 / 30 Cost minimization The firm chooses a combination of inputs that minimizes its costs of producing a given output (at given input prices and technology): min x1,x2 w1x1 + w2x2 pro f (x1, x2) = y Cost function c(y) gives the minimum costs necessary for producing a given output y (at given prices and technology). Isocost – all combinations of inputs x1 and x2 that correspond to a given level of costs C: w1x1 + w2x2 = C ⇐⇒ x2 = C w2 − w1 w2 x1 4 / 30 Cost minimization – graphical solution If the isoquant is monotonic, smooth and convex and we have the inner solution, then in the optimum holds: slope of the isoquant = TRS(x∗ 1 , x∗ 2 ) = − w1 w2 = slope of the isocost 5 / 30 Firm optimum vs. consumer optimum Consumer Firm 6 / 30 Firm optimum vs. consumer optimum Consumer – the point on the BL with a maximum utility Firm – the point on the isoquant corresponding to minimum costs 6 / 30 Conditional demand for inputs Conditional demand for inputs – what quantity of input minimizes the costs of producing a given output 7 / 30 Conditional demand for inputs Conditional demand for inputs – what quantity of input minimizes the costs of producing a given output Difference between the demand and conditional demand for input: • demand – what x maximizes the profit for (p, w) • conditional demand – what x minimizes the costs of (y, w) 7 / 30 Deriving the cost function – convex isoquants Production function: y = √ x1 + 3 √ x2 Input prices: w1 = 1 a w2 = 1 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? 8 / 30 Deriving the cost function – convex isoquants Production function: y = √ x1 + 3 √ x2 Input prices: w1 = 1 a w2 = 1 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? Monotonic, smooth and convex isoquant =⇒ TRS = −w1/w2: − √ x2 3 √ x1 = −1 x2 = 9x1 8 / 30 Deriving the cost function – convex isoquants Production function: y = √ x1 + 3 √ x2 Input prices: w1 = 1 a w2 = 1 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? Monotonic, smooth and convex isoquant =⇒ TRS = −w1/w2: − √ x2 3 √ x1 = −1 x2 = 9x1 By substituting back into the pf, we get the conditional demands: x1 = y2 /100 a x2 = 9y2 /100 8 / 30 Deriving the cost function – convex isoquants Production function: y = √ x1 + 3 √ x2 Input prices: w1 = 1 a w2 = 1 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? Monotonic, smooth and convex isoquant =⇒ TRS = −w1/w2: − √ x2 3 √ x1 = −1 x2 = 9x1 By substituting back into the pf, we get the conditional demands: x1 = y2 /100 a x2 = 9y2 /100 Cost function: c(y) = w1x1 + w2x2 = 1 × y2 /100 + 1 × 9y2 /100 = y2 /10 8 / 30 Deriving the cost function – perfect complements For a production of a 3D visualization (V) we need: • 1 hour of labour (L) • 2 hours of a computer (C) Input prices: wL = 300 and wC = 100 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? 9 / 30 Deriving the cost function – perfect complements For a production of a 3D visualization (V) we need: • 1 hour of labour (L) • 2 hours of a computer (C) Input prices: wL = 300 and wC = 100 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? Production function: V = min{L, C/2} 9 / 30 Deriving the cost function – perfect complements For a production of a 3D visualization (V) we need: • 1 hour of labour (L) • 2 hours of a computer (C) Input prices: wL = 300 and wC = 100 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? Production function: V = min{L, C/2} Conditional demand functions: V = L = C/2 L = V and C = 2V 9 / 30 Deriving the cost function – perfect complements For a production of a 3D visualization (V) we need: • 1 hour of labour (L) • 2 hours of a computer (C) Input prices: wL = 300 and wC = 100 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? Production function: V = min{L, C/2} Conditional demand functions: V = L = C/2 L = V and C = 2V Cost function: c(V ) = wL × L + wC × C = 300 × V + 100 × 2V = 500V 9 / 30 Deriving the cost function – perfect substitutes Book (B) can be produced using • 1/5 of an hour using a hi-tech printer (H) • 1/3 of an hour using a standard printer (S) Input prices: wH = 10 and wS = 5 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? 