IA072 Seminar on Concurrency
- 20. 2. 2009 - Arrangements
- 27. 2. 2009 - Marek Trtík - S. Lahiri, S. Qadeer: Back to the Future: Revisiting Precise Program Verification using SMT Solvers, POPL 2008, 171--182.
- 6. 3. 2009 - Vašek Brožek - Markov Decision Processes over One Counter Machines (original research)
- 13. 3. 2009 - Martin Milata - T. Hubert and C. Marché: Separation analysis for deductive verification, HAV 2007, 81--93 (included in HAV 2007 Proceedings).
- 20. 3. 2009 - Tomáš Babiak - Jahob + K. Zee, V. Kuncak, and M. Rinard: Full Functional Verification of Linked Data Structures, PLDI 2008.
- 27. 3. 2009 - Fanda Blahoudek - TVLA
- 3. 4. 2009 - Filip Štefaňák - T. Noll, and S. Rieger: Verifying Dynamic Pointer-Manipulating Threads, FM 2008, LNCS 5014, pp. 84–99. (older version: J.-P. Katoen, T. Noll, and S. Rieger: Verifying Concurrent List-Manipulating Programs by LTL Model Checking, HAV 2007, 94--113).
- 10. 4. 2009 - Easter
- 17. 4. 2009 - Andrej Pančík - T. Wies, V. Kuncak, K. Zee, A. Podelski, and M. Rinard: Verifying Complex Properties using Symbolic Shape Analysis, HAV 2007.
- 24. 4. 2009 - Honza Obdržálek - STANSE
- 1. 5. 2009 - holiday
- 8. 5. 2009 - holiday
- 15. 5. 2009 - ???
- 22. 5. 2009 - Honza Holeček - S. K. Lahiri, S. Qadeer: Verifying properties of well-founded linked lists, POPL 2006, 115--126.
papers to present:
- J. Brotherston, R. Bornat and C. Calcagno: Cyclic Proofs of Program Termination in Separation Logic, POPL 2008.
tools to present: