Introduction Base Class Library PV178: Programming for .NET Framework CLI Libraries, Base Class Library Vojtˇech Forejt, Martin Osovsk´y, Faculty of Informatics and Institute of Computer Science Masaryk University February 26, 2009 Introduction Base Class Library CLI Library ­ Goals Standard library Available for all .NET languages CLS compliant (almost) Consistent design patterns Provide features similar to C Standard library of 1990 Support networking, XML, etc. Introduction Base Class Library Taxonomy Libraries and Profiles Library is specified by Set of types Set of CLI features Modification to types from other libraries CLI defines 7 libraries Profile is a set of libraries CLI defines 2 profiles: Kernel and Compact Introduction Base Class Library Taxonomy cont.Parallellibrary Extendedarraylibrary Floatingpointlibrary Compact profile Kernel profile XML library Network library Reflection library Runtime infrastructure library Base class library Introduction Base Class Library Base Class Library ­ Namespaces System System.CodeDom System.Collections System.Diagnostics System.Globalization System.IO System.Resources System.Text System.Text.RegularExpressions Introduction Base Class Library Arrays Single-dimensional arrays int [ ] arrayA = new int [ 5 ] ; int [ ] arrayB = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 }; Introduction Base Class Library Arrays Single-dimensional arrays int [ ] arrayA = new int [ 5 ] ; int [ ] arrayB = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 }; Multi-dimensional int [ , ] arrayC = new int [2 , 3 ] ; int [ , ] arrayD = { { 1 , 2 , 3 } , { 4 , 5 , 6 } }; Introduction Base Class Library Arrays Single-dimensional arrays int [ ] arrayA = new int [ 5 ] ; int [ ] arrayB = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 }; Multi-dimensional int [ , ] arrayC = new int [2 , 3 ] ; int [ , ] arrayD = { { 1 , 2 , 3 } , { 4 , 5 , 6 } }; Jagged arrays int [ ] [ ] arrayE = new int [ 5 ] [ ] ; arrayE [ 0 ] = new int [ 2 ] ; Introduction Base Class Library Indexers Allow instances of classes to be indexed like arrays Like properties with parameters public class MyCharArray { private char [ ] a r r ; public MyCharArray () { . . . } public char t h i s [ int i ] { get { return t h i s . a r r [ i ] ; } set { t h i s . a r r [ i ] = value ; } } } Introduction Base Class Library System.Collections namespace Collections Represent data structures for storing multiple objects. Two basic types in BCL: Lists, Dictionaries. Lists Contains simple objects. Dictionaries Contains key-values pairs. Introduction Base Class Library Enumeration Enumeration and Iteration Interface IEnumerable implements method IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); Class implementing IEnumerator does the enumeration. Boolean MoveNext() increments the index and returns true if the element exists. read-only property Object Current returns the object at the index. void Reset() sets the index to -1. Introduction Base Class Library Enumeration Enumeration and Iteration Interface IEnumerable implements method IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); Class implementing IEnumerator does the enumeration. Boolean MoveNext() increments the index and returns true if the element exists. read-only property Object Current returns the object at the index. void Reset() sets the index to -1. Iterator is a section of code that returns an ordered sequence of values of the same type Uses yield return and yield break statements to return elements and stop iterating Must return IEnumerable or IEnumerator Multiple iterators can be implemented in one class. The IEnumerator class is generated by compiler Introduction Base Class Library Enumeration Enumeration and Iteration cont. Example Iteration Introduction Base Class Library Enumeration Comparison For sorted collections or sets we need comparison support. Equality testing ­ virtual method Equals. Comparison ­ IComparable interface method int CompareTo() returns positive integer if value of this is greater than argument's value, zero if they are equal and negative integer otherwise. Introduction Base Class Library Enumeration ICollection Implements IEnumerable Property int Count Method void CopyTo(Array array, int index) Members used for synchronization Implementing classes Stack Methods Push, Pop, Peek. Queue Methods Enqueue and Dequeue. BitArray Compact array of bit values. Introduction Base Class Library Enumeration IList Implements ICollection. Important methods: Add Adds an item Clear Removes all items Contains Determines whether a value is contained IndexOf Returns index of first occurence of a value Insert Inserts an item at the index Remove Removes first occurence of the