Introduction PV178: Programming for .NET Framework Course Outline, Organisation Information Vojtˇech Forejt, Martin Osovsk´y, Faculty of Informatics and Institute of Computer Science Masaryk University February 19, 2009 Introduction The course in a nutshell Introductory course to the C# programming language (version 3.0) and .NET Framework. Explain the concepts of C# programming language and put them into context. Demonstrate key features of .NET Framework. Provide entertaining exercises. Work with state of the art technologies. Introduction Requirements Basic understanding of English1. Basic programming skills (any object oriented programming language). Basic algorithmic skills (The Design of Algorithms). Couple of useful notes for those who remember something from the Principles of Programming Languages course. 1 If you understand this footnote, you're OK. Introduction The course outline Introduction to the C# programming language and .NET Framework Base Class Library Memory management, compiling, metadata Microsoft Visual Studio WPF, WCF, other libraries C# 4.0, F# etc. Mono, DotGNU Outline may change depending on the conditions. Introduction Teaching 1 lecture per week (two hours) 1 seminar per week (one hour) Homeworks Project Exam Introduction Lectures Basic coverage of the topics. Presentations, examples and all supplementary materials available online (in the e-learning agenda of IS MU). References to additional materials (books, websites). Presentations (slides) provide only basic outline for the covered topics. Introduction Seminars Not intended as replacement for lectures. Extend the topic coverage of the lectures, provide additional information (may be required to pass the exam). Attendance is voluntary (presence is neither checked nor credited). Start working on given homeworks. Any materials from the seminars (exercises, example solutions, slides) available on-line. Introduction Homeworks Easy. Extend the exercises from seminars. 5 homeworks, each for 4 points. Introduction Exam Easy. Written, closed book exam. Multi-choice test. Maximum 35 points. Exam dates will be available in IS shortly. Introduction Projects Not as easy as homeworks and exam :-) Aim is to work on a code written by someone else. Fix a bug. Add a feature. Port an application to Mono. Propose a project by yourself. Must be approved by V48. For large projects, you may work in groups. Some ideas for projects can be found in IS. Maximum 45 points. To pass the course, you need 50 out of 20+35+45=100 points. Introduction Learning materials Basic references are listed in the IS (some of them available in the faculty library). Slides refer to (mostly) online materials (references summarised at the end of each presentation) ­ recommended reading References, sample code, slides and supplementary material available via the IS. Books available in the faculty library: B. Abrams: C# .NET Framework Library Annotated Standard J. Bishop: C# Concisely J. Miller: CLI Annotated Standard A. Hejlsberg: The C# Programming Language J. Richter: Applied .NET Framework Programming . . . Introduction Consultations, Contacts No fixed consultation hours (write an e-mail to arrange consultation). Using discussion forums in the IS is encouraged. E-mail (give us some time for reply). Contact information is publicly available in the IS. Try to contact V48 first. Introduction Questions Any questions so far?