Retention of visitors coming to Palco 3.0 via the news in SAPO: Decoy optimization Introduction • Readers of SAPO ( are presented with Palco news. • News appear occasionally that redirect the user to PalcoPrincipal ( • Problem: people who come to Palco in this way usually don't stay there long enough. • Question: How can we help Palco to retain them? Mail Mapas Messenger Mobile Sites Spot Videos Informacäo Noticias Desporto Local Mercado Auto move is Usados Auto move is N ovos Casas Emprego Bilheteira Loja Leiloes Viagens Vida e Lazer Ambiente Justka Testemunha diz que Carolina se arranhou antes de dizer a GNR que Pinto da Costa a agredira (Sol) Unna testemunha que afimna ter presenciado intidentes entre Pinto da Costa e Carolina Salgado, em 2006, disse hoje enn tribunal que a ex-companheira do presidente portista se arranhou antes de channar a GNR para se queixar de agressao. Mais notfdas Eanca de Jornais LJ^iVIU J U C VUICII^U UUU '_L*I ILM IL I LI I abertas, casos confirmados ascendem a 330 (Lusa) Q Surto em Valenta é a primeira onda epidemica em Portugal Q Especial Gripe A Rio de Janeiro Amea^a de bomba num cemiterio em Botafogo (DN) UE Primeiro-ministro belga com forte apoio para ser primeiro presidente da UE (DE) Assembled Republics. BE quer discutir no Parlamente cobranca de taxas nos pagamentos electrdnicos (TSF) Foto do dia Cartoon Assim vai o mundo ^ Tempo -0-&- Tränsito Persona I iza r Página Destaques Jogos Músi^^^^Te evisao Cinema Mercado Megafone Download gratuito dos discos de Joäo Aguardela EpVca Design Your Universe, o Digital Agenda MusicaOnline Music Box Paloo Principal Citi Travel Pass 0 cartao que Ihe dá pontes para viagens. E com anuidades gratis! CORDIS. COFIDIS 0 crédito para realizar os seus projectos. Peca já! TRIMGEL SLIM 3D Do programs da Oprah! Produto de e ma g re činne nto a merica no. PalcoPrincipal article Entrar Reaistar^ PRINCIPAL ha n-iur a fia i r I *■ r f. ! Inicio Noticias Artistas^ Ouvintes^ Radios▼ Tops^ Grupos Eventos Passatempos Forums Os 50 piores älbuns da decada: descobre aqui quais säo! 11.09.2009-03:09 The E.N.D.", dos Black Eyed Peas: "Chinese Democracy', dos Guns N Roses; 'Scream', dos Tokio Hotel; e "Scream" de Chris Cornell, integram a lista dos '50 Piores Älbuns da Decada', revelada pelo site de müsica Gigwise. + Related news + Tags Latest news Ultimos artiges m Mulher&s ao poder confere a lista das melhores bandas do mundo lideradas por mulheres! Em Fevereiriníe-200S, a publica5ao norte-americana Rclling Stone íesafiou os seus ■ Os melhores álbuns ao vivo de sempře: descobre aqui quais sao! Em NnvembrDťfe2007, a cnnceituada revista Rollino. Stone eleaeu. baseada na ODiniao da Entrar ReqistarT Infcio Notfcias Artigos Artistas^ Ouvintes^ Radios Grupos Eventos Passatempos Forum' Pafs: Geral Estilo: RSB Top R&B R&B \ Revolutionary People c? - R&B Filipe Senat? - R&B Ricardo Fonsecaa -JPs s R&B AMg - R&B Maria Ines a - R&B Top dia Novembro 2009 I 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 Proposal • Task: improve current level of bouncing of users (users coming to through news) • Hypothesis: Shared interests are more common among the users who clicked on a specific link (are viewing the same content) than among users who didn't (are not). • The link clicked is usually the only information we have about users coming from Another approach • Exploiting the social network • Hypothesis: socially related users share interests • e.g. we can identify users of Palco who showed interest in particular items and use their activity to make suggestions to socially related users • Can be used for increasing fidelity of users who are already registered on Palco Data - statistics Query No of results users 68314 listeners 50663 (74%) artists 17660 (26%) friendship ties 168342 (avg2.5) mainstream bands 114062 fans 42228 comments 817370 tags 55018 Data - users • User. Userprofile *l_astl_ogin ^ Genre - user's favourite genre (rock, r'n'b, ...) *Name * Nickname * Gender * Birth Date *Type - type of the userprofile (artist, listener,...) * Culture - user's nationality (e.g. Portuguese, Brazilian, ...) ^ About - free text written by the user * Created At -UpdatedAt Data - contact, friends • Contact * Country -City * Place - free text -Address -PhoneNumber -Homepage • Friends - InviterUserld - user who sent the friend request - InvitedUserld - user who received the friend request - Created At -UpdatedAt Data - activities • Owner activities * Action * Owner * Target * Creator * Created At -Slug • Activity stream action * ActionTag - e.g. new event added, band music added, ... * PrivacyTagTitle * PrivacySubscriberTagTitle *ActionTitle Data - tags, comments • Tag * Culture - e.g. Portuguese, Brazilian * Name - name of the tag * Slug - nickname for the tag * Length - number of characters * Created At • Comments * Author - author of the comment * Ownerld - owner of the comment *CommentableModel - e.g. listener, track, photo,... * Text - text of the comment * Created At Data - music • Playlist ■* Listener - owner of the playIist *Name * Description * Created At -UpdatedAt ■* Tracks - tracks contained in the playlist • Track ^Alburn *Name * Downloadable Data - mainstream bands • MainstreamBand * Summary ■* About - somewhat longer than summary *Name * Created At -UpdatedAt ■* LastFmLink - uh • Fans *mainstreamBand *user Data - artists, albums • Artist - MusicUploads - number of uploaded tracks -GooglePageRank - GooglePageRankUpdatedAt • Albums -Artist -Name - Description - ReleaseDate - Created At - UpdatedAt What can be done? • Assortative mixing (homophily) • Properties of the social network (six degrees of separation, power law distribution) • Cohesive group detection • Visual analysis . ??? ■ ■ ■