EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH ELSEVIER European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1996) 493-511 General local search methods Marc Pirlot Faculte Polytechnique de Möns, rue de Houdain 9, B-7000 Möns, Belgium Abstract This paper is a tutorial introduction to three recent yet widely used general heuristics: Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search, and Genetic Algorithms. A relatively precise description and an example of application are provided for each of the methods, as well as a tentative evaluation and comparison from a pragmatic point of view. Keywords: Combinatorial optimization; Heuristic search; Local search; Simulated Annealing; Tabu Search; Genetic Algorithms; Meta-heuristics 1. Introduction This paper is an introduction to three heuristic approaches known as Simulated Annealing (SA), Tabu Search (TS), and Genetic Algorithms (GAs). These are currently intensively used to 'solve' optimization problems and, especially, combinatorial ones. As they consist of general search principles organized in a general search strategy, they may not be described as algorithms but rather as methods or meta-algorithms. Therefore, one often calls them by the terms metaheuristics or general heuristics. The names and to some extent the principles of these heuristics are originally inspired by processes or concepts which have nothing to do with optimization. The extraordinary success of these methods (which results in a continuous flow of literature) is due to several factors: reference to optimization mechanisms in Nature (in the case of SA and GAs), general * e-mail; applicability of the approach, flexibility for taking into account specific constraints in real cases, excellent tradeoff between solution quality and ease of implementation or computing time. For each of the three approaches we provide: • a rather precise description of their basic version; • an example of application to a selected combinatorial optimization problem; • a short bibliography and a historic notice; and • a glimpse of more advanced topics such as tuning of parameters, advices for strategic options, refinements of the basic ideas, and theoretical aspects (this part can be skipped in a first reading). Our aim is to introduce the beginner to a basic version of each method and give indications about their respective strengths and weaknesses as well as about various sophistications and hybridizations. Several good texts about each of the methods have been published and the interested reader is invited to consult the literature referred to in the bibliographic notices. 0377-2217/96/S15.00 © 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PII S0377-22 1 7(96)00007-0 494 M. Pirlot / European Journal of Operational Research 92 11996) 493-511 In the conclusions, some considerations on the comparison of heuristics are formulated; we try to delineate domains where each of the three approaches can be fruitfully used; we advocate that each of them implement potentially useful heuristic search ideas which can be combined without taboo but also with parsimony and regard for simplicity (at least this is the author's faith). Finally some current trends in heuristic search are outlined. The present paper is an abridged and somewhat updated version of Pirlot (1992). The reader is referred to that paper for more detail on advanced topics and for an additional chapter on neural networks in optimization. 1.1. Local search strategies All three general heuristics we are concerned with can be considered to some extent as local search strategies; it is quite clear for SA and TS, in a more elaborate sense for GAs. Essentially, local search consists in moving from a solution to another one in its neighbourhood according to some well-defined rules. For definiteness, we consider the problem of minimizing a function F(x) on a finite set of points X. This can be considered a general statement of a combinatorial optimization problem. A local search strategy starts from an arbitrary solution x} e X and at each step n, a new solution xn+] is chosen in the neighbourhood V(xn) of the current solution xn. This presupposes the definition of a neighbourhood structure on X; to each x e X is associated a subset V(x)QX called the neighbourhood of x. For instance, if X is a set of binary vectors and x e X, a neighbourhood V(x) of x can be defined as the set of all solutions * e X obtained from x by flipping a single coordinate from 0 to 1 or conversely. Conventionally, we suppose that a solution never belongs to its own neighbourhood i.e. x V(x\ VxGX. Alternatively, one says that the neighbours of x are the solutions obtained from x by an elementary move. The evolution of the current solution xn, n = 1, 2,..., draws a trajectory in the search space X. The most common criterion for selecting the next solution jcn+] is to pick up the best one in the neighbourhood of xn, i.e. a solution xn+] e V(x„) with Then, xn+l becomes the next current solution provided it is not worse than xn, i.e. F(xn+]) «S F(xn). Otherwise, the search is stopped. This strategy is usually called a descent or a steepest descent strategy. For further comparison purposes we give a formal description below. F* will denote the best value of F up to step n and x* is such that r(x;) = Fn\ Descent Algorithm • Initialization: select e X. • Step n— 1, 2, xn denotes the current solution. (a) Find the best x in the neighbourhood V(xn). (b) If F(Jc) < F(jc„), then x. becomes the new current solution xn+l at Step n+l and the best value F* of F (up to Step n) as well as x* are updated. (c) Else: stop. Note that the choice of a good neighbourhood structure is generally important for the effectiveness of the process. The main weakness of the descent algorithm is its inability to escape from local minima. This is symbolically illustrated in Fig. 1: all solutions in the neighbourhood V(xn) are worse than xn although, further away, there exists a global minimum of F which cannot be reached under the descent rule. Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search are local search strategies explicitly designed for avoiding such a situation. This implies temporary deterioration of the objective function. V(x„) X X Fig. 1. Trapped in a local minimum. M. Pirlot / European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1996) 493-511 495 2. Simulated Annealing (SA) 2.1. General presentation In a Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm one does not search for the best solution in the neighbourhood V(xn) of the current solution xn; one simply draws at random a solution x in V(xn). If F(x) < F(xn), x becomes the next current solution. Otherwise, one of the two following alternatives is selected according to some probabilistic law; either x becomes the current solution with probability p(n) or x„ remains the current solution with the complementary probability 1 — p(n). Typically, p(n) decreases with time in) and with the size of the deterioration of F (= F(x) — F(xn)). The idea of SA originates from thermodynamics and metallurgy: when molten iron is cooled slowly enough it tends to solidify in a structure of minimal energy. This annealing process is mimicked by our local search strategy; at the start, almost any move (i.e. all updating of the current solution by a solution x randomly chosen in its neighbourhood) is accepted. This allows us to 'explore' the solution space. Then, gradually, the 'temperature' is decreased which means that one becomes more and more selective in accepting new solutions. By the end, only moves that improve F are accepted in practice. Schematically, SA is the following alteration of the Descent Algorithm. Simulated Annealing (SA) • Initialization: Select an initial solution x, in X; initialize the best value F * of F and the corresponding solution x *: F* ^F(x,) x* «- x, • Step n = 1, 2, ...; xn denotes the current solu- tion. - Draw x at random in the neighbourhood V(xn) of xn. - If F(x) < F(xn), then xn+x «- x. - If Fix) xn+i) enters the tabu list once the first entered characteristic has been removed if the list was full. • End: if the stopping criterion is fulfilled, then stop. The list of tactical choices that have to be made is somewhat longer than for SA; standard choices are 500 M. Pirlot / European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1996) 493-511 not always possible or tend to be less efficient than for SA. In other words, there is more room (and need) for creativity in a TS application. The main decisions to be made are: • the specification of a neighbourhood structure and possibly of a subneighbourhood structure (for the subneighbourhood V'(xn), a generic possibility is to pick up at random a fixed number of solutions in V(xB)); • the choice of the move attributes to be recorded in the tabu list; • the tabu list length; • the choice of an aspiration criterion; • the selection of a stopping rule (the same rule as for stopping SA may be used or the total number of iterations may be fixed a priori). 3.2. Bibliographic and historic note Glover (1986) is the initiator of Tabu Search. Similar views were developed by Hansen (1986) who formulated a steepest ascent/mildest descent heuristic principle. A comprehensive description of TS can be found in Glover et al. (1993) or in Glover and Laguna (1993) as well as extensive bibliographies. The literature about TS (mainly reports on applications) is now growing at a very fast rate. More or less refined versions of the method have been used to 'solve' a large variety of combinatorial optimization problems like scheduling, vehicle routing, quadratic assignment, clustering and grouping, electronic circuit design, graph coloring, and the traveling salesman problem. Volume 41 of the Annals of Operations Research (J.C. Baltzer AG, Science Publishers, Basel, Switzerland) is entirely devoted to TS. In contrast with simulated annealing very little theoretical work has been done about TS. A notable exception (Faigle and Kern, 1992) provides convergence results for a probabilistic version of TS much in the spirit of similar results for SA. 3.3. An example: Graph coloring Because we are focusing here on the short term component of Tabu Search, we will restrict our attention to an example with a corresponding focus. An early application of TS to the coloring problem by Hertz and de Werra (1987) is appealing for its simplicity and directness. (More recent TS implementations that include additional considerations offer useful advantages and have proved more powerful, as we discuss later.) A coloring of the vertices V of a non-directed graph G = (V, E) is searched for; the same color may not be assigned to two adjacent vertices and as few different colors as possible are to be used. Hertz and de Werra consider alternatively the problem of coloring the vertices with a fixed number / of colors and minimizing the number of faults, i.e. the number of adjacent vertices which are painted the same color. Hence, coloring adjacent vertices with the same color is accepted but penalized. The authors' strategy consists in finding a perfect coloring (without faults) for a large initial value of I then find successive perfect colorings for smaller and smaller /. The procedure stops when the algorithm is not able to find a coloring with the current number of allowed colors. In this implementation, a 'solution' x is any /-partition of V, x = (V,,..., V(). Clearly, in this approach, most solutions are not feasible (i.e. are not perfect colorings). This is just like in the second implementation of SA in graph partitioning. The objective function F (to minimize) is defined on all /-partitions x = (Vj,..., V,) of V by i-1 where E{ is the set of edges whose extremities are both in Vt. The neighbourhood V(x) is the set of all /-partitions which differ from x = (V,,..., V,) by the transfer of exactly one 'bad vertex' from some class Vj to some other class V- (a 'bad vertex' in Vj is a vertex linked to another vertex of V,). During local search, not all solutions of V(x) are evaluated (there are too many of them). A sample V'(x) is drawn at random from V(x); the size of the subneighbourhood V'(x) is a parameter of the algorithm. Only non-tabu solutions or tabu solutions that satisfy the aspiration criterion are accepted in V'(x). The best solution from V'(x) becomes the new current solution. The tabu list (TL) records the vertices trans-fered during the last k iterations together with their color before the transfer. The TL prevents a vertex transferred during the latter k iterations from turning back to its original color. The aspiration criterion is M. Pirlol / European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1996) 493-511 501 satisfied (and the tabu status of a transfer overwritten) when a move from solution x to solution x' is such that F(x') < F(x) and never in the past has a move been improving a solution of value F(x) to one of value as good as F(x'). Note that some tricks are used to reduce computation time: the neighbourhood random generation is stopped as soon as is found a non-tabu solution which is better than the current best solution. Special star-shaped configurations are searched for and reduced, i.e. some local optimization work is done on the current solution (see Hertz and de Werra, 1987). The authors experimented on random graphs whose number of nodes ranges from 100 to 1000 and whose edge density is 0.5 (= probability of presence of each edge). They took the 'magic number 7' for the length k of their tabu list, the size of the randomly generated sub-neighbourhoods grows with the number of nodes of the instance at hand. The results are compared with those obtained by an implementation of SA which was run on the same instances; better results are obtained with TS and using less computing time (Johnson et al., 1991, do not confirm this statement). The same authors in the same paper also developed a so-called combined method which they use for coloring large graphs (more than 500 vertices). TS is used for finding a large independent set whose vertices are assigned the first color. These vertices are removed and a large independent set is (tabu-)searched for in the remaining part of the graph. The vertices of the second independent set receive the second color and the procedure is continued in this way until the number of not-yet-colored vertices drops below a certain threshold. Then TS is used for coloring the remaining vertices as explained above. 4. Genetic algorithms (GAs) 4.1. General presentation of genetic algorithms A Genetic Algorithm (GA) may be described as a mechanism that mimics the genetic evolution of a species. The main difference with the two former approaches, SA and short term TS, is that GAs deal with populations of solutions rather than with single solutions. This feature is also shared with another population based approach called Scatter Search, which underlies some of the strategies of longer term TS. An obvious advantage is intrinsic parallelism but it goes beyond letting solutions evolve independently in parallel: solutions do interact, mix together and produce 'children' that hopefully retain the good characteristics of their parents. Population based approaches such as GAs (and Scatter Search) can be viewed as a form of local search but in a generalized sense. It is not the neighbourhood of a single solution which is explored but the neighbourhood of a whole population; due to interaction, this is not simply the union of the individual neighbourhoods. In GAs, the main operators used to generate and explore the neighbourhood of a population and select a new generation are selection, crossover and mutation. We describe these operators below. Note that the GA literature is rich in terms borrowed from Genetics, sometimes with a little of pedantry; we shall limit our use of the genetic jargon to a minimum. The first peculiarity of GAs is that the genetic operators do not operate directly on the solution space; solutions have to be coded as finite-length strings over a finite alphabet. This makes little difference with common optimization practice in some situations, like mathematical programming in 0-1 variables, as a natural encoding of a solution is a bitstring containing the values of each of the boolean variables in some predefined order. However, this is less easy in some other situations and above all, the straightforward encoding is not always the most appropriate. From now on in the framework of GAs, when we write 'solution', we mean 'encoded representation of a solution' unless otherwise stated. A GA starts with an initial population of say /V solutions and evolves it, yielding a population of the same size iV at each iteration. Very roughly, the (n + l)st generation of solutions is obtained from the n-th generation through the following proce- dure: the best individuals (= solutions) from X(n> are selected, crossover operations are performed on pairs of them. This yields an offspring of solutions which will replace the bad individuals of the current population. Mutation is generally performed on a small proportion of the 'children'. Let us go a little more into the detail. Each solution of the current population {x},..., xN} is evaluated by its 'fitness' which can simply be the value of the objective function in a maximization 502 M. Pirlot / European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1996) 493-511 problem. More generally, the fitness of a solution is an appropriate monotone transformation of its evaluation by the objective function. Let F denote, in this section, the fitness function which we want to maximize over the solution space. The selection of the 'best' individuals from a given population is done according to their fitness but not in a deterministic way; solutions are drawn at random with replacement from the current population with a probability that increases with their fitness. A simple choice for such a probability is as follows: for all i = 1,..., N, Xj is selected with probability E7=1(F(*,.)-Fmin)' where Fmin = min{F(Xj)' J= 1,...,#}. Pairs of selected individuals are then submitted (with some probability x) to the crossover operation. There are lots of possibilities for defining this operator, depending on the problem and its encoding. The commonest example called ' 2-point crossover' works as follows. Suppose the solutions are coded in bit-strings of length 8 and that the following pairs of individuals were selected: 0 10 1 10 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 11 0 Two positions, say the 2nd and the 5fh, are chosen at random and the characters between those two positions are swapped, yielding two 'children' solutions. In our example, we swap the characters on the 3rd, 4th and 5th positions in both strings: 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 Each child is then submitted to mutation (with some probability jx). The simplest mutation operator consists of choosing a position at random and substituting the character in that position by another character from the alphabet. For instance, working on the 8-positions bitstring 0 10 110 0 1 and performing a mutation at position 6 yields 0 10 1110 1 The final step in the generation of a new population is the substitution of 'bad' individuals of the current population by the (possibly mutated) children. The 'bad' individuals are selected according to their fitness in a randomized way, much as was done for selecting the good individuals; solutions are drawn at random without replacement with a probability that decreases with their fitness. This procedure yields the (n + l)st generation. The algorithm generally stops after a preassigned number of generations have been produced. As a summary, we present a schematic description of a typical GA. Note that function F (= fitness) is to be maximized on the space X of coded solutions. Many variants of this basic scheme can be found in the literature. Genetic Algorithm (GA) • Initialization: Select an initial population X(l) = {x\l\x1^} cX; initialize the best value F* of F and the corresponding solution x *: F* x-maxift^"), i =],...,N] x* «- arg max{F(x\])), i = 1,..., N) • Step n=l,2, X(n) denotes the current population of solutions (a) Selection of good individuals from X(n): Let {y•, j = 1,..., 2 M} be 2 M individuals