Designing and Managing ^ .^—^^ processes are the Service Processes il? Blueprinting of services it is a tool used to design new service or redesign existing ones developing a Blueprint it is more sophisticated version of flowcharting (describes existing process often in a simple form) no required way how to prepare it i identify all key activities involved in creating and delivering the service and then define linkages between them distinquish between what customers experience "front stage' and what are activities of employees and support processes 'backstage' it specifies in some detail how a service process should be constructed it describes processes involving flows, sequences, relationships, and dependencies separated by line of visibility why blueprint is helpful it clarifies interactions between customers and employees, and how these are supported by backstage activities and systems blueprint is a way to identify pot fail points in the process | managers aware of them can - take preventive measures - prepare contingency plans blueprint can pinpoint stages at which customers commonly have to wait key components t. definition of standards of each front-stage activity 2. physical and other evidence for front-stage activities 5. principal customer actions (illustrated by pictures) 4. line of interaction 5. front-stage actions by customer- contact personnel 6. line of visibility 7. backstage actions by cusomer-contaet personnel 8. support processes involving other service personnel 9. support processes involving information technology based on this information following can be developed - standards for execution of each activity - times for completion of a task - maxim urn wait between tasks - scripts to guide interactions between staff and customer from left co right, it prescribes sequence of actions over time • setting standards customers' expectations range across a zone of tolerance s standards should be sufficiently high to satisfy* and even delight customers eliminate the risk of errors - use fail-safe methods (for customers as well as for employees) opening scenes are important - it effect later perception perceptions of experiences tend to cumulate importance of a strong finish (even if it start poorly) - the service is better rated tlwn the one with strong opening and poor finish in low contact services every contact is viewed very seriously Look harder, and the fly turns into the black outline of a fly, etched into the porcelain, it improves the aim. If a man sees a fly, he aims at It. Fly-in-urinal research found that etching reduce spillage by 80%, It gives a guy something to think about. That's the perfect example of process control, *««»• no required way how to prepare it identify all key activities involved in creating and delivering the service and then define linkages between them distinquish between what customers experience 'front stage' ClCdLlllg d-IlU UCllVCllllg L11C dllU then define linkages between them distinquish between what customers experience 'front stage' and what are activities of employees and support processes 'backstage' \ why blueprint is helpful it clarifies interactions between customers and employees, and how these are supported by backstage activities and systems blueprint is a way to identify potential fail points in the process points where there is a significant risk of things going wrong diminishing service quality (from customer perspective) blueprint can pinpoint stages at which customers commonly have to wait )otential points where there is a significant risk of things going wrong diminishing service quality (from customer perspective) them can "take Pr< - prepare based on this information following can be developed based on a good understanding of guest expectations, which should be met or even exceeded standards - IIlclAiniL - scripts t a full description of service encounter, which may be invited to be reviewed by actors to find missing or superfluous steps key components 1. definition of: 2. physical and BRAIN LOADING Please wait. key components I 1. definition of standards of each front-stage activity I 2. physical and other evidence for front-stage activities 3. principal customer actions (illustrated by pictures) I 4. line of interaction I 5. front-stage actions by customer- contact personnel I 6. line of visibility I 7. backstage actions by cusomer-contact personnel I 8. support processes involving other service personnel 9. support processes involving information technology XJ-JLCt^VJ-XJ- - scripts a full description of service encounter, which may be invited to be reviewed b; actors to find missing or superfluous si from left to right, it prescribes sequence of actions over time for execution of each activity □mpletion of a task wait between tasks uide interactions between staff and customer Timeline -— ACTl Service Standards .in.i Scripei Response I inif Script for Taking Reservation Time ^ • Script for Greeting Guest* and I akingCar lime Script for Taking Croats W Physical Evidence • Sound and Tone of Voice • Nature of Neighborhood • Building Exterior • Appearance of Employee Line of Interaction Contact Person (vkibfte ftctioiu I -Line of Visibility Contact Person (invisible actions) Line o^InternaI_ Physical Interaction Accept Reservation, Confirm Date, Time, Party Greet Customer, Take Car Keys ( roimi Employee Other Coats Greet, Take Coat, Give Coat Che. Check Availability, Insert Booking Take Car to Parking Lot Hang Coat' with \ i Check Nun* Maintain Reservation System Support Processes I I CO Maintain (or rent) Facilities Maintain Facilities/ Equipment ^ineoflnternal IT Interaction □ Una / W\ • Pun« Order Accuracy Re5e Script for Serving Drinks • Scrir Cocktails • Cocktail Lounge Decor • Dinii i Furnishings • Appe Table Setting -Table Staff, Other Customers • Othe; (Ol Escor Help Ver Pic] Bev. Storage Beverage Purchase/ Delivery ers' expectations ran i zone of tolerance from desired service (an ideal) to a threshold level of merely adequate service ds should be opening scenes are important - it effect later perception perceptions of experiences tend to cumulate importance of a strong finish (even if it start poorly) - the service is better rated than the one with strong opening and poor finish in low contact services every contact is viewed very seriously standards should be sufficiently high to satisfy and even delight customers eliminate the risk of errors - use fail-safe methods (for customers as well as for employees) \ Service process redesign revitalize processes that have become outdated two reasons for outdatet orocesses changes in external environment - which made the existing