Management by Competencies Process management Previously on MbC mess hypothesis Strategy [Strategic frame Values and Rules (C)J. Plamínek PV215- 7 Agenda ► Performance Indicators ► Change Vector ► Balance Scorecard ► Processes and Projects ► Case study: Mycroft Mind PV215- 7 System of corporate ideas Goals & Objectives roducts, Services, Processes & Projects, Resources, Tasks, Competencies, Feedbacks, Feedforwards, HR development, . PV215- 7 4 Strategie Frame from the management perspective I ... intention (goal, objective) PV215- 7 Definition of Performance Indicators ► To know WHAT to do is not enough ► It is important to know WHETHER and HOW we are doing ► Therefore MbC operates with system of indicators on every level of management ► In accordance with development of company and people, the target values for indicators are determined which enables continuous monitoring and management of improvement PV215-7 6 Definition of target value P of p parameter p a) difference between parameter and target value P2 change vector b) target definition Qi Pi c) change vector definition SQ ... status quo T ... target Pi PV215- 7 Change achieving ► Strategic frame is a call for change ° change vector derivation ► Change vector is specific submission for managers ° if it is not specified by leaders it ought to be specified by managers ► Managers plan and act to make the change ° Pyramid of vitality utilization ► To succeed the system of appropriate indicators and its target values has to be defined, evaluated and adjusted ° Balanced Scorecard utilization PV215-7 8 Revision of Vital signs in the term of change Subjects Who may need us? What they may need? Processes What procedures will lead to services and products? •What resources will these procedures consume? How we can satisfy the needs? Structures • How we organize keeping up these procedures and resources? ^ J What wi exactly happen within activity? What abilities and its level will one have to posses? PV215 Who fits the demands and requirements the best? Balanced Scorecard 5 learning and growth indicators competencies/resources abilities attitudes qualities Processes definition and management ► Processes and projects ° defined sets of procedures, activities or actions transforming inputs to outputs ► Processes repeatable, easy to monitor, subject of continual improvement ° deterministic, predictable focused on outputs ► Projects ° unique, have to be attentively planned and executed, continuously monitored and managed ° uncertain ° focused on impact, benefits and goals of its outputs PV215- 7 11 Synergy of process and project management ► How can projects benefit from process management? ° projects may involve processes; for partial design of project the process design techniques may be utilized ► How can processes benefit from project management? ° process definition may be extended to define desired impact of process outputs; then performance indicators may be defined more appropriately PV215-7 12 A Best practices in process design Reasonable process specification granularity Structure as a consequence of process specification Top-down approach Suitable tool Process domain reflection i Continuous improvement PV215- 7 13 Case study: Processes in Mycroft Mind HO ► MM executes Project Program to achieve its business goals ° Project Program is the set of projects sharing goals and resources ° The set of projects which share resources only is called Project Portfolio ► Projects within program are differentiated by several categories ° each category stands for crucial aspect of MM business PV215- 7 14 Project categories HO Technology Application Business research & development 1 project application and solution development 5 projects market research, marketing and sales 2 projects methodology development 9 projects leadership and management 1 project Ortoprocesses ^M ^ f Metaprocesses processes | ^ ^ j PV215- 7 15 Management Process Development HO Methodolog Adapts to satisfy the needs 1 Execution Generates new needs PV215- 7 1 Sustainability of Management Process Development YCRHR HO Management Process PV215- 7 1 Flow projects derivation HO Task Categories Flow Projects Research Specification 'implementation Production Organization Business Education ~> FLOW -FLOW FLOW P-FLOW O-FLOW B-FLOW E-FLOW Provide methodological and environmental support for tasks of respective kind Consequently, evaluate and improve the effectiveness of entire program PV215- 7 18 Flow projects ► Are executed in accordance with the methodology ► Change the methodology in accordance with the needs and requirements emerging in the execution of all projects ► Distributively performs introspection, evaluations and revision, i.e. feedbacks and feedforwards ► Example OFLOW: "for every flow project there is a meeting held at least every 2 weeks" PV215-7 19 YCRHR HO Project Program Scheme YCRHR HO Manaqem Y C Technology Projects X Applicatio Projects Act > Roles -> Points (TREE) - only A roles ... ► ► ► FIN (14) OSK (39) J ELECT_5: guide pro novou vizualizacni architekturu je rozvíjen - A(2) - 100% Qa(OSK/2) J ELECT_5: ladění vizu fuse - dodélävky - A(6) -J ELECT_5: prototypové predpisy vizualizace dat. J ELECT_5: dokončení implementace a ladění vízl J ELECT_5: guide pro novou vizualizacni architekt J ELECT_5: výkonné predikáty pro vyhodnocení P> dokončeni implementace a laděni vízl PV215- 7 Summary ► Performance Indicators are necessary to know WHERE we are and WHERE are we going ► Balance Scorecard is an strategic performance tool working with complete set of indicators ° financial, customer, processes, learn and growth ► Processes and projects are two kinds of what can happen in companies ► Case study ° flow projects as a tool for sustainable development PV215-7 24