drawn with replacement from X(n\ the probability of choosing x\n) being an increasing function of F(x^). (b) Crossover: For k = 1,..., M, the crossover operator is applied to the pairs (y2lt, y2li+1) with probability x: this yields M pairs of children (z2t, z2k+\) (which are identical to their parents with probability (1 - x))- (c) Mutation: For j = 1,..., 2 M, the mutation operator is applied to z- with probability jjl: this yields 2M (possibly mutated) children co;, j = 1,... ,2 M (which are identical to Zj with probability (1 - ft)). (d) Substitution of the bad individuals: Draw 2 M individuals from X(n) without replacement, the probability of choosing x\n) being a decreasing function of Fix\n}). is obtained by substituting the 2M selected 'bad' individuals from X(n) by the children {zj, j= 1,...,2M). For all j= l,...,N, if F(x<"+ ")> F', then F' *-F(Xj x* «-jry+i) • End: If (n + 1) > a fixed number of iterations, then stop. M. Pirlot / European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1996) 493-511 503 Table 1 Initial population j Population {xf\j=l,...,4} Solution Fix) 1 0 110 1 13 169 2 11000 24 576 3 0 1000 8 64 4 10011 19 361 4.2. A didactic example and some general remarks We illustrate the above complicated procedure on a simple example borrowed from Goldberg (1989, p. 14 ff.). Consider the problem of maximizing Fix) = x2 on the set of integers {0, 1,..., 31} and let a GA be used for this purpose. A straightforward encoding of the solutions is by bitstrings of length 5. Let us start with the initial population of 4 solutions in Table 1: it was drawn at random by coin tossing. In this example, the whole population is replaced by the children at each iteration (i.e. 2M = /V = 4). The good individuals selected for reproduction are shown in Table 2. Note that x(2l) appears twice. A one-point crossover operator is used; all characters positioned after the selected cutpoint are swapped. The cutpoints for the two pairs of parents are shown in Table 2. The crossover probability x is assumed to be 1 and the mutation probability is u. = 1CT3. No mutation is simulated. The average fitness progressed from 293 in X(l> to 439 in X<2). Proceeding in this way and due to the selection mechanism designed to favour the fittest individuals it can be hoped that the final population will contain very good solutions. In the example, a very good solution (11011 = 27) is already produced after one step. It is crucial however that sufficient diversity be maintained in the population in order to permit the exploration of as many 'good regions' of the solution space as possible and not to restrict the search to the vicinity of a (local) maximum. Here again Glover's concepts of diversification and intensification which were alluded to in Section 3 are relevant. The persistence of a diversified population can be achieved by a careful tuning of the (many) parameters of the algorithm, namely population size, replacement rate (i.e. number of children substituting old solutions at each generation), crossover probability (\) and mutation probability (jjl), number of iterations. Important structural choices have to be made as well, e.g. a good encoding for the solutions, adequate crossover and mutation operators. These are essential decisions as it is generally believed among the GAs community that the success of GAs is due to the progressive proliferation of good schemata in the population, i.e. specific substrings which would be associated with properties which characterize optimal or near-optimal solutions. This clearly implies that the encoding of the solutions should be in some sense meaningful, i.e. should implicitly give a semantic description of what is a good solution. For instance, in the above simple example, solutions with a T in the first position are better than any solution with a '0' in the first position. The necessity and the difficulty of selecting good encodings as well as appropriate operators is further illustrated in the next subsection. The interested reader is also referred to Falkenauer (1993) where the author proposes appropriate encoding and operators for grouping problems, including for example bin packing and clustering. 4.3. A genetic algorithm for the traveling salesman problem (TSP) Several attempts at 'solving' the famous traveling salesman problem (TSP) have been made using different implementations of GAs. We present here the most elementary of these algorithms in order to Table 2 First iteration Selected ■good'individuals Crossover Children Solution F(zj) {y'j, j= l,...,2M) site zj = wj 1 0 1 1 0|1 4 0 I 1 00 12 144 2 1 1 0 010 4 II 0 0 1 25 625 3 1 1 |0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 27 729 4 1 010 1 1 2 1 0 000 16 256 504 M. VirUn / European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1996) 493-511 further illustrate the possible application of GAs. In the TSP, a traveller has to visit C cities exactly once and go back to his starting point. The problem (which is NP-hard) is to find a tour of the cities at lowest cost. In the simplest GA for solving the TSP, a solution, i.e. a tour, is represented by an ordered list of the cities. For instance, if there are C = 9 cities, 357124869 represents the tour that passes successively through the cities 3, 5, 7,..., 9 and then comes back from 9 to 3. A first difficulty is to define a crossover operator since the usual 2-point crossover (see Section 4.1) is not applicable. Indeed, consider that we have to produce children from the parents A = 3 5 7 1 2 4 8 6 9, fi= 19234687 5. Suppose that the third and sixth positions were selected for 2-point crossover. This would yield the following 'tours' as children: 3 5 1 9 2 3 4 6 7 12 4 6 9 7 5 but these tours are meaningless since some cities appear twice while some other cities are not visited at all. One of the crossover operators specially designed for dealing with 'chromosomes' that represent a permutation (as is the case here) is named OX (for order crossover) and works as follows. As for 2-point crossover, two positions are selected, say the 3rd and the 6th as on the example above; both parents A and B are then prepared in order to make possible to transfer the 'genes' 3 to 6 of A in the corresponding section of B and vice versa. To prepare B for instance, holes (H) are created in the places where are located the genes that will come from A, i.e. B : H 9\H 3 H 6|8 H 5. Then, the holes are filled in by moving non-holes that lie on their right in the chromosome. This starts from the second cut position (from the gene in the 7th position on). When the last gene is reached one goes back to the gene in the first, second,..., position, in circular order: B : 3 6\H H H H\8 5 9. When this process ends, there are 'holes' only in the exchange section and