Key management and security management PA018 Vašek Matyáš Reminder ­ relevant topics... * User authentication and identification ­ Passwords, replay attacks, challenge-response * Cryptography, its applications * Follow-up: Security in communications and networks ­ Authentication in networks ­ Kerberos Key Management * Generation ­ Random bit generators (coin tossing, el. noise, etc.) ­ Pseudorandom generators ­ usual in reality * Importance of (statistical) tests * Use of good ciphers * Key storage * Key distribution * Key usage * Key archiving / destroying ... Key Managements Concepts I. * Key Certification Center (CA center) * Key Distribution Center * Key Escrow * Key Freshness * Key Granularity * Key Material Key Managements Concepts II. * Key Notarization * Key Recovery * Key Space * Key Tag * Trusted Third Party Involvement of trusted parties * For system setup and/or any protocol run ­ Off-line, on-line, in-line * Key transport and/or generation * Trust to keep secrets vs. trust to certify data * Assumptions of following the course of action prescribed by the protocol, not knowingly collaborating with attackers, etc. KDC Use ­ Usual Problems * Delegation of trust might not be voluntary * Attacks have to be watched by all parties ­ Key reuse ­ Impersonation of A towards C ­ Impersonation of A towards B ISO/IEC 9798 ­ Entity Authentication * Framework (1), Symmetric (2), Asymm. (3) * Part 3 (handouts...): ­ Unilateral auth. * One-pass ­ signed sequence number or timestamp * Two-pass ­ challenge-response (random number) ­ Mutual auth. * Two-pass ­ signed sequence numbers or timestamps * Three-pass ­ challenge-response (random number) * Two-pass parallel ­ two unilateral two-pass protocols Attacker can... * Record messages * Replay them later ­ Possibly in different order ­ Some repeatedly ­ Some not at all * Modify a part of or whole message Types of attacks on protocols * Man-in-the-middle * Replay * Reflection * Interleave * Oracle (chosen-text) * Forced delay * ... Time-variant parameters (nonces) * Random numbers (select from a uniform distribution), challenge-response ­ freshness * Sequence numbers ­ Greater-by-one or only monotonic increase check ­ Counter maintenance, reset policy * Timestamps ­ Acceptance window ­ Secure, synchronized & distributed time info (clocks) Example: ISO/IEC 11770 * Information technology ­ Security techniques ­ Key Management * Part 1: Key management framework * Part 2: Mechanisms using symmetric techniques * Part 3: Mechanisms using asymmetric techniques ISO/IEC 11770-1 1. Scope 2. Normative references 3. Definitions 4. General Disc. of KM 1. Protection of keys 1. Crypt. means 2. Non-crypt. means 3. Physical means 4. Organiz. means 2. Generic Key Life Cycle Model 1. Transitions between Key States 2. Transitions, Services and Keys ISO/IEC 11770-1 5. Concepts of Key M. 1. Key M. Services 1. Generate-Key 2. Register-Key 3. Create-Key-Certificate 4. Distribute-Key 5. Install-Key 6. Store-Key 7. Derive-Key 8. Archive-Key 9. Revoke-Key 10. Deregister-Key 11. Destroy-Key 2. Support Services 1. Key M. Facility Services 2. User-oriented Services 3. Conceptual Models for Key Distribution 1. KD between Communicating Entities 2. KD within One Domain 3. KD between Domains 7. Specific Service Providers Annexes (!!!) ISO/IEC 11770-3 * Secret key agreement (7 mechanisms) * Secret key transport (6 mechanisms) * Public key transport ­ Without a TTP (2 mechanisms) ­ Using a CA (1 mechanism ) Related ISO standards * 7498 ­ OSI ­ Security Architecture * 9798 ­ Entity Authentication * 10181 ­ Security Frameworks for Open Systems Broader scope of standards related to information security * Audit standards ­ Financial audit ­ IS/IT audit * IT security standards * (Other) IT standards IT security standards * Basic standards ­ OSI security architecture, entity authentication mechanisms * Functional standards ­ how to use basic standards * Evaluation criteria * Industrial standards and methodologies * Interpretative documentation ­ dictionaries, guidelines, etc. Classification of standards * By publisher ­ Worldwide ­ ISO, ISO/IEC, CCITT/ITU ­ US ­ ANSI, NIST ­ EU ­ CEN, CENELEC, ECMA ­ Groups ­ IETF-RFC, IEEE ­ Industrial ­ RSA ­ PKCS * By content/cover Basic cryptography standards * Symmetric crypto ­ DES, AES * Asymmetric crypto ­ encryption, signatures, key exchange and transfer ­ IEEE P1363 ­ Factoring-based, Discrete log based, Elliptic curve ­ NIST FIPS 186-3 ­ Digital Signature Standard * Hash functions ­ SHA-1, RIPEMD, (MD5), SHA-512 Cryptographic algorithms * Crucial to most systems * National (self-)interests * Decades of intentional avoidance of this topic for international standardization * Crucial to DES importance ­ indirect support by missing widely accepted better standards * Therefore high expectations of AES Applied/Functional cryptography standards * Digital certificates ­ X.509, * PKCS ­ RSA, D-H, Certificate, Message, Private-Key, Attributes, Certificate Request, Crypto Token Interface & Information, ECC * Security/Crypto protocols ­ Low level ­ basic standards (entity auth.) ­ ISO/IEC ­ Key Management 11770, Non-rep. 13888 ­ IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) ­ PKIX, IPSEC, S/MIME Evaluation criteria * USA ­ late 60s and 70s ­ need to minimize costs for individual evaluations * 1985 ­ Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria ­ "Orange Book" ­ D class ­ no security ­ A1 ­ highest security (mathematical formalism) Development