Developing Distributed Object Computing Applications with CORBA Douglas C. Schmidt Professor Department of EECS Vanderbilt University (615) 343-8197 Sponsors NSF, DARPA, ATD, BBN, Boeing, Cisco, Comverse, GDIS, Experian, Global MT, Hughes, Kodak, Krones, Lockheed, Lucent, Microsoft, Mitre, Motorola, NASA, Nokia, Nortel, OCI, Oresis, OTI, Raytheon, SAIC, Siemens SCR, Siemens MED, Siemens ZT, Sprint, Telcordia, USENIX CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Motivation: the Distributed Software Crisis Symptoms Hardware gets smaller, faster, cheaper Software gets larger, slower, more expensive Culprits Inherent and accidental complexity Solution Approach Components, Frameworks, Patterns, & Architecture UC Irvine 1 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Techniques for Improving Software NETWORKING DATABASE GUI EVENT LOOP APPLICATION- SPECIFIC FUNCTIONALITY EVENT LOOP EVENT LOOP CALL BACKSINVOKES (A) CLASS LIBRARY ARCHITECTURE (B) FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE DATABASE CLASSES NETWORK IPC CLASSES MATH CLASSES ADT CLASSES GUI CLASSES APPLICATION- SPECIFIC FUNCTIONALITY EVENT LOOP GLUE CODE LOCAL INVOCATIONS ADT CLASSES MATH CLASSES Proven solutions ! Components ­ Self-contained, "pluggable" ADTs Frameworks ­ Reusable, "semi-complete" applications Patterns ­ Problem/solution/context Architecture ­ Families of related patterns and components UC Irvine 2 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of CORBA Middleware Architecture INTERFACE REPOSITORY IMPLEMENTATION REPOSITORY IDL COMPILER DII ORB INTERFACE ORB CORE GIOP/IIOP/ESIOPS IDL STUBS operation() in args out args + return value CLIENT OBJECT (SERVANT) OBJ REF STANDARD INTERFACE STANDARD LANGUAGE MAPPING ORB-SPECIFIC INTERFACE STANDARD PROTOCOL INTERFACE REPOSITORY IMPLEMENTATION REPOSITORY IDL COMPILER IDL SKELETON DSI OBJECT ADAPTER Goals of CORBA Simplify distribution by automating ­ Object location & activation ­ Parameter marshaling ­ Demultiplexing ­ Error handling Provide foundation for higher-level services UC Irvine 3 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Key CORBA Concepts Object reference: A strongly-typed opaque handle that identifies an object's location Client: Makes requests on an object via one of its references Server: Computational context (e.g., process) for objects/servants ­ Client and server are "roles" - a program can play both roles Stub: A proxy that converts method calls into messages Skeleton: An adapter that converts messages back into method calls Object: A CORBA programming entity with an identity, an interface, and an implementation Servant: A programming language entity that implements requests on one or more objects POA: A container for objects/servants in a server ORB Core: Message-passing infrastructure UC Irvine 4 CORBA Tutorial Do CORBA Twoway Processing Steps IMPLEMENTATION REPOSITORY ORB CORE IDL STUBS operation() in args out args + return value CLIENT OBJECT (SERVANT) OBJ REF IMPLEMENTATION REPOSITORY OBJECT ADAPTER 1c 2c3c 4c 1s 3s IDL SKELETON 2s4s Client processing steps 1c Locate target object 2c Sent request message to server 3c Wait for request to complete 4c Return control to client Server processing steps 1s Activate server (if necessary) 2s Activate object's servant (if necessary) 3s Process request 4s Return result or exception UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Applying CORBA to Medical Imaging DIAGNOSTIC STATIONSDIAGNOSTIC STATIONS ATMATM MANMAN ATM LAN ATM LAN MODALITIES (CT, MR, CR) CENTRAL BLOB STORE CLUSTER BLOB STORE DX BLOB STORE Domain Challenges ­ Large volume of "Blob" data e.g., 10 to 40 Mbps ­ "Lossy compression" isn't viable ­ Prioritization of requests URLs ­ schmidt/PDF/COOTS- 96.pdf ­ schmidt/PDF/av chapter.pdf ­ schmidt/NMVC.html UC Irvine 6 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Applying CORBA to Real-time Avionics REPLICATION SERVICE OBJECT REQUEST BROKER 1:SENSORS GENERATE DATA FLIRGPS IFF 3:PUSH(EVENTS) 2:SENSOR PROXIES DEMARSHAL DATA & PASS TO EVENT CHANNEL 3:PUSH(EVENTS) EVENT CHANNEL HUD Nav Air Frame WTS 4:PULL(DATA) Domain Challenges ­ Real-time periodic processing ­ Complex dependencies ­ Very low latency URLs ­ schmidt/PDF/JSAC- 98.pdf ­ schmidt/TAO- boeing.html UC Irvine 7 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Applying CORBA to Global PCS WIDE AREA NETWORK SATELLITES TRACKING STATION PEERS STATUS INFO COMMANDS BULK DATA TRANSFER LOCAL AREA NETWORK GROUND STATION PEERS GATEWAY Domain Challenges ­ Long latency satellite links ­ High reliability ­ Prioritization URL ­ schmidt/PDF/TAPOS- 00.pdf UC Irvine 8 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Tutorial Outline Motivation Example CORBA Applications Using CORBA to Cope with Changing Requirements Detailed Overview of CORBA Architecture and Features Evaluations and Recommendations UC Irvine 9 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Motivation for COTS Middleware It is hard to develop distributed applications whose components collaborate efficiently, reliably, transparently, and scalably To help address this challenge, the Object Management Group (OMG) is specifying the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) OMG is a consortium of 800 companies ­ Sun, HP, DEC, IBM, IONA, Borland, Cisco, Motorola, Boeing, etc. The latest version of the CORBA spec is available online ­ UC Irvine 10 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Sources of Complexity for Distributed Applications PRINTER FILE SYSTEM PRINTER FILE SYSTEM COMPUTER (1) STAND-ALONE APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE (2) DISTRIBUTED APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE CD ROM CD ROM NETWORK FILE SERVICE CYCLE SERVICE DISPLAY SERVICE PRINT SERVICE NAME SERVICE TIME SERVICE Inherent complexity ­ Latency ­ Reliability ­ Partitioning ­ Ordering ­ Security Accidental Complexity ­ Low-level APIs ­ Poor debugging tools ­ Algorithmic decomposition ­ Continuous re-invention UC Irvine 11 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Sources of Inherent Complexity Inherent complexity results from fundamental challenges in the distributed application domain Key challenges of distributed computing include ­ Addressing the impact of latency ­ Detecting and recovering from partial failures of networks and hosts ­ Load balancing and service partitioning ­ Consistent ordering of distributed events UC Irvine 12 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Sources of Accidental Complexity Accidental complexity results from limitations with tools and techniques used to develop distributed applications In practice, key limitations of distributed computing include ­ Lack of type-safe, portable, re-entrant, and extensible system call interfaces and component libraries ­ Inadequate debugging support ­ Widespread use of algorithmic decomposition ­ Continuous rediscovery and reinvention of core concepts and components UC Irvine 13 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Motivation for CORBA Simplifies application interworking ­ Higher level integration than untyped TCP bytestreams Supports heterogeneity ­ e.g., middleware enables applications to be independent of transports, OS, hardware, language, location, and implementation details Benefits for distributed programming similar to OO languages ­ e.g., encapsulation, interface inheritance, polymorphism, and exception handling Provides a foundation for higher-level distributed object collaboration ­ e.g., CCM, J2EE, and CORBAServices UC Irvine 14 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt CORBA Quoter Example int main (void) { // Use a factory to bind // to a Quoter. Quoter_var quoter = bind_quoter_service (); const char *name = "ACME ORB Inc."; CORBA::Long value = quoter->get_quote (name); cout << name << " = " << value << endl; } Ideally, a distributed service should look just like a non-distributed service Unfortunately, life is harder when errors occur... UC Irvine 15 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt CORBA Quoter Interface // IDL interface is like a C++ // class or Java interface. interface Quoter { exception Invalid_Stock {}; long get_quote (in string stock_name) raises (Invalid_Stock); }; We write an OMG IDL interface for our Quoter ­ Used by both clients and servers Using OMG IDL promotes language/platform independence, location transparency, modularity, and robustness UC Irvine 16 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of OMG Interfaces OMG interfaces are similar to C++ abstract classes or Java interfaces ­ They define object types ­ Can be passed as (reference) parameters ­ Can raise exceptions and ­ Can be forward declared There are several differences, however, since they ­ Cannot define data members ­ Cannot have private or protected access control sections ­ Must designate their parameter directions Only CORBA objects defined with interfaces can be accessed remotely ­ However, locality constrained CORBA objects can't be accessed remotely UC Irvine 17 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of OMG Operations Each operation in an OMG interface must have ­ A name ­ A return type (can be void) ­ Zero or more parameters An operation can optionally have ­ A raises clause, which indicates the exceptions(s) the operation can throw ­ A oneway qualifier, which indicates the caller doesn't except any results ­ A context clause, which is deprecated and non-portable... Due to limitations with certain programming language mappings, operations cannot be overloaded in IDL interfaces UC Irvine 18 CORBA Tutorial Do Using an OMG IDL Compiler for C++ CLIENT STUB BODY CLIENT STUB HEADER SERVER SKELETON HEADER SERVER SKELETON BODY IDL COMPILER IDL FILE C++ COMPILER C++ COMPILER CLIENT SOURCE CODE CLIENT SOURCE CODE CLIENT SOURCE CODE CLIENT APPLICATION SERVER SOURCE CODE SERVER SOURCE CODE SERVER SOURCE CODE SERVER APPLICATION CORBA RUN-TIME LIBRARIES interface Quoter { long get_quote (in string name); }; CLIENT DEVELOPER SERVER DEVELOPER Different IDL compilers generate different files and provide different options UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt OMG IDL Mapping Rules There are mappings from OMG IDL to various programming languages standardized by CORBA Mapping OMG IDL to C++ ­ Each module is mapped to a class or namespace ­ Each interface is mapped to a class ­ Each operation is mapped to a C++ method with appropriate parameters ­ Each read/write attribute is mapped to a pair of get/set methods ­ An Environment is defined to carry exceptions in languages that lack this feature We'll discuss the various mapping issues as we go along ­ See Henning and Vinoski for gory details of IDL-to-C++ mapping UC Irvine 20 CORBA Tutorial Do Using an IDL Compiler for C++ & Java CLIENT STUB BODY CLIENT STUB HEADER SERVER SKELETON HEADER SERVER SKELETON BODY IDL-TO-JAVA COMPILER IDL FILE C++ COMPILER JAVA COMPILER CLIENT SOURCE CODE CLIENT SOURCE CODE CLIENT SOURCE CODE CLIENT APPLICATION SERVER SOURCE CODE SERVER SOURCE CODE SERVER SOURCE CODE SERVER APPLICATION CORBA RUN-TIME LIBRARIES interface Quoter { long get_quote (in string name); }; CLIENT DEVELOPER SERVER DEVELOPER IDL-TO-C++ COMPILER CORBA makes it straightforward to exchange data between different programming languages in different address spaces UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Software Bus ::NETWORKNETWORK TIMETIME ::LOCATIONLOCATION BROKERBROKER ::TRADINGTRADING RULESRULES ::HEARTBEATHEARTBEAT MONITORMONITOR :STOCK QUOTER :PRINTER :AUTHEN- TICATOR :STOCK TRADER :STOCK QUOTER SOFTWARE BUS ::STOCKSTOCK QUOTERQUOTER CORBA provides a communication infrastructure for a heterogeneous, distributed collection of collaborating objects Analogous to "hardware bus" UC Irvine 22 CORBA Tutorial Do CORBA Object Collaboration ::NAMENAME SERVICESERVICE ::QUOTEQUOTE SERVICESERVICE ::AUTHENAUTHEN-- TICATIONTICATION 1: resolve ("Quoter")1: resolve ("Quoter") ::BROKERBROKER 2: authenticate (broker)2: authenticate (broker) 3: timestamp()3: timestamp() 4: get_quote ("ACME ORB, Inc.")4: get_quote ("ACME ORB, Inc.") ::NETWORKNETWORK TIMETIME Collaborating objects can be either remote or local ­ i.e., distributed or collocated For this to work transparently the ORB should support nested upcalls and collocation optimizations UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Communication Features of CORBA CORBA supports reliable, uni-cast communication ­ i.e., oneway, twoway, deferred synchronous, and asynchronous CORBA objects can also collaborate in a client/server, peer-to-peer, or publish/subscribe manner ­ e.g., COS Events & Notification Services define a publish & subscribe communication paradigm operation(args) response requestCLIENT TARGET OBJECT 4 POLLINGPOLLING CLIENTCLIENT PP OO LL LL EE RR operation(args)operation(args) 1:request 3:response 2:poller 4:get TARGETTARGET OBJECTOBJECT 44 CALLBACKCALLBACK CLIENTCLIENT 1:request 2:response TARGETTARGET OBJECTOBJECT 44 3:upcall operation(callback, args)operation(callback, args) UC Irvine 24 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Fundamental CORBA Design Principles