the genes from the exchange section of A can be imported, yielding B' : 36 |7 1 24|85 9. Preparing A similarly, one gets A : 1 1 | 2 3 4 6|8 9 5. This operator seems particularly well adapted because it introduces the least possible perturbation of the relative positions of the cities by preserving as far as possible the circular order of the cities which is what matters in this context. Other types of crossovers may also be considered for the TSP; they belong to the so-called class of 'reordering operators': see Goldberg (1989, pp. 166-179). The problem of avoiding the creation of meaningless solutions also arises with mutation. That is why this operator is substituted by inversion in the TSP application. Starting from a chromosome A, two cut positions are selected at random, say before the 3rd and after the 6th sites, and the order of the cities in between is reversed, yielding A" : 3 5 | 4 2 1 7 | 8 6 9. Applying these special operators in a simple-minded manner does not seem to make possible a successful treatment of problems of reasonable size. There is a need for crossover operators that do not blindly mix pairs of tours but use local optimization in the crossover operation. This is implemented in the algorithm proposed by Grefenstette et al. (1985) whose results can compete with those obtained by SA on 200-city problems. Other approaches also combining local optimization with genetic search are reported to yield near optimal results on the Padberg 532-city problem (see the references in Mathias and Whitley, 1992). This tends to demonstrate that obtaining good results with GAs on combinatorial optimization problems often requires a rather sophisticated interpretation of the basic scheme. 4.4. Bibliographic and historic note The origins of GAs lie in the foundations of a theory of adaptive systems initiated by Holland whose 1975 book Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems is the Bible of the GA community. An introductory account of the theory as well as its main M. Pirlot / European Journal of Operational Research 92 {1996) 493-511 505 developments and applications can be found in the excellent introduction to GAs by Goldberg (1989). Function optimization is in fact the most trivial application of the theory which ambitions to be relevant in such fields as the design of data structures, algorithms, computer operating systems, in adaptive control, etc. Since De Jong's thesis in 1975 however, a large part of the activity of the GA community has been devoted to the less exciting but more accessible task of function optimization (see Goldberg, 1989, pp. 126-127 for a list of applications of GAs to optimization problems; see also the proceedings of specialized conferences on GAs: Grefenstette, 1985, 1987; Schaffer, 1989; Belew and Booker, 1991; Schwefel, 1991; Männer and Mander-ick, 1992). It is interesting to note that the population based Scatter Search (SS) approach (Glover, 1977) contrasts with GAs by introducing a spatial model rather than a genetic model. In SS, reference points (parents, in GA terminology) are joined, possibly more than two at a time, by 'rounded linear combinations' instead of 'genetic crossover'. (This allows offspring to be produced beyond the region of the parents, protecting against the inbreeding phenomenon that sometimes troubles GAs.) This spatial operation produces the classic GA crossover operators and a variety of others as special instances. Additional links between different methods arise in the associated path relinking strategy of Tabu Search, which extends Scatter Search to combine good solutions by constructing paths in neighborhood space. These connections between SS, TS and GAs are elaborated in Glover (1994). 4.5. A few more words about GA 4.5.1. Theoretical results GAs are not primarily designed for function optimization but as models of efficient adaptive behaviour. Hence, theoretical results are not concerned with convergence to a global optimum as for SA but with optimal or near-optimal sequences of decisions in the context of an unknown and uncertain environment. This distinction and its consequences are emphasized in a very convincing manner in De Jong (1992). The most important theoretical results about GAs are to be found in the book by Holland (1975). The author studies the proliferation of schemata (i.e. families of solutions characterized by a common substring) under simple crossover and mutation operators. He shows in particular that 'short' schemata with above average fitness proliferate at exponential rate (as long as their fitness remains above average). If we consider that the goal of heuristic search is to maximize the overall expected gain (here on the value of the objective function) and transposing results from the theory of sequential games under uncertainty, it can be argued that the GA strategy is near-optimal as it allocates exponentially growing representation to the good schemata. Such results, though conceptually appealing, are rather platonic as they do not offer any guarantee of optimality or near-optimality of the generated solutions. They only say something about the quality of the search process but perhaps stronger guarantees cannot be expected in the optimization of NP-hard problems. 4.5.2. Implementing GAs Selection of encoding and operators. Only general comments can be made about the implementation of a GA in practice. First, it is obvious that the choice of an encoding on one hand and the design of crossover and mutation operators should be interrelated and carefully thought about. Crossover and mutation should facilitate the effective transmission of the good characters of the solutions. Comparison with other approaches. GA practitioners have had a tendency to form a rather closed community. As a consequence there are few serious studies comparing the results of a genetic approach with other approaches on test problems. An exception is Yamada and Nakano (1992) where jobshop scheduling tests problems are tackled with success by applying a genetic search to the disjunctive graph model. Another exception is the TSP. Rather impressive results have been obtained by several authors (see, e.g. Grefenstette et al., 1985; MUhlenbein, 1991; Mathias and Whitley, 1992). This is done however by exploiting the structure of the problems and designing specific crossover operators; in one of the implementations (MUhlenbein, 1991) the genetic search is augmented by local optimization. GAs and function optimization. The adjunction of some form of local search to a genetic approach is probably advisable in general because, as mentioned in Section 4.5.1., GAs may succeed in locating 506 M. Pirlot / European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1996) 493-511 potentially optimal regions (hopefully