INTERNAL Consultancy project : By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Our Agenda •Consultancy Project Introduction 01 5 min Lectors Introduction 02 5 min Participants expectations 03 5 min Course targets & content 04 10 min Business strategy definition INTERNAL Who We Are? Consultancy project By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A.Sisolak Lectors Introduction •Consultancy project Introduction | Who we are ? Jakub Čech Sika CZ Obsah obrázku muž, osoba, nošení, oblek Popis byl vytvořen automaticky §44 years old. Born and raised in Brno, Czech Republic. §Master degree of Business management Masaryk University @ Brno §Married with 2 kids §Like sports, travel, friends Personal Info §2001 – 2002: New cars sales representative, Automedia Brno §2002 – 2004: Marketing and sales, ARP, Brno §2004 – 2010: Construction sales representative, DEK, Brno §2010 – 2013: Roofing sales representative in Sika CZ §2013 – 2016: Business unit manager in Sika CZ §2016 – 2024: Head of distribution, Target market manager roofing in Sika CZ §2024 – now: Head of BU Commercial & Industrial construction Professional Info Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A.Sisolak Supervisors Introduction •Consultancy project Introduction | Who we are? Obsah obrázku Lidská tvář, osoba, úsměv, oblečení Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku Lidská tvář, osoba, oblečení, muž Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku Lidská tvář, osoba, úsměv, obočí Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku Lidská tvář, osoba, oblečení, interiér Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Leyla Shahvaladova Kushagra Bhatnagar Jesus Aleman Safa Rovshan Fekr Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Sika Profile •Consultancy project Introduction | Who We Are ? Sika AG is a specialty chemicals company with leading position in the development and production of systems and products for bonding, sealing, damping, reinforcing, and protecting in building sector and motor vehicle industry Our Business Founded in 1910 by Kaspar Winkler, thanks to invention of waterproofing mortar used in Gotthard tunnel construction in Switzerland Company is based in Baar, Switzerland with subsidiaries in 101 countries around the world and manufactures in over the 300 factories Its more than 27,000 employees generated annual sales of CHF 12.3 billion in 2021 Sika AG Company was re-established in 1993 with headquarters in Brno It operates 11 production facilities for dry mortars, bitumen membranes, concrete admixtures, EPS polystyrene and limestone processing all over the CZ Its 430 employees generated annual sales of CHF 102,1 million in 2023 Sika CZ has leadership market position in roofing, refurbishment, flooring and sealing & bonding in transportation markets Sika CZ INTERNAL Your Expectations Consultancy project By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Your Expectations •Consultancy project Introduction Introduce yourself Who are you and where are you come from Professional future What is your dream job, once you will achieve your master degree? Course expectation What kind of knowledge or experience are you expecting to obtain during this course? Visačka obrys Papír s grafem a poznámkou s tužkami Dovolená obrys Psací podložka s klipsou obrys Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. INTERNAL Course Content Consultancy project By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Course Deliverables •Consultancy project Introduction | Course Content Understanding of all necessary steps in the process of business strategy preparation. 01 Real experience with strategy preparation, thanks to the team project assignment 02 Improve your teamwork collaboration capabilities and presentation skills 03 Bubliny s prezentujemi Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Course Content •Consultancy project Introduction | Course Content Market Analysis Introduction of market analysis methodologies for understanding of macro-economics and competitive environment as well as customer universe. Self-assessment Evaluation of actual market position., product and service portfolio, organization and financial performance. SWOT Analysis. Evaluation Market analysis and self-assessment evaluation. Methodologies for priority settings. BCG Matrix and Hedgehog concept Strategy Setting Process of vision and strategy preparation. Definition of key elements of strategy – marketing mix, organization set-up with focus on added value creation 01 02 03 04 Mikroskop obrys Cílová skupina obrys Nakloněné váhy obrys Playbook obrys INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Course Timeline •Consultancy project Introduction | Course Content Definition Sep 25th – Oct 4th Lecture | Sep 25th @ 18:00 Seminar Sep 30th @ 18:00 Customer Needs Oct 7th – 18th Lecture | Oct 9th @ 18:00 Seminar Oct 14th @ 18:00 Analysis Evaluation Nov 11th – 22nd Lecture | Nov 13th @ 18:00 Seminar Nov 18th @ 18:00 Strategy Creation Nov 25th – Dec 13th Lecture | Nov 27th @ 18:00 Seminar Dec 2nd @ 18:00 Dec 9th @ 18:00 September November October December Self Assesment Oct 21st – Nov 8th Lecture | Oct 23th @ 18:00 Seminar Oct 29th @ 18:00 INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Team Project Assignment •Consultancy project Introduction | Course Content Team Creation Participant should create teams with 4 (or 5) members which will work together on the project assignment Delivery Present the final strategy to the lectors and be ready to answer the questions Plan Choose a company, for which you will prepare the strategy for. Can be existing business or your own start-up Produce Perform all the steps of strategy preparation process for the selected company or business INTERNAL Strategy Definition Consultancy project By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Strategy Content •Consultancy project Introduction | Strategy Definition 03 04 Why? Which parameters confirm that the selected market segment is the best for company‘s future development? What? What elements will be the main drivers of the value proposition of the company‘s product and services portfolio? 01 02 Where? What market segment will be the best for future company development? How? Which way will be the best to successful approach selected market segment? 05 06 Who? How will the company organize itself for the successful implementation of the strategy? When? What will be timing of all the strategic activities? INTERNAL ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Strategy Content •Consultancy project Introduction | Strategy definition Market Penetration Innovation Operational Efficiency Acquisitions Values 6-8% annual growth 25% of sales with new products 0.5% pts non-material cost improvement as % of net sales 15-18% EBIT margin Until 2020: <15% >10% Operating free cash flow per year as % of net sales >25% ROCE by 2023 SUSTAINABILITY 12% CO2 emission reduction per ton sold INTERNAL Thank You For Your Watching Jakub & Andrej