10 / 30 Deriving the cost function – perfect substitutes Book (B) can be produced using • 1/5 of an hour using a hi-tech printer (H) • 1/3 of an hour using a standard printer (S) Input prices: wH = 10 and wS = 5 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? Production function: B = 5H + 3S 10 / 30 Deriving the cost function – perfect substitutes Book (B) can be produced using • 1/5 of an hour using a hi-tech printer (H) • 1/3 of an hour using a standard printer (S) Input prices: wH = 10 and wS = 5 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? Production function: B = 5H + 3S I use the cheaper technology – the cost of one book printed on • the hi-tech printer is wH/5 = 2 • the standard printer is wS /3 = 5/3 The conditional demand functions are H = 0 and S = B/3 10 / 30 Deriving the cost function – perfect substitutes Book (B) can be produced using • 1/5 of an hour using a hi-tech printer (H) • 1/3 of an hour using a standard printer (S) Input prices: wH = 10 and wS = 5 What are the conditional demand functions and the cost function? Production function: B = 5H + 3S I use the cheaper technology – the cost of one book printed on • the hi-tech printer is wH/5 = 2 • the standard printer is wS /3 = 5/3 The conditional demand functions are H = 0 and S = B/3 Cost function: c(B) = wH × H + wS × S = 10 × 0 + 5 × B/3 = 5/3B 10 / 30 Revealed cost minimization A cost-minimizing firm chooses a combination of inputs in order to produce a given output (at given input prices and technology) at costs that are at least as low as the costs of alternative combinations of inputs. 11 / 30 Revealed cost minimization – example A firm produces output y using two different combinations of inputs: • at input prices at time t (wt 1, wt 2) the firm chooses (xt 1, xt 2) • at input prices at time s (ws 1 , ws 2 ) the firm chooses (xs 1, xs 2) Weak axiom of cost minimization (WACM): If a firm produces output y at minimum costs and technology hasn’t changed between times t and s, then it holds that: wt 1xt 1 + wt 2xt 2 ≤ wt 1xs 1 + wt 2xs 2 (1) ws 1 xs 1 + ws 2 xs 2 ≤ ws 1 xt 1 + ws 2 xt 2 (2) 12 / 30 Revealed cost minimization – example (cont’d) If we copy the equation (1) and multiply the equation (2) by −1, we get wt 1xt 1 + wt 2xt 2 ≤ wt 1xs 1 + wt 2xs 2 −ws 1 xt 1 − ws 2 xt 2 ≤ −ws 1 xs 1 − ws 2 xs 2 Since both equations have ≤, also the sum of the equations must have ≤: (wt 1 − ws 1 )xt 1 + (wt 2 − ws 2 )xt 2 ≤ (wt 1 − ws 1 )xs 1 + (wt 2 − ws 2 )xs 2 Rearranging this equation and substituting ∆w1 for (wt 1 − ws 1 ), ∆x1 for (xt 1 − xs 1), and so on, we find ∆w1∆x1 + ∆w2∆x2 ≤ 0. 13 / 30 Revealed cost minimization – example (cont’d) What follows from the result ∆w1∆x1 + ∆w2∆x2 ≤ 0? E.g. if the price of factor 1 w1 changes and the price of factor 2 w2 remains constant, then ∆w1∆x1 ≤ 0. It never holds that ∆w1 > 0 and ∆x1 > 0 or ∆w1 < 0 and ∆x1 < 0. =⇒ The conditional factor demand of a competitive firm can’t be increasing. 14 / 30 APPLICATION: Costs and inefficiency We can estimate cost functions from the input prices and output data. Different cost functions in one industry – possible explanations: • firms have different technologies • firms do not minimize costs 15 / 30 APPLICATION: Costs and inefficiency We can estimate cost functions from the input prices and output data. Different cost functions in one industry – possible explanations: • firms have different technologies • firms do not minimize costs Piacenza (J Prod Anal, 2006) – the costs of Italian public transport firms is on average 11% above the minimum costs of producing the same output. The inefficiency is influenced by the type of transport subsidy: • Cost plus: the size of subsidy is a function of transport costs. • Fixed price: transport firms have a subsidized, but fixed, price. What type of subsidies generates a higher inefficiency? 15 / 30 APPLICATION: Costs and inefficiency (graph) 16 / 30 APPLICATION: Cost minimization in the US health sector Before 1983: Medicare would reimburse a share of hospitals’ capital and labor costs equal to Medicare patient-days/total patient-days. After 1983: Capital costs paid as before, labor costs covered by a flat rate based on the patient’s diagnosis (any additional labor cost covered fully by the hospital) = the isocost’s slope changes. What was the reaction of hospitals? 17 / 30 APPLICATION: Cost minimization in the US health sector Before 1983: Medicare would reimburse a share of hospitals’ capital and labor costs equal to Medicare patient-days/total patient-days. After 1983: Capital costs paid as before, labor costs covered by a flat rate based on the patient’s diagnosis (any additional labor cost covered fully by the hospital) = the isocost’s slope changes. What was the reaction of hospitals? Acemoglu a Finkelstein (JPE, 2008): 10% increase in the K/L ratio. A bigger increase in hospitals with a higher share of Medicare patients. 