Introduction Course organization Motivation and Goals Introduction to Management by Competencies (MbC) PV215 - 1 Course schema one hour lecture a week one hour seminar in two weeks -> split into two major groups via IS.MUNI.CZ Lectures focused on theory Seminars focused on practical issues and training Course Project focused on team collaboration and complex application of theoretical concepts PV215 - 1 Why is management important? The role of management in IT Management as a part of SSME PV215 - 1 To introduce main aspects, which causes problems in company management To introduce methods and tools for identification and elimination of such problems You will be able to understand management processes to understand enterprise organization PV215 - 1 Management by Competencies J. Plamínek, R. Fišer ­ Czech only Leading of people, teams, and companies J. Plamínek ­ Czech only Problem solving and decision making J. Plamínek ­ Czech only PV215 - 1 Synergistic management J. Plamínek - Czech only Theory of Constraints Elyiahu M. Goldratt Learning organization concept P. Senge Client oriented approach C. Rogers PV215 - 1 Management is a process of achieving desired or given goals and objectives by means of other people Human activities can be managed in many contexts projects by project managers abilities and knowledge development by human resources managers company by company leaders their lives by themselves ... PV215 - 1 Successful company company which achieve its business goals Sustainably successful company company where attaining of current goals does not diminish the chance to achieve its goals in the future i.e. vital company MbC is designed to help companies to achieve vitality PV215 - 1 Every success or failure of any company corresponds to the competencies of people responsible for company performance In MbC, problems are analyzed to reveal unsatisfactory or completely missing competencies In achieving vitality of company, people are the only critical aspect PV215 - 1 Company management approach based on harmonical development of the world of requirements and the world of possibilities Controls and regulates duality of these worlds to achieve synergistic effect Requirements have to fit to current possibilities Possibilities have to be developed to be ready to meet requirements of the future PV215 - 1 PV215 - 1 vitality = possibilities + requirements (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 1 Crisis Equilibrium Stability WANT > CAN WANT = CAN WANT < CAN PV215 - 1 Competence of a person is sum of job performance, i.e. human labor, and potential, i.e. human resources Competence ought to be always contemplated in the context of certain task to be performed Competence Task Goal PV215 - 1 competence= resources + labor (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 1 level of vitality ~ set of competencies PV215 - 1 REQUIREMENTS POSSIBILITIES potential competence goal task Why are there companies with more than 1 person? Company culture is the set of relationships between key factors essential for the company Examples of factors interpersonal relationships, work environment, vision clarity, leader authority, organizational structure, level of formality, benefits, work/life balance r12=k12(f1+f2), k12 > 0 k12 < 1: conflict relationship k12 = 1: neutral relationship k12 > 1: synergic relationship PV215 - 1 Synergistic Company Culture Companies driven by people Companies driven by thoughts Chaotic Company Culture absence of factors binding people together results in neutral or conflict environment Company culture management aquarium metaphor from companies driven by people to companies driven by thoughts PV215 - 1 Course organization Management Management by Competencies Vitality Duality of the worlds of requirements and possibilities Competence Duality of human labor and human resources Company culture PV215 - 1