Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1 ECSE-6660 Introduction to Optical Networking & Relevant Optics Fundamentals Or Shivkumar Kalyanaraman Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Based in part on textbooks of S.V.Kartalopoulos (DWDM) and H. Dutton (Understanding Optical communications), and slides of Partha Dutta Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2 Overview Quick History Relevant Properties of Light Components of Fiber Optic Transmission and Switching Systems Chapter 2 of Ramaswami/Sivarajan Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 3 Quick History of Optical Networking 1958: Laser discovered Mid-60s: Guided wave optics demonstrated 1970: Production of low-loss fibers Made long-distance optical transmission possible! 1970: invention of semiconductor laser diode Made optical transceivers highly refined! 70s-80s: Use of fiber in telephony: SONET Mid-80s: LANs/MANs: broadcast-and-select architectures 1988: First trans-atlantic optical fiber laid Late-80s: EDFA (optical amplifier) developed Greatly alleviated distance limitations! Mid/late-90s: DWDM systems explode Late-90s: Intelligent Optical networks Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 4 Big Picture: Optical Transmission System Pieces Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 5 Big Picture: DWDM Optical components Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 6 Evolution of Fiber Transmission Systems Bigger Picture: Key Features of Photonics Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 8 Electromagnetic Spectrum What is Light? Theories of Light Historical Development Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 10 What is Light? Wave nature: Reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, polarization, fading, loss ... Transverse EM (TEM) wave: Interacts with any charges in nearby space... Characterized by frequency, wavelength, phase and propagation speed Simplified Maxwell's equations-analysis for monochromatic, planar waves Photometric terms: luminous flux, candle intensity, illuminance, Luminance... Particle nature: Number of photons, min energy: E = hu "Free" space => no matter OR EM fields Trajectory affected by strong EM fields Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 11 Light Attributes of Interest Dual Nature: EM wave and particle Many s: wide & continuous spectrum Polarization: circular, elliptic, linear: affected by fields and matter Optical Power: wide range; affected by matter Propagation: Straight path in free space In matter it is affected variously (absorbed, scattered, through); In waveguides, it follows bends Propagation speed: diff s travel at diff speeds in matter Phase: affected by variations in fields and matter Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 12 Interaction of Light with Matter Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 13 Goal: Light Transmission on Optical Fiber Need to understand basic ideas of interacts with s and with matter Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 14 Light interaction with other s and interaction with matter Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 15 · Light rays travel in straight lines Interaction with Matter: Ray Optics Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 16 Reflection of Light Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 17 Reflection Applications: Mirrors & MEMS Plane Paraboloidal Spherical Elliptical Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 18 Refraction of Light Ray Deflection by Prism · Newton's Rainbow: Deflection angle dependent on the wavelength; · Used in optical multiplexers and de- multiplexers ! Optical Multiplexer & DeMultiplexer Internal & External Reflections · Critical Angle for Total Internal Reflection: Total Internal Reflection · Total internal reflection forms the back- bone for fiber optical communication Light (Wave) Guides: Reflection vs Total Internal Reflection Light Guiding: Concept of Optical Fiber Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 25 Geometrical Optics: Fiber Structure Fiber Made of Silica: SiO2 (primarily) Refractive Index, n = cvacuum/cmaterial ncore > ncladding Numerical Aperture: Measures light-gathering capability n~1.45 n~1.43 Light Coupling into a fiber Effect of numerical aperture... Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 27 Light Coupling is Polarization Dependent Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 28 Geometrical Optics Applied to Fiber Light propagates by total internal reflection Modal Dispersion: Different path lengths cause energy in narrow pulse to spread out T = time difference between fastest and slowest ray Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 29 Total Internal Reflection & Modes Impacts how much a fiber can be bent! Micro-bends can eat up energy, kill some modes! Modes are standing wave patterns in wave- or EM-optics! Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 30 EM Optics: Optical Electromagnetic Wave Linear polarization assumed ... Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 31 Amplitude Fluctuations of TEM Waves Speed of Light in a Medium As a monochromatic wave propagates through media of different refractive indices, its frequency remains same, but its velocity, wavelength and wavenumber are altered. Diffraction or Fresnel Phenomenon Cannot be explained by ray optics! Diffraction Pattern from a Circular Aperture Diffraction Patterns at Different Axial Positions Diffraction Grating · Periodic thickness or refractive index variation ("grooves") * Diffraction also occurs w/ pin hole of size of ~ * In polychromatic light, different wavelengths diffracted differently Diffraction Grating as a Spectrum Analyzer Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 38 Interference: Young's Experiment Interference is simple superposition, and a wave-phenomenon Interference of Two Spherical Waves Interference of Two Waves Multiple Waves Interference (Equal Amplitude, Equal Phase Differences) Sinc-squared function Application: Bragg Reflection & Interference High Intensity, Narrow Pulses from Interference between M Monochromatic Waves · Used in Phase locked lasers Propagation of a Polychromatic Wave Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 45 Optical Splicing Issues: Speckle Patterns Speckle patterns are time-varying and arise from solution of Maxwell's equations (> geometric optics) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 46 Recall: Interaction of Light with Matter Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 47 Optical Transmission: More Light- Matter Interaction Effects Attenuation Dispersion Nonlinearity Waveform after 1000 kmTransmitted data waveform Reflectance Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 48 Absorption vs Scattering Both are linear effects that lead to "attenuation". Rayleigh scattering effects dominate much more than absorption (in lower Wavelengths, but decreases with wavelength) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 49 Absorption and Attenuation: Absorption Spectrum Material absorption (Silica) 0.2 dB/km Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 50 Fiber:Transmission Windows Lucent's new AllWave Fiber (1998) eliminates absorption peaks due to watervapor in the 1400nm area! Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 51 Transmission Bands Bandwidth: over 35000 Ghz, but limited by bandwidth of EDFAs (optical amplifiers): studied later... Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 52 Optical Amplifier: Limitations on Practical Bandwidths EDFAs popular in C-band Raman: proposed for S-band Gain-shifted EFDA for L-band Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 53 Fiber Attenuation Two windows: 1310 & 1550 nm 1550 window is preferred for long- haul applications Less attenuation Wider window Optical amplifiers 1190.5 0.486417271 Lucent SMF28 clone fiber spool 1190.999 0.487290677 1191.499 0.488428184 fiber Spool ID : 021V14645A1CVC 1191.998 0.489291309 1192.498 0.489196919 1192.998 0.487617079 1193.497 0.484524638 1193.997 0.480520733 1194.496 0.476593948 1194.996 0.473623898 1195.496 0.471936705 1195.995 0.471200314 1196.495 0.470722289 1196.994 0.469923294 1197.494 0.46863602 1197.994 0.467056305 1198.493 0.465486474 1198.993 0.4641438 1199.492 0.463158704 1199.992 0.462656083 1200.492 0.462743335 1200.991 0.463378013 1201.491 0.464281553 1201.99 0.465049286 1202.49 0.465362492 1202.99 0.465060732 1203.489 0.464032079 1203.989 0.462164558 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 1310 window 1550 window 1190 0.486098221 obtained by measuring about 50 km of Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 54 Fiber Anatomy Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 55 Fiber Manufacturing Dopants are added to control RI profile of the fiber (discussed later) Fiber: stronger than glass A fiber route may have several cables Each cable may have upto 1000 fibers Each fiber may have upto 160 wavelengths Each wavelength may operate at 2.5Gbps or 10 Gbps Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 56 Single vs. Multimode Fiber Silica-Based Fiber Supports 3 Low-Loss "Windows": 0.8, 1.3 , 1.55 m wavelength Multimode Fibers Propagate Multiple Modes of Light core diameters from 50 to 85 m modal dispersion limitations Single-mode Fibers Propagate One Mode Only core diameters from 8 to 10 m chromatic dispersion limitations Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 57 Summary: Single-mode vs Multi-mode Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 58 Multimode vs Single mode: Energy distributions Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 59 Single Mode Characteristics (contd) It (almost) eliminates delay spread More difficult to splice than multimode due to critical core requirements More difficult to couple all photonic energy from a source into it; light propagates both in core and cladding! Difficult to study propagation w/ ray theory; requires Maxwell's equations Suitable for transmitting modulated signals at 40 Gb/s and upto 200 km w/o amplification Long lengths and bit rates >= 10 Gbps bring forth a number of issues due to residual nonlinearity/birefringence of the fiber Fiber temperature for long lengths and bit rates > 10 Gbps becomes significant. Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 60 Single Mode Light Propagation Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 61 Dispersion Interference Dispersion causes the pulse to spread as it travels along the fiber Chromatic dispersion important for single mode fiber Depends on fiber type and laser used Degradation scales as (data-rate)2 Was not important for < 2.5Gbps, < 500km SMF fibers Modal dispersion limits use of multimode fiber to short distances Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 62 Effects of Dispersion Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 63 Pulse-Widening Effect on ISI & BER Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 64 Combating Modal Dispersion in Multimode Fiber: Refractive Index Profiles Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 65 Graded Index (contd) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 66 Graded Index MultiMode Characteristics (contd) Minimizes delay spread (modal dispersion), but it is still significant at long lengths One percent index difference between core/cladding amounts to 1-5ns/km delay spread Step index has 50 ns/km spread Easier to splice and couple light into it Bit rate is limited (100 Mbps etc) for 40 km. Higher bit rates for shorter distances Fiber span w/o amplification is limited Dispersion effects for long lengths, high bit rates is a limiting factor Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 67 Chromatic Dispersion Different spectral components of a pulse travel at different velocities Also called group-velocity-dispersion (GVD), Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 68 Chromatic Dispersion Different spectral components of a pulse travel at different velocities Also called group-velocity-dispersion (GVD), aka 2 Sub-components: Material dispersion: frequency-dependent RI Waveguide dispersion: light energy propagates partially in core and cladding. Effective RI lies between the two (weighted by the power distribution). Power distribution of a mode between core/cladding a function of wavelength! GVD parameter (2) > 0 => normal dispersion (1.3m) GVD parameter (2) < 0 => anomalous dispersion (1.55m) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 69 Pulse Shaping: Chirped Gaussian Pulses Since chromatic dispersion affects pulse shape, we study how pulse shaping may affect the outcome Gaussian: envelope of pulse Chirped: frequency of launched pulse changes with time Semiconductor lasers + modulation, or nonlinear effects also lead to chirping With anomalous c-dispersion in normal 1.55 um fibers (2< 0), and negative chirping ( < 0, natural for semi- laser outputs), the pulse broadening effects are exacerbated (next slide) Key parameter: dispersion length (LD) @1.55um, LD = 1800 km for OC-48 and LD = 155 km for OC-192) If d << LD then chromatic dispersion negligible Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 70 Chromatic Dispersion effect on Unchirped/Chirped Pulses Unchirped (Negatively) Chirped Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 71 Chirped Pulses May Compress (I.e. not broaden)! * Depends upon chirping parameter () and GVD Parameter (2), I.e 2<0 * Pulse may compress upto a particular distance and then expand (disperse) * Corning's metrocor fiber: positive 2 in 1.55 um band! Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 72 Combating Chromatic Dispersion: Dispersion Shifted Fiber Though material dispersion cannot be attacked, waveguide dispersion can be reduced (aka "shifted") => DSF fiber Ïeployed a lot in Japan ØI profile can also be varied to combat residual C-dispersion Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 73 Dispersion Shifted Fiber (contd) * Waveguide dispersion may be reduced by changing the RI-profile of the single-mode fiber from a step-profile to a trapezoidal profile (see below) * This operation effectively "shifts" the zero-chromatic dispersion point to 1550nm & the average value in the band is 3.3 ps/nm/km * Alternatively a length of "compensating" fiber can be used Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 74 Fiber Dispersion Wavelength l Dispersionps/nm-km 18 0 1310 nm 1550nm Normal fiber Non-dispersion shifted fiber (NDSF) >95% of deployed plant Reduced dispersion fibers Dispersion shifted fiber (DSF) Non-zero dispersion shifted fibers (NZDSF) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 75 Dispersion Compensation Modules Instead of DSF fibers, use dispersion compensation modules Eg: In-fiber chirped bragg gratings (carefully reflect selected s and make then travel a longer path segment) to compensate for C-dispersion Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 76 Residual Dispersion after DCMs Role of Polarization · Polarization: Time course of the direction of the electric field vector - Linear, Elliptical, Circular, Non-polar · Polarization plays an important role in the interaction of light with matter - Amount of light reflected at the boundary between two materials - Light