Separation of interface and implementation ­ Clients depend on interfaces, not implementations Location transparency ­ Service use is orthogonal to service location Access transparency ­ Invoke operations on objects Typed interfaces ­ Object references are typed by interfaces Support of multiple inheritance of interfaces ­ Inheritance extends, evolves, and specializes behavior UC Irvine 25 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Related Work (1/4) Traditional Client/Server RPC (e.g., DCE) ­ Servers offer a service and wait for clients to invoke remote procedure calls (RPCs) ­ When a client invokes an RPC the server performs the requested procedure and returns a result Problems with Client/Server RPC ­ Only supports "procedural" integration of application services ­ Doesn't provide object abstractions, e.g., polymorphism, inheritance of interfaces, etc. ­ Doesn't support async message passing, or dynamic invocation UC Irvine 26 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Related Work (2/4) Windows COM/DCOM/COM+ ­ A component model for Windows that support binary-level integration and reuse of components Problems with Windows COM/DCOM/COM+ ­ Largely limited to desktop applications ­ Does not address heterogeneous distributed computing UC Irvine 27 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Related Work (3/4) SOAP ­ A simple XML-based protocol that allows applications to exchange structured and typed information on the Web using HTTP and MIME ­ Widely implemented Problems with SOAP ­ Considerable time/space overhead UC Irvine 28 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Related Work (4/4) Java RMI ­ Limited to Java only Can be extended into other languages, such as C or C++, by using a bridge across the Java Native Interface (JNI) ­ Well-suited for all-Java applications because of its tight integration with the Java virtual machine e.g., can pass both object data and code by value ­ However, many challenging issues remain unresolved e.g., security, robustness, and versioning J2EE and .NET ­ Higher-level distributed component frameworks ­ Widely used in business/enterprise domains UC Irvine 29 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt CORBA Stock Quoter Application Example FDDI OS/2 - PowerPC SunOS - SPARC HP/UX - HPPA Windows NT - Alpha Gateway/Router MVS - IBM WIDEAREAWIDEAREA NETWORKNETWORK ETHERNETETHERNET ATMATM LANLAN BROKERSBROKERS BROKERSBROKERS QUOTEQUOTE SERVERSSERVERS Windows- Pentium The quote server(s) maintains the current stock prices Brokers access the quote server(s) via CORBA Note all the heterogeneity! We use this example to explore many features of CORBA UC Irvine 30 CORBA Tutorial Do Simple OMG IDL Quoter Definition module Stock { // Exceptions are similar to structs. exception Invalid_Stock {}; exception Invalid_Factory {}; // Interface is similar to a C++ class. interface Quoter { long get_quote (in string stock_name) raises (Invalid_Stock); }; // A factory that creates Quoter objects. interface Quoter_Factory { // Factory Method that returns a new Quoter // selected by name e.g., "Dow Jones," // "Reuters,", etc. Quoter create_quoter (in string quoter_service) raises (Invalid_Factory); }; }; Note the use of the Factory Method pattern UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of IDL Parameter Passing (1/2) Operation parameters in OMG IDL must be designated to have one of the following directions: ­ in, which means that the parameter is passed from the client to the server ­ out, which means that the parameter is returned from the server to the client ­ inout, which means that the parameter is passed from the client to the server and then returned from the server to the client, overwriting the original value Parameter passing modes are used in CORBA to optimize the data exchanged between client and server UC Irvine 32 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of IDL Parameter Passing (2/2) The C++ mapping for parameter passing depend on both the type and the direction ­ Built-in in params (e.g., char and long) passed by value ­ User defined in params (e.g., structs) passed by const reference ­ Strings are passed as pointers (e.g., const char *) ­ inout params are passed by reference ­ Fixed-size out params are passed by reference ­ Variable-size out params are allocated dynamically ­ Fixed-size return values are passed by value ­ Variable-size return values are allocated dynamically ­ Object reference out params and return values are duplicated As usual, applications can be shielded from most of these details by using _var types UC Irvine 33 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Object References (1/3) An object reference is a strongly-typed opaque handle to one instance of an interface that identifies the object's location An object reference is an ORB-specific entity that can contain ­ A repository ID, which identifies its interface type ­ Transport address information, e.g., a server's TCP/IP host/port address(es) ­ An object key that identifies which object in the server the request is destined for An object reference similar to a C++ "pointer on steriods" that's been enhanced to identify objects in remote address spaces ­ e.g., it can be NULL and it can reference non-existent objects UC Irvine 34 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Object References (2/3) Object references can be passed among processes on separate hosts ­ The underlying CORBA ORB will correctly convert object references into a form that can be transmitted over the network ­ The object stays where it is, however, and its reference is passed by value The ORB provides the receiver with a pointer to a proxy in its own address space ­ This proxy refers to the remote object implementation Object references are a powerful feature of CORBA ­ e.g., they support peer-to-peer interactions and distributed callbacks UC Irvine 35 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Object References (3/3) The following is a transient object reference ­ The timestamp helps ensure uniqueness across process lifetimes iiop:1.0//pachanga:10015/P353bccdb00094ae8/firstPOA/myservant Object Adapter Id Protocol Id Communication Endpoint Time Stamp Object Id Persistent object references omit the timestamp to help ensure consistency across process lifetimes ­ There's also a requirement to keep port numbers and IP addresses consistent... UC Irvine 36 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of OMG Modules OMG modules are similar to C++ namespaces or Java packages ­ i.e., they define scopes and can be nested OMG modules can be reopened to enable incremental definitions, e.g.: module Stock { interface Quoter { /* ... */ }; }; // ... module Stock { interface Quoter_Factory { /* ... */ }; }; Reopening of modules is particular useful for mutually dependent interfaces that require forward definitions UC Irvine 37 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of OMG Exceptions Two types of exceptions in OMG IDL inherit from CORBA::Exception: ­ System exceptions (e.g., CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST), which are predefined by the CORBA spec and must not appear in a raises clause ­ User exceptions (e.g., Stock::Invalid_Stock), which can be defined by user applications and can appear in a raises clause There are various restrictions on exceptions in CORBA ­ e.g., they can't be nested or inherited and can't be members of other data types UC Irvine 38 CORBA Tutorial Do Revised OMG IDL Quoter Definition Apply the CORBA Lifecycle Service module Stock { exception Invalid_Stock {}; interface Quoter : CosLifeCycle::LifeCycleObject { long get_quote (in string stock_name) raises (Invalid_Stock); // Inherits: // void remove () raises (NotRemovable); }; // Manage the lifecycle of a Quoter object. interface Quoter_Factory : CosLifeCycle::GenericFactory { // Returns a new Quoter selected by name // e.g., "Dow Jones," "Reuters,", etc. // Inherits: // Object create_object (in Key k, // in Criteria criteria) // raises (NoFactory, InvalidCriteria, // CannotMeetCriteria); }; }; UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of OMG Object The CosLifeCycle::GenericFactory::create_object() factory method returns an object reference to an instance that's derived from the CORBA::Object interface Since all objects implicitly inherit from CORBA::Object, all object references support the following operations: interface Object { // Reference counting methods Object duplicate (); void release (); // Checks for existence and reference identity & relationships boolean is_nil (); boolean non_existent (); boolean is_equivalent (in Object another_object); boolean is_a (in string repository_id); // ... UC Irvine 40 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Fixed- and Variable-size Types Certain types are variable-size: Bounded or unbounded strings (as shown in the Stock::Quoter example) Bounded or unbounded sequences Object references Type any Other types can be variable- or fixed-size: structs, unions, and arrays are fixed-size if they contain only fixed-size fields (recursively) structs, unions, and arrays are variable-size if they contain any variable-size fields (recursively) Variable-size types require the sender to dynamically allocate instances and the receiver to deallocate instances UC Irvine 41 CORBA Tutorial Do RPC- vs. Object-style Designs QUOTE SERVER: Reuters: Reuters QuoterQuoter : DowJones: DowJones QuoterQuoter : Quoter: Quoter FactoryFactory QUOTE CLIENT : DowJones: DowJones QuoterQuoter ProxyProxy : Quoter: Quoter FactoryFactory ProxyProxy get_quote()get_quote() remove()remove() create_object()create_object() namename valuevalue namename QuoterQuoter : Reuters: Reuters QuoterQuoter ProxyProxy QUOTE CLIENT QUOTE SERVER : Quoter: Quoter ProxyProxy : Quoter: Quoter get_quote()get_quote() namename valuevalue RPCRPC---STYLESTYLEOBJECTOBJECT---STYLESTYLE : Quoter: Quoter ProxyProxy UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Results of Compiling the Stock.idl File Running the Stock module through the IDL compiler generates stubs and skeletons Each (twoway) stub is a proxy that 1. Ensures a connection to the server is established 2. Marshals the request parameters 3. Sends the request 4. Waits to get the reply 5. Demarshals the reply parameters 6. Returns to the client caller Each skeleton is an adapter that 1. Demarshals the request parameters 2. Performs an upcall on the designated servant method 3. Marshals the reply parameters 4. Sends the reply back to the client UC Irvine 43 CORBA Tutorial Do Overview of Generated Client Stubs // Note C++ mapping of IDL module type namespace Stock { // Note C++ mapping of IDL interface type class Quoter // Quoter also IS-A CORBA::Object. : public virtual CosLifeCycle::LifeCycleObject { public: // Note C++ mapping of IDL long and string types CORBA::Long get_quote (const char *stock_name); // ... }; class Quoter_Factory : public virtual CosLifeCycle::GenericFactory { public: // Factory method for creation that inherits: // CORBA::Object_ptr create_object // (const CosLifeCycle::Key &factory_key, // const CosLifeCycle::Criteria &criteria) // Note C++ mapping of Key and Criteria structs. // ... }; }; Note that you never instantiate a stub class directly, but always via a factory UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt OMG Object and POA IDL Mappings MyMy QuoterQuoter FactoryFactory create_object() ServantServant BaseBaseA CORBA::CORBA:: ObjectObject A Stock::Stock:: QuoterQuoter FactoryFactory CLIENTCLIENT--SIDESIDE MAPPINGMAPPING SERVERSERVER--SIDESIDE MAPPINGMAPPING POA_CosLifeCycle::POA_CosLifeCycle:: GenericFactoryGenericFactory A create_object() = 0 POA_Stock::POA_Stock:: Quoter_FactoryQuoter_Factory A create_object() = 0 CosLifeCycle::CosLifeCycle:: GenericFactoryGenericFactory create_object() = 0 create_object() = 0 A A Stock::Stock:: QuoterQuoter Factory_varFactory_var create_object() The OMG client mapping inherits all proxy interfaces from the Object interface ­ Moreover, proxy classes mirror the IDL inheritance hierarchy, so references to derived interfaces are compatible with references to base interfaces via widening and polymorphism The IDL server C++ mapping inherits all Servants from ServantBase UC Irvine 45 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Generated Server Skeletons Skeleton classes provide the server counterpart to the client stub class proxies ­ There's a C++ virtual method in the skeleton class for each operation defined in the IDL interface CORBA associates a user-defined servant class to a generated IDL skeleton class using either 1. The Class form of the Adapter pattern (inheritance) POA_Stock::Quoter 2. The Object form of the Adapter pattern (object composition, i.e., TIE) template class POA_Stock::Quoter_tie UC Irvine 46 CORBA Tutorial Do The Class Form of the Adapter Pattern clientclient QuoterQuoter FactoryFactory A create_object() = 0 ServantServant BaseBaseA CosLifeCycleCosLifeCycle GenericFactoryGenericFactory A create_object() = 0 MyMy QuoterQuoter FactoryFactory create_object() 1: create_object() UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Defining