MUNI ECON MPR_TSCC Concept of Sustainable Tourism & Application of its Principles Markéta Novotná, Ph.D. Recapitulation of sustainable development MUNI E C 0 N Recapitulation of sustainable development - recall the key principles of sustainable development? -three pillars of sustainable development? - examples of sustainable practices in different sectors? PowerPoint Presentation (un.ortO MUNI ECON Recapitulation of sustainable development -The key principles of sustainable development - „ensure that development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (defined by the Brundtland Commission and multilaterally agreed by the UN Conference on Environment and Development - Rio 1992) - Universality: applicable to all countries, regardless of their level of development - Leaving No One Behind: all people have access to the benefits of development - Interconnectedness & Indivisibility: goals must be pursued together - Inclusiveness: Engaging all stakeholders in the development process - Multi-stakeholder Partnerships: Promoting collaboration across different sectors -> principles as a part of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, aimed at addressing global challenges E C 0 N Recapitulation of sustainable development -Our activities can lead to economic, social (socio-cultural) and environmental impacts positive - negative Impacts U U V Economic Socio-Cultural Environmental ^^^^ 3P Schema <5> ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY — Sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development, and a suitable balance must be established between these three dimensions MUNI ECON Recapitulation of sustainable development - Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency: Utilizing solar, wind, and hydroelectric power to reduce reliance on fossil fuels; implementing energy-saving technologies and practices - Manufacturing: Designing products for reuse, recycling to minimize waste - Construction: Using sustainable materials and energy-efficient designs to reduce the environmental impact of buildings, recycling construction waste - Transportation: Enhancing public transportation systems to reduce the number of cars on the road, promoting the use of electric vehicles MUNI ECON Application to tourism - The tourism industry has its impacts... - Rapid growth of tourism - Overexploitation of (not only) natural resources - Environmental degradation Social and cultural disruption - Economic imbalance - Over-tourism in popular destinations - Global calls for action and sustainability initiatives Economic Environment Social Environment Superior system EXT J \ INT Tourism Technological Environment Political Environment Ecological Environment Concept of sustainable tourism Sustainable tourism • meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future (UNWTO) • tourism development which respects the environment, ensures long-term conservation of historical and cultural resources, and is socially and economically acceptable and equitable • NOT ONLY about protecting the environment, it is also concerned with long-term economic viability and social justice Related sustainable concepts • Eco-tourism - promoting and protecting natural values • Community-based tourism - increasing the involvement of the host community • Pro-poor tourism - generates net benefits for the poor WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE TOURISM? Respecting and enhancing the heritage, culture, traditions, and distinctiveness of communities 82% A commitment to preserve a destination's authenticity and not become too "touristy11 71% increasing the number and quality of local jobs supported by tourism 70% % Selecting Attribute as Meaning of Sustai nobility Engaging residents in deciding the role of tourism in their communities 64% SAVE... PROTECT Sustainable travelers are significantly more likely to stay 7 or more days, whereas the most recent trip of all others was less than 3 days. VS <3 Sustainable development goals (2015) -SDGs launched by UN Secretary-General -Aim: to eradicate poverty, address climate change and build peaceful, inclusive societies for all by 2030 - Institution responsible for sustainable tourism: UNWTO - Initiative TOURISM 4 SDGs Tourism for SDGs - Welcome To The Tourism For SDGs Platform! ftourism4sdqs.orq^ MUNI ECON Institutions at the international level: ^mAVEL& ^SkW / TOURISM / COUNCIL 1 1 1 [ \ 1 1 \ ] w UNWTO (ORLD ECONOMIC FORUM How can these institutions contribute to sustainable tourism? )) OECD MUNI E C 0 N Role of international institutions: - Policy development: guidelines and strategies for sustainable