Motivation, Habilitation and Integration PV215 - 7 2 Person (human resources bearer) Qualities (the way we are) Attitudes (what we want, what we believe in) Abilities (what we know and can do) Integra tion Synergeti zation Habilitation Motivation Orientation Definition (C) J. Plamínek (C) J. Plamínek   Motivation   Habilitation   Managing conflict people   Individual development   Principles of vertical and horizontal careers PV215 - 7 3 PV215 - 7 4 stimuli processing feeling need behavior rational procedures intuitive procedures processing processing pleasant/ unpleasant to preserve/ to change passive/ active (C) J. Plamínek   Motivation ◦  the action that is required for people is given in relation to their current needs ◦  requires the ability to estimate the current needs of people   Stimulation ◦  the action that is required for people is given in relation to the general working stimuli (financial incentives) ◦  requires perpetual input of time, money and effort to stimulate people PV215 - 7 5 I S H M O D PV215 - 7 6 I S H M O D D STABILITY EFFECTIVITY USEFULNESS D STABILITY EFFECTIVITY USEFULNESS Stimulation Motivation   Motivation is about reaching harmony in ◦  what does one person feels as their inner needs ◦  what this person is assigned to do for company   Making person and task to be assigned to fit each other ◦  adjust person to the task ◦  adjust task or its submission to person   Golden rule ◦  “Do not adjust people to their task, but adjust tasks to people and their needs!”   Manager skilled in motivating is able to ◦  reach desired result and ◦  make people happy and satisfied with their work PV215 - 7 7 I S H M O D • satisfaction with the role and position • satisfaction with fairness • satisfaction with the outcome PV215 - 7 8 I S H M O D Personal Process Factual (C) J. Plamínek Mood Motivational Tune Environment Motivational Position Personality Motivational Basis PV215 - 7 9 I S H M O D reflection of outer short term impulses reflection of current inner state degree of fulfillment of life needs social role and order may overlap the other factors in short term may mask and hide the personality influence in long term (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 7 10 Guides Explorers Harmonizers Refiners I S H M O D D S E U D S E U D S E U D S E U (C) J. Plamínek Explorer Guide Harmonizer Refiner Typical need Inner self- assertion: overcoming challenges Outer self- assertion: influencing people Outer anchor: favorable environment Inner anchor: perfection Response to praise “I know. Of course it works.” “It was not easy. I’ll show what I did.” “Praise also the others.” “Thanks. I did what I could.” Response to criticism “I know. It has already happened.” (Belittlement) “Who the hell you are, ...” (Acceptance) “I see. Maybe I disappointed you” Fair criticism: (Regret) Unfair criticism: (Diplomatic) “If you think so” Cope with stress Kick. Higher performance Delegating to others Unresponsive Big stress, collapse. Motivating formulations This will be hard. Nobody done it before. Do it in your way. We depend on you. You are great organizer. You will be a part of the team. You will help if they struggle. Here are the instructions. I will advise when it is not clear. PV215 - 7 11 (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 7 12 MEANING ESTEEM BELONGING SAFETY SURVIVAL I S H M O D Bearable working conditions Sufficient financial income Securing the future Good interpersonal relationships Image of the company Bonuses and career Appreciation and respect Space for personal development Useful work (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 7 13 I S H M O D Process Activity Demands Requirements Required abilities Required attitudes Required qualities Required results Hiring people Orientation, motivation Comparison of required (R) and real (L) abilities Results evaluation Real abilities (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 7 14 I S H M O D Develop abilities YES Prepare requirements reduction NO NO Increase requirements YES Comparison of required (R) and real (L) abilities Let it be NO NO L=R Will requirements grove? YES Is there potential for development? YES Is it effective to develop abilities? YES YES Is it effective to develop abilities? LR Is it possible to use abilities more effectively? Reduce requirements NO NO PV215 - 7 15 I S H M O D Training (trainer) Couching (couch) Lectures (lecturer) Consulting (consultant) general view (models) specific issues (reality) practice (skills) theory (knowledge) (C) J. Plamínek 1)  What bothers me specifically? 2)  Is the problem on my side? 3)  Is the problem in the system? 4)  Does he or she cause the problems intentionally? 5)  Why does he or she cause the problems? PV215 - 7 16 I S H M O D   Wants to attract attention ◦  then assign the role   Wants to solve a problem ◦  then reveal and understand the problem   Wants to mask his or her inability ◦  then habilitate him or her   Does not like me, want to hurt me ◦  are there specific causes?   if so, remove them   if not, limit contacts   Does not care, is passive ◦  then orientate and motivate him or her   It is his or her nature or unknown ◦  if it is important, ask specialist PV215 - 7 17 I S H M O D PV215 - 7 18 Synergy Freedom Latitude Dependence I S H M O D (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 7 19 top management middle management junior management workers moneyandprestige results (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 7 20 leader role managerial role specialist role worker role money and prestige results ... (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 7 21   Motivation and stimulation are not the same   Motivation layers   motivation tune, motivation position, motivation base   Habilitation scheme   Individual development   Vertical careers do not provide enough space for development and career