Digital Computer Architecture II
Lesson 4 - Counters, Timers
Study Materials
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Task 1
Blinking diod - GP5 as output, TMR0 is used and when overflows, interrupt bit T0IF in register INTCON is set, so we change the state of the diod.
Solved example attached bellow.
Task 2
Use TIMER0 for measuring of 50ms. Using this 50ms interval, blink with one diod in 1s period.
Task 3
Use TIMER1 for measuring a half second. Use two led diods, with period 2 second between different states. The sequence shoud be: LED1ON & LED2OFF (2sec.), BOTH OFF (2sec.), LED1OFF & LED2ON (2sec.), BOTH OFF (2sec.), LED1ON & LED2OFF (2sec.), BOTH OFF (2sec.), LED1OFF & LED2ON (2sec.), BOTH OFF (2sec.), etc.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.