Absorption, Scattering, Rotation - Refractive index of anisotropic materials depends on polarization (Brewster's law) Linearly Polarized Light Circularly Polarized Light Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 80 Polarizing Filters Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 81 Rotating Polarizations Optical Isolator Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 83 Single Mode Issues: Birefringence, PMD Even in single mode, there are 2 linearly independent solutions for every (to maxwell's equations) State of polarization (SOP): distribution of light energy between the (two transverse) polarization modes Ex and Ey Polarization Vector: The electric dipole moment per unit volume In perfectly circular-symmetric fiber, the modes should have the same velocity Practical fibers have a slight difference in these velocities (birefringence): separate un-polarized light into two rays with different polarizations This leads to pulse-spreading called Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 84 AnIsotropy and Birefringence Silica used in fiber is isotropic Birefringence can also be understood as different refractive indices in different directions It can be exploited (eg: Lithium niobate) for tunable filters, isolators, modulators etc Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 85 Birefringence Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 86 Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) Most severe in older fiber Caused by several sources Core shape External stress Material properties Note: another issue is polarization-dependent loss (PDL) Both become dominant issue at OC-192 and OC- 768 Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 87 Polarization Mode Dispersion Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 88 Non-linear Effects Linearity: a light-matter interaction assumption Induced dielectric polarization is a convolution of material's susceptibility () and the electric field (E) Linearity: low power (few mW) & bit rates (2.4 Gbps) Non-linearity: bit rates (10 Gbps) and power => non-linearities channels (eg: DWDM) => more prominent even in moderate bit rates etc Two categories: A) -phonon interaction & scattering (SRS, SBS) B) RI-dependence upon light intensity (SPM, FWM) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 89 Non-linearity Scattering Effects Stimulated Raman or Brillouin Scattering (SRS or SBS) Energy transferred from one to another at a longer (or lower energy) The latter wave is called the "Stokes wave" Former wave is also called the "pump" Pump loses power as it propagates and Stokes wave gains power SBS: pump is signal wave & Stokes is unwanted wave SRS: pump is high-power wave, and Stokes wave is signal wave that is amplified at the expense of the pump Parameters: g: gain coefficient (strength of the effect) f: Spectral width over which the gain is present Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 90 SRS: Photon Emission Mechanics Photons interact with atoms: eg: May be absorbed to reach an "excited" state ("meta-stable", I.e. cant hang around!) In the excited state, certain photons may trigger them to fall back, and release energy in the form of photons/phonons Photon-Atom vs Photon-Atom-Photon interactions Most of these effects are "third order" effects Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 91 Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) Power transferred from lower- to higher- channels Can be used as basis for optical amplification and lasers! Photons of lower- have higher energy (aka "pump") that excite atoms and lead to stimulate emission at higher- Effect smaller than SBS, but can affect both forward and reverse directions Effect is also wider: I.e a broadband effect (15 Thz) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 92 Raman Scattering Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 93 Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) Triggered by interaction between a photon and an acoustic phonon (I.e. molecular vibrations) Affects a narrowband: 20 Mhz (compare with 15 Thz effect in SRS) Can combat it by making source linewidth wider The downshifted wavelength waves propagate in the opposite direction (reverse gain): need isolation at source! Dominant when the spectral power (brightness) of the source is large and abruptly increases beyond a threshold (5-10 mW) Limits launched power per channel, but may be used in amplification Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 94 SBS: Threshold Variation Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 95 Electro-Optic RI Effects Electro-optic effects: Refractive index (RI) depends upon amplitude (and hence intensity) of electric field (E) Result: induced birefringence, dispersion Pockels Effect: n = (a1)E Kerr Effect: (second order) n = (K)E2 The second order magnification in Kerr effect may be used to create ultra high speed modulators (> 10Gbps) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 96 Intensity-dependent RI Effects Self-phase Modulation (SPM), Cross-Phase Modulation (CPM) & Four-wave mixing (FWM) SPM: