Plan managed modules execution of managed code metadata deployment and assemblies managed modules code is compiled in managed modules PE executables contain headers (PE and CLR) metafata IL code the pe and clr headers PE header PE32 or PE32+ format gui, cui or dll timestamp ignored for IL only modules CLR header required version of CLR flags MethodRef for entry point location and size of metadata, resources strong name metadata overview set of data tables describing what is defined in the module additional information about what the module references all metadata is always associated (embedded in) with the module (unlike IDL or TLB) uses of metadata no headers and library files needed Visual Studio uses md for IntelliSesnse CLR verification process serialization garbage collection IL overview stack based high level (object-oriented) assembly language CPU-independent, no registers object oriented features -- can instantiate objects (newobj instruction) call virtual methods (callvirt), work with members (ldfld, stfld) special purpose instructions for some types -- arrays (ldelem) type independent arithmetic instructions -- add, mul instruction for loading and storing (constants, indirect, local variables, arguments), eg. ldstr, ldarg, ldloc, stloc branching, labels, exceptions handling modules and assemblies overview CLE actually works with assemblies assemblies are assembled from one or more module files assembly is what we would call a component loading the CLR CLR is loaded by the so called runtime host (native process) typically -- the windows shell, ASP.NET, Intenet Explorer there is an API to load the runtime into a process and run managed code (COR API) the runtime must be installed (MSCorEE.dll is present in the system directory) version of the runtime -- registry, CLRVer utility windows examines the header and creates the appropriate process type windows loads the appropriate version of MSCorEE.dll the primary thread runs the function in MSCorEE.dll, that does initialization, loads the EXE assembly and jumps to the entry point function in it similarly if a process calls LoadLibrary with a dll assembly executing assembly code all types in a method are scanned the type tables are created when a method is called, the IL is found (using metadata), verified, compiled and stored, the pointer stored in the table only one performance hit by the first call both the il and native code can/may not be optimized (unoptimized code mainly for debugging -- the nops in code) why JIT compilation can be faster target platform can be determined at run time (CPU specific instructions) certain tests can be allays false on the target platform JITter could profile the execution of the code and reorganize and the recompile the code verification verification examines the IL code and checks if the code is safe it simulates every possible control flow and verifies the stack every method is called with correct number of parameters that parameters have proper types return values are used properly based on metadata for methods verification allows more applications (AppDomains) to run in one process unsafe code any code containing embedded native code, unmanaged pointers, methods returning managed pointers etc. it is not verified -- verification is denied or skipped (if the appropriate permission is set) PEVerify.exe utility CTS and CLS quick revision the application (assembly) consist of modules each consist of types types consist of members (fields, methods, properties and events) all have visibility -- types in the assembly (public or internal) members in the type and assembly (private, protected, protected and/or internal, public) CTS defines rules for inheritance, virtual methods, object life-time the language code and types behavior are to be considered separate (see C++ multiple inheritance) the single root of hierarchy as a basic rule for inheritance CLS for language interoperability (some constaints) on a very basic level all members are fields and methods Unmanaged code interoperability PInvoke -- functions in native dlls can be called directly (using the DLlImport atribute), must define all structures and datatype (StructLayout attribute) managed code can use existing COM components (tlbimp utility) COM components can use managed code (tlbexp and regasm utilities) a very rich topic -- marshalling of types etc. .NET framework design goals windows have been considered "unstable" dll hell instalation complexity security problems bulding types into modules basic command line : csc /t:exe /r:MsCorLib.dll Program.cs /t switch -- module type (exe, winexe, library, module) /r switch -- referenced assemblies (MsCorLib.dll authomatically) common switches in the response file use csc @respfile file.cs default -- local CSC.rsp and global CSC.rep response files Metadata each module contains metadata definition and reference tables definition tables ModuleDef, TypeDef, MethodDef, FieldDef, ParamDef, PropertyDef, EventDef reference tables AssemblyRef, ModuleRef, TypeRef, MemberRef use IlDasm to inspect metadata assemblies modules are combined into assemblies, typically one managed module per assembly one module is considered primary -- it contains special metadata called manifest assembly defines reusable types assembly is marked with version number assembly can have security information associated benefits of multimodule assemblies -- incremental download, adding resources and datafiles, different prgramming languages in one assembly Manifest one PE file in the assembly contains the assembly metadata, this file is loaded first by the CLR AssemblyDef, FileDef, ManifestResourceDef, ExportedTypesDef the manifest states that the file is a part of the assembly, the modules do not reference the assembly AL to create assembly use the csc compiler or al assembly linker modules are compiled with /t:module switch they have .netmodule extensions and are PEs of dll type /addmodule switch add a module to the assembly created al combines the modules and creates a manifest only module assemblies and resources al /embed or /link switches csc /resource and linkresource switches /win32res switch version resource information resource information is added to the assembly assembly level attributes eg. [assembly:AssemblyFileVersion("")] AssemblyInfo.cs in Visual Studio version resources : AssemblyFileVersion, AssemblyInformationalVersion, AssemblyVersion (relevant to CLR) Major version, Minor version, Build number, Revision number culture assemblies containig code should have neutral culture satellite assemblies -- contain only resources use al to create (/embed and /c switches) in code use ResourceManager object