practices obsolete and requires redesign (or new processes) for the organization to remain relevant and responsive changes in internal environment - reflects a natural decline of quality of processes, creeping bureaucracy or evolution of unofficial standards - leads to data redundancy, extensive information exchange, high ratio of control activities,.. redesign focus on achieving changes in key performances ideally lo achieve them slmuluneoiuly 1. to reduce number of service failures 2. to reduce cycle time from customer initiation of a service process to its completion 3. to enhance productivity 4. to increase suctomer satisfaction redesign encompasses reconstitution, rearrangement, or substitution of processes, SUCh aS . elimination non-value-adding steps • shifting to self-service • bundling services • aspects consider {or rcinn*idcr) who sin ml J he responsible for delivery nf each of componen Service process redesign revitalize processes that have become outdated changes in external environment - which made the existing practices obsolete and i redesign (or new processes) for the organization t< relevant and responsive changes in internal environment - reflects a natural decline of quality of processes, c bureaucracy or evolution of unofficial standards process redesign revitalize processes that have become outdated changes in external environment - which made the existing practices obsolete and requires redesign (or new processes) for the organization to remain relevant and responsive changes in internal environment - reflects a natural decline of quality of processes, creeping bureaucracy or evolution of unofficial standards - leads to data redundancy, extensive information exchange, high ratio of control activities,.. revitalize processes that have become outdated changes in external environment - which made the existing practices obsolete and requires redesign (or new processes) for the organization to remain relevant and responsive changes in internal environment - reflects a natural decline of quality of processes, creeping bureaucracy or evolution of unofficial standards - leads to data redundancy, extensive information exchange, high ratio of control activities,.. redesign encompasses reconstitution, rearrangement, or substitution of processes, such as FA1LURK elimination non-value-adding steps redesign focus on achieving changes in key performances ideally to achieve them simultaneously 1. to reduce number of service failures 2. to reduce cycle time from customer initiation of a service process to its completion 3. to enhance productivity 4. to increase suctomer satisfaction FAILURE Sometimes you just don't have an excuse redesign focus on achieving changes in key performances ideally to achieve them simultaneously 1. to reduce number of service failures 2. to reduce cycle time from customer initiation of a service process to its completion 3. to enhance productivity 4. to increase suctomer satisfaction redesign focus on achieving changes in key performances ideally to achieve them simultaneously 1. to reduce number of service failures 2. to reduce cycle time from customer initiation of a service process to its completion 3. to enhance productivity 4. to increase suctomer satisfaction redesign focus on achieving changes in key performances ideally to achieve them simultaneously 1. to reduce number of service failures 2. to reduce cycle time from customer initiation of a service process to its completion 3. to enhance productivity 4. to increase suctomer satisfaction customer as co-producer levels of customer participation requires the physical presence of customer only low moderate high include provision of information, personal effort, cannot be created apart from the active participation of customer -> if not, the quality of service outcome is jeopardized self-service technologies .— loved and hated — at the same lime \ • they can fail accessible 24/7 ^HBBH . difficult to understand enabling to get detailed information . usually' no service recovery system faster (which means e.g. we have to call somewhere) customers as partial employees jospuiui juamaSeu'eui tu aSueip e S3jinb3j aAuoadsjad siqj NOTE that customers who are offered an opportunity to participate at an active level are more likely to be satisfied -> because they like to be offered a choice 1/5 of all service problems are caused bv customers :o^ycustomt ^1 focus on preventing their failures by collection data on problem occurences, analyze them and establish preventive solutions The customer as co-producer requires the physical presence of customer only levels of customer participation low moderate high include provision of information, personal effort, cannot be created apart from the active participation of customer -> if not, the quality of service outcome is jeopardized he customer as co-producer levels of customer participation requires the physical presence of customer only low moderate high include provision of information, personal effort, cannot be created apart from the active participation of customer -> if not, the quality of service outcome is jeopardized self-service technologies loved and hated at me same time accessible 24/7 enabling to get detailed information faster they can fail difficult to understand usually no service recovery syste (which means e.g. we have to cal somewhere) customers as partial employees V S9Jinb9J[ 9ApD9dsJ9d siip NOTE that customers who are offered an opportunity to participate at an active level are more likely to be satisfied -> because they like to be offered a choice 1/3 of all service problems focus on preventing their fa are caused bv customers bY collection data on proble rial employees customers who are offered an opportunity :e at an active level are more likely to be )ecause they like to be offered a choice as partial employees £ S3Jinb3J 3ApD3(Jsj9d slip NOTE that customers who are offered an opportunity to participate at an active level are more likely to be satisfied -> because they like to be offered a choice 1/3 of all service problems are caused by customers focus on preventing their failu by collection data on problem occurences, analyze them and establish preventive solutions Dysfunctional customer behavior in some services customers share common facilities and their behaviour affect the outcome of the service experience Art r~x- <\ lonal customer beh in some services customers share common facilities and their behaviour affect the outcome of the service experience You Tube negatively x positively • design processes that minimizes risk of failure • do prevention • in case of manager involvement -facilitator, supporter