Pulses undergo induced chirping at higher power levels due to RI variations that depend upon intensity In conjunction with chromatic dispersion, this can lead to even more pulse spreading & ISI But it could be used to advantage depending upon the sign of the GVD parameter CPM: Multiple channels: induced chirp depends upon variation of RI with intensity in other channels! FWM: A DWDM phenomena: tight channel spacing Existence of f1, ... fn gives rise to new frequencies 2fi ­ fj and fi + fj ­ fk etc In-band and out-of-band crosstalk Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 97 Self-Phase Modulation Example of (positive) chirp or frequency fluctuations induced by self-phase modulation Modulation instability or self-modulation: In the frequency domain, we see new sidelobes Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 98 Four-Wave Mixing (FWM) Creates in-band crosstalk (superposition of uncorrelated data) that can not be filtered Signal power depletion SNR degradation Problem increases geometrically with Number of s Spacing between s Optical power level Chromatic dispersion minimizes FWM (!!) Need to increase channel spacing and manage power carefully Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 99 Four-Wave Mixing Effects Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 100 Fiber Dispersion (revisited) Wavelength l Dispersionps/nm-km 18 0 1310 nm 1550nm Normal fiber Non-dispersion shifted fiber (NDSF) >95% of deployed plant Reduced dispersion fibers Dispersion shifted fiber (DSF) Non-zero dispersion shifted fibers (NZDSF) * Dispersion-shifted (DSF) is good for chromatic dispersion but bad for non-linear effects. * NZ-DSF: puts back a small amount of C-dispersion! Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 101 Non-Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber · NZ-DSF: puts back a small amount of C-dispersion! · Note: The goal of RI-profile shaping is different here than graded-index in multimode fiber Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 102 Fibers: chromatic dispersion story... Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 103 Latest Fibers & Bands LEAF fibers have larger effective area=> better tradeoff for non-linearities Fiber Bands: O-band: (Original) 1260-1360nm E-band: (Extended) 1360-1460nm S-band: (Short) 1460-1530nm C-band: (Conventional): 1530-1565nm L-band: (Long) 1565-1625nm U-band: (Ultra-long): 1625-1675nm Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 104 Terrestrial vs Submarine Fibers * Positive (chromatic) dispersion fibers (CDF) used in terrestrial, and negative CDF used in submarine apps. * Due to modulation instability (interaction between SPM and chromatic dispersion at high power levels) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 105 Fiber Dispersion (contd) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 106 Solitons Key idea: SPM induced chirping actually depends upon the time-domain envelope of the pulse! If pulse envelope right, SPM induced chirping will exactly combat the chromatic dispersion (GVD) chirping! Soliton Regime: input power distribution shape, effective area/cross-section of fiber core and fiber type DWDM with pure solitons not practical since solitons may "collide" and exchange energy over a length of fiber Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 107 Solitons (contd) Family of pulse shapes which undergo no change or periodic changes Fundamental solitons: no change in shape Higher-order solitons: periodic changes in shape Significance: completely overcome chromatic dispersion With optical amplifiers, high powers, the properties maintained => long, very high rate, repeaterless transmission Eg: 80 Gb/s for 10,000km demonstrated in lab (1999)! Dispersion-managed solitons: An approximation of soliton pulse, but can operate on existing fiber This can be used for DWDM: 25-channel, 40 Gbps, 1500km has been shown in lab (2001) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 108 Summary: Fiber and Optical Amplifier Trends Bandwidth-span product: SMF: 1310 nm, 1983 => 2.5Gbps for 640 km w/o amplification or 10 Gbps for 100 km Recent SMF: 2.5 Gbps for 4400 km; 10 Gbps for 500 km Multiply these by # of DWDM channels! (eg: 40-160)... Fiber amplifiers: Erbium doped (EDFA): 1550 nm range Praseodymium-doped flouride fiber (PDFFA): 1310 nm Thorium-doped (ThDFA): 1350-1450nm Thulium-doped (TmDFA): 1450-1530 nm Tellerium-erbium-doped (Te-EDFA): 1532-1608 nm Raman amplifiers: address an extended spectrum using standard single-mode fiber... (1150 ­1675 nm!) Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 109 Optical Amplifier: Limitations on Practical Bandwidths EDFAs popular in C-band Raman: proposed for S-band Gain-shifted EFDA for L-band Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 Future: Hollow Nano-tube Waveguides Perhaps carbon nanotubes developed at RPI could be used? Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 111 Summary: Interaction of Light with Matter Shivkumar KalyanaramanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute 112 Metrics and Parameters in Optics