a Servant Using Inheritance Servant classes can inherit from their skeleton directly: class My_Quoter_Factory : public virtual POA_Stock::Quoter_Factory { public: My_Quoter_Factory (const char *factory_name = "my quoter factory"); virtual CORBA::Object_ptr // Factory method for creation. create_object (const CosLifeCycle::Key &factory_key, const CosLifeCycle::Criteria &the_criteria) throw (CORBA::SystemException, QuoterFactory::NoFactory); }; However, this approach can create a "brittle" hierarchy and make it hard to integrate with legacy code (e.g., when distributing a stand-alone application) Moreover, virtual inheritance is sometimes implemented poorly by C++ compilers UC Irvine 48 CORBA Tutorial Do The Object Form of the Adapter Pattern clientclient QuoterQuoter Factory_tieFactory_tie create_object() MyMy QuoterQuoter FactoryFactory create_object() 2: create_object() 1: create_quoter () My_QuoterMy_Quoter FactoryFactory QuoterQuoter FactoryFactory A create_object() = 0 ServantServant BaseBaseA CosLifeCycleCosLifeCycle GenericFactoryGenericFactory A create_object() = 0 UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt A TIE-based Implementation class My_Quoter_Factory { public: My_Quoter_Factory (const char *factory_name = "my quoter factory"); // Factory method for creation. CORBA::Object_ptr create_object (const CosLifeCycle::Key &factory_key, const CosLifeCycle::Criteria &the_criteria) throw (CORBA::SystemException, QuoterFactory::NoFactory); }; TIE allows classes to become distributed even if they weren't developed with prior knowledge of CORBA There is no use of inheritance and operations need not be virtual! However, lifecycle issues for "tie" and "tied" objects are tricky... UC Irvine 50 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Defining a Servant Using TIE namespace POA_Stock { template class Quoter_Factory_tie : public Quoter_Factory { /* ... */ }; // ... We generate a typedef and a servant that places an implementation pointer object within the TIE class: typedef POA_Stock::Quoter_Factory_tie MY_QUOTER_FACTORY; MY_QUOTER_FACTORY factory (new My_Quoter_Factory); All operation calls via the TIE class are then delegated to the implementation object UC Irvine 51 CORBA Tutorial Do Implementing My Quoter Factory The following code is identical regardless of which form of Adapter pattern is used for servant classes CORBA::Object_ptr My_Quoter_Factory::create_object (const CosLifeCycle::Key &factory_key, const CosLifeCycle::Criteria &the_criteria) { POA_Stock::Quoter *quoter; // Perform Factory Method selection of // the subclass of Quoter. ` if (strcmp (, "Dow Jones") == 0) quoter = new Dow_Jones_Quoter; // ... else if (strcmp (, "My Quoter") == 0) // Dynamically allocate a My_Quoter object. quoter = new My_Quoter; else // Raise an exception. throw Quoter_Factory::NoFactory (); // Create a Stock::Quoter_ptr, register // the servant with the default_POA, and // return the new Object Reference. return quoter->_this (); }; UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Implicit Activation and this() Each generated skeleton class contains a _this() method, e.g.: class POA_Stock::Quoter : public virtual CosLifeCycle::LifeCycleObject { public: Quoter_ptr _this (); }; Depending on the POA policy, the _this() method can be used to activate a servant and return the corresponding object reference Internally, _this() duplicates the object reference, so it must be decremented at some point to avoid memory leaks If you use _this(), make sure to override the servant's _default_POA() method... UC Irvine 53 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Throwing Exceptions To throw an exception, simply instantiate the exception class and throw it, i.e., throw Quoter_Factory::NoFactory() ­ The process is slightly more baroque using emulated exceptions Servant code should generally try to throw user exceptions ­ Avoid throwing system exceptions since they convey less information to clients ­ When you do throw a system exception, set its completion status to indicate what state the operation was in Use C++ try blocks to protect scopes where operations may throw exceptions UC Irvine 54 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Motivation for the CORBA Naming Service Clients access Quoter objects returned by My_Quoter_Factory ­ But how do clients find My_Quoter_Factory?! One approach is to use CORBA::ORB helper operations to convert an object reference to a string and vice versa interface ORB { // ... string object_to_string (in Object o); Object string_to_object (in string s); }; Stringified object references can be written to and read from a file, passed between ORBs, and/or stored in a database A more effective and scalable approach, however, is often to use the CORBA Naming Service UC Irvine 55 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of the CORBA Naming Service SERVERSERVER 1: bind()1: bind() 2: resolve()2: resolve() NNAMINGAMING SERVICESERVICE 3: create_object()3: create_object() 4: get_quote()4: get_quote() CLIENTCLIENT Purpose ­ Maps sequences of strings to object references Capabilities ­ A Naming Context can be a hierarchically nested graph ­ Naming Contexts can also be federated UC Irvine 56 CORBA Tutorial Do Registering My Quoter Factory with the Naming Service extern CosNaming::NamingContext_ptr name_context; My_Quoter_Factory::My_Quoter_Factory (const char *factory_name) { CosNaming::Name name; name.length (1); name[0].id = factory_name; name[0].kind = "object impl"; // Obtain object reference and // register with the POA. Quoter_Factory_var qf = this->_this (); // Export our object reference to the // naming context. name_context->bind (name, ()); }; Real code should handle exceptions... UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Programming with Object References (1/3) An IDL compiler generates two different object reference types for each interface: ­ _ptr ! C++ pointer to object reference An "unmanaged type" that requires programmers to manipulate reference ownership via ::_duplicate() and CORBA::release() ­ _var ! "Smart pointer" to object reference Manages reference lifetime by assuming ownership of dynamically allocated memory and deallocating it when the _var goes out of scope operator->() delegates to the underlying pointer value _var types are essential for writing exception-safe code UC Irvine 58 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Programming with Object References (2/3) You should use _var types as often as possible since they automate most of the error-prone reference counting, e.g.: // When ORB returns object reference its proxy has // a reference count of 1 Quoter_ptr quoter = bind_quoter_service (); CORBA::Long value = quoter->get_quote ("ACME ORB Inc."); CORBA::release (quoter); // release() decrements the reference count by one, // which causes deallocate when the count reaches 0 versus Quoter_var quoter = bind_quoter_service (); CORBA::Long value = quoter->get_quote ("ACME ORB Inc."); // quoter automatically releases object reference. Calls to _duplicate() and CORBA::release() only affect the local proxy, not the remote object!!! UC Irvine 59 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Programming with Object References (3/3) To handle broken C++ compilers, you may need to use special helper methods generated by the IDL compiler to workaround problems with implicit type conversions from _var to the underlying pointer ­ in() passes the _var as an in parameter ­ inout() passes the _var as an inout parameter ­ out() passes the _var as an out parameter Variable-size _var types have a _retn() method that transfers ownership of the returned pointer ­ This method is important for writing exception-safe code UC Irvine 60 CORBA Tutorial Do The Main Server Program Uses persistent activation mode int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ORB_Manager orb_manager (argc, argv); const char *factory_name = "my quoter factory"; // Create the servant, which registers with // the rootPOA and Naming Service implicitly. My_Quoter_Factory factory (factory_name); // Could use the TIE approach and explicitly // register the servant with the POA, i.e.: // MY_QUOTER_FACTORY factory // (new My_Quoter_Factory (factory_name)); // orb_manager.activate (&factory); // Block indefinitely waiting for incoming // invocations and dispatch upcalls. (); // After run() returns, the ORB has shutdown. } UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Motivation for ORB Manager Like many CORBA servers, our stock quoter server is initialized via the following steps: 1. We call CORBA::ORB_init() to obtain the locality constrained object reference to the ORB pseudo-object 2. We use the ORB object reference to obtain the Root POA 3. We then instantiate the quoter factory servant and activate it to obtain its object reference 4. We next make the object reference for the quoter factory available to clients via the Naming Service 5. Finally, we activate the Root POA's manager and run the ORB's event loop To automate many of these steps, we define the ORB_Manager wrapper facade class UC Irvine 62 CORBA Tutorial Do Overview of ORB Manager class ORB_Manager { public: // Initialize the ORB manager. ORB_Manager (int argc, char *argv[]) { orb_ = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, 0); CORBA::Object_var obj = orb_->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA"); poa_ = PortableServer::POA::_narrow ( ()); poa_manager_ = poa_->the_POAManager (); } // ORB Accessor. CORBA::ORB_ptr orb (void) { return orb_; } // Run the main ORB event loop. int run (void) { poa_manager_->activate (); return orb_->run (); } // Cleanup the ORB and POA. ~ORB_Manager () { orb_->destroy (); } private: CORBA::ORB_var orb_; PortableServer::POA_var poa_; PortableServer::POA_Manager_var poa_manager_; }; UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Pseudo-objects and Locality Constraints The CORBA::ORB and PortableServer::POA interfaces define "pseudo-objects," i.e.: orb_ = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, 0); CORBA::Object_var obj = orb_->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA"); poa_ = PortableServer::POA::_narrow ( ()); Pseudo-objects have IDL interfaces but are implemented in the ORB's runtime library, rather than by using generated stubs/skeletons Pseudo-objects are "locality constrained," which means that their object references can't be passed to remote address spaces UC Irvine 64 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of narrow() Conversion Operators The IDL compiler generates static method _narrow() for each proxy that behaves like the C++ dynamic_cast operator ­ i.e., it returns a non-nil reference if the argument to the method is the right type, else nil Note that _narrow() implicitly calls _duplicate(), which increments the reference count class Quoter : public virtual CosLifeCycle::LifeCycleObject { public: static Quoter_ptr _narrow (CORBA::Object_ptr arg); // ... class Stat_Quoter : public virtual Quoter { public: static Stat_Quoter_ptr _narrow (CORBA::Object_ptr arg); // ... UC Irvine 65 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of ORB Shutdown The following two operations shutdown the ORB gracefully: interface ORB { void shutdown (in boolean wait_for_completion); void destroy (); }; These operations do the following: ­ Stop the ORB from accepting new requests ­ Allow existing requests to complete and ­ Destroy all POAs associated with the ORB The wait_for_completion boolean allows the caller to decide whether to wait for the ORB to finish shutting down before returning ­ This is important for multi-threaded ORB implementations... UC Irvine 66 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Recap of the Stock Quoter Server In our stock quoter server, we (i.e., the application developers) simply write 1. The IDL interfaces 2. The servant classes 3. Code to initialize the server event loop The ORB and associated tools (e.g., IDL compiler) provides the rest: 1. Generated skeleton classes that connect the ORB with the application-defined servant classes 2. (De)marshaling code 3. Management of object references 4. The ORB runtime libraries that handle connection management, GIOP data transfer, endpoint and request demuxing, and concurrency control UC Irvine 67 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Binding a Client to a CORBA Object Several steps: 1. Client uses resolve_initial_references() and "Interoperable Naming Service" to obtain a NamingContext ­ This is the standard ORB "bootstrapping" mechanism 2. Client then uses NamingContext to obtain desired object reference 3. The client then invokes operations via object reference Object references can be passed as parameters to other remote objects ­ This design supports various types of "factory" patterns UC Irvine 68 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Stock Quoter Client Program (1/2) int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { Stock::Quoter_var quoter; // Manages refcounts. const char *stock_name = 0; try { // Use a factory to bind to any quoter. Stock::Quoter_Factory_var qf = bind_service ("my quoter factory", argc, argv); if (CORBA::is_nil (qf)) return -1; CosLifeCycle::Key key; key.length (1); key[0].id = "My Quoter"; // Find a quoter and invoke the call. CORBA::Object_var obj = qf->create_object (key); quoter = Stock::Quoter::_narrow (obj); UC Irvine 69 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Stock Quoter Client Program (2/2) stock_name = CORBA::string_dup ("ACME ORB Inc."); CORBA::Long value = quoter->get_quote (stock_name); cout << stock_name << " = " << value << endl; // Destructors of *_var release memory. } catch (Stock::Invalid_Stock &) { cerr << stock_name << " not valid" << endl; } catch (...) { // Handle exception... } CORBA::string_free (const_cast (stock_name)); quoter->remove (); // Shut down server object } UC Irvine 70 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Memory Management for OMG Strings CORBA provides the following methods that must be used to manage the memory of dynamically allocated strings namespace CORBA { char *string_dup (const char *ostr); void string_free (char *nstr); char *string_alloc (ULong len); // Allocates len + 1 chars // ... Similar methods for wstrings ... } These methods are necessary for platforms such as Windows that have constraints on heap allocation/deallocation In the Stock Quoter client example above we could have avoided the use of dynamic string allocations by simply using the following const char *stock_name = "ACME ORB Inc."; UC Irvine 71 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Obtaining an Object Reference (1/2) static CORBA::ORB_var orb; extern CosNaming::NamingContext_ptr name_context; template typename T::_ptr_type /* trait */ bind_service (const char *n, int argc, char *argv[]) { CORBA::Object_var obj; // "First time" check. if (CORBA::is_nil (name_context)) { // Get reference to name service. orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, 0); obj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("NameService"); name_context = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow (obj. if (CORBA::is_nil (name_context)) return T::_nil(); } UC Irvine 72 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Obtaining an Object Reference (2/2) CosNaming::Name svc_name; svc_name.length (1); svc_name[0].id = n; svc_name[0].kind = "object impl"; // Find object reference in the name service. obj = name_context->resolve (svc_name); // Narrow to the T interface and away we go! return T::_narrow (obj); } UC Irvine 73 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Coping with Changing Requirements New Quoter features ­ Format changes to extend functionality ­ New interfaces and operations Improving existing Quoter features ­ Batch requests Leveraging other ORB features ­ Asynchronous Method Invocations (AMI) ­ Passing object references to implement a publisher/subscriber architecture UC Irvine 74 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt New Formats For example, percentage that stock increased or decreased since start of trading day, volume of trades, etc. module Stock { // ... interface Quoter { long get_quote (in string stock_name, out double percent_change, out long trading_volume) raises (Invalid_Stock); }; }; Note that even making this simple change would involve a great deal of work for a sockets-based solution... UC Irvine 75 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Adding Features Unobtrusively Interface inheritance allows new features to be added without breaking existing interfaces module Stock { // No change to Quoter interface!! interface Quoter { /* ... */ }; interface Stat_Quoter : Quoter // a Stat_Quoter IS-A Quoter { // Note OMG IDL's inability to support overloading! long get_stats (in string stock_name, out double percent_change, out long volume) raises (Invalid_Stock); // ... Applications can pass a Stat_Quoter whereever a Quoter is expected ­ Clients can use _narrow() to determine actual type UC Irvine 76 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt New Interfaces and Operations For example, adding a trading interface module Stock { // Interface Quoter_Factory and Quoter same as before. interface Trader { void buy (in string name, inout long num_shares, in long max_value) raises (Invalid_Stock); // sell() operation is similar... }; interface Trader_Factory { /* ... */ }; }; Multiple inheritance is also useful to define a full service broker: interface Full_Service_Broker : Stat_Quoter, Trader {}; Note that you can't inherit the same operation from more than one interface UC Irvine 77 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Batch Requests Improve performance for multiple queries or trades interface Batch_Quoter : Stat_Quoter { // Batch_Quoter IS-A Stat_Quoter typedef sequence Names; struct Stock_Info { // Acts like String_var initialized to empty string. string name; long value; double change; long volume; }; typedef sequence Info; exception No_Such_Stock { Names stock; }; // Note problems with exception design... void batch_quote (in Names stock_names, out Info stock_info) raises (No_Such_Stock); }; UC Irvine 78 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of OMG Structs IDL structs are similar to C++ structs ­ i.e., they contain one or more fields of arbitrary types However, IDL structs must be named and have one or more fields The C++ mapping rules are different for fixed- and variable-size structs ­ i.e., variable-size structs must be dynamically allocated by sender and deallocated by receiver Using the IDL-generated _var helper types minimize the differences between fixed- and variable-sized structs in C++ mapping UC Irvine 79 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of OMG Sequences (1/2) IDL sequences are variable-length vectors of size >= 0 They can be bounded or unbounded ­ Bounded sequences have a max number of elements ­ Unbounded sequences can grow to any (reasonable) length Sequences can contain other sequences typedef sequence Octet_Sequence; typedef sequence Octet_Argv; Sequences can be also used to define recursive data structures for structs and unions struct Node { sequence Children; // ... }; UC Irvine 80 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of OMG Sequences (2/2) Each IDL sequence type maps to a distinct C++ class The length() accessor method returns the number of elements in the sequence The length() mutator method can be used to change the number of elements in the sequence Each C++ class defines pair of overloaded subscript operators (operator[]) Although it's illegal to access beyond the current length, you can use the length() mutator to grow the sequence length at its tail The copying semantics of sequences depend on the types of its elements UC Irvine 81 CORBA Tutorial Do Motivation for Asynchronous Method Invocations (AMI) Early versions of CORBA lacked support for asynchronous two-way invocations This omission yielded the following drawbacks 1. Increase the number of client threads ­ e.g., due to synchronous two-way communication 2. Increase the end-to-end latency for multiple requests ­ e.g., due to blocking on certain long-delay operations 3. Decrease OS/network resource utilization ­ e.g., inefficient support for bulk data transfers UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Do Limitations with Workarounds for CORBA's Lack of Asynchrony Synchronous method invocation (SMI) multi-threading ­ Often non-portable, non-scalable, and inefficient Oneway operations ­ Best-effort semantics are unreliable ­ Requires callback objects ­ Applications must match callbacks with requests Deferred synchronous ­ Uses DII, thus very hard to program ­ Not type-safe UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt OMG Solution !CORBA Messaging Specification Defines QoS Policies for the ORB ­ Timeouts ­ Priority ­ Reliable one-ways Specifies two asynchronous method invocation (AMI) models 1. Poller model 2. Callback model Standardizes time-independent invocation (TII) model ­ Used for store/forward routers POLLINGPOLLING CLIENTCLIENT PP OO LL LL EE RR operation(args)operation(args) 1:request 3:response 2:poller 4:get TARGETTARGET OBJECTOBJECT 44 CALLBACKCALLBACK CLIENTCLIENT 1:request 2:response TARGETTARGET OBJECTOBJECT 44 3:upcall operation(callback, args)operation(callback, args) UC Irvine 84 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt AMI Callback Overview get_quote ("IBM") value stock_name QUOTE CLIENT STOCK QUOTER 4 Quoter IDL Interface: module Stock { interface Quoter { // Two-way operation to // get current stock value. long get_quote (in string stock_name); }; // ... } Implied-IDL for client: module Stock { // ReplyHandler. interface AMI_QuoterHandler : Messaging::ReplyHandler { // Callback method. void get_quote (in long return_value); }; interface Quoter { // Two-way synchronous operation. long get_quote (in string stock_name); // Two-way asynchronous operation. void sendc_get_quote (AMI_QuoterHandler handler, in string stock); }; }; UC Irvine 85 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Example: Synchronous Client get_quote ("IBM") value stock_name QUOTE CLIENT STOCK QUOTER 4 IDL-generated stub: CORBA::ULong Stock::Quoter::get_quote (const char *name) { // 1. Setup connection // 2. Marshal // 3. Send request // 4. Get reply // 5. Demarshal // 6. Return }; Application: // NASDAQ abbreviations for ORB vendors. static const char *stocks[] = { "IONA" // IONA Orbix "BEAS" // BEA Systems WLE "IBM" // IBM Component Broker } // Set the max number of ORB stocks. static const int MAX_STOCKS = 3; // Make synchronous two-way calls. for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STOCKS; i++) { CORBA::Long value = quoter_ref->get_quote (stocks[i]); cout << "Current value of " << stocks[i] << " stock: " << value << endl; } UC Irvine 86 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Example: AMI Callback Client (1/2) CALLBACK QUOTE CLIENT 2: value STOCK QUOTER 4sendc_get_quote(handler, "IBM") handler 3:upcall 1: stock_name Asynchronous stub: void Stock::Quoter::sendc_get_quote (AMI_QuoterHandler_ptr, const char *name) { // 1. Setup connection // 2. Store reply handler // in ORB // 3. Marshal // 4. Send request // 5. Return }; Reply Handler Servant: class My_Async_Stock_Handler : public POA_Stock::AMI_QuoterHandler { public: My_Async_Stock_Handler (const char *s) : stock_ (s) { } ~My_Async_Stock_Handler (void) { } // Callback method. virtual void get_quote (CORBA::Long ami_return_val) { cout << () << " stock: " << ami_return_val << endl; // Decrement global reply count. reply_count--; } private: CORBA::String_var stock_; }; UC Irvine 87 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Example: AMI Callback Client (2/2) // Global reply count int reply_count = MAX_STOCKS; // Servants. My_Async_Stock_Handler * handlers[MAX_STOCKS]; // Objrefs. Stock::AMI_QuoterHandler_var handler_refs[MAX_STOCKS]; int i; // Initialize ReplyHandler // servants. for (i = 0; i < MAX_STOCKS; i++) handlers[i] = new My_Async_Stock_Handler (stocks[i]); // Initialize ReplyHandler object refs. for (i = 0; i < MAX_STOCKS; i++) handler_refs[i] = handlers[i]->_this (); // Make asynchronous two-way calls // using the callback model. for (i = 0; i < MAX_STOCKS; i++) quoter_ref->sendc_get_quote (handler_refs[i].in (), stocks[i]); // ... // Event loop to receive all replies. while (reply_count > 0) if (orb->work_pending ()) orb->perform_work (); else ... UC Irvine 88 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Additional Information on AMI Messaging specification is integrated into CORBA spec. ­ See Vinoski's CACM article on CORBA 3.0 for more info. ­ See our papers on AMI ­ ­ ­ See TAO release to experiment with working AMI examples ­ $TAO_ROOT/examples/AMI/ UC Irvine 89 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Motivation for a Publisher/Subscriber Architecture To this point, our stock quoter service has required the client to "poll" the server periodically to receive the latest quote value ­ However, this design is inefficient since the client keeps contacting the server, even if nothing has changed! A more scalable approach may be to use the Publisher/Subscriber architectural pattern ­ This pattern decouples the publishers who produce quote events from subscribers who consume them We'll redesign our stock quoter application to implement the Publisher/Subscriber pattern using object references UC Irvine 90 CORBA Tutorial Do A Publisher/Subscriber Stock Quoter Architecture : Notifier: Notifier NETWORK CONSUMERCONSUMER AA CONSUMERCONSUMER BB ConCon ObjRefObjRefBB ConCon ObjRefObjRefAA 1: subscribe (ObjRef1: subscribe (ObjRefAA)) B :B : ConsumerConsumer 4: push (event)4: push (event) 2: subscribe (ObjRef 2: subscribe (ObjRef BB )) 4: push (event) 4: push (event) NOTIFIERNOTIFIER NotifierNotifier ObjRefObjRef 3:push(event) 3:push(event) NotifierNotifier ObjRefObjRef A :A : ConsumerConsumer NotifierNotifier ObjRefObjRef SUPPLIERSUPPLIER Note the use of the Publisher/Subscriber pattern UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Do Event Type We define an Event struct that contains a string and an any: struct Event { string topic_; // Used for