17 / 30 Costs Total costs: c(y) = cv (y) + F (+QF) • variable costs cv (y) – costs of variable inputs (SR and LR) • fixed costs F = costs of fixed inputs (only SR): a constant for y ≥ 0 • quasifixed costs QF = costs of quasifixed inputs (SR and LR) QF = a constant if y > 0 0 if y = 0 Average costs: AC(y) = c(y) y = cv (y) y + F y = AVC(y) + AFC(y) Marginal costs: MC(y) = dc(y) dy 18 / 30 Average costs AFC(y) = F y – decreasing; the same fixed costs spread over a higher y AVC(y) = cv (y) y – increasing from a given y; limited by the fixed input AC(y) = AFC(y) + AVC(y) – typically U-shaped 19 / 30 Average and marginal costs For discrete output MC(y) and AVC(y) are equal for y = 1: MC(1) = cv (1) + F − cv (0) − F 1 = cv (1) 1 = AVC(1) 20 / 30 Average and marginal costs For discrete output MC(y) and AVC(y) are equal for y = 1: MC(1) = cv (1) + F − cv (0) − F 1 = cv (1) 1 = AVC(1) MC(y) crosses the AC(y) and AVC(y) curves in their minimum: AC (y∗ ) = c(y∗) y∗ = c (y∗)y∗ − c(y∗) y∗2 = 0 ⇐⇒ c (y∗ ) = c(y∗) y∗ AVC (ˆy) = cv (ˆy) ˆy = cv (ˆy)ˆy − cv (ˆy) ˆy2 = 0 ⇐⇒ cv (ˆy) = cv (ˆy) ˆy 20 / 30 Average and marginal costs (graph) 21 / 30 Marginal costs and total variable costs Variable costs necessary for a production of y units of output = 22 / 30 Marginal costs and total variable costs Variable costs necessary for a production of y units of output = the area below the MC curve for the output between 0 and y. 22 / 30 Example – marginal cost curves for two plants A firm has two plants with cost functions c1(y1) a c2(y2). How to divide the production of y units between the plants? 23 / 30 Example – marginal cost curves for two plants A firm has two plants with cost functions c1(y1) a c2(y2). How to divide the production of y units between the plants? Optimal outputs y∗ 1 and y∗ 2 are such that MC1(y∗ 1 ) = MC2(y∗ 2 ) = c. 23 / 30 Numerical example – cost functions Total costs: • c(y) = y2 + 1 • variable – cv (y) = y2 • fixed – F = 1 Average and marginal costs: • AFC(y) = 1/y • AVC(y) = y2/y = y • AC(y) = y + 1/y • MC(y) = 2y 24 / 30 Long-run average costs (LAC) If the quasifixed costs are 0 and the production function exhibits • constant returns to scale, LAC(y) is constant, • increasing returns to scale, LAC(y) is decreasing, • decreasing returns to scale, LAC(y) is increasing. Why? 25 / 30 Long-run average costs (LAC) If the quasifixed costs are 0 and the production function exhibits • constant returns to scale, LAC(y) is constant, • increasing returns to scale, LAC(y) is decreasing, • decreasing returns to scale, LAC(y) is increasing. Why? If t > 1 and the production function has • constant returns to scale, then LAC(ty) = c(ty) ty = t · c(y) ty = LAC(y). • increasing returns to scale, then LAC(ty) = c(ty) ty < t · c(y) ty = LAC(y). • decreasing returns to scale, then LAC(ty) = c(ty) ty > t · c(y) ty = LAC(y). 25 / 30 Short-run and long-run average costs SR: for a fixed plant size k∗, the optimal output is y∗ LR: the firm chooses the optimal plant size for each output 26 / 30 Short-run and long-run average costs SR: for a fixed plant size k∗, the optimal output is y∗ LR: the firm chooses the optimal plant size for each output For the output y∗ holds: SAC = LAC For all other outputs y = y∗ holds: SAC > LAC 26 / 30 Discrete levels of plant size The LAC curve (dark blue) if a firm chooses from 4 plant sizes: 27 / 30 Discrete levels of plant size The LAC curve (dark blue) if a firm chooses from 4 plant sizes: 27 / 30 Long-run marginal costs (LMC) The long-run marginal cost LMC curve: • left – a firm chooses among 3 plant sizes 28 / 30 Long-run marginal costs (LMC) The long-run marginal cost LMC curve: • left – a firm chooses among 3 plant sizes (black curve) 28 / 30 Long-run marginal costs (LMC) The long-run marginal cost LMC curve: • left – a firm chooses among 3 plant sizes (black curve) • right – a firm can choose any continuous plant size 28 / 30 Long-run marginal costs (LMC) The long-run marginal cost LMC curve: • left – a firm chooses among 3 plant sizes (black curve) • right – a firm can choose any continuous plant size 28 / 30 What should you know? • Cost minimization – what combination of inputs minimizes costs of a given output (for a given technology and input prices). • Cost function – the minimum costs necessary for producing a given output. • Conditional demand for input – how much input minimizes the cost of production of a given output. X Demand for input – profit-maximizing firm buys such quantity of input that w = pMP. • If a firm minimizes costs, its conditional demand function cannot be increasing. 29 / 30 What should you know? (cont’d) • The average cost function AC is usually U-shaped, because AFC is decreasing and AVC increasing (beyond certain quantity). • In the minimum, AC and AVC equal to MC. • The area below MC from 0 to y equals VC(y). • The LAC curve is the lower envelope of the short-run average cost curves. • Fixed cost: SR, can be positive for y = 0 Quasificed cost: SR and LR, zero for y = 0 30 / 30