by detecting good schemata) but are not designed for locating precisely the optimal solution(s). This weakness can be palliated by means of local optimization or alternatively by dynamically rescaling the fitness function or using the ranking of the solutions in the current population instead of their absolute fitness. The use of local search in population approaches is a fundamental component of the original Scatter Search method, and became introduced in GAs about a decade later. Diversity vs. convergence. A difficulty, somewhat opposite, in implementing a GA is to maintain enough diversity in the population; diversity indeed is a condition of efficiency of a crossover operator. A technique for preserving diversity consists in accepting the replacement of a solution (parent) by another (child) only when the new solution is similar to the substituted one ('niche and speciation' techniques; see Goldberg, 1989). The diversity issue is less of a complication in Scatter Search (and path relinking in TS), since the mode of combination yields an automatic mechanism to generate offspring that are not restricted to the domain of the parents. 5. Conclusion and prospects 5. /. Comparison and evaluation of heuristics After the description of the three general heuristics presented above, the reader is naturally expecting some considerations on how they compare in applications and which to choose. It must be emphasized as a preliminary, that comparing algorithms is in general no simple matter. Let me briefly discuss this issue. First of all, various goals may drive the design and the implementation of an algorithm. One may be wanting to solve a practical problem or trying to design the 'best' algorithm for a classical problem like the TSP. Regarding heuristics, the aim of a heuristic search may be to approximate the optimal solution and compete with exact algorithms or alternatively find a satisfactory solution to a practical problem. I believe that general heuristics are better suited for the former aim but can be extremely useful in the latter too. In the race for the best algorithm for a given classical problem, a current trend consists in building highly complex algorithms which incorporate knowledge and techniques from different horizons (exact optimization, heuristics, artificial intelligence, etc). Heuristics (and metaheuristics) can be used as a component of an exact algorithm, for example in producing good bounds or a good initial solution. It can be helpful too to design good implementations of general heuristics for well-solved classical problems in view of practical applications. Very often, models of real-life situations can be obtained by adding specific constraints to some classical problem; starting with a heuristic which can be evaluated against exact methods, one can take advantage of the ability of such heuristics to integrate additional constraints. These preliminaries show that comparing general heuristics to one another and to alternative approaches essentially involves the consideration of several criteria. Among these, one should mention ease of implementation, robustness of parameter settings (w.r.t. changes in the data, instance size, etc.), flexibility for taking additional constraints into account, computational burden and solution quality. The definition of solution quality is a difficult question in itself, especially for heuristics. Beside the traditional alternative 'average versus worst case performance', there usually are no known bounds on the performance of heuristics and the evaluation relies on statistical considerations. In a worst-case analysis perspective, this raises the question of sampling the set of problem instances in a 'representative manner' or, in other terms, of how rare are the bad cases. The importance of such a question is illustrated in Johnson et al.'s (1989), study as we have already mentioned; for example, on a special class of graphs with a geometric structure, SA is outperformed by Kernighan-Lin in the graph partitioning problem. For local search heuristics, there is the additional problem of performance stability w.r.t. the initial solution choice; in randomized heuristics the choice of the random sequence is another source of variability. By the way, this shows clearly the need for a methodology in comparing algorithms; this should be based on the statistical theory of experimental design as in any other experimental science (see, e.g. Montgomery, 1976). So, the conclusions will be in lights and shades. Let us begin with two quotations from Johnson et al.: "Annealing is a potentially valuable tool but in no M. Pirlot / European Journal of Operational Research 92 1/996) 493-511 507 ways a panacea" (Johnson et al., 1991, p.405). It is clear indeed that SA is not competitive in some problems (an example of which is number partitioning studied in Johnson et al., 1991). Similar statements are certainly valid both for TS and GAs. Note that a challenging problem is to understand why, or for what kind of problems, general heuristics like SA, TS, GA or others can be efficient in the search for good solutions. The following statement from Johnson et al. (1989, p.869) is concerned with a specific difficulty in assessing general heuristics which are not well-specified algorithms but rather schemes of algorithms: "Although experiments are capable of demonstrating that the approach performs well, it is impossible for them to prove that it performs poorly. Defenders of SA can always say that we made the wrong implementation choices". The more complex the approach (like in TS and GAs), the more justified the statement. In particular, comparing SA, TS and GAs on a given optimization problem without specifying which implementations were used is almost meaningless. General statements should be made only when several implementations of each approach have been tested; even in that case, one should remain extremely careful. In their exemplary investigations on the applications of the SA to graph coloring, Johnson et al. (1991) compare implementations of SA using different neighbourhood structures with a classical heuristic that has been randomized (XLRF). Their conclusions indicates that the competition winner varies according to factors like instance size, edge density (for random graphs), geometry of the graph (see Johnson et al., 1991, Table VIII, p.399). Johnson et al. also experimented with the TS algorithm described in Section 3.2, but do not confirm Hertz and de Werra's conclusions: they find no general domination of TS over SA. A suggested explanation is that their implementation of SA is substantially faster than the SA algorithm used by Hertz and de Werra (which was originally presented in Chams et al., 1987). Note however that in most comparisons