Digital Computer Architecture II

Lesson 3 - Introduction to PIC programming, Inputs/outputs, GPIO

 Study Materials

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Task 1

Blinking diod - GP5 as output, two counters, when lower counter overflows, higher counter increments. When higher counter overflows, led state changes.

Solved example attached bellow.

Task 2

Add second blinking diod - GP4. On overflow of counter their will change their states - one will switch off, second one switch on.

Task 3

Again two diods, but period now should be 1second (intruction cycle takes 1microsedond (1MHz)). The sequence shoud be: LED1ON & LED2OFF, BOTH OFF, LED1OFF & LED2ON, BOTH OFF, LED1ON & LED2OFF, BOTH OFF, LED1OFF & LED2ON, BOTH OFF, etc.


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