filtering. any value_; // Event contents. }; This maps to the following C++ class struct Event { TAO::String_mgr topic_; CORBA::Any value_; }; The TAO::String_mgr behaves like a String_var that's initialized to the empty string ­ Do not use the TAO::String_mgr in your application code since it's explicitly designed to be ORB-specific!!! UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of the CORBA Any Type (1/2) OMG IDL defines type any for use with applications that can only determine the types of their data at runtime This type contains the following pair of fields: ­ The TypeCode that describes the type of the value in the any in order to ensure typesafety ­ The current value of the any The client ORB stores the TypeCode before the value so that the server ORB can properly decode and interpret the value UC Irvine 93 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of the CORBA Any Type (2/2) IDL any maps to the C++ class CORBA::Any: class Any { public: Any (); // Constructs an Any that contains no value. Any (const Any &); // Deep copy semantics Any &operator= (const Any &); // Deep copy semantics // ... Built-in types are inserted and extracted using overloaded operator<<= and operator>>=, respectively ­ The insertion operators copies the value and sets the typecode ­ The extract operators return true iff the extraction succeeds, i.e., if the typecodes match! The IDL compiler generates these overloaded operators for user-defined types, as shown later in a DII example UC Irvine 94 CORBA Tutorial Do Event Receiver Interface interface Consumer { // Inform the Consumer // event has occurred. void oneway push (in Event event); // Disconnect the Consumer // from the Notifier. void disconnect (in string reason); }; A Consumer is called back by the Notifier UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Oneway Operations The push() operations in Consumer and Notifier interfaces are oneway ­ They must therefore have void return type, only in parameters, and no raises clause By default, oneway operations have "best effort" semantics ­ i.e., there is no guarantee they will be delivered in the order sent or that they'll even be delivered at all! Later versions of CORBA define so-called "reliable oneways," which address some of these issues via the SyncScope policy ­ e.g., SYNC NONE, SYNC WITH TRANSPORT, SYNC WITH SERVER, and SYNC WITH OBJECT UC Irvine 96 CORBA Tutorial Do Notifier Interface interface Notifier { // = For Consumers. // Subscribe a consumer to receive // events that match filtering_criteria // applied by notifier. Returns consumer long subscribe (in Consumer consumer, in string filtering_criteria); // Remove a particular consumer. void unsubscribe (in long consumer_id); // = For Suppliers. // Push the event to all the consumers // who have subscribed and who match // the filtering criteria. void oneway push (in Event event); }; A Notifier publishes Events to subscribed Consumers UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Limitations of Object References Note that the Notifier::subscribe() operation returns a consumer ID that the unsubscribe() operation uses to remove the subscription of a particular consumer We need this ID since it's invalid to compare objects for equality directly using object references, i.e.: ­ Object references only indicate location, not object identity ­ Object::is_equivalent() is a local operation that tests object reference identity, not object identity!! Other invalid operations on object references include ­ Using C++ dynamic_cast rather than _narrow() ­ Testing for NULL rather than using CORBA::is_nil() UC Irvine 98 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Notifier Implementation class My_Notifier { // C++ pseudo-code public: CORBA::Long subscribe (Consumer_ptr consumer, const char *fc) { insert into with . return consumer_id; } void unsubscribe (CORBA::Long consumer_id) { remove from . } void push (const Event &event) { foreach in if (event.topic_ matches .filter_criteria) .push (event); } private: // e.g., use an STL map. std::map consumer_set_; }; UC Irvine 99 CORBA Tutorial Do CORBA ORB Architecture NETWORKNETWORK DIIDII ORBORB INTERFACEINTERFACE ORBORB CORECORE operation()operation() IDLIDL STUBSSTUBS OBJECTOBJECT ADAPTERADAPTER IDLIDL SKELETONSKELETON DSIDSI in argsin args out args + return valueout args + return value CLIENTCLIENT INTERFACEINTERFACE REPOSITORYREPOSITORY IMPLEMENTATIONIMPLEMENTATION REPOSITORYREPOSITORY IDLIDL COMPILERCOMPILER NAMINGNAMING SERVICESERVICE GIOPGIOP//IIOPIIOP OBJECTOBJECT ((SERVANTSERVANT)) OS KERNELOS KERNEL OS IOS I//O SUBSYSTEMO SUBSYSTEM NETWORK INTERFACESNETWORK INTERFACES OS KERNELOS KERNEL OS IOS I//O SUBSYSTEMO SUBSYSTEM NETWORK INTERFACESNETWORK INTERFACES UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Do Overview of CORBA Components The CORBA specification contains the following major components: ­ Object Request Broker (ORB) Core ­ Interoperability Spec (GIOP and IIOP) ­ Interface Definition Language (IDL) ­ Programming language mappings for IDL ­ Static Invocation Interface (SII) ­ Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) ­ Static Skeleton Interface (SSI) ­ Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI) ­ Portable Object Adapter (POA) ­ Implementation Repository ­ Interface Repository UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt OMA Reference Model Interface Categories OBJECT REQUEST BROKEROBJECT REQUEST BROKER OBJECTOBJECT SERVICESSERVICES APPLICATIONAPPLICATION INTERFACESINTERFACES DOMAINDOMAIN INTERFACESINTERFACES COMMONCOMMON FACILITIESFACILITIES The Object Management Architecture (OMA) Reference Model describes the interactions between various CORBA components and layers UC Irvine 102 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of the ORB Core OBJECT ADAPTER I/O SUBSYSTEM ORB CORE GIOP TRANSPORT PROTOCOLS IIOP/TCP/IP ATM RTP ISIS ENDPOINT DEMULTIPLEXER Features Connection/memory management Request transfer Endpoint demuxing Concurrency control UC Irvine 103 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Tracing a Request Through a CORBA ORB Leader/Followers Connection Cache Memory Pool ConnectorReactor A B CV2 A POA S CV1 Client ORB B S Connection Cache Memory Pool Acceptor Reactor A B A C Server ORB B C 1, 3 2 4 5 6 9 10 11 12, 14, 16 13 15 19 7, 8, 17 18, 20 Request invocation phases 1. Client ORB connection management 2. Server ORB connection management 3. Client invocation for twoway calls 4. Server processing for twoway calls 5. Client reply handling for twoway calls UC Irvine 104 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Client ORB Connection Management The following are the activities a client ORB performs to create a connection actively when a client application invokes an operation on an object reference to a target server object: 1. Query the client ORB's connection cache for an existing connection to the server designated in the object reference on which the operation is invoked. 2. If the cache doesn't contain a connection to the server, use a connector factory to create a new connection S. 3. Add the newly established connection S to the connection cache. 4. Also add connection S to the client ORB's reactor since S is bi-directional and the server may send requests to the client using S. UC Irvine 105 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Server ORB Connection Management The server ORB activities for accepting a connection passively include: 5. Use an acceptor factory to accept the new connection C from the client. 6. Add C to the server ORB's connection cache since C is bi-directional and the server can use it to send requests to the client. 7. Also add connection C to the server ORB's reactor so the server is notified when a request arrives from the client. 8. Wait in the reactor's event loop for new connection and data events. UC Irvine 106 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Client Invocation of Synchronous Twoway Operation We now describe the steps involved when a client invokes a synchronous two-way request to a server: 9. Allocate a buffer from a memory pool to marshal the parameters in the operation invocation. 10. Send the marshaled data to the server using connection S. Connection S is locked for the duration of the transfer. 11. Use the leader/followers manager to wait for a reply from the server. Assuming that a leader thread is already available, the client thread waits as a follower on a condition variable or semaphore.1 1 The leader thread may actually be a server thread waiting for incoming requests or another client thread waiting for its reply. UC Irvine 107 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Server Processing for Twoway Operation The server ORB activities for processing a request are described below: 12. Read the header of the request arriving on connection C to determine the size of the request. 13. Allocate a buffer from a memory pool to hold the request. 14. Read the request data into the buffer. 15. Demultiplex the request to find the target portable object adapter (POA), servant, and skeleton ­ then dispatch the designated upcall to the servant after demarshaling the request parameters. 16. Send the reply (if any) to the client on connection C. Connection C is locked for the duration of the transfer. 17. Wait in the reactor's event loop for new connection and data events. UC Irvine 108 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Client Reply Handling for Twoway Operation Finally, the client ORB performs the following activities to process a reply from the server: 18. The leader thread reads the reply from the server on connection S. 19. After identifying that the reply belongs to the follower thread, the leader thread hands off the reply to the follower thread by signaling the condition variable used by the follower thread. 20. The follower thread demarshals the parameters and returns control to the client application, which processes the reply. UC Irvine 109 CORBA Tutorial Do CORBA Interoperability Protocols ORB MESSAGING COMPONENT ORB TRANSPORT ADAPTER COMPONENT TRANSPORT LAYER NETWORK LAYER GIOP IIOP TCP IP VME DRIVER AAL5 ATM GIOPLITE VME-IOP ESIOP ATM-IOP RELIABLE SEQUENCED PROTOCOL CONFIGURATIONS STANDARD CORBA PROGRAMMING API GIOP ­ Enables ORB-to-ORB interoperability IIOP ­ Works directly over TCP/IP, no RPC ESIOPs ­ e.g., DCE, DCOM, wireless, etc. UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of GIOP and IIOP Common Data Representation (CDR) ­ Transfer syntax mapping OMG-IDL data types into a bi-canonical low-level representation Supports variable byte ordering and aligned primitive types Message transfer ­ Request multiplexing, i.e., shared connections ­ Ordering constraints are minimal, i.e., can be asynchronous Message formats ­ Client: Request, CancelRequest, LocateRequest ­ Server: Reply, LocateReply, CloseConnection ­ Both: MessageError IIOP is a mapping of GIOP over TCP/IP UC Irvine 111 CORBA Tutorial Do Example GIOP Format module GIOP { enum MsgType { Request, Reply, CancelRequest, LocateRequest, LocateReply, CloseConnection, MessageError }; struct MessageHeader { char magic[4]; Version GIOP_version; octet byte_order; // Fragment bit in 1.1. octet message_type; unsigned long message_size; }; struct RequestHeader { IOP::ServiceContextList service_context; unsigned long request_id; // Reliable one-way bits in 1.2 boolean response_requested; sequence object_key; string operation; Principal requesting_principal; }; // ... UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Interface Definition Languages (IDLs) Motivation ­ Developing flexible distributed applications on heterogeneous platforms requires An interface contract between client and server that defines permissible operations and types Strict separation of interface from implementation(s) Benefits of using an IDL ­ Ensure platform independence ! e.g., Windows NT to UNIX ­ Enforce modularity ! e.g., separate concerns ­ Increase robustness ! e.g., eliminate common network programming errors ­ Enable language independence ! e.g., COBOL, C, C++, Java, etc. UC Irvine 113 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Example IDLs Many IDLs are currently available, e.g., ­ OSI ASN.1 ­ OSI GDMO ­ SNMP SMI ­ DCE IDL ­ Microsoft's IDL (MIDL) ­ OMG IDL ­ ONC's XDR However, many of these are procedural IDLs ­ These are more complicated to extend and reuse since they don't support inheritance UC Irvine 114 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of OMG IDL (1/2) OMG IDL is an object-oriented interface definition language ­ Used to specify interfaces containing operations and attributes ­ OMG IDL support interface inheritance (both single and multiple inheritance) OMG IDL is designed to map onto multiple programming languages ­ e.g., C, C++, C#, Java, Smalltalk, COBOL, Perl, etc. All data exchanged between clients and servers must be defined using OMG IDL UC Irvine 115 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of OMG IDL (2/2) OMG IDL is similar to Java interfaces or C++ abstract classes ­ i.e., it defines the interface and type "contracts" that clients and servers