Disiibuung Semces Lacaly vs. Imernaiionally üiMiil.yiiiiii in j SmvIom OlMeXI ......... Distributing Services Through Physical and Electronic Channels Distributing Services Through Physical and Electronic Channels Distribution in a Services Context in the services, there is often nothing to move experiences, performances, and solutions Oli. (Villi. -On. "jfn.j i.liiliun performances, performance information s, and solutions f^ClickandBuy One World - One Payment Solution www.cl Jckand buy.com in the services, there is often nothing to move experiences, performances, and solutions in a sale cycle, we can observe information and promotion flow .i.mm.j.n.iiiJ.ii.i.iiiwiMI negotiation flow both - core and supprementary services are distributed information and promotion flow Don't sign anything until you read this! negotiation flow product flow information and promotion flow both - core and supprementary services are distributed Determining the Type of Contact: Options for Service Delivery Decisions on where, when, and how to deliver service have important effects on the nature of customers' service experiences Decisions on where, when, and how to deliver service have important effects on the nature of customers' service experiences customer visit the service site provider goes to the customer the transaction is conducted remot customer visit the service site provider goes to the customer the transaction is irie customer the transaction is conducted remotely channel preferences vary different cost different experience for the customer Place and Time Decisions )plementary service --> different distribution strategies Place and Time Decisions score vs. supplementary service —> different distribution strategies multipurpose facilities Delivering Services in Cyberspace internet facilitates: information, negotiation, £ service, transactions, and promotion j . not aU customers like to use sdf-servtce etuupmeot J ^ Delivering Services in Cyberspace internet facilitates: information, negotiation, £ service, transactions, and promotion öö not a.l customers fflte to ose setf-setvice eouipme« |f o S http://\vww.ted.com/talks/seth_godin_on_the_tribes_we_lead.html j_^eiiveinig oeiviL.eb 111 y^yueibpdce internet facilitates: information, negotiation, £7 not all customers like to use self-semce equipment service, transactions, and promotion &6 jfe feedback ^^ant £ # 3 5 5? O 7 S http://www.ted.com/talks/seth_godin_on_the_tribes_we_lead.html affiliate marketing The Role of Intermediaries supplementary services - often outsorced frenchising A franchisor recruits entrepreneurs who are willing to invest their own time and equity in managing a previously developed service concept licensing another supplier The Role of Intermedia supplementary services - often outsorced A franchisor recruits entrepreneurs who are willing to invest their own time and equity in managing a previously developed service concept frenchising licensing another supplier Distibuting Services Localy vs. Internationally what to think about? what to think about? ULdiy Vb. UlLtrildLlUlldliy what to think about? multiculturalism o law and tax rates WHAT TO D at a glance DO at a glance • export the service concept or export the service to a local service factory • import customes • transport customers to new locations or export information via 1CT and transform it localy