Reverse code engineering Powerfull knowledge, lot of fun and legal for several purposes! Native binary code (assembler) We will work with OllyDbg ( program that is easy-to-use disassembler and debugger. * Basic information available in Wikipedia article on reverse engineering (IS copy REWiki.pdf) * Download OllyDbg 1.10 (freeware) either from or (better) from IS ( * Download tutorials I and II. by Lena from IS (tut1.rar and tut2.rar). Remaining tutorials can be obtained from * Download Assembler basics from IS (BasicsOfAssembler.pdf). * Download homework crackme (LabakCrackMe). OllyDbg shortcuts & most important commands F3 ... Open binary file F2 ... Toggle breakpoint (on opcodes, or double click) F9 ... Run debugged program Ctrl+F2 ... Restart program, temporary changes are lost! F8 ... Step over F7 ... Step into Spacebar or double click ... allows to set new opcode Alt+BkSp ... Undo change Rightclick->Search for->All referenced text strings ... Constant text strings referenced in code. Rightclick->Find references to->Address constant ... will find references to particular memory elsewhere in the code ­ use when you like to know where the memory is set or changed. Ctrl+F1 ... Help on API (WIN32 API help file already prepared in OllyDbg directory (WIN32.HLP)) ; ... add or edit your comment for specific code line Rightclick->Copy to executable->All modifications (or Selection) ... make changes permanent. New window with modified code is opened. Rightclick->Save file to write patched binary to disk. Registers (FPU): Z ­ zero flag, C ­ carry flag, S ­ sign flag. Invert bit flag by double click. EIP ... next address to execute (instruction pointer) EBX ... usually loop counter Startup resources The Reverse Code Engineering Community: Tutorials for You: RE on Wikipedia: Some hints * Conditional branching: usually realized by two consecutive operations o Comparison operation setting Flags register o Conditional jumping operation to address based on Flags (Branch 1) o If not jumped then Branch 2 code is present on the next instruction, or unconditional jump JMP to Branch 2. * Comparison operation o CMP EAX, -1 - will set flag(s) in Registers, Zero and Sign flags are usually of interest. If two values are same (EAX == -1), Zero flag is set to 1. o TEST A, B (usually TEST EAX, EAX) ­ logical AND operation, results not saved, Flags are set. TEST EAX, EAX will test if value in EAX is equal to 0. If EAX == 0 then Zero flag == 1, 0 otherwise. * Jump operation o Unconditional JMP ­ jump every time o Conditional - based on the current value of flag(s) JA* Jump if (unsigned) above - CF=0 and ZF=0 JB* Jump if (unsigned) below - CF=1 JE** Jump if equal - ZF=1 JG* Jump if (signed) greater - ZF=0 and SF=OF (SF = Sign Flag) JGE* Jump if (signed) greater or equal - SF=OF JL* Jump if (signed) less - SF != OF (!= is not) JLE* Jump if (signed) less or equal - ZF=1 and OF != OF JMP** Jump - Jumps always JNE** Jump if not equal - ZF=0 Java (Card) bytecode Intermediate code interpreted by virtual machine (see JavaCard222_ops.pdf). * Usually easier to understand then assembler code. * Stack-based oriented execution, no registers are used. * Operation takes its operands from stack and return result there. JAVACARD SOURCE CODE // ENCRYPT INCOMING BUFFER void Encrypt(APDU apdu) { byte[] apdubuf = apdu.getBuffer(); short dataLen = apdu.setIncomingAndReceive(); short i; // CHECK EXPECTED LENGTH (MULTIPLY OF 64 bites) if ((dataLen % 8) != 0) ISOException.throwIt(SW_CIPHER_DATA_LENGTH_BAD); // ENCRYPT INCOMING BUFFER m_encryptCipher.doFinal(apdubuf, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, dataLen, m_ramArray, (short) 0); // COPY ENCRYPTED DATA INTO OUTGOING BUFFER Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(m_ramArray, (short) 0, apdubuf, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, dataLen); // SEND OUTGOING BUFFER apdu.setOutgoingAndSend(ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, dataLen); } JAVACARD BYTECODE .method Encrypt(Ljavacard/framework/APDU;)V 129 { .stack 6; .locals 3; .descriptor Ljavacard/framework/APDU; 0.10; L0: aload_1; invokevirtual 30; astore_2; aload_1; invokevirtual 42; sstore_3; sload_3; bspush 8; srem; ifeq L2; L1: sspush 26384; invokestatic 41; goto L2; L2: getfield_a_this 1; aload_2; sconst_5; sload_3; getfield_a_this 10; sconst_0; invokevirtual 43; pop; getfield_a_this 10; sconst_0; aload_2; sconst_5; sload_3; invokestatic 44; pop; aload_1; sconst_5; sload_3; invokevirtual 45; return; } Homework The goal of this assignment is to reverse engineer supplied crack me file (LabakCrackMe.exe), obtain information about its behavior and make program to continue successfully without error message by a) patching, b) creating valid license info. More principally different solutions for the same problem will be awarded by an extra points. Hints: - You may use OllyDbg or any other disassembler. - Function fread fail by null exception if invalid file handle is supplied. Submit: - Short description of program behavior in text form or as annotated C source code (not only output of some disassembler) (source code version will be awarded by 1 extra point). - Patched crack me binary that let the program run every time successfully with no error without valid license info. - Valid license info that let program run successfully without binary modification. - Deadline is 12.5.2010 {10 points + bonuses}