use [assembly:AssemblyCulture("en-US")] in code two kinds of deployment private -- in one installation directory, weak name (just file name) global deployment -- assemblies identified by strong name, stored in Global Assembly Cache (strong name) global suitable for sharing, violates simple installation goal strong names and the SN utility sn consists of file name (without extension) version number culture public key sn utility creates a private public key pair : sn -k file.keys sn -p keysfile pukeyfile -- use to extract the public key sn -tp pubkeyfile -- use to view public key public key token -- 64 bits hash of public token to sign the assembly use /keyfile switch the GAC and the Gacutil utility GAC path -- c:\Windows\Assembly the gacutil utility gacutil /i -- instal assembly gacutil /u -- uninstall assembly gacutil /l -- list assemblies delayed signing if you do not have the private key use /delaysign and public key file instead use sn -Vr AssemblyName so that you can install the assembly in the GAC use sn -R assembly keyfile to sign the assembly with the private key resolving type references IL refers to a member IL refers to a type TypeRef indicates ModuleRef, AssemblyRef or ModuleDef if ModuleRef or ModuleDef - load the type from the appropriate module (file) if AssemblyRef if weakly named - search the AppBase if strongly named - search the GAC and then the AppBase load the manifest file and its ExportedTypesDef Memory management The program resources consume memory they are stored on the thread's stack or in the managed heap every type is a resource the lifetime of a resource 1 new memory is allocated (newobj) 2 it is initialized (.ctor) 3 resource is used by the application 4 tear down the state (Dispose pattern) 5 free the memory (Garbage collector) Advantages over native programming no need to worry about the size no need to worry about freeing the memory so no ugly memory bugs but a lot of resources still need to be closed by hand -- system handles (files, tokens etc.) New objects creation CLR allocates resources on the managed heap it is similar to the C-runtime heap, but it is managed completely by CLR when a process is initialized CLR reserves a contiguous re of addresses in the memory CLR maintains a pointer (NextObjPtr), initially set to the base address of the region when newobj instruction is called, the CLR 1 calculates the memory required for the types and its base fields 2 add bytes needed for object overhead (8 bytes for 32 bit 16 bytes for 64 bit environment) 3 checks if there is enough of free memory on the heap 4 if so the memory starting the NextObjPtr is zeroed out, the type constructor is called (using NextObjPtr as this) the calculated type size is added to NextObjPtr the object address is returned Advantages over C-runtime heap allocating memory means simply adding to a pointer (in C the linked list of records must be walked) objects are created in the contiguous manner (in C the consecutively created object can be separated by megabytes of memory if you create object with strong relationship consecutively, it can improve performance (FileStream and BinaryWriter) but there must be a mechanism to ensure that there is always enough of free space garbage collection Garbage collection a mechanism to find objects no longer needed by the application and reclaim their memory is usually executed, when there is not enough memory on the heap (after newobj call the object size + NextObjPtr is an address not in the reserved region) if there is not enough memory after the garbage collection ends, exception is thrown (OutOfMemoryException) Garbage collection application has a set of roots storage locations containing a memory pointer to a reference type object (can be null) local variables, static fields and method parameters of reference types are roots when garbage collection is started it walks the stack determining roots in all the methods tables mark phase then it iterates through roots and marks all objects referenced by them (following in-object references recursively, it does not mark objects twice) compact phase all not marked objects memory is reclaimed, others are shifted down in memory to keep the heap compact all roots references are updated to the shifted addresses NextObjPtr is updated accordingly Garbage collection performance hit, but occurs only when generation 0 is full the lifetime of an object is fully managed by CLR no leaks, no access to freed memory no memory fragmentation the object referenced by the local variable does not live until the end of the method in debugged code JIT makes the lifetime longer Finalization last meal for the object before it is killed used for freeing the unmanaged resources (file and other operating system handles, network resources) when the garbage collector determines that the object is garbage it first calls the method the C++ destructor syntax is used (classname) the compiler emits the Finalize method and a try catch block in it that calls the base objects Finalize method Finalization Finalization occurs when generation 0 is full GC.Collect() method is called Windows is reporting low memory CLR unloads an appdomain CLR shuts down special thread is used, timeouts are used in some cases (unloading the CLR) the GC maintains the Finalization list (objects with Finali method) during collection the collected objects from the Finalization list are moved to Freachable queue the references are considered roots during the next garbage collection the object are removed from the queue and their Finalize methods are called the algorithm CLR GC is a Generational Garbage Collector assumptions: the newer object, the shorter lifetime the older object, the longer lifetime collection a part of the heap is faster then collecting the whole administrative control and publisher policy when the process starts the heap is empty the budget size for generation 0 is selected (256 kB CPU L2 cache) budget size is selected for generation 1 (say 2 MB) budget size is selected for generation 2 (say 10 MB) all newly allocated objects are in generation 0 when the allocation surpasses its size GC is started algorithm continued object that survived are moved to generation 1 only generation 0 is collected until the generation 1 budget size is surpassed if generation 1 is full it is also collected and surviving object are moved to generation 2 only three generations are supported (0,1,2) the GC is self tunning (the smaller the budget size, the mor frequent GC) e.g. the size of generation 0 can be halved if the lifetime of objects is very short if all generation 0 objects are garbage, the memory is freed only by subtracting form NewObjPtr