Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations PV178: Programming for .NET Framework Threads and Synchronization Vojtˇech Forejt, Martin Osovsk´y, Faculty of Informatics and Institute of Computer Science Masaryk University April 2, 2009 Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Threads Used to improve application’s behaviour by running several tasks concurrently Perform task in background while redrawing GUI Download data from several servers at one time . . . System.Threading namespace Thread class provides basic thread support Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Thread Class Runs method given by delegate in constructor delegate type: ThreadStart, ParametrizedThreadStart Start method starts the thread ThreadState property – Unstarted, Running, WaitSleepJoin, AbortRequested, Stopped,. . . Static method Sleep “blocks” the current thread for given time and changes thread state to WaitSleepJoin Join method “blocks” the current thread until a thread (whose Join method is called) terminates. Changes thread state to WaitSleepJoin Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Thread Class cont. Interrupt method “wakes” the current thread Raises ThreadInterruptedException Changes thread state to Running Abort method may be used for terminating thread ThreadState changed to AbortRequested Raises ThreadAbortException Called thread may call static method ResetAbort and state is changed to Running Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Thread Life Cycle Unstarted Running WaitSleepJoin Stopped AbortRequested ctor Start() Wait() Sleep() Join() conditionmet ResetAbort() Abort() threadends thread ends ThreadStart executed Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Example ThreadsExample.cs Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Thread Priority Specifies thread priority for scheduling purposes Lowest, BelowNormal, Normal, AboveNormal, Highest, Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Example ThreadPriorityExample Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations ThreadPool ThreadPool Class Thread creation may be handled using this class; Delegate of type WaitCallBack is passed to static method QueueUserWorkItem. Maximal and minimal number of threads in thread pool may be get/set using (Get|Set)(Min|Max)Threads GetAvailableThreads returns number of threads that can be run in addition to current ones. Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations ThreadPool Example ThreadPoolExample.cs Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Synchronization – Motivation In a multithreaded environment, some resources may be shared Access to shared resources may require special care //two shared i n t e g e r s x and y int z = y ; y = x ; x = z ; Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Example CriticalSectionExample.cs Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Synchronization Primitives Interlocked operations – safely modify variables Monitor – gives access to a resource to one thread at a time Mutex – as above, allows synchronization of multiple processes Semaphore – gives acces to a resoucre to limited number of threads ReaderWriterLock – Allows multiple reading threads, or one writing thread Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Interlocked Interlocked Class Provides static methods to safely access shared variables Methods Increment and Decrement Add Exchange and CompareExchange – allows exchanging values in variables Read – reads a 64 bit value. Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Mutexes Monitor Class Controls access to objects Grants a lock for an object to a single thread Threads call monitor’s static methods, object to synchronize on is given as parameter. Methods Enter – acquire lock on object, if object is locked, blocks until it is freed TryEnter – as above, but does not block and returns bool Exit – releases the lock Wait – releases the lock and blocks the thread until it reacquires the lock Pulse – signals a waiting thread that object’s lock state has changed PulseAll – same as Pulse, but signals all waiting threads Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Mutexes Monitors – Syntactic Sugar In C#, lock statement performs Enter and Exit automatically lock ( obj ) { //now obj i s locked f o r c u r r e n t thread } MethodImplAttribute attribute of the method with value Synchronized marks critical section spanning whole method [ MethodImpl ( MethodImplOptions . Synchronized ) ] void SomeMethod () { // t h i s code w i l l never be run by two threads // at the same time } Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Mutexes Example MonitorsBasicExample Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Mutexes Example MonitorExample Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Mutexes Mutex Class May be used for synchronization between processes Methods Static OpenExisting – returns mutex of a given name WaitOne ReleaseMutex Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Mutexes Example MutexExample Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Semaphores Semaphore Class Used where the number of threads accessing the shared resource should be limited Holds a count of threads currently in critical section Maximum number of threads in critical section given in constructor Methods WaitOne Release Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Semaphores Example SemaphoreExample.cs Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Readers and writers ReaderWriterLock Class Used where a shared resource may be used for writing by one thread, or for reading by multiple threads. Methods AcquireReaderLock and AcquireReaderLock UpgradeToWriterLock ReleaseLock Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Asynchnous Operations Tasks that may be time consuming (e.g. IO) may support asynchronous calling. E.g. BeginWrite and EndWrite methods of Stream Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations IAsyncResult Interface Represent a status of asychronous operation, returned e.g. by BeginWrite Property IsCompleted – true if operation already ended Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Calling Delegates Asynchronously Every delegate has the following methods BeginInvoke Takes same arguments as delegate, plus AsyncCallback delegate, and object representing application state (last two may be null) Executed asynchronously, returns IAsyncResult EndInvoke Gets IAsyncResult and returns value returned by delegate calling If asynchronous call has not ended yet, current thread blocks and waits for the end Threads Synchronization Asynchronous operations Example AsyncDelegatesExample.cs