must agree upon to exchange data correctly and efficiently OMG IDL is not a complete programming language, however ­ e.g., it is purely declarative and can not be used to define object state or perform computations IDL source files must end with the .idl suffix UC Irvine 116 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt OMG IDL Features OMG IDL is similar to C++ and Java ­ e.g., comment styles, identifiers, built-in types, etc. OMG IDL supports the following features: ­ modules and interfaces ­ Operations and Attributes ­ Single and multiple inheritance ­ Fixed-size basic types (e.g., double, long, char, octet, etc). ­ Arrays and sequence ­ struct, enum, union, typedef ­ consts ­ exceptions UC Irvine 117 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt OMG IDL Differences from C++ and Java Case-insensitive No control constructs No data members (cf valuetypes) No pointers (cf valuetypes) No constructors or destructors No overloaded operations No int data type Contains parameter passing modes Unions require a tag Different String type Different Sequence type Different exception interface No templates oneway call semantics readonly keyword any type UC Irvine 118 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Using OMG IDL Interfaces Effective The CORBA specification and services are defined using IDL Interfaces described using OMG IDL can also be application-specific ­ e.g., databases, spreadsheets, spell checkers, network managers, air traffic control systems, documents, medical imaging systems, etc. Objects may be defined at any level of granularity ­ e.g., from fine-grained GUI objects to multi-megabyte multimedia "Blobs" It's essential to remember that distributed objects will incur higher latency than collocated objects ­ Interfaces designed for purely stand-alone applications may therefore require reengineering UC Irvine 119 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Static Invocation Interface (SII) // Get object reference. Quoter_var quoter = // ... const char *name = "ACME ORB Inc."; CORBA::Long value = quoter->get_quote (name); cout << name << " = " << value << endl; The common way to use OMG IDL is the "Static Invocation Interface" (SII) All operations are specified in advance and are known to client via stubs ­ Stubs marshal operation calls into request messages The advantages of SII are simplicity, typesafety, and efficiency The disadvantage of SII is its inflexibility (and potentially its footprint) UC Irvine 120 CORBA Tutorial Do SII Stubs use the Proxy Pattern NETWORK CLIENT SERVER 2:FORWARD REQUEST 3: RESPONSE 1: METHOD CALL 4: METHOD RETURN :QUOTER PROXY :BROKER get_quote() get_quote() :QUOTER SKELETON :QUOTER Intent: provide a surrogate for another object that controls access to it UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) A less common programming API is the "Dynamic Invocation Interface" (DII) ­ Enables clients to invoke operations on objects that aren't known until run-time e.g., MIB browsers ­ Allows clients to "push" arguments onto a request stack and identify operations via an ASCII name Type-checking via meta-info in "Interface Repository" The DII is more flexible than the SII ­ e.g., it supports deferred synchronous invocation However, the DII is also more complicated, less typesafe, and inefficient UC Irvine 122 CORBA Tutorial Do An Example DII Client // Get Quoter reference. Stock::Quoter_var quoter_ref = // ... CORBA::Long value; // Create request object. CORBA::Request_var request = quoter_ref->_request ("get_quote"); // Add parameter using insertion operation, // which makes a ``deep copy'' and sets // typecode to ``unbounded string.'' request->add_in_arg () <<= "IONAY"; request->set_return_type (CORBA::_tc_long); request->invoke (); // Call method. // Retrieve/print value using extraction // operator, which makes a ``shallow copy.'' if (request->return_value () >>= value) cout << "Current value of IONA stock: " << value << endl; The DII example above is more complicated and inefficient than the earlier SII example has more information on DII UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Static and Dynamic Skeleton Interface The Static Skeleton Interface (SSI) is generated automatically by the IDL compiler ­ The SII performs the operation demuxing/dispatching and parameter demarshaling The Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI) provides analogous functionality for the server that the DII provides on the client ­ It is defined primarily to build ORB "Bridges" ­ The DSI lets server code handle arbitrary invocations on CORBA objects ­ The DSI requires the use of certain POA features UC Irvine 124 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Advanced CORBA Features INTERFACE REPOSITORY IMPLEMENTATION REPOSITORY IDL COMPILER DII ORB INTERFACE ORB CORE GIOP/IIOP/ESIOPS IDL STUBS operation() in args out args + return value CLIENT OBJECT (SERVANT) OBJ REF STANDARD INTERFACE STANDARD LANGUAGE MAPPING ORB-SPECIFIC INTERFACE STANDARD PROTOCOL INTERFACE REPOSITORY IMPLEMENTATION REPOSITORY IDL COMPILER IDL SKELETON DSI OBJECT ADAPTER Features Portable Object Adapter Multi-threading Implementation Repository CORBA Component Model UC Irvine 125 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of the Portable Object Adapter (POA) OBJECTOBJECT ADAPTERADAPTER II//OO SUBSYSTEMSUBSYSTEM ORB CORB COREORE SERVANTSSERVANTS SERVANTSSERVANTS RootRoot POAPOA ACTIVEACTIVE OBJECTOBJECT MAPMAP SERVANTSSERVANTS OOBJECTBJECT IDID OOBJECTBJECT IDID OOBJECTBJECT IDID PERSISTENTPERSISTENT POAPOA OBJECT ID OBJECT ID SERVANTS SERVANTS PortableServer interfaces POA POAManager Servant POA Policies Servant activators and servant locators POACurrent AdapterActivator UC Irvine 126 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Design Goals of the Portable Object Adapter Servants that are portable between ORBs Objects with persistent & transient identities Transient objects with minimal programming effort and overhead Transparent activation & deactivation of servants Implicit and explicit servant activation A single servant can support multiple object identities Multiple (nested) instances of the POA in a server process POA behavior is dictated by creation policies Servants can inherit from skeletons or use DSI UC Irvine 127 CORBA Tutorial Do The POA Architecture POA Manager Object Id Object Id Object Id Object Id Active Object Map default servant POA A Active Object Map POA B adapter activator Object Id Object Id Object Id POA C Active Object Map RootPOA Object Id SERVANT SERVANT SERVANT SERVANT SERVANT SERVANT SERVANT Servant Activator POA Manager User defined object POA object Pointer Object reference Legend Adapter Activator servant locator servant activator Servant Locator UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Object Lifecycle for a POA UC Irvine 129 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Object IDs Object IDs are the value used by the POA and by the ORB implementation to identify particular CORBA objects ­ Object ID values may be assigned by the POA or by the application ­ Object ID values are encapsulated by references and hidden from clients ­ Object ID have no standard form; they are managed by the POA as uninterpreted octet sequences An object reference encapsulates an object Id, a POA identity, and transport profiles UC Irvine 130 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of POAs POAs form a hierarchical namespace for objects in servers ­ i.e., a namespace for object ids and child POAs Each servant belongs to one POA, but a POA can contain many servants A POA is a manager for object lifecycles, e.g.: ­ A factory for creating object refs ­ Activates and deactivates objects ­ Etherealizes and incarnates servants A POA maps client requests to servants POA policies specify the characteristics of a child POA when it is created UC Irvine 131 CORBA Tutorial Do POA Architecture in UML CORBA::PolicyList (from CORBA Core) : CORBA::Policy CORBA::Current (from CORBA Core) PortableServer::Cookie PortableServer::Current (from PortableServer) get_object_id() (from PortableServer) PortableServer::Servant (from CORBA Core) CORBA::Policy (from PortableServer) PortableServer::POAManager (from PortableServer) activate() discard_requests() get_POA() PortableServer::AdapterActivator (from PortableServer) unknown_adapter() PortableServer::ObjectId (from PortableServer) the_parent the_servant_manager the_activator copy() the_manager destroy() hold_requests() deactivate() PortableServer::ServantManager (from PortableServer) PortableServer::ServantLocator PortableServer::ServantActivator (from PortableServer) (from PortableServer) preinvoke() postinvoke() incarnate() etherealize() 0..n 0..n 1..n 1..n 0..1 PortableServer::POA (from PortableServer) the_name : string the_parent : PortableServer::POA the_manager : PortableServer::POAManager the_activator : PortableServer::AdapterActivator the_servant_manager : PortableServer::ServantManager create_POA() find_POA() destroy() create_thread_policy() create_lifespan_policy() create_id_uniqueness_policy() create_id_assignment_policy() create_implicit_activation_policy() create_servant_retention_policy() create_request_processing_policy() get_instance_manager() set_instance_manager() get_servant() set_servant() activate_object() activate_object_with_id() deactivate_object() create_reference() create_reference_with_id() servant_to_id() servant_to_reference() reference_to_servant() reference_to_id() id_to_servant() id_to_reference() 0..n1..1 0..n 0..1 1..1 UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of the POA Manager activate discard_requests Inactive Active Discarding discard_requests deactivate create_POA hold_requests hold_requestsactivate deactivatedeactivate destroy Holding Encapsulates the processing state of associated POAs Can dispatch, hold, or discard requests for the associated POAs and deactivate POA(s) A POA manager is associated with a POA at creation time and cannot be changed after creation UC Irvine 133 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of POA Policies When a POA is created, its behavior can be controlled by up to seven policies ­ i.e., lifespan, ID assignment, ID uniqueness, implicit activation, request processing, servant retention, and thread policies These policies all inherit from the CORBA::Policy interface module CORBA { typedef unsigned long PolicyType; interface Policy { readonly attribute PolicyType policy_type; Policy copy (); void destroy (); }; typedef sequence PolicyList; // ... The POA interface defines a factory method to create each policy UC Irvine 134 CORBA Tutorial Do Overview of the Active Object Map By default, a POA contains an active object map (AOM) The object ID in the object key sent by the client is the index into the AOM SKEL 1 SERVANT1 SERVANTNSERVANT2 OBJECT ID1 OBJECT ID2 OBJECT IDN ... /RootPOA/POA1/objectid1 OPERATION1 OPERATION2 OPERATIONK ... ...POA1 ORB CORE ROOT POA POA2 POAN ...SKEL 2 SKELN ORB LAYER SERVANTS ACTIVE OBJECT MAP OBJECTKEY UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of the Root POA The Root POA has a preordained set of policies that cannot be changed: ­ The lifespan policy is transient ­ The ID assignment policy uses system IDs ­ The ID uniqueness policy uses unique IDs ­ The implicit activation policy is enabled ­ The request processing policy uses an active object map ­ The servant retention policy retains servants ­ The thread policy gives the ORB control If these policies are inappropriate, you can create your own child POAs via the PortableServer::POA::create_POA() factory UC Irvine 136 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Canonical Steps to Obtain the Root POA // ORB is ``locality constrained'' CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv); // Root POA is the default POA (locality constrained) CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA"); // Type-safe downcast. PortableServer::POA_var root_poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow ( ()); // Activate the POA. PortableServer::POA_Manager_var poa_manager = root_poa->the_POAManager (); poa_manager->activate (); UC Irvine 137 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Implicit Activation Policy This policy controls whether a servant can be activated implicitly or explicitly enum ImplicitActivationPolicyValue { IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION, NO_IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION /* DEFAULT */ }; interface ImplicitActivationPolicy : CORBA::Policy { readonly attribute ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value; } When the IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy value is used with RETAIN and SYSTEM_ID policy values servants are added to the AOM by calling _this() The NO_IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy value requires servants to be activated via one of the POA::activate_object*() calls UC Irvine 138 CORBA Tutorial Do Implict Activation with System IDs This example illustrates _this(): interface Quoter // ... IDL { long get_quote (in string stock_name) raises (Invalid_Stock); }; // Auto-generated