products elements productivity and quality place and time marketing mix price process ^ physical environment promotion and education people distinctive marketing chalenges when customer rents goods rather than buying them, what happens? therefore marketing management laskstn manufacturingsecteiran« service differ 9; H/erii'icd Perspectives on marketing in the service economy 1. What are the implications for customers? 2. What arc the marketing related tasks? market transformations services Hit« MtfUiMMlrlliiU what are they? Perspectives on marketing in the service economy market transformations services characteristics of services affects customer behavior and marketing strategy services characteristics of services affects customer behavior and marketing strategy nonseparability perishablility durable value nonownership form of rentals ^ nownership form of rentals VC AJ d* AP c c \5 o ^ Q) c \\1 nownership form of rentals Rented goods services TI___A__J _ Defined space and place rentals Labor and expertise rentals Labor and expertise rentals br, Ed SwiŕzerÉ Plait je 5ur9 transfer of ownership! o o Who: Ford, Fiat, Rolls Royce, IBM, ****** when talking about services and marketing services, distinguish marketing through services marketing of services marketing through services serving customers well and adding supplementary service elements to the core product serving customers well and adding supplementary service elements to the core product marketing of services s stand-alone services, therefore is possible to target NEW customers vv customers le distinctive marketing chalenges when customer rents goods rather than buying them, what happens? therefore marketing management tasks in manufacturing sector and distinctive marketii when customer rents goods rather than buying them, what happens? therefore marketing management tasks in manufacturing sector and service differ EXPECT TIONS Expectation lead to sappointment Is rattier than buying i, what happens? therefore marketing management tasks in manufacturing sector and service differ s-last service products cannot be inventoried natngible elements usually Inatngible elements usually d am i n ate va I u e ere ati an ierv" ces are often difficult tc ervices are often difficult to visualize and understand Customers may be involved Customers may be involved in co-product!on Pople may be part of the Pople may be part of the service experience Operational inputs and Ope rati an a I inputs and outputs tend to vary more widely The time factor often assumes great importance Distribution nay take place Distribution may take place through nonphysical channels Most service products cannot be inventoried _ Inatngible elements usually d o m i n ate va I u e ere ati o n ices are often difficult to ualize and understand Customers may be involved in co-production pie may be part of the service experience Operational inputs and outputs tend to vary more widely The time factor often assumes great importance 1. What are the implications for customers? 2. What are the marketing related tasks? 3. Do these individual differences apply equally to all services Distribution may take place through nonphysical channels place and time marketing mix environment products elements productivity and quality place and time price marketing mix process f [wl physical environment people promotion and education