Process management PV215 - 7 2 Strategic frame Business hypothesis Vision Mission Values and Rules Strategy (C) J. Plamínek   Performance Indicators   Change Vector   Balance Scorecard   Processes and Projects   Case study: Mycroft Mind PV215 - 7 3 PV215 - 7 4 Products, Services, Processes & Projects, Resources, Tasks, Competencies, Feedbacks, Feedforwards, HR development, ... Goals & Objectives Strategic Frame Processes & Projects Strategi c frame Busines s hypothe sis Vision Mission Values and Rules Strategy PV215 - 7 5 I ... intention (goal, objective) Strategi c frame Busines s hypothe sis Vision Mission Values and Rules Strategy I I II I I I I I I PV215 - 7 6   To know WHAT to do is not enough   It is important to know WHETHER and HOW we are doing   Therefore MbC operates with system of indicators on every level of management   In accordance with development of company and people, the target values for indicators are determined which enables continuous monitoring and management of improvement parameter p a) difference between parameter and target value PV215 - 7 7 target value P of p b) target definition p2 p1 P2 P1 c) change vector definition p2 p1 Q2 Q1 SQ SQ ... status quo P1 P2 T T ... target   Strategic frame is a call for change ◦  change vector derivation   Change vector is specific submission for managers ◦  if it is not specified by leaders it ought to be specified by managers   Managers plan and act to make the change ◦  Pyramid of vitality utilization   To succeed the system of appropriate indicators and its target values has to be defined, evaluated and adjusted ◦  Balanced Scorecard utilization PV215 - 7 8 PV215 - 7 9 D S E U Subjects • Who may need us? Needs • What they may need? Services Products • How we can satisfy the needs? Processes • What procedures will lead to services and products? Resources • What resources will these procedures consume? Structures • How we organize keeping up these procedures and resources? Activity • What will exactly happen within activity? Demands • What exactly will one have to do? Requirements • What abilities and its level will one have to posses? Person • Who fits the demands and requirements the best? PV215 - 7 10 TOP management financial indicators revenues -> profit/loss <- costs customer indicators number of new customers average size of order new products ratio number of loyal customers ... internal processes indicators average time to market number of complaints – quality product cost service innovation pace ... learning and growth indicators competencies/resources abilities attitudes qualities all managers managementof sales andmarketing managementof primaryprocess, logistics, development, IT,...   Processes and projects ◦  defined sets of procedures, activities or actions transforming inputs to outputs   Processes ◦  repeatable, easy to monitor, subject of continual improvement ◦  deterministic, predictable ◦  focused on outputs   Projects ◦  unique, have to be attentively planned and executed, continuously monitored and managed ◦  uncertain ◦  focused on impact, benefits and goals of its outputs PV215 - 7 11 D S E U   How can projects benefit from process management? ◦  projects may involve processes; for partial design of project the process design techniques may be utilized   How can processes benefit from project management? ◦  process definition may be extended to define desired impact of process outputs; then performance indicators may be defined more appropriately PV215 - 7 12 D S E U Reasonable process specification granularity Structure as a consequence of process specification Top-down approach Suitable tools Process domain reflection Continuous improvement PV215 - 7 13 D S E U   MM executes Project Program to achieve its business goals ◦  Project Program is the set of projects sharing goals and resources ◦  The set of projects which share resources only is called Project Portfolio   Projects within program are differentiated by several categories ◦  each category stands for crucial aspect of MM business PV215 - 7 14 • research & development • 1 projectTechnology • application and solution development • 5 projectsApplication • market research, marketing and sales • 2 projectsBusiness • methodology development • 9 projectsFlow • leadership and management • 1 projectOrganization PV215 - 7 15 Ortoprocesses Paraprocesses Metaprocesses ManagementProcess Adapts to satisfy the needs Management Process Development Methodology Execution Generates new needs 16PV215 - 7 Management Process Execution Methodology Defines • Introspection • Evaluation • Revision Performs • Introspection • Evaluation • Revision M E of M E of 17PV215 - 7 Task Categories Research Specification Implementation Production Organization Business Education Flow Projects R-FLOW S-FLOW I-FLOW P-FLOW O-FLOW B-FLOW E-FLOW Provide methodological and environmental support for tasks of respective kind Consequently, evaluate and improve the effectiveness of entire program 18PV215 - 7   Are executed in accordance with the methodology   Change the methodology in accordance with the needs and requirements emerging in the execution of all projects   Distributively performs introspection, evaluations and revision, i.e. feedbacks and feedforwards   Example ◦  OFLOW: “for every flow project there is a meeting held at least every 2 weeks” 19PV215 - 7 PV215 - 7 20 Management In Large Project Technology Projects Application Projects Business Projects Flow Projects Principle we have applied • Principle of work with unknown: ICT support of business has to be done in a way it can easily support also such requirements that business owners are not aware of today Tools we have used • Mind Manager – flexible mind mapping editor • Project Explorer – flexible tool for reporting and analysis 21PV215 - 7 Mind Maps (Mind Manager) 22PV215 - 7 Project Explorer (proprietary tool) 23PV215 - 7   Performance Indicators are necessary to know WHERE we are and WHERE are we going   Balance Scorecard is an strategic performance tool working with complete set of indicators ◦  financial, customer, processes, learn and growth   Processes and projects are two kinds of what can happen in companies   Case study ◦  flow projects as a tool for sustainable development PV215 - 7 24