of criteria * Europe ­ ITSEC ­ separation of functionality and assurance * Canada ­ CTCPEC ­ functionality separated into confidentiality, integrity, accountability, and availability * US ­ Federal Criteria ­ development halted * Common Criteria ­ worldwide standard ­ ISO/IEC 15408 Common Criteria * Interests of users, manufacturers, evaluators * Target of evaluation (TOE) ­ what is (to be) evaluated * Protection profile (smartcards, biometrics, etc.) ­ Catalogued as a self-standing evaluation document * Security target (ST) ­ theoretical concept/aim * Evaluation of TOE ­ is the reality corresponding to theory (ST)? * Functional and Assurance requirements Importance of criteria * Eases application and use of secure systems ­ easier comparison and choice-to-fit * Eases specification of requirements * Easier design and development ISO 27k ­ BS7799 * Code of Practice for Information Security Management ­ 1995 * Specification for Information Security Management Systems ­ 1998 * Update of both in 1999 * ISO/IEC standard 17799 * ISO/IEC 27000 series ­ ISO/IEC 27001 replaces ISO/IEC 17799 One step after another... 1. Risk analysis 2. Specification of security policy and security architecture 3. Design and implementation of security mechanisms 4. Support, maintenance, control, reevaluation (back to 1...) Risk analysis * Often rather risk assessment ­ less formal and rigorous process * Quantitative vs. qualitative * Quantitative ­ Easy to understand the results ­ Results usually in $$$ (risk exposure) * Qualitative ­ Discrete scale (not $$$) ­ Easy to automate, not that easy to understand the results Risk analysis ­ notes * Information collection ­ questionnaires, interviews * Control of completeness ­ formal checks, experience of the evaluator (!!!) * Processing of inputs (semi-automated) * Report with suggestions for risk reduction or even elimination Incidents caused by * Errors (not intended to happen): 50-70% * Natural/utility influence: 10-15% * Malicious software: 5-10% * Intentional sabotage/attack/corruption by own/past employees/members: 10-20% * External attackers: 1-5% Impact of incidents is yet another issue! Role of IT security manager * Experience with IT security very important * Art of persuasion critical! * Experience: 60% management skills, 40% security expert skills * Very demanding and challenging position ­ Criticized for incidents ­ Criticized for obstructions to "normal" processes ­ Can be appreciated for "nothing happening"? Security policy * VERY IMPORTANT for improving the (IT) security in any company * Company business goals IT goals IT security goals * Helps with ­ Setting priorities (for IT, security departments) * Long-term goals vs. short-term goals * Improvement of services (vs.) company survival(!) ­ Getting management support and assuming direct responsibilities Security policy and company culture * The best security mechanisms are useless without effective support of all parties involved * End-users must be trained and interested * Management must be involved (or better lead!) * Security is a process, not a product Course reading ­ week 5 * Ron Rivest ­ Chaffing and Winnowing ­ CryptoBytes (RSA Laboratories), volume 4, number 1 (summer 1998), pp. 12-17 * Coming back to the reading from last week... Posílání PINů poštou... * Bezpečnost PINů zasílaných poštou * Impulzem byla snadnost prosvícení u ČS ­ 100% úspěšnost s běžným zdrojem světla * Šance útočníků nepozorovaně zjistit citlivé informace * Česká spořitelna, eBanka, GE, HVB Bank * Celkově 20 obálek (zaslané poštou, některé nedoporučeně) * Zdroje světla: kapesní svítilna, LED, optická myš Česká spořitelna * PIN mailer využívající laserového tisku * Prosvěcování bylo nejsnazší * V obálkách jeden list papíru s PINem * Prosvícení třech papírů + dvě černé krytí * Nebyla nutná absolutní tma * I začátečník dosáhl 100% úspěchu * Starší obálky ­ průklepový tisk, bez úspěchu (PIN vytištěn velmi slabě) * Průklepový tisk ­ nerovnosti na obálce -> umístění do další (vnější obálky) eBanka a GE Money Bank * PIN, přihlašovací údaje pro iBanking * Průklepový tisk (až 4 vrstvy krytí) * Horší výsledky (1 ze 4 PINů) * PINy ­ průklepový tisk, bez úspěchu * iBanking ­ laserový tisk ­ Heslo vytištěno výrazně větším písmem ­ Přečteno zcela bez problémů HVB Bank * PINy ­ laserový tisk, odnímatelná fólie ­ Jeden PIN (ze dvou) se podařilo přečíst * Tele-Banking ­ průklepový tisk, dvě krytí ­ Určení pozice a délky PINu + 6 řádků textu ­ 6místný PIN + číslice zapsané slovně ­ Možnost zjištění PINu podle slovního zápisu nebo prvního (velkého) písmene ­ I tak je určení hodnoty PINu poměrně obtížné Embosované karty a další pozorování * Problém při posílání karet poštou (HVB) ­ Snadno lze získat informace z obálky ­ Vytvoření padělku karty * Různé úrovně vyškolení personálu banky ­ GE ­ hodnota aktivačního kódu ­ HVB ­ změna limitů zasláním e-mailu * Žádné ověření e-mailové adresy * ČS ­ autentizační SMS zprávy ­ Potvrzení převodu peněz, ale ne změn příjemců * eBanka ­ social engineering např. při tel. hovoru Závěr * Banky nereagovaly na publikované problémy PIN-mailerů * Laserový tisk poskytuje menší ochranu ­ Dobré výsledky s ostrým světlem ­ Není nutná naprostá tma * Průklepový ­ Dobré výsledky s kapesní svítilnou ­ Nutná naprostá tma * Počet krycích vrstev nehrál významnou roli * Redundantní informace o PINech ulehčují útoky * Posílání embosovaných karet poštou zcela nevhodné * Autentizační mechanizmy aplikovat na všechny operace