fur service delivery, we should underhand ihc nature of the prnccss --ifc scries of actions (multiple steps) thai often need to take place in a defined sequence print«v imnfurt Ufcint! input* and uaiMl'ortiiti (<■ output.. w> wlui n being pi newed? people imlin diinii* tangible actions i-»|.ir» i-j-. possessions -*rvimtfr«l(il «1 phvai «1 pnuruMnt mangible actions r££S3 ............. Customer behavior aw 7.> =o a W. lrXl ' tusloincr decision making to develop effective marketing strategy, we must undcsland howpoeple make decissions about buying and using a service, what the experience of service delivery and consumption is like for customers, and how they evaluate that experience... -] 1. "Tiiir'ni ii.....ri >( rn<.«ti*k 3. post entonntiT Mage 'iiHiiir<<4W,-iiikvi( -L— Customer behavior f for service delivery, we should understand the nature of the process compare to goods - in marketing, the way of goods creation is not that important process compare to goods - in marketing, the way of goods creation is not that important ihink abom I he procedure ymi follow when you go io hairdresser... series of actions (multiple steps) that often need to take place in a defined sequence think about the procedure you follow when you go to hairdresser... WWW.CLANGNIJTS.COM nI tell you Shin, I drank so much last night, my hands are still shaking! " ....or when you are taking a flight abroad ...or when you arc taking a llighl jhmad process involves taking inputs i and transform it to output., so 3 what is being processed? people possessions services directed tangible actions at poeple's bodies patsenger iran*porur»(in. heatih fate, lodging, beuty talont, physical (Iwijiw, funciccmci*. rc*iJiir.iriiS'1>ji*, (uiwral services services directed at physical possessions freight transportation, repair and maintenance, storage, office cleaning service, retail distribution, laundry, refueling, gardening, disposal .1 i . services directed intangible actions at people's mind ..■A:. i ( i-.ii,. arts, entertainment, broadcasting, management consulting, education, concert*, psychotherapy, religion, voice telephone services directed at intangible assets accounting, hanking, data processing, insurance, legal services, programming research, software consulting I information based services services directed at poeple's bodies passenger transportation, health care, lodging, beuty salons, physical therapy, fitness centers, restaurants/bars, funeral services services directed at poeple's bodies passenger transportation, health care, lodging, beuty salons, physical therapy, fitness centers, restaurants/bars, funeral services possessions services directed at physical possessions freight transportation, repair and maintenance, storage, office cleaning service, retail distribution, laundry, refueling, gardening, disposal services directed at physical possessions freight transportation, repair and maintenance, storage, office cleaning service, retail distribution, laundry, refueling, gardening, disposal people possessions services directed tangible actions at poeple's bodies patsenger iran*porur»(in. heatih fate, lodging, beuty talont, physical (Iwijiw, funciccmci*. rc*iJiir.iriiS'1>ji*, (uiwral services services directed at physical possessions freight transportation, repair and maintenance, storage, office cleaning service, retail distribution, laundry, refueling, gardening, disposal .1 i . services directed intangible actions at people's mind ..■A:. i ( i-.ii,. arts, entertainment, broadcasting, management consulting, education, concert*, psychotherapy, religion, voice telephone services directed at intangible assets accounting, hanking, data processing, insurance, legal services, programming research, software consulting I information based services services directed at people's mind advertising, arts, entertainment, broadcasting, management consulting, education, concerts, psychotherapy, religion, voice telephone services directed at people's mind advertising, arts, entertainment, broadcasting, management consulting, education, concerts, psychotherapy, religion, voice telephone infor services directed at intangible assets accounting, banking, data processing, insurance, legal services, programming, research, software consulting services directed at intangible assets accounting, banking, data processing, insurance, legal services, programming, research, software consulting people possessions services directed tangible actions at poeple's bodies luwnpT Iransporlallnn, hcallh tare, lodging, bculy salons, physical ihcrapy, fitnewcenter., reMaiira miliars, funeral services services directed at physical possessions freight transportation, repair and maintenance, storage, office cleaning service, retail distribution, laundry, refueling, gardening, disposal •i i . services directed intangible actions at people's mind advertising, arts, entertainment, broadcasting, management consulting, education, concerts, psychotherapy, religion, voice telephone services directed at intangible assets accounting, banking, data processing, insurance, legal services, programming, research, software consulting information based services consulting, information based services customer decision making to develop effective marketii how poeple make decissions service, what the experience consumption is like for cnsti customer decision making to develop effective marketing strategy, we must undestand how poeple make decissions about buying and using a service, what the experience of service delivery and consumption is like for customers, and how they evaluate that experience... 1. prepurchase stage - customer seek soluti( L - evaluating before r purchase stage - customer seek solutions to arused N - evaluating before purchase 1 we can offer: search, experience, and credence attributes J - perceived risk how customers handle it? how provider reduce it? ELV VE IRB'A'A 'Iff DEAD purchase stage - customer seek solutions to arused N - evaluating before purchase we can offer: search, experience, and credence attributes - perceived risk how customers handle it? how provider reduce it? customer seeK soiuuons to arusea evaluating before purchase we can offer: search, experience, and credence attributes - perceived risk how customers handle it? how provider reduce it? customer's expectations zone of tolerance adequate service desired service customer's expectations zone of tolerance A adequate service Durchase decision ni high-contact service lovJconta t - 5 service encounter stage a period of time during which you, as a cu interact directly with a service provider ■ /L encounter stage a period of time during which you, as a customer, interact directly with a service provider high-contact service contact service - theatre methaphor 3. post-encounter stage - "satisfaction" correlates with Customer < "quality", price, personal factorsTetc. - once customers have been delighted their expectations are raised ncounter stage Cu3lomer Grievances Customer Focus s Customer Property - "satisfaction" correlates with Customer "quality", price, personalfactorsjetc. CUSTOMER Satisfaction Timely Supply Special Requirement ol Customer - once customers have been delighted, their expectations are raised eiituuiiier suige - "satisfaction" correlates with _ Customer --"^ "quality", price, personal factors7etc. Special Requirement of Customer - once customers have been delighted, their expectations are raised - don't let customers feel discomfortly - CUSIU111C1S lldVC UCC11 UCllglllCU, their expectations are raised - don't let customers feel discomfortly Customer behavior I DOHT WWT TO GOTO SCHOOL / I UMt SCHOOL / ID RKTUER OO ANYTHING TMAK GO TO SCHOOL!