of simple TS with SA, TS has generally been found superior, mainly by being able to provide solutions of comparable quality in much shorter time. In trying to propose some conclusions, I will be concerned only with rather straightforward (though careful) implementations of the three approaches as opposed to highly sophisticated and elaborated ones. This also means that I shall adopt the viewpoint of the practitioner who is facing a real-life problem and is trying to solve it rather than of an academic OR researcher. The latter is indeed interested in performance mainly on classical well-studied problems and simple-minded approach generally is not pertinent in this context. Note also that in recent years there has been a tendency to develop sophisticated (mainly TS) heuristics to solve practical problems. Some very nice examples can be found in Volume 41 of the Annals of Operations Research edited by Glover et al. (1993). Let me first recall a common sense yet often forgotten statement. In front of a practical problem, one should inform oneself on whether good specific heuristics or exact methods do exist for the problem or for variants or subproblems. If the decision of implementing a general heuristic is made (and it can be on top of a traditional local search heuristic), I would advocate beginning with a simple one like SA or a basic short term version of TS. If encouraging results can be obtained and if better is needed, one can then turn to more sophisticated approaches, as by including longer term strategies in TS. (Experience has shown they can sometimes make dramatic differences). Indeed the time needed to implement SA or a simple TS is attractively short. For choosing further between SA and TS, I would say that it is often possible to obtain solutions of similar quality with both but TS generally runs much faster. On the contrary, even simple TS involves more tactical choices and hence needs slightly more time to be implemented and tuned. One possible option is to quickly prototype with SA and then turn to TS for more efficiency. The quality of solution usually is better than with simple-minded descent algorithms at least for medium size, hard problems. Running times are often much longer than for descent algorithms. For large instances, they may become prohibitive and solution quality may be poor. Parameter fine tuning is not crucial in general except when trying to obtain optimal solutions (see, e.g. van Laarhoven et al., 1992). Both SA and TS implementations for a given problem can usually be adapted to take into account constraints which were not in the initial formulation of the problem. 508 M. Pirlot/ European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1996) 493-511 In the case where potential benefits are expected to balance the efforts needed to sophisticating a simple implementation of TS (or SA), many possibilities are open. TS offers good opportunities for importing all kinds of heuristic search principles (including population evolution and crossover, see Moscato, 1993). As observed earlier, longer term TS already embodies population based elements in its path relinking strategies. One can also think of GAs or other heuristic approaches, or even turn back to exact methods. Incorporating knowledge about the mathematical structure of the problem is in principle advisable. A short overview of possible combinations of basic heuristic search ideas is provided in the next section. 5.2. Outlook of current trends Beside the quality of the solutions, ease of implementation and robustness for taking additional constraints into account, a large part of the attractiveness of the so-called general heuristics is due to two of their features, the analogy with 'natural' optimization processes and the existence of theoretical convergence results. The former feature should not be taken too seriously as is usually the case with analogies, while the latter proved somewhat disappointing as discussed above. As a consequence, nothing is taboo neither in TS nor in SA or in GAs! Many recent papers report on experimentations with variants or combinations of the 'classical' general heuristics or with new heuristic search ideas. Any sensible combination of heuristic search ideas may indeed be considered, but experimentation should be done seriously which is not always the case. It still happens that the enthusiasm raised by the intuitive appeal of a new method does not offer much resistance to pragmatic investigation. It is likely that the field will evolve by building toolboxes of well-tried heuristic search ideas and libraries of heuristic search algorithms. In view of the almost absolute freedom of blending such tools, some people say that the design of a heuristic is an art; the blowing up of heuristic search methods will at least generate a new combinatorial optimization problem, the problem of managing the growing flow of papers submitted for publication in scientific journals. In the final subsections we present a selection of a few trends among the most interesting in our view. 5.2.1. Sophisticated TS: A toolbox for heuristic search In his recent work, Fred Glover gives a very extensive definition of TS which, in my opinion, is very near to a general definition of heuristic search in optimization. In the wide sense, TS can be considered a first example of a toolbox of the type alluded to above. Following Glover, Taillard and de Werra (1993), TS is a technique based on selected concepts of artificial intelligence but it is 'open' in the sense that the list of concepts and search strategies usable under the TS heading is not restrictive. There is however one main component which is the implementation of flexible memory structures. This can be done in a variety of manners mainly by varying the neighbourhood structure and/or the objective function. We just sketch here some representative possibilities and refer to the already mentioned literature for more detail and further developments. Tabu lists are in fact a simple way of evolving the neighboorhood structure and taking into account the history of the search. No general indications can be given on how to implement tabu lists, choosing the properties of the moves to be recorded and fixing the lists sizes. Browsing through the literature is the best way of getting inspired and, as for SA, using graphical tools and/or statistics can help a great deal to suggest fruitful choices. As previously noted, Tabu lists are typically implementing short term memory effects. Longer term memory can be used for monitoring the alternation of intensification and diversification phases which are, according to Glover, a basic strategic principle of search. Intensification means concentrating the search on promising types of solutions. This can