Final Presentation Consultancy project: By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Lecturers Expectations for external analysis •Consultancy Project | Reflections – module 1 Potential calculation from each perspective Potential of the company from Market, Competitors and Customers perspective. Proper calculation to be presented. What have you considered, why and how you calculated the relevant potential. Three levels of potential Relevant potential assesment Which number have you decided to perceive as a relevant potential and why? Qualitative part Informations which you have investigated. What do you see as relevant from qualitative point of view and why? ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Lecturers Expectations for internal analysis •Consultancy Project | Reflections – module 1 Market position and product / service portfolio You should be able to present the market share of your company in specific segments. You show the profitability of each segment. You should be able to to show the trends in every segment. You know the portfoilo of the company and have the comparison with competitors and customer needs Organizational setup and financial statements You understand how is the company organized and know all the relevant organizational informations. You know how the organization fits to the market. You have ready the financial statements SWOT Analysis Out of all prepared analysis you should be able to evaluate the SWOT. Important part of the SWOT are answers to SO WHAT questions Síťový diagram obrys Vzestupný trend obrys Přiblížit obrys ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Lecturers Expectations for evaluation •Consultancy Project | Reflections – module 3 Segmentation You should have defined 4 - 6 segments of your company business based on product, regional or other differentiating criterias. Describe the criteria you used to define the segments KPI evaluation You have evaluated all the KPIs. Segment growth, segment profitability, segment potential, company market share in the segment, company product portfolio, profitability and market reach. Segment comparison You have used a tool of your choice (BCG matrix or GE McKinsey model) to compare the segments. Prepare the conclusions from the comparison Deska s klipem, odškrtnuté obrys Ganttův diagram obrys Tabulka obrys ‹#› J. Cech & A. Sisolak Lecturers Expectations for Strategy •Consultancy Project | Reflections – module 3 Segment selection Out of your evaluation choose one segment which you want to focus on. Explain why have you choosed this segment. Vision Set your long term vision for the chosen segment. Target, content and most importantly KPI´s to measure. Set the final strategy Prepare your own value proposition for the selected segment. Describe the value chain of your company. Sales, Marketing, Products and Services are the minimum. Prepare the basic organization. Prepare the particular steps, process goals into a diagram to show when this steps will happen Deska s klipem, odškrtnuté obrys Ganttův diagram obrys Tabulka obrys Questions Consultancy project: By Jakub Čech & Andrej Šišolák Note: Please after inserting your picture, “Right Click” on the picture and “Send it to Back” to get the “Gradient” effect. Thank You For Your Watching Jakub & Andrej