for use by servants. class My_Quoter : public virtual POA_Stock::Quoter { public: // ... CORBA::Long get_quote (const char *stock_name); }; My_Quoter *quoter = new My_Quoter; // Implicit activation with system ID PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = quoter->_this (); PortableServer::POA_Manager_var poa_manager = root_poa->the_POAManager (); poa_manager->activate (); orb->run (); UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of ID Assignment Policy This policy controls whether object IDs are created by the ORB or by an application enum IdAssignmentPolicyValue { USER_ID, SYSTEM_ID /* DEFAULT */ }; interface IdAssignmentPolicy : CORBA::Policy { readonly attribute IdAssignmentPolicyValue value; } The USER_ID policy value works best with the NO_IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION and PERSISTENT policy values The SYSTEM_ID policy value works best with the IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION and TRANSIENT policy values UC Irvine 140 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Lifespan Policy This policy controls whether object references are transcient or persistent enum LifespanPolicyValue { PERSISTENT, TRANSIENT /* DEFAULT */ }; interface LifespanPolicy : CORBA::Policy { readonly attribute LifespanPolicyValue value; } The PERSISTENT policy value works best with the NO_IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION and USER_ID policy values The TRANSIENT policy value works best with the IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION and SYSTEM_ID policy values UC Irvine 141 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Creating a Child POA We use the PortableServer::POA::create_POA() operation to create a new POA with the USER_ID and PERSISTENT policies CORBA::PolicyList policies (2); policies[0] = root_poa->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::USER_ID); policies[1] = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::PERSISTENT); PortableServer::POA_ptr child_poa = root_poa->create_POA ("child_poa", // New POA name PortableServer::POAManager::_nil (), // Non-shared POA manager policies); // New POA policies for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i != policies.length (); ++i) policies[i]->destroy (); UC Irvine 142 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Explicit Activation with User IDs This example illustrates POA::activate_object_with_id(): // Create a new servant instance. My_Quoter *quoter = new My_Quoter; // Create a new user-defined object ID for the object. PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId ("my quoter"); // Activate the object with the new object ID child_poa->activate_object_with_id ( (), quoter); PortableServer::POA_Manager_var poa_manager = child_poa->the_POAManager (); poa_manager ()->activate (); // Run the ORB's event loop. orb->run (); UC Irvine 143 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt The Servant Retention Policy This policy controls whether a POA has an active object map. enum ServantRetentionPolicyValue { NON_RETAIN, RETAIN /* DEFAULT */ }; interface ServantRetentionPolicy : CORBA::Policy { readonly attribute ServantRetentionPolicyValue value; } The NON_RETAIN policy value must be used in conjunction with the request processing policy of either ­ USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT, in which case the POA delegates incoming requests to a default servant (used for DSI) ­ USE_SERVANT_MANAGER, in which case the POA uses the Interceptor pattern to determine how to associate a servant with the request UC Irvine 144 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt POA Policies for Lazy Object Allocation The following example illustrates how to create references without first activating objects: PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId ("my quoter"); CORBA::Object_var obj = child_poa->create_reference_with_id ( (), "IDL:Stock/Quoter:1.0"); // Repository ID. // Insert into a name context. name_context->bind (svc_name, obj); // Later the following steps happen: // 1. A new My_Quoter servant is created // 2. This object is activated in the child_poa UC Irvine 145 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Repository IDs An IDL compiler generates a unique repository ID for each identifier in an IDL file module Stock { // IDL:Stock:1.0 interface Quoter { // IDL:Stock/Quoter:1.0 long get_quote (in string stock_name); // IDL:Stock/Quoter/get_quote:1.0 }; You can use #pragma prefix to ensure the uniqueness of repository IDs #pragma prefix "" module Stock { // interface Quoter { // long get_quote (in string stock_name); // }; You can use #pragma version to change the version number UC Irvine 146 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Servant Managers The POA defines servant managers to support the lazy object allocation approach described above A servant manager is an interceptor that incarnates and etherealizes servants on-demand Two types of servant managers are supported ­ ServantActivator, which allocates a servant the first time it's accessed ­ ServantLocator, which allocates and deallocates a servant on each request Naturally, each type of servant manager can be selected via POA policies UC Irvine 147 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt The Request Processing Policy This policy controls whether a POA uses an AOM, a default servant, or "faults in" servants on-demand enum RequestProcessingPolicyValue { USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY /* DEFAULT */, USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT, USE_SERVANT_MANAGER }; interface RequestProcessingPolicy : CORBA::Policy { readonly attribute RequestProcessingPolicyValue value; } The USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY policy value must be used in conjunction with the RETAIN servant retention policy The USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy value must be used in conjunction with the MULTIPLE_ID ID uniqueness policy UC Irvine 148 CORBA Tutorial Do Servant Activator Definition A POA created with RETAIN servant retention policy and the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER request processing policy uses the servant activator to "fault in" servants into the POA typedef ServantBase *Servant; // Skeleton class namespace POA_PortableServer { class ServantActivator : public virtual ServantManager { // Destructor. virtual ~ServantActivator (void); // Create a new servant for . virtual Servant incarnate (const ObjectId &id, POA_ptr poa) = 0; // is no longer active in . virtual void etherealize (const ObjectId &, POA_ptr poa, Servant servant, Boolean remaining_activations) = 0; }; } UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Do Custom ServantActivator Definition and Creation // Implementation class. class My_Quoter_Servant_Activator : public POA_PortableServer::ServantActivator { Servant incarnate (const ObjectId &oid, POA_ptr poa) { String_var s = PortableServer::ObjectId_to_string (oid); if (strcmp ( (), "my quoter") == 0) return new My_Quoter; else throw CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (); } void etherealize (const ObjectId &oid, POA_ptr poa, Servant servant, Boolean remaining_activations) { if (remaining_activations == 0) servant->_remove_ref (); } }; UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Do Overview of the String var Class String_var is a "smart pointer" class class String_var { public: // Initialization and termination methods. String_var (char *); // Assumes ownership. String_var (const char *); // CORBA::string_dup(). // ... (assignment operators are similar) ~String_var (); // Deletes the string. // Indexing operators. char &operator[] (CORBA::ULong index); char operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) const; // Workarounds for broken C++ compilers. const char *in () const; char *&inout (); char *&out (); // Relinquishes ownership. char *_retn (); }; istream &operator >> (istream, CORBA::String_var &); ostream &operator << (ostream, const CORBA::String_var); UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Do Servant Locator Definition A POA created with NON_RETAIN servant retention policy and the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER request processing policy uses the servant locator to create/destroy a servant for each request namespace POA_PortableServer { class ServantLocator : public virtual ServantManager { // Destructor. virtual ~ServantLocator (void); // Create a new servant for . virtual PortableServer::Servant preinvoke (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, const char *operation, PortableServer::Cookie &cookie) = 0; // is no longer active in . virtual void postinvoke (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, const char *operation, PortableServer::Cookie cookie, PortableServer::Servant servant) = 0; }; } UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Do Custom ServantLocator Definition and Creation // Implementation class. class My_Quoter_Servant_Locator : public POA_PortableServer::ServantLocator { Servant preinvoke (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, const char *operation, PortableServer::Cookie &cookie) { CORBA::String_var str = PortableServer::ObjectId_to_string (oid); Object_State state; if (database_lookup (str, state) == -1) throw CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (); return new My_Quoter (state); } void postinvoke (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, const char *operation, PortableServer::Cookie cookie, PortableServer::Servant servant) { database_update (servant); servant->_remove_ref (); } }; UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Registering Servant Locators PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId ("my quoter"); CORBA::Object_var obj = poa->create_reference_with_id ( (), "IDL:Quoter:1.0"); // Insert into a name context. name_context->bind (svc_name, ()); My_Quoter_Servant_Locator *quoter_locator = new My_Quoter_Servant_Locator; // Locality constrained. ServantLocator_var locator = quoter_locator->_this (); poa->set_servant_manager ( ()); PortableServer::POA_Manager_var poa_manager = poa->the_POAManager (); poa_manager ()->activate (); orb->run (); UC Irvine 154 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of Adapter Activators Adapter Activator: Callback object used when a request is received for a child POA that does not exist currently ­ The adapter activator can then create the required POA on demand UC Irvine 155 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Additional Information on the POA See OMG POA specification for some examples: ­ One Servant for all Objects ­ Single Servant, many objects and types, using DSI See Vinoski/Henning book for even more examples See Schmidt/Vinoski C++ Report columns ­ See TAO release to experiment with working POA examples ­ $TAO_ROOT/examples/POA/ UC Irvine 156 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Motivation for Concurrency in CORBA SERVER WORK REQUEST WORK REQUEST WORK REQUEST WORK REQUEST CLIENT CLIENT CLIENT CLIENT (2) CONCURRENT SERVER maxfdp1 read_fds WORK REQUEST SERVER CLIENT WORK REQUEST WORK REQUEST WORK REQUESTCLIENT CLIENT CLIENT (1) ITERATIVE SERVER Leverage hardware/software ­ e.g., multi-processors and OS thread support Increase performance ­ e.g., overlap computation and communication Improve response-time ­ e.g., GUIs and network servers Simplify program structure ­ e.g., sync vs. async UC Irvine 157 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Overview of the Thread Policy This policy controls whether requests are dispatched serially (i.e., single-threaded) or whether they are dispatched using an ORB-defined threading model enum ThreadPolicyValue { SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL, ORB_CTRL_MODEL /* DEFAULT */ }; interface ThreadPolicy : CORBA::Policy { readonly attribute ThreadPolicyValue value; } The SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL policy value serializes all requests within a particular POA (but not between POAs, so beware of "servant sharing"...) The ORB_CTRL_MODEL can be used to allow the ORB to select the type of threading model and synchronization for a particular POA (which is not very portable, of course...) UC Irvine 158 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Threading in TAO An application can choose to ignore threads and if it creates none, it need not be thread-safe TAO can be configured with various concurrency strategies: ­ Thread-per-Connection ­ Thread Pool ­ Thread-per-Endpoint TAO also provides many locking strategies ­ TAO doesn't automatically synchronize access to application objects ­ Therefore, applications must synchronize access to their own objects UC Irvine 159 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt TAO Multi-threading Examples Each example implements a concurrent CORBA stock quote service ­ Show how threads can be used on the server The server is implemented in two different ways: 1. Thread-per-Connection ! Every client connection causes a new thread to be spawned to process it 