be done, e.g. by identifying characters of 'elite' solutions met in the past and defining the neighbourhood of the current solution by means of candidate lists of moves which implement the preference for solutions sharing some characters with elite solutions. It is clear however that identifying pertinent characters of elite solutions may not always be an easy task; alternatively properties to be emphasized in the neighbourhood definition can also be selected on the M. Pirlot / European Journal of Operational Research 92 (I996) 493-511 509 basis of a statistical study of the search history (frequency-based memory as opposed to recency-based memory). Nevertheless, even fairly simple forms of intensification, based on identifying 'consistent' and 'strongly determined' variables, have proved highly effective (Rochat and Taillard, 1994). Diversification is required to remain able to escape from local minima. A simple diversification device consists in modifying the objective function and penalizing solutions which are 'too close' to a set of previously visited ones. Varying the weights of such penalties as well as those introduced to model soft constraints can be used to monitor intensification and diversification ('shifting penalty approach'). A generalization of this concept is called strategic oscillation. All these sophisticated search principles can better be understood through examples of applications. References to such examples are provided, e.g. in Glover et al. (1993). 5.2.2. Hybrid techniques A number of search ideas can be imported from one type of heuristic search and implemented in another. Here is a sample of examples. Mixing TS and SA. In an SA algorithm, random selection of a solution in the neighbourhood V(xn) may be substituted by the selection of the best solution in a randomly generated subneighbourhood V'(xn) c V(xn). This is applied, e.g. in Tuyttens et al. (1994) where it is compared to classical SA on a grouping problem and proves definitely more efficient. Another variant of SA can be described by means of a concept borrowed from the TS terminology. It consists in modifying the usual monotonically decreasing cooling schedule; when the search becomes inefficient, the system is heated again and the search restarted at a higher temperature; the restarting temperature is lower than the initial one and is decreased from cycle to cycle. This can be described as an application of the 'strategic oscillation' principle. For a successful implementation of this idea on the vehicle routing problem, see Osman (1993). Conversely, the idea of a cooling schedule can be imported in TS. In many implementations of TS, a thresholding technique is used, e.g. in the aspiration criterion; moves for which the variation of the objec- tive function does not pass a certain threshold are forbidden. The value of the threshold can be decreased according to some 'cooling schedule'. Such an idea is implemented in Tuyttens et al. (1994) where it is compared to a basic short term TS algorithm on a grouping problem. Again this yields better solutions in lesser time. Mixing TS with GA. In an interesting paper and among other stimulating considerations about TS, Moscato (1993) proposes a parallel version of TS where a population of solutions is evolved in an alternation of individual and collective phases. During the collective phases, pairs of solutions are mixed by means of a crossover operator. This approach retains the most appealing idea of the GAs, i.e. interactive or co-operative parallelism. As noted, a related alternative is to incorporate Scatter Search and path relinking strategies in Tabu Search. Although proposed in TS settings some years ago, these strategies have not been widely investigated. Integration in specific heuristics. An example of integration in a specific heuristic for graph coloring is in Hertz and de Werra (1987); it was briefly described in Section 3.3 above. Integrating LP in general heuristics. Working with general heuristics does not preclude using more traditional techniques of OR. An example where Linear Programming is needed for computing the objective function is described in Teghem et al. (1994). The problem (grouping book covers which will be printed on the same offset plate) can be formulated as a mixed integer program; SA (or TS or GAs) may deal with the combinatorial part of the search while every assignment of covers to plates is assessed by LP. So, an LP routine is called at each step and yet computing times remain reasonable. 5.2.3. New general heuristics Surprisingly enough, the birth rate of new general heuristic ideas is not that high. Among the recent ones let us mention for their appealing name the 'Great Deluge' and the 'Record-to-Record' algorithms (Dueck, 1993). These can be classified as rather simple thresholding techniques. Another typical example of a heuristic patterned after Nature is the so-called 'Ant algorithm' (Colorni et al., 1994) which is built on an analogy with the behavior of an insect colony. 510 M. Pirlot / European Journal of Operational Research 92 (1996) 493-511 A new approach which seems reasonably efficient has been proposed by Charon and Hudry (1993). It is called 'Noising' and relies on the following principle. Noise N is added to the objective function F for instance through random perturbations of the coefficients of F. This yields a 'noisy' objective function F' = F + kN, where k is a parameter. Then a descent algorithm is applied to the noisy objective function F'. In Variant 1, A: is decreased as time elapses; Variant 2 consists of an alternation of noisy and non-noisy descents (with decreasing values of A;); in Variant 3, the system periodically returns to the best solution which was met. This technique has been applied to the TSP, graph partitioning, median order and assignment problems. It is reported to be rather efficient, robust, easy to implement and to tune. Again, interconnections are possible by noting the relation to the TS approach of strategic oscillation, which is sometimes applied as a strategy to modify both objective function and constraint parameters. Similarly, periodically restarting from elite solutions is a basic TS intensification approach. Special variants of this form of intensification have recently produced unusually good outcomes in scheduling applications (Nowicki and Smutnicki, 1993, 1994). Acknowledgments The author wishes to warmly thank two anonymous referees for extremely constructive reports which helped preparing the revision of an initial version of the paper. In particular, I hope that their comments have led to a better balance in the presentation of the three general heuristics discussed above. References Azencott, R. (ed.) 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