ATOL: Cluster and Services Marek Grác xgrac@f Red Hat Czech s.r.o. / Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Advanced Topics of Linux Administration □ ► 4 s ► <■=► < ■= ► ■O Q-C^ ■■LUJJ.MJ.IlUU4IEilLMi^^UJIIUJll.l.MBIW ► High availability failover of service groups ► Designed for 'cold' failover (application stop/start) ► Works with off-the-shelf application ► No difference between resource (e.g. IP address) and application (e.g. Apache) ► SystemV-style init script ► Failover domains s ■O Q-C^ ■■LUJJ.MJ.IlUU4IEilLMi^^UJIIUJll.l.MBIW ► Service group contains of 1+ resource agents (IP + apache + mysql + filesystem) ► Start/Stop sequence of resources (IP before apache) does not depend on order in configuration ► Resource agent has access to both siblings and child nodes in XML (a bit of inconsistency) ► clustat - cluster status ► clusvcadm - cluster services administration (cli tool) or lucii □ ► 4 s ► <■=► < ■= ► ■O Q-C^ ■■LUJJ.MJ.IlUU4IEilLMi^^UJIIUJll.l.MBIW ► Recover policy is defined when service is created ► Policies: ►• Restart - tries to restart failed parts of group before relocate (default) ►• Relocate - move on another node ►• Disable - disable entire service s ■O Q-C* ■■LUJJ.MJ.IlUU4IEilLMi^^UJIIUJll.l.MBIW ► Create a simple service containing of IP address and move it on other node (then add failover domain) ► Create a service group for NFS export (parent-child data passing) - filesystem, nfs export, nfs client ► Create a service group for apache (sibling data passing) -apache, i p address s ■O Q-C^ ■■LUJJ.MJ.IlUU4IEilLMi^^UJIIUJll.l.MBIW ► Create a service group for LAMP application (use NFS export from physical machine) ► Add support for connecting through ssh to such service group s ■O Q-C^ ■■LUJJ.MJ.IlUU4IEilLMi^^UJIIUJll.l.MBIW ► Themes: ►• Explain how to create a resource agent for application and describe problems Format: ►• Short presentation (15-20 minutes; 5-7 slides) ►• Paper containing comparision (1.000 words) s ■O Q-C* ■■LUJJ.MJ.IlUU4IEilLMi^^UJIIUJll.l.MBIW