2. Thread Pool ! A fixed number of threads are generated in the server at start-up to service all incoming requests Note that clients are unaware which concurrency model is being used... UC Irvine 160 CORBA Tutorial Do TAO's Thread-per-Connection Concurrency Architecture Client OBJ REF Object (Servant) in args operation() out args + return IDL SKEL Object Adapter ORB CORE IDL STUBS orb->run() Pros Simple to implement and efficient for long-duration requests Cons Excessive overhead for short-duration requests Permits unbounded number of concurrent requests UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Thread-per-Connection Main Program Server creates a Quoter_Factory and waits in ORB's event loop int main (void) { ORB_Manager orb_manager (argc, argv); const char *factory_name = "my quoter factory"; // Create servant (registers with rootPOA and Naming Service). My_Quoter_Factory factory (factory_name); // Block indefinitely dispatching upcalls. (); // After run() returns, the ORB has shutdown. } The ORB's svc.conf file static Resource_Factory "-ORBResources global -ORBReactorType select_mt" static Server_Strategy_Factory "-ORBConcurrency thread-per-connection" UC Irvine 162 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Thread-per-Connection Quoter Interface Implementation of the Quoter IDL interface typedef u_long COUNTER; // Maintain request count. class My_Quoter : virtual public POA_Stock::Quoter, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { public: My_Quoter (const char *name); // Constructor. // Returns the current stock value. long get_quote (const char *stock_name) throw (CORBA::SystemException, Quoter::InvalidStock); private: ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_; // Serialize access to database. static COUNTER req_count_; // Maintain request count. }; UC Irvine 163 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Thread-per-Connection Quoter Implementation Implementation of multi-threaded Quoter callback invoked by the CORBA skeleton long My_Quoter::get_quote (const char *stock_name) { ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, g, lock_, -1); ++My_Quoter::req_count_; // Increment the request count. // Obtain stock price (beware...). long value = Quote_Database::instance ()->lookup_stock_price (stock_name); if (value == -1) throw Stock::Invalid_Stock (); // Skeleton handles exceptions. return value; } UC Irvine 164 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Thread Pool This approach creates a thread pool to amortize the cost of dynamically creating threads In this scheme, before waiting for input the server code creates the following: 1. A Quoter_Factory (as before) 2. A pool of threads based upon the command line input Note the use of the ACE_Thread_Manager::spawn_n() method to spawn multiple pool threads UC Irvine 165 CORBA Tutorial Do TAO's Thread Pool Concurrency Architecture Client OBJ REF Object (Servant) out args + return IDL SKEL Object Adapter ORB CORE IDL STUBS in args operation() orb->run() orb->run() orb->run() Pros Bounds the number of concurrent requests Scales nicely for multi-processor platforms, e.g., permits load balancing Cons May Deadlock UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Do Thread Pool Main Program int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { try { ORB_Manager orb_manager (argc, argv); const char *factory_name = "my quoter factory"; // Create the servant, which registers with // the rootPOA and Naming Service implicitly. My_Quoter_Factory factory (factory_name); int pool_size = // ... // Create a thread pool. ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->spawn_n (pool_size, &run_orb, (void *) orb_manager.orb ()); // Block indefinitely waiting for other // threads to exit. ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->wait (); // After run() returns, the ORB has shutdown. } catch (...) { /* handle exception ... */ } } UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Do Thread Pool Configuration The run_orb() adapter function void run_orb (void *arg) { try { CORBA::ORB_ptr orb = ACE_static_cast (CORBA::ORB_ptr, arg); // Block indefinitely waiting for incoming // invocations and dispatch upcalls. orb->run (); // After run() returns, the ORB has shutdown. } catch (...) { /* handle exception ... */ } } The ORB's svc.conf file static Resource_Factory "-ORBReactorType tp" UC Irvine CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Additional Information on CORBA Threading See Real-time CORBA 1.0 specification ­ Integrated with CORBA specifications = 2.4 See our papers on CORBA Threading ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ See TAO release to experiment with working threading examples ­ $TAO_ROOT/tests/ UC Irvine 169 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Implementation Repository Allows the ORB to activate servers to process operation invocations Store management information associated with objects ­ e.g., resource allocation, security, administrative control, server activation modes, etc. Primarily designed to work with persistent object references From client's perspective, behavior is portable, but administrative details are highly specific to an ORB/OS environment ­ i.e., not generally portable UC Irvine 170 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Typical Implementation Repository Use-case Client ImR (ringil:5000) Server (ringil:5500) 1. some_request 4. LOCATION_FORWARD 2. ping 3. is_running 5. some_request 6. some_response iiop://ringil:5000/poa_name/object_name ringil:4500plane.exeairplane_poa server.exepoa_name ringil:4500plane.exeairplane_poa server.exepoa_name ringil:5500 2.1 start iiop://ringil:5500/poa_name/object_name UC Irvine 171 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Server Activation via Implementation Repository If the server isn't running when a client invokes an operation on an object it manages, the Implementation Repository automatically starts the server Servers can register with the Implementation Repository ­ e.g., in TAO % tao_imr add airplane_poa -c "plane.exe" Server(s) may be installed on any machine Clients may bind to an object in a server by using the Naming Service or by explicitly identifying the server UC Irvine 172 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Server Activation Modes An idle server will be automatically launched when one of its objects is invoked TAO's Implementation Repository supports four types of activation 1. Normal ! one server, started if needed but not running 2. Manual ! one server, will not be started on client request, i.e., pre-launched 3. Per-client call ! one server activated for each request to the Implementation Repository 4. Automatic ! like normal, except will also be launched when the Implementation Repository starts UC Irvine 173 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt The CORBA Component Model Callback COMPONENT CORBA Container Callback COMPONENT CORBA Interfaces External Home Interfaces Internal Container Interfaces POA External Home Interfaces Internal Interfaces Persistent Interfaces POA ORB NotificationSecurity Transactions schmidt/PDF/CBSE.pdf Features ­ Navigation among interfaces supported by components ­ Standardized system-component interaction ­ Standardized component life-cycle management ­ Component interconnections ­ Standardized component configuration ­ Standardized ORB services interfaces UC Irvine 174 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Evaluating CORBA INTERFACE REPOSITORY IMPLEMENTATION REPOSITORY IDL COMPILER DII ORB INTERFACE ORB CORE GIOP/IIOP/ESIOPS IDL STUBS operation() in args out args + return value CLIENT OBJECT (SERVANT) OBJ REF STANDARD INTERFACE STANDARD LANGUAGE MAPPING ORB-SPECIFIC INTERFACE STANDARD PROTOCOL INTERFACE REPOSITORY IMPLEMENTATION REPOSITORY IDL COMPILER IDL SKELETON DSI OBJECT ADAPTER Criteria Learning curve Interoperability Portability Feature Limitations Performance UC Irvine 175 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Learning Curve CORBA introduces the following: 1. New concepts ­ e.g., object references, proxies, and object adapters 2. New components and tools ­ e.g., interface definition languages, IDL compilers, and object-request brokers 3. New features ­ e.g., exception handling and interface inheritance Time spent learning this must be amortized over many projects UC Irvine 176 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Interoperability The first CORBA 1 spec was woefully incomplete with respect to interoperability ­ The solution was to use ORBs provided by a single supplier CORBA 2.x defines a useful interoperability specification ­ Later extensions deal with portability issues for server i.e., the POA spec Most ORB implementations now support IIOP or GIOP robustly... ­ However, higher-level CORBA services aren't covered by ORB interoperability spec... UC Irvine 177 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Portability To improve portability, the latest CORBA specification standardizes ­ IDL-to-C++ language mapping ­ Naming service, event service, lifecycle service ­ ORB initialization service ­ Portable Object Adapter API ­ Servant mapping ­ Server thread pools (Real-time CORBA) Porting applications from ORB-to-ORB is greatly simplified by corbaconf ­ UC Irvine 178 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Feature Limitations (1/3) Standard CORBA doesn't yet address all the "inherent" complexities of distributed computing, e.g., ­ Latency ­ Causal ordering ­ Deadlock It does address ­ Service partitioning ­ Fault tolerance ­ Security UC Irvine 179 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Feature Limitations (2/3) All ORBs support the following semantics: ­ Object references are passed by-reference However, all operations are routed to the originator ­ C-style structures and discriminated unions may be passed by-value However, these structures and unions do not contain any methods Older ORBs didn't support passing objects-by-value (OBV) ­ However, CORBA 2.3 OBV spec. defines a solution for this and many ORBs now implement it If OBV is not available, objects can be passed by value using hand-crafted "factories" (tedious) UC Irvine 180 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Feature Limitations (3/3) Many ORBs do not yet support AMI and/or standard CORBA timeouts ­ However, these capabilities are defined in the OMG Messaging and are implemented by ORBs like TAO and Orbix 2000 Specification Most ORBs do not yet support fault tolerance ­ This was standardized by the OMG recently, however ­ Tolerance RFP.html Versioning is supported in IDL via pragmas ­ Unlike Sun RPC or DCE, which include in language UC Irvine 181 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Performance Limitations Performance may not be as good as hand-crafted code for some applications due to ­ Additional remote invocations for naming ­ Marshaling/demarshaling overhead ­ Data copying and memory management ­ Endpoint and request demultiplexing ­ Context switching and synchronization overhead Typical trade-off between extensibility, robustness, maintainability ! micro-level efficiency Note that a well-crafted ORB may be able to automatically optimize macro-level efficiency UC Irvine 182 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt CORBA Implementations Many ORBs are now available ­ Orbix2000 and ORBacus from IONA ­ VisiBroker from Borland ­ BEA Web Logic Enterprise ­ Component Broker from IBM ­ eORB from Vertel, ORB Express from OIS, and HighComm from Borland ­ Open-source ORBs ! TAO, JacORB, omniORB, and MICO In theory, CORBA facilitates vendor-independent and platform-independent application collaboration ­ In practice, heterogeneous ORB interoperability and portability still an issue... UC Irvine 183 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt CORBA Services Other OMG documents (e.g., COSS) specify higher level services ­ Naming service Mapping of convenient object names to object references ­ Event service Enables decoupled, asynchronous communication between objects ­ Lifecycle service Enables flexible creation, copy, move, and deletion operations via factories Other CORBA services include transactions, trading, relationship, security, concurrency, property, A/V streaming, etc. UC Irvine 184 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Summary of CORBA Features CORBA specifies the following functions to support an Object Request Broker (ORB) ­ Interface Definition Language (IDL) ­ A mapping from IDL onto C++, Java, C, COBOL, etc. ­ A Static Invocation Interface, used to compose operation requests via proxies ­ A Dynamic Invocation Interface, used to compose operation requests at run-time ­ Interface and Implementation Repositories containing meta-data queried at run-time ­ The Portable Object Adapter (POA), allows service programmers to interface their code with an ORB UC Irvine 185 CORBA Tutorial Douglas C. Schmidt Concluding Remarks Additional information about CORBA is available on-line at the following WWW URLs ­ Doug Schmidt's CORBA page ­ OMG's WWW Page ­ CETUS CORBA Page corba.html UC Irvine 186