tourism - Frameworks and standards for sustainable tourism practices, certifications - Funding: programs for sustainable tourism initiatives - Research, statistics, educational programs: enhance knowledge on tourism - Educating stakeholders on sustainable tourism and environmental protection - Collecting data on natural and cultural heritage protection - Collaboration and networking to share expertise and resources - Monitoring and reporting tourism impacts and reporting on sustainability progress - Methodologies for assessing sustainability and managing resources MUNI ECON United Nations World Tourism Organization -Specialized agency of the United Nations - promoting sustainable and universally accessible tourism - Key initiatives: - Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for tourism - Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (1999) Article 1: Tourism's contribution to mutual understanding and respect between peoples and societies Article 2: Tourism as a vehicle for individual and collective fulfilment Article 3: Tourism, a factor of sustainable development Article 4: Tourism, a user of the cultural heritage of mankind and contributor to its enhancement Article 5: Tourism, a beneficial activity for host countries and communities Article 6: Obligations of stakeholders in tourism development Article 7: Right to tourism Article 8: Liberty of tourist movements Article 9: Rights of the workers and entrepreneurs in the tourism industry Article 10: Implementation of the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism UNWTO MUNI ECO United Nations World Tourism Organization - Publications: The Responsible Tourist and Traveller -2015: project Responsible tourism - 2016: The tourism sector and the SDGs -2017: Tips for a Responsible Traveller on the occasion of International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development SUPPORT THE LOCAL ECONOMY BE A RESPECTFUL TRAVELLER HONOUR YOUR HOSTS BE AN INFORMED TRAVELLER AND OUR COMMON HERITAGE PROTECT OUR PLANET MUNI ECON WTTC WORLD TRAVEL & TOURISM COUNCIL - Engagement in Agenda 21 (1996): Focus on aligning tourism development with cultural, social, and environmental impacts - Tourism for Tomorrow Awards: Recognition of excellence in sustainable tourism practices worldwide. -SustainableTourism Project: Initiatives promoting long-term sustainability in the tourism sector. - Blueprint for New Tourism (2003): A strategic document guiding responsible tourism growth and sustainability. WTTC Blueprint MUNI E C 0 N Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development -Collecting data, statistics, conducting ratings - Building the evidence base for sustainable tourism policies - OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2024 - Better Policies for 2030: An OECD Action Plan on the Sustainable Development Goals MUNI ECON United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 1 1 [ II .1 11 - cultural heritage preservation, environmental sustainability, and community engagement - UNESCO World Heritage Convention: preservation of sites of outstanding universal value - UNESCO Creative Cities of Literature, Music, and Arts: promote creativity for sustainable urban development, local artists and communities support while preserving cultural heritage - UNESCO Global Geoparks: sustainable use of geological heritage - UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme: establishing Biosphere Reserves that promote sustainable development through conservation, research, and education MUNI ECON WEF WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM -Mission: bring together government, businesses and civil society to improve the state of the world -Surveys, reports, policies, strategies -T&T Competitivness index -The Global Competitiveness Report MUNI ECON CIRCULAR ECONOMY Creating a plastic-free tourism sector is a challenge. Here's why it's worth it Application of principles - assignment Explore the intersection between sustainability and tourism and think critically about how the industry can contribute to global development. - Step 1: Choose an SDG. - Step 2: Explain the SDG. - Step 3: Apply the SDG to the tourism indusl - Step 4: Provide 2 real-world case studies. f' * * x **x •>•• ++ * **** ++ * ***** 44 4 * **4 ♦++ ♦+♦♦ 4*4 *• * + -* **. 4+ 4+ * ♦ ♦ ♦ - 4 ***** + 4+ * * +4 +44-4-* * 4+++4 + 4 • ***** +4 «■4 4**4 ♦ 4 44* *** ***«" •** »4 4-4 »* 4++ 4+ 4 + 4-4 4 4 44 4 * 4 «444* • 4' 4* »...** 4 4* 4*44 4 4 4 4 •+++• 4 4 +* •**+•' ** * ♦ * * 4 +44 i: a: __ * ••+*** t t* 4 44 44-4 f 4 44444 ****** 44 44 » •• 4* 44 4 4 4*4 4 4« . 44 4 «44 4444444 444 MUNI ECON