Introduction WCF PV178: Programming for .NET Framework Windows Communication Foundation Vojtˇech Forejt, Martin Osovsk´y, Faculty of Informatics and Institute of Computer Science Masaryk University April 9, 2009 Introduction WCF Distributed Applications Applications composed of several processes. Processes usually communicate via a network. Java RMI, .NET Remoting, Web services. . . Each technology has slightly different purpose. The technologies are not compatible. Migrating from one technology to another requires a lot of effort. Introduction WCF Service Oriented Architecture Method of development in which systems provide functionality as loosely coupled services Service ­ mechanism providing access to one or more capabilities using a prescribed interface and consistent constraints and policies Each service implements one action (get a weather forecast, book a hotel room, get latest blog posts,. . . ) Services communicate using predefined protocols. Introduction WCF Service Oriented Architecture Short movie... Introduction WCF .NET Remoting Allows creation of object shared by several applications Platform specific Similar to Java RMI Introduction WCF Web Services Services communicating over standard internet protocols Exact behaviour described by standards (SOAP, REST, WSDL, UDDI,. . . ) Messages are mostly passed as XML files Communication between different languages and/or platforms Introduction WCF Service Oriented Architecture ­ Diagram .NET Java Service Service Service Client Client Introduction WCF Windows Communication Foundation Framework for building applications that inter-communicate. From .NET 3.0, under development in Mono. Follows principles of SOA. The underlying architecture may not be hard-coded, can be changed using config files. Namespace System.ServiceModel. Introduction WCF WCF Service Service is a CLR type that exposes a functionality via a set of methods accessible by remote clients Endpoints ­ Specify the way in which service communicates with clients Address ­ URI Binding ­ protocols supported Contract ­ functionality supported (methods, types) Introduction WCF Address Says where the service is available. Address at which the service awaits incomming messages ://[:port]/[path] Examples: net.msmq://localhost Every endpoint must have unique address Introduction WCF Binding Says how the service can be accessed Transport protocol ­ TCP, HTTP, named pipe, MSMQ,. . . Message encoding ­ XML, binary Other protocols ­ for security, reliability. Introduction WCF Binding cont. WCF provides classes for most commonly used binding types Web services ­ BasicHttpBinding, WSHttpBinding, . . . Binary ­ NetTcpBinding, NetNamedPipeBinding,. . . Introduction WCF Service contract Says what the service provides Set of operations that the service exposes Provided via a class marked with ServiceContractAttribute and its methods with OperationContractAttribute. Introduction WCF Proxy Used by clients to communicate with services Hide process of serialization from the client. Based on the service contract. Introduction WCF Channels Facilitate the communication between proxy and service Channel stack ­ transport channel, message encoding channel, channels for security,. . . Introduction WCF Service hosting Service is made available through a host process Internet Information Services Windows Activation Services Windows service Windows Form Console Introduction WCF ServiceHost class Used to host services not hosted by IIS Type of a service is passed in constructor Endpoint are created by AddServiceEndpoint method, or created from config file. Open and Close methods start and stop listening on the endpoint. Introduction WCF WCF ­ Structure Client Service Proxy C B A CBAChannnel(s) message Introduction WCF Example SimpleWebService Introduction WCF Data Contracts The methods described by service contract may need to use "complex" types. Data contract describes how a complex type is serialized. DataContractAttribute is applied to the complex type to be serialized. DataMemberAttribute is applied to the serialized members. Introduction WCF WCF in Visual Studio Rich design time support Editing of config files Proxy generation Service Testing Example