Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms PV178: Programming for .NET Framework Globalization, Windows Forms Vojtˇech Forejt, Martin Osovsk´y, Faculty of Informatics and Institute of Computer Science Masaryk University March 5, 2009 Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Lecture Overview Globalization Windows Forms Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Introduction Example ComparingExample.cs Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Introduction Key Terms Internationalization ­ the way application handles international data Character encoding, date and time, numeric and currency format. Localization ­ the proces of adapting the application for specific local market Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Introduction System.Globalization Namespace Includes classes for comparing strings with culture awareness ABAA < ABBA (ordinal) cot´e < c^ote (culture dependent) Date Time formats yy/mm/dd vs. dd/mm/yy numeric format 12,000.00 vs. 12.000,00 calendars Gregorian and non-Gregorian Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Introduction CultureInfo Class basic provider of cultural preferences access to culture-specific instances of DateTimeFormatInfo, NumberFormatInfo, CompareInfo, and TextInfo each Thread object has two CultureInfo properties Thread.CurrentCulture (Date and number formatting String comparison and casing Replaces and extends the locale ID in Win32 Thread.CurrentUICulture (resource selection for UI) Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Cultures Culture Names Culture name structure: --[Cyrl/Latn] language code: 2 or 3 lowercase letters (en, cs, div) country/region code: 2 uppercase letters (US, CZ) Cyrl/Latn denotes the alphabet used cs-CZ, en-US, az-AZ-Cyrl. . . Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Cultures Cultures Invariant culture (identified by empty string (String.Empty) Neutral culture (identified by language name) fr Influences only resources selection No formating information CurrentUICulture Specific culture fr-CA, fr-FR Both resources and formatting Both CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Cultures Classes and Namespaces That Use Culture System.String System.Globalization.StringInfo System.Globalization.Calendar System.Resources System.DateTime . . . Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Cultures Example CalendarExample.cs Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Resources Resources Allow to store other kinds of data besides executable code Strings, multimedia required by application (icons, sounds) Use when you need to distribute data with application Are localised, you may use different versions for different cultures. Can be strongly typed Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Resources Example ResourceExample Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Delegates Delegates Class encapsulating (static or instance) method Type-safe Contains pointer to method pointer to instance (or null if method is static) pointer to the next delegate (if any) Linked list of pointers to methods of the same type. Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Delegates Example DelegatesExample Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Events Events Allow objects to notify other object when something occurs (mouse click, synchronization) Defined using event keyword E.g. mouse click, thread synchronization Encapsulate delegates of type delegate void Name( object sender , EventArgs e ) Unlike delegate... event can be raised only from class that declared it. event can be included in interface declaration. Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Events Example EventsExample Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Introduction Windows Forms ­ Overview Most widely used .NET API for graphical UI Wrapper around Windows API Features: Component model, versioning, licensing Globalization Rich design time support in Visual Studio Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Introduction Windows Forms ­ Classes Controls (widgets) known from Windows TextBox, ComboBox. . . Menus, toolbars Data binding (ADO.NET) DataGridView. . . Layout control classes TableLayoutPanel, FlowLayoutPanel. . . Predefined dialog boxes PrintDialog, OpenFileDialog. . . ActiveX Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Introduction Basic Notions Component Control Form Property Event Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Components, events, forms Component Atomic element of graphical interface Configurable objects with certain properties Support for configuration in Visual Studio Visual vs. non-visual Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Components, events, forms Control Component which has visual representation allows user interaction System.Windows.Forms.Control class Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Components, events, forms Form Window within an application. Control that serves as a container for other components. Can be displayed using the following methods Show() ­ non modal, no relation with the currently active form ShowDialog() ­ modal, the form is owned by calling form. Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Components, events, forms Events Run by components... as a response to user interaction KeyUp,MouseMove, DragDrop. . . in certain states of the component life-cycle Load, Closing. . . as a response to changed states or performed tasks Invalidated, Paint. . . Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Components, events, forms Form ­ Life Cycle Constructor (it calls InitializeComponets) Before showing the form, the Load event is raised Activated (also raised when user switches to the form) Showed . . . FormClosing FormClosed Deactivated Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Components, events, forms Example FormEventsExample Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Positioning Positioning of Controls "Fixed": Location and Size properties "Dynamic": Anchor and Dock Controls used for positioning: Panel, SplitContainer, GroupBox, TabControl Properties similar to forms (anchoring, docking. . . ). Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Positioning Positioning of Controls cont. FlowLayoutPanel Child controls positioned in specified order LeftToRight, TopDown, . . . When panel is resized, the components are moved while preserving the order. TableLayoutPanel Child controls ordered in rows and columns Every row and column has either absolute size, or size in percents Every cell contains at most 1 control Controls may span more cells (RowSpan, ColumnSpan) Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Positioning Example FormEventsExample Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Controls Common Controls Button Label TextBox CheckBox RadioButton ListBox ComboBox ProgressBar DateTimePicker Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Controls Common Controls Button Label TextBox CheckBox RadioButton ListBox ComboBox ProgressBar DateTimePicker MaskedTextBox ­ Input of text data in certain format ListView ­ Showing collection items in four different ways TreeView ­ Showing tree-like data RichTextBox ­ Showing and entering formatted data NumericUpDown ­ Number input CheckedListBox ­ ListBox with checkboxes before items NotifyIcon ­ Shows icon in the taskbar notify area WebBrowser ­ Allows to show web pages in an application DataGrid ­ Display table with data Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Localization Localization Using resources Rich support in Visual Studio designer Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Localization Example Globalization Delegates and events Windows Forms Conclusion WinForms Topics Not Covered Here Data binding Visual inheritance Drag and drop Validation