item RemoveAt Removes the item at the index Important properties: IsFixedSize IsReadOnly Item Gets or sets the element at the index Implementing class in BCL ArrayList - Array whose size is dynamically increased as required Introduction Base Class Library Enumeration ArrayList Example CollectionsExample.cs Introduction Base Class Library Enumeration IDictionary Implements ICollection Important members Item Gets or sets element with specified key. Keys Values Add Clear Contains Remove Implementing classes in BCL HashTable Key/value pairs organised based on the hash code of the key. SortedList Key/value pairs sorted by keys, accessible by key and index. Introduction Base Class Library Enumeration SortedList Example CollectionsExample.cs Introduction Base Class Library Enumeration Generic Collections Namespace System.Collections.Generic Defined with type parameters: Interfaces IEnumerable, IComparable, IList, IDictionary Classes Dictionary, SortedList, Stack, Queue "New" classes: LinkedList, List, SortedDictionary Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace System.IO Namespace ­ Overview Reading and writing to streams and files File and directory support Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace Streams Stream is a potentially infinite sequence of elements of certain type. Operate on a resource whose internal structure is hidden. Basic operations: reading, writing. Types: binary vs. character vs. other read-only vs. write-only vs. read/write synchronous (blocking) vs. asynchronous (non-blocking) sequential vs. random access "low-level" vs. adapter streams Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace System.IO.Stream Class Abstract class Basic methods and properties: Write Write a block (array) of bytes to the stream. WriteByte Write a single byte to the stream. Read Read a block of bytes from the stream. ReadByte Read a single byte from the stream. Close Close the stream. Seek Move the internal position pointer. Flush Flush the internal cache. CanRead CanWrite CanSeek Position Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace I/O Timeouts Read(),Write() are blocking operations. CanTimeout Does the stream support timeouts? ReadTimeout read timeout (usually in ms). WriteTimeout write timeout (usually in ms). May utilize asynchronous streams (not in this lecture). Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace Inheriting Classes FileStream Operates on file system file. Allows to set access permissions in a constructor. Support for seeking, no support for timeouts. Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace Inheriting Classes FileStream Operates on file system file. Allows to set access permissions in a constructor. Support for seeking, no support for timeouts. BufferedStream Adapter stream. Implements caching on a nested stream. Buffer size may be set in constructor. Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace Inheriting Classes FileStream Operates on file system file. Allows to set access permissions in a constructor. Support for seeking, no support for timeouts. BufferedStream Adapter stream. Implements caching on a nested stream. Buffer size may be set in constructor. MemoryStream Useful to compose data in memory. Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace Stream Example Example StreamsExample. Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace System.IO.TextReader Reading character data Similar to Stream Abstract class for StringReader and StreamReader. Read Read single character ReadBlock Read block (array) of characters ReadLine Read single line as string ReadToEnd Read to the end of reader and return as string Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace System.IO.TextWriter Writing character data Similar to Stream Abstract class for StringReader and StreamReader. Write write single object (of various types) WriteLine like Write, appends newline character Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace StreamWriter Example Example StreamWriterExample. Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace Compression adapter streams: DeflateStream, GZipStream DeflateStream implements deflate algoritm GZipStream as above, in standard format. Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace Compression Example Example Compress. Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace Filesystem classes Static File and non-static FileInfo classes Copying, deleting, moving or creating files Creating of FileStream static Directory and non-static DirectoryInfo classes Creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories Introduction Base Class Library System.IO